Commit eb1fe899 by Brian Wilson

Fix progress reporting.

parent 2c5e038f
......@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ from instructor_task.api import (get_running_instructor_tasks,
from instructor_task.views import get_task_completion_info
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from psychometrics import psychoanalyze
......@@ -1138,7 +1137,7 @@ def _do_unenroll_students(course_id, students):
"""Do the actual work of un-enrolling multiple students, presented as a string
of emails separated by commas or returns"""
old_students, old_students_lc = get_and_clean_student_list(students)
old_students, _ = get_and_clean_student_list(students)
status = dict([x, 'unprocessed'] for x in old_students)
for student in old_students:
......@@ -1162,7 +1161,7 @@ def _do_unenroll_students(course_id, students):
status[student] = "un-enrolled"
except Exception as err:
except Exception:
if not isok:
status[student] = "Error! Failed to un-enroll"
......@@ -1319,7 +1318,7 @@ def get_background_task_table(course_id, problem_url, student=None):
"Task Id",
"Duration (ms)",
"Duration (sec)",
"Task State",
"Task Status",
"Task Output"]
......@@ -1327,11 +1326,11 @@ def get_background_task_table(course_id, problem_url, student=None):
datatable['data'] = []
for instructor_task in history_entries:
# get duration info, if known:
duration_ms = 'unknown'
if hasattr(instructor_task, 'task_output'):
duration_sec = 'unknown'
if hasattr(instructor_task, 'task_output') and instructor_task.task_output is not None:
task_output = json.loads(instructor_task.task_output)
if 'duration_ms' in task_output:
duration_ms = task_output['duration_ms']
duration_sec = int(task_output['duration_ms'] / 1000.0)
# get progress status message:
success, task_message = get_task_completion_info(instructor_task)
status = "Complete" if success else "Incomplete"
......@@ -1340,7 +1339,7 @@ def get_background_task_table(course_id, problem_url, student=None):
instructor_task.created.isoformat(' '),
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from traceback import format_exc
from celery import current_task
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from celery.signals import worker_process_init
from celery.states import SUCCESS, FAILURE
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
......@@ -39,6 +40,26 @@ PROGRESS = 'PROGRESS'
UNKNOWN_TASK_ID = 'unknown-task_id'
def initialize_mako(sender=None, conf=None, **kwargs):
Get mako templates to work on celery worker server's worker thread.
The initialization of Mako templating is usually done when Django is
initializing middleware packages as part of processing a server request.
When this is run on a celery worker server, no such initialization is
To make sure that we don't load this twice (just in case), we look for the
result: the defining of the lookup paths for templates.
if 'main' not in middleware.lookup:"Initializing Mako middleware explicitly")
# Actually make the call to define the hook:
class UpdateProblemModuleStateError(Exception):
Error signaling a fatal condition while updating problem modules.
......@@ -90,17 +111,6 @@ def _perform_module_state_update(course_id, module_state_key, student_identifier
# get start time for task:
start_time = time()
# Hack to get mako templates to work on celery worker server's worker thread.
# The initialization of Mako templating is usually done when Django is
# initializing middleware packages as part of processing a server request.
# When this is run on a celery worker server, no such initialization is
# called. Using @worker_ready.connect doesn't run in the right container.
# So we look for the result: the defining of the lookup paths
# for templates.
if 'main' not in middleware.lookup:
TASK_LOG.debug("Initializing Mako middleware explicitly")
# find the problem descriptor:
module_descriptor = modulestore().get_instance(course_id, module_state_key)
......@@ -147,7 +157,7 @@ def _perform_module_state_update(course_id, module_state_key, student_identifier
num_attempted += 1
# There is no try here: if there's an error, we let it throw, and the task will
# be marked as FAILED, with a stack trace.
with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.{0}.time'.format(action_name)):
with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.time.step', tags=['action:{name}'.format(name=action_name)]):
if update_fcn(module_descriptor, module_to_update, xmodule_instance_args):
# If the update_fcn returns true, then it performed some kind of work.
# Logging of failures is left to the update_fcn itself.
......@@ -232,7 +242,7 @@ def update_problem_module_state(entry_id, update_fcn, action_name, filter_fcn,
raise UpdateProblemModuleStateError(message)
# now do the work:
with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.{0}.overall_time'.format(action_name)):
with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.time.overall', tags=['action:{name}'.format(name=action_name)]):
task_progress = _perform_module_state_update(course_id, module_state_key, student_ident, update_fcn,
action_name, filter_fcn, xmodule_instance_args)
except Exception:
......@@ -316,7 +326,6 @@ def rescore_problem_module_state(module_descriptor, student_module, xmodule_inst
course_id = student_module.course_id
student = student_module.student
module_state_key = student_module.module_state_key
instance = _get_module_instance_for_task(course_id, student, module_descriptor, xmodule_instance_args, grade_bucket_type='rescore')
if instance is None:
......@@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ class InstructorTaskReportTest(TestCase):
'total': 10,
'action_name': 'rescored'}
output = self._test_get_status_from_result(task_id, mock_result)
self.assertEquals(output['message'], "Progress: rescored 4 of 5 so far (out of 10)")
self.assertEquals(output['succeeded'], False)
self.assertEquals(output['task_state'], PROGRESS)
self.assertEquals(output['task_progress'], mock_result.result)
for key in ['message', 'succeeded']:
self.assertTrue(key not in output)
def test_update_progress_to_failure(self):
# view task entry for task in progress that later fails
......@@ -8,10 +8,14 @@ from celery.states import FAILURE, REVOKED, READY_STATES
from instructor_task.api_helper import (get_status_from_instructor_task,
from instructor_task.tasks_helper import PROGRESS
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# return status for completed tasks and tasks in progress
def instructor_task_status(request):
......@@ -33,9 +37,10 @@ def instructor_task_status(request):
The dict with status information for a task contains the following keys:
'message': on complete tasks, status message reporting on final progress,
or providing exception message if failed.
'succeeded': on complete tasks, indicates if the task outcome was successful:
did it achieