<spanclass="feedback-symbol fa fa-warning"aria-hidden="true"></span><spanclass="sr">${_("Warning")}</span>
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
% if deprecated_blocks_info.get('block_types_enabled'):
% if deprecated_blocks_info.get('deprecated_enabled_block_types'):
${Text(_("To avoid errors, {platform_name} strongly recommends that you remove unsupported features from the course advanced settings. To do this, go to the {link_start}Advanced Settings page{link_end}, locate the \"Advanced Module List\" setting, and then delete the following modules from the list.")).format(
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text