Commit f623e429 by Peter Baratta

Fix formatting of docstrings; add more docstrings

parent b68e1e20
......@@ -47,7 +47,13 @@ def randomization_bin(seed, problem_id):
class Randomization(String):
Define a field to store how to randomize a problem.
def from_json(self, value):
For backward compatability?
if value in ("", "true"):
return "always"
elif value == "false":
......@@ -58,13 +64,22 @@ class Randomization(String):
class ComplexEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
Extend the JSON encoder to correctly handle complex numbers
def default(self, obj):
Print a nicely formatted complex number, or default to the JSON encoder
if isinstance(obj, complex):
return u"{real:.7g}{imag:+.7g}*j".format(real=obj.real, imag=obj.imag)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class CapaFields(object):
Define the possible fields for a Capa problem
attempts = Integer(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem",
default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
max_attempts = Integer(
......@@ -130,12 +145,12 @@ class CapaFields(object):
class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
An XModule implementing LonCapa format problems, implemented by way of
CapaModule.__init__ takes the same arguments as xmodule.x_module:XModule.__init__
icon_class = 'problem'
js = {'coffee': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/'),
......@@ -150,7 +165,9 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/capa/display.scss')]}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Accepts the same arguments as xmodule.x_module:XModule.__init__ """
Accepts the same arguments as xmodule.x_module:XModule.__init__
XModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
due_date = self.due
......@@ -211,7 +228,9 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
assert self.seed is not None
def choose_new_seed(self):
"""Choose a new seed."""
Choose a new seed.
if self.rerandomize == 'never':
self.seed = 1
elif self.rerandomize == "per_student" and hasattr(self.system, 'seed'):
......@@ -225,6 +244,9 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def new_lcp(self, state, text=None):
Generate a new Loncapa Problem
if text is None:
text =
......@@ -237,6 +259,9 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def get_state_for_lcp(self):
Give a dictionary holding the state of the module
return {
'done': self.done,
'correct_map': self.correct_map,
......@@ -246,6 +271,9 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def set_state_from_lcp(self):
Set the module's state from the settings in `self.lcp`
lcp_state = self.lcp.get_state()
self.done = lcp_state['done']
self.correct_map = lcp_state['correct_map']
......@@ -254,26 +282,36 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
self.seed = lcp_state['seed']
def get_score(self):
Access the problem's score
return self.lcp.get_score()
def max_score(self):
Access the problem's max score
return self.lcp.get_max_score()
def get_progress(self):
''' For now, just return score / max_score
For now, just return score / max_score
d = self.get_score()
score = d['score']
total = d['total']
if total > 0:
return Progress(score, total)
except Exception:
except (TypeError, ValueError):
log.exception("Got bad progress")
return None
return None
def get_html(self):
Return some html with data about the module
return self.system.render_template('problem_ajax.html', {
'element_id': self.location.html_id(),
......@@ -284,6 +322,7 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def check_button_name(self):
Determine the name for the "check" button.
Usually it is just "Check", but if this is the student's
final attempt, change the name to "Final Check"
......@@ -369,12 +408,12 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def handle_problem_html_error(self, err):
Change our problem to a dummy problem containing
a warning message to display to users.
Create a dummy problem to represent any errors.
Returns the HTML to show to users
Change our problem to a dummy problem containing a warning message to
display to users. Returns the HTML to show to users
*err* is the Exception encountered while rendering the problem HTML.
`err` is the Exception encountered while rendering the problem HTML.
......@@ -434,8 +473,12 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return html
def get_problem_html(self, encapsulate=True):
'''Return html for the problem. Adds check, reset, save buttons
as necessary based on the problem config and state.'''
Return html for the problem.
Adds check, reset, save buttons as necessary based on the problem config
and state.
html = self.lcp.get_html()
......@@ -480,15 +523,16 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return self.system.replace_urls(html)
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
This is called by courseware.module_render, to handle an AJAX call.
"get" is request.POST.
`get` is request.POST.
Returns a json dictionary:
{ 'progress_changed' : True/False,
'progress' : 'none'/'in_progress'/'done',
<other request-specific values here > }
handlers = {
'problem_get': self.get_problem,
'problem_check': self.check_problem,
......@@ -527,7 +571,9 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule): > self.close_date)
def closed(self):
''' Is the student still allowed to submit answers? '''
Is the student still allowed to submit answers?
if self.max_attempts is not None and self.attempts >= self.max_attempts:
return True
if self.is_past_due():
......@@ -546,18 +592,24 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return self.lcp.done
def is_attempted(self):
"""Used by conditional module"""
Has the problem been attempted?
used by conditional module
return self.attempts > 0
def is_correct(self):
"""True if full points"""
True iff full points
d = self.get_score()
return d['score'] == d['total']
def answer_available(self):
Is the user allowed to see an answer?
if self.showanswer == '':
return False
elif self.showanswer == "never":
......@@ -589,7 +641,7 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
Delivers grading response (e.g. from asynchronous code checking) to
the capa problem, so its score can be updated
'get' must have a field 'response' which is a string that contains the
`get` must have a field `response` which is a string that contains the
grader's response
No ajax return is needed. Return empty dict.
