Commit f1ed5611 by cahrens

Visual Editor work.

parent c1c64e6b
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= common_js_root %>/vendor/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= common_js_root %>/vendor/CodeMirror/codemirror.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= common_js_root %>/vendor/mathjax-MathJax-c9db6ac/MathJax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= common_js_root %>/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
AjaxPrefix.addAjaxPrefix(jQuery, function() {
<section class="html-edit">
<div name="" class="edit-box" rows="8" cols="40">&lt;problem>
<textarea class="tiny-mce">dummy content</textarea>
<div name="" class="edit-box">&lt;problem>
<section class="html-edit">
<div class="row">
<div class="editor-bar">
<ul class="editor-tabs">
<li><a href="#" class="visual-tab tab current" data-tab="visual">Visual</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="html-tab tab" data-tab="advanced">Advanced</a></li>
<textarea class="tiny-mce">dummy text</textarea>
<div name="" class="edit-box">Advanced Editor Text</div>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ describe 'HTMLEditingDescriptor', ->
# However, we currently have no working Selenium tests.
loadFixtures 'html-edit-formattingbug.html'
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.html-edit'))
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> false
spyOn(@descriptor, 'getVisualEditor').andCallFake () ->
data =
......@@ -15,3 +19,73 @@ describe 'HTMLEditingDescriptor', ->
describe 'Saves HTML', ->
beforeEach ->
loadFixtures 'html-edit.html'
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.html-edit'))
it 'Returns data from Advanced Editor if Visual Editor is not dirty', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> false
spyOn(@descriptor, 'getVisualEditor').andCallFake () ->
data =
expect(data).toEqual('Advanced Editor Text')
it 'Returns data from Advanced Editor if Visual Editor is not showing (even if Visual Editor is dirty)', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> true
spyOn(@descriptor, 'getVisualEditor').andCallFake () ->
@descriptor.showingVisualEditor = false
data =
expect(data).toEqual('Advanced Editor Text')
it 'Returns data from Visual Editor if Visual Editor is dirty and showing', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> true
getContent: () -> 'from visual editor'
spyOn(@descriptor, 'getVisualEditor').andCallFake () ->
data =
expect(data).toEqual('from visual editor')
describe 'Can switch to Advanced Editor', ->
beforeEach ->
loadFixtures 'html-edit.html'
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.html-edit'))
it 'Populates from Advanced Editor if Advanced Editor is dirty', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> true
getContent: () -> 'from visual editor'
expect(@descriptor.advanced_editor.getValue()).toEqual('from visual editor')
it 'Does not populate from Advanced Editor if Advanced Editor is not dirty', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> false
getContent: () -> 'from visual editor'
expect(@descriptor.advanced_editor.getValue()).toEqual('Advanced Editor Text')
describe 'Can switch to Visual Editor', ->
it 'Always populates from the Advanced Editor', ->
loadFixtures 'html-edit.html'
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.html-edit'))
@descriptor.showingVisualEditor = false
visualEditorStub =
isNotDirty: false
content: 'not set'
startContent: 'not set',
show: () -> true
focus: () -> true
isDirty: () -> not @isNotDirty
setContent: (x) -> @content = x
getContent: -> @content
expect(visualEditorStub.getContent()).toEqual('Advanced Editor Text')
expect(visualEditorStub.startContent).toEqual('Advanced Editor Text')
......@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
theme_advanced_blockformats : "p,code,h2,h3,blockquote",
width: '100%',
height: '400px',
# Cannot get access to tinyMCE Editor instance (for focusing) until after it is rendered.
# The tinyMCE callback passes in the editor as a paramter.
init_instance_callback: @focusVisualEditor
@showingVisualEditor = true
......@@ -36,29 +39,40 @@ class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
if not $(e.currentTarget).hasClass('current')
$('.editor-tabs .current').removeClass('current')
tinyMCE = @getVisualEditor()
visualEditor = @getVisualEditor()
if $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-tab') is 'visual'
# In order for tinyMCE.isDirty() to return true ONLY if edits have been made after setting the text,
# both the startContent must be sync'ed up and the dirty flag set to false.
tinyMCE.startContent = tinyMCE.getContent({format: "raw", no_events: 1});
tinyMCE.isNotDirty = true
@showingVisualEditor = true
# Show the Advanced (codemirror) Editor. Pulled out as a helper method for unit testing.
showAdvancedEditor: (visualEditor) ->
if tinyMCE.isDirty()
console.log('was dirty! setting text')
@advanced_editor.setValue(tinyMCE.getContent({no_events: 1}))
if visualEditor.isDirty()
@advanced_editor.setValue(visualEditor.getContent({no_events: 1}))
@showingVisualEditor = false
# Show the Visual (tinyMCE) Editor. Pulled out as a helper method for unit testing.
showVisualEditor: (visualEditor) ->
# In order for isDirty() to return true ONLY if edits have been made after setting the text,
# both the startContent must be sync'ed up and the dirty flag set to false.
visualEditor.startContent = visualEditor.getContent({format: "raw", no_events: 1});
visualEditor.isNotDirty = true
@showingVisualEditor = true
focusVisualEditor: (visualEditor) ->
getVisualEditor: ->
Returns the instance of TinyMCE.
......@@ -69,10 +83,7 @@ class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
save: ->'click', '.editor-tabs .tab', @onSwitchEditor)
text = @advanced_editor.getValue()
tinyMCE = @getVisualEditor()
if @showingVisualEditor and tinyMCE.isDirty()
console.log('persist from visual editor')
text = tinyMCE.getContent({no_events: 1})
console.log('persist from HTML editor')
visualEditor = @getVisualEditor()
if @showingVisualEditor and visualEditor.isDirty()
text = visualEditor.getContent({no_events: 1})
data: text
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