See for a list of supported
Providers. You should use VirtualBox >= 4.2.12.
(Windows: later/earlier VirtualBox versions than 4.2.12 have been reported to not work well with
Vagrant. If this is still a problem, you can
install 4.2.12 from
4. Install Vagrant: (Vagrant 1.2.2 or later)
5. Open a terminal
6. Download the project: `git clone`
7. Enter the project directory: `cd edx-platform/`
8. (Windows only) Run the commands to
[deal with line endings and symlinks under Windows](
9. Create the development environment and start it: `vagrant up`
The initial `vagrant up` will download a Linux image, then boot and ask for your
host machine's administrator password to setup file sharing between your computer and the VM.
Once file sharing is established, `edx-platform/scripts/` will
install dependencies and configure the VM.
This will take a while; go grab a coffee.
When complete, you should see a _"Success!"_ message.