......@@ -603,7 +655,7 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return dict() # No AJAX return is needed
def handle_ungraded_response(self, get):
Delivers a response from the XQueue to the capa problem
The score of the problem will not be updated
......@@ -616,7 +668,7 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
empty dictionary
No ajax return is needed, so an empty dict is returned
queuekey = get['queuekey']
score_msg = get['xqueue_body']
# pass along the xqueue message to the problem
......@@ -625,25 +677,25 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return dict()
def handle_input_ajax(self, get):
Handle ajax calls meant for a particular input in the problem
- get (dict) - data that should be passed to the input
- dict containing the response from the input
response = self.lcp.handle_input_ajax(get)
# save any state changes that may occur
return response
def get_answer(self, get):
For the "show answer" button.
Returns the answers: {'answers' : answers}
event_info = dict()
event_info['problem_id'] = self.location.url()
self.system.track_function('showanswer', event_info)
......@@ -669,40 +721,44 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
# Figure out if we should move these to capa_problem?
def get_problem(self, get):
''' Return results of get_problem_html, as a simple dict for json-ing.
Return results of get_problem_html, as a simple dict for json-ing.
{ 'html': <the-html> }
Used if we want to reconfirm we have the right thing e.g. after
several AJAX calls.
return {'html': self.get_problem_html(encapsulate=False)}
def make_dict_of_responses(get):
'''Make dictionary of student responses (aka "answers")
get is POST dictionary (Django QueryDict).
Make dictionary of student responses (aka "answers")
`get` is POST dictionary (Django QueryDict).
The *get* dict has keys of the form 'x_y', which are mapped
The `get` dict has keys of the form 'x_y', which are mapped
to key 'y' in the returned dict. For example,
'input_1_2_3' would be mapped to '1_2_3' in the returned dict.
Some inputs always expect a list in the returned dict
(e.g. checkbox inputs). The convention is that
keys in the *get* dict that end with '[]' will always
keys in the `get` dict that end with '[]' will always
have list values in the returned dict.
For example, if the *get* dict contains {'input_1[]': 'test' }
For example, if the `get` dict contains {'input_1[]': 'test' }
then the output dict would contain {'1': ['test'] }
(the value is a list).
Raises an exception if:
A key in the *get* dictionary does not contain >= 1 underscores
(e.g. "input" is invalid; "input_1" is valid)
-A key in the `get` dictionary does not contain at least one underscore
(e.g. "input" is invalid, but "input_1" is valid)
Two keys end up with the same name in the returned dict.
(e.g. 'input_1' and 'input_1[]', which both get mapped
to 'input_1' in the returned dict)
-Two keys end up with the same name in the returned dict.
(e.g. 'input_1' and 'input_1[]', which both get mapped to 'input_1'
in the returned dict)
answers = dict()
for key in get:
......@@ -749,12 +805,13 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def check_problem(self, get):
''' Checks whether answers to a problem are correct, and
returns a map of correct/incorrect answers:
Checks whether answers to a problem are correct
Returns a map of correct/incorrect answers:
{'success' : 'correct' | 'incorrect' | AJAX alert msg string,
'contents' : html}
event_info = dict()
event_info['state'] = self.lcp.get_state()
event_info['problem_id'] = self.location.url()
......@@ -958,7 +1015,8 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
'msg': msg}
def reset_problem(self, get):
''' Changes problem state to unfinished -- removes student answers,
Changes problem state to unfinished -- removes student answers,
and causes problem to rerender itself.
Returns a dictionary of the form:
......@@ -966,8 +1024,8 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
'html': Problem HTML string }
If an error occurs, the dictionary will also have an
'error' key containing an error message.
`error` key containing an error message.
event_info = dict()
event_info['old_state'] = self.lcp.get_state()
event_info['problem_id'] = self.location.url()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests of the Capa XModule"""
Tests of the Capa XModule
#pylint: disable=C0111
#pylint: disable=R0904
#pylint: disable=C0103
......@@ -48,12 +50,16 @@ class CapaFactory(object):
def input_key():
""" Return the input key to use when passing GET parameters """
Return the input key to use when passing GET parameters
return ("input_" + CapaFactory.answer_key())
def answer_key():
""" Return the key stored in the capa problem answer dict """
Return the key stored in the capa problem answer dict
return ("-".join(['i4x', 'edX', 'capa_test', 'problem',
'SampleProblem%d' % CapaFactory.num]) +
......@@ -362,7 +368,9 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
result = CapaModule.make_dict_of_responses(invalid_get_dict)
def _querydict_from_dict(self, param_dict):
""" Create a Django QueryDict from a Python dictionary """
Create a Django QueryDict from a Python dictionary
# QueryDict objects are immutable by default, so we make
# a copy that we can update.
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