Commit f8c66c1a by Jesse Zoldak

Merge pull request #11463 from edx/zoldak/staff-debug-test

Remove duplicate staff debug acceptance tests
parents baf79e8b fc486605
Feature: LMS.Debug staff info links
As a course staff in an edX course
In order to test my understanding of the material
I want to click on staff debug info links
Scenario: I can reset student attempts
When i am staff member for the course "model_course"
And I am viewing a "multiple choice" problem
And I can view staff debug info
Then I can reset student attempts
Then I cannot see delete student state link
Then I cannot see rescore student submission link
Steps for staff_debug_info.feature lettuce tests
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from lettuce import world, step
from common import create_course, course_id
from import get_course_by_id
from instructor.access import allow_access
@step(u'i am staff member for the course "([^"]*)"$')
def i_am_staff_member_for_the_course(step, course_number):
# Create the course
create_course(step, course_number)
course = get_course_by_id(course_id(course_number))
# Create the user
world.create_user('robot', 'test')
user = User.objects.get(username='robot')
# Add user as a course staff.
allow_access(course, user, "staff")
world.log_in(username='robot', password='test')
@step(u'I can view staff debug info')
def view_staff_debug_info(step):
css_selector = "a.instructor-info-action"
@step(u'I can reset student attempts')
def view_staff_debug_info(step):
css_selector = "a.staff-debug-reset"
@step(u'I cannot see delete student state link')
def view_staff_debug_info(step):
css_selector = "a.staff-debug-sdelete"
@step(u'I cannot see rescore student submission link')
def view_staff_debug_info(step):
css_selector = "a.staff-debug-rescore"
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