Commit f970bbd1 by Peter Baratta

Add tests on the problem level that show the infinite answer bug

parent ee527268
......@@ -438,6 +438,36 @@ class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, incorrect, 'incorrect',
msg="Failed on function {0}; the given, incorrect answer was {1} but graded 'correct'".format(func, incorrect))
def test_grade_infinity(self):
# This resolves a bug where a problem with relative tolerance would
# pass with any arbitrarily large student answer.
sample_dict = {'x' : (1,2)}
# Test problem
problem = self.build_problem(sample_dict=sample_dict,
# Expect such a large answer to be marked incorrect
input_formula = "x*1e999"
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "incorrect")
def test_grade_nan(self):
# attempt to produce a value which causes the student's answer to be
# evaluated to nan. See if this is resolved correctly.
sample_dict = {'x' : (1,2)}
# Test problem
problem = self.build_problem(sample_dict=sample_dict,
# Expect an incorrect answer (+ nan) to be marked incorrect
input_formula = "10*x + 0*1e999" # right now this evaluates to 'nan' for a given x
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "incorrect")
class StringResponseTest(ResponseTest):
from response_xml_factory import StringResponseXMLFactory
......@@ -714,6 +744,28 @@ class NumericalResponseTest(ResponseTest):
incorrect_responses = ["", "4.5", "3.5", "0"]
self.assert_multiple_grade(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses)
def test_grade_infinity(self):
# This resolves a bug where a problem with relative tolerance would
# pass with any arbitrarily large student answer.
problem = self.build_problem(question_text="What is 2 + 2 approximately?",
explanation="The answer is 4",
correct_responses = []
incorrect_responses = ["1e999"]
self.assert_multiple_grade(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses)
def test_grade_nan(self):
# attempt to produce a value which causes the student's answer to be
# evaluated to nan. See if this is resolved correctly.
problem = self.build_problem(question_text="What is 2 + 2 approximately?",
explanation="The answer is 4",
correct_responses = []
incorrect_responses = ["0*1e999"] # right now this evaluates to 'nan' for a given x
self.assert_multiple_grade(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses)
def test_grade_with_script(self):
script_text = "computed_response = math.sqrt(4)"
problem = self.build_problem(question_text="What is sqrt(4)?",
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