- Added enrollment event types to the :ref:`Tracking Logs` chapter.
* - 05/05/14
- Removed information on the Poll module. `Polls <http://edx.readthedocs.org/projects/ca/en/latest/exercises_tools/poll.html>`_ are now covered in the *Building and Running an edX Course* guide.
* -
@@ -19,7 +21,6 @@ Change Log
- Removed information on CustomResponse XML and Python Script. See `Write-Your-Own-Grader Problem <http://edx.readthedocs.org/projects/ca/en/latest/exercises_tools/custom_python.html>`_ in the *Building and Running an edX Course* guide.
* -
- Removed information on Formula Equation Input. See `Create a Math Expression Input Problem <http://edx.readthedocs.org/projects/ca/en/latest/exercises_tools/math_expression_input.html>`_ in the *Building and Running an edX Course* guide.
* - 04/29/14
- Corrected misstatement on how :ref:`Discussion Forums Data` is sent in
**Type:** The username of the user who caused the event to fire. This string is
empty for anonymous events, such as when the user is not logged in.
**Details:** string
.. _Student_Event_Types:
@@ -189,7 +268,9 @@ This section contains a table of the JSON fields that are common to the schema d
Student Event Types
The Student Event Type table lists the event types that are logged for interactions with the LMS outside the Instructor Dashboard.
This section lists the event types that are logged for interactions with the LMS outside the Instructor Dashboard.
* :ref:`enrollment`
* :ref:`navigational`
@@ -203,7 +284,114 @@ The Student Event Type table lists the event types that are logged for interacti
* :ref:`AB_Event_Types`
The descriptions that follow include what each event type represents, which component it originates from, and what ``event`` fields it contains. The ``event_source`` field from the "Common Fields" table above distinguishes between events that originate in the browser (in javascript) and events that originate on the server (during the processing of a request).
The descriptions that follow include what each event type represents, which
component it originates from, and what member fields the ``event`` and
``context`` dict fields contain. The value in the ``event_source`` field (see
the :ref:`common` section above) distinguishes between events that originate in
the browser (in JavaScript) and events that originate on the server (during the
processing of a request).
.. _enrollment:
Enrollment Event Types
These event types are fired by the server in response to course enrollment
activities completed by a student.
* ``edx.course.enrollment.activated`` is fired when a student enrolls in a
course. On edx.org, this is typically the result of a student clicking
**Register** for the course.
* ``edx.course.enrollment.deactivated`` is fired when a student unenrolls from a
course. On edx.org, this is typically the result of a student clicking
**Unregister** for the course.
In addition, actions by instructors and course staff members also generate
enrollment events. For the actions that members of the course team complete that
result in these events, see :ref:`instructor_enrollment`.
**Event Source**: Server
**History**: The enrollment event types were added on 03 Dec 2013.
.. Alison: move other tables to this format, and identify these event and context fields as member fields.
``event`` **Member Fields**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details
* - ``course_id``
- string
- **History**: Maintained for backward compatibility. As of 23 Oct 2013,
replaced by the ``context`` ``course_id`` field. See the description of
the :ref:`context`.
* - ``user_id``
- integer
- Identifies the user who was enrolled or unenrolled.
* - ``mode``
- string
- 'audit', 'honor', 'verified'
* - ``name``
- string
- Identifies the type of event: 'edx.course.enrollment.activated' or
'edx.course.enrollment.deactivated'. **History**: Added 07 May 2014 to
replace the ``event`` ``event_type`` field.
* - ``session``
- string
- The Django session ID, if available. Can be used to identify events for a
specific user within a session. **History**: Added 07 May 2014.
``context`` **Member Fields**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details and Member Fields
* - ``path``
- string
- The URL path that generated the event: '/change_enrollment'.
**History**: Added 07 May 2014.
.. reviewers, is this example accurate wrt the new fields?
.. code-block:: json
"username": "AAAAAAAAAA",
"host": "courses.edx.org",
"event_source": "server",
"event_type": "edx.course.enrollment.activated",
"context": {
"course_id": "edX\/DemoX\/Demo_Course",
"org_id": "edX",
"path": "/change_enrollment",
"user_id": 9999999
"time": "2014-01-26T00:28:28.388782+00:00",
"ip": "NN.NN.NNN.NNN",
"event": {
"course_id": "edX\/DemoX\/Demo_Course",
"user_id": 9999999,
"mode": "honor"
"name": "edx.course.enrollment.activated",
"session": a14j3ifhskngw0gfgn230g
"agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident\/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
"page": null
.. _navigational:
@@ -225,7 +413,7 @@ These event types are fired when a user selects a navigational control.
**Event Source**: Browser
``event`` **Fields**: These navigational event types all have the same fields.
``event`` **Fields**: The navigational event types listed above have the same fields.