The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.
<li>Metals tend to be good electronic conductors, meaning that they have a large number of electrons which are able to access empty (mobile) energy states within the material.</li>
<li>Sodium has a half-filled s-band, so there are a number of empty states immediately above the highest occupied energy levels within the band.</li>
<li>Magnesium has a full s-band, but the the s-band and p-band overlap in magnesium. Thus are still a large number of available energy states immediately above the s-band highest occupied energy level.</li>
<p>Please score your response according to how many of the above components you identified:</p>
<table class="rubric"><tbody><tr><th>Purpose</th>
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<input type="radio" class="score-selection" name="score-selection-0" id="score-0-1" value="1"><label for="score-0-1">Unclear purpose or main idea</label>
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<input type="radio" class="score-selection" name="score-selection-0" id="score-0-2" value="2"><label for="score-0-2">Communicates an identifiable purpose and/or main idea for an audience</label>
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<input type="radio" class="score-selection" name="score-selection-0" id="score-0-3" value="3"><label for="score-0-3">Achieves a clear and distinct purpose for a targeted audience and communicates main ideas with effectively used techniques to introduce and represent ideas and insights</label>
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<input type="radio" class="score-selection" name="score-selection-1" id="score-1-1" value="1"><label for="score-1-1">Organization is unclear; introduction, body, and/or conclusion are underdeveloped, missing or confusing.</label>
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<input type="radio" class="score-selection" name="score-selection-1" id="score-1-2" value="2"><label for="score-1-2">Organization is occasionally unclear; introduction, body or conclusion may be underdeveloped.</label>
<!--TODO: figure out the state variables/selected info -->
<input type="radio" class="score-selection" name="score-selection-1" id="score-1-3" value="3"><label for="score-1-3">Organization is clear and easy to follow; introduction, body and conclusion are defined and aligned with purpose.</label>
ml_error_info:'ML accuracy info: '+@mock_cnt
@@ -166,8 +201,8 @@ class StaffGrading
# action handlers
@@ -181,31 +216,36 @@ class StaffGrading
# first, get rid of all the old inputs, if any.
@score_selection_container.html('Choose score: ')
# Now create new labels and inputs for each possible score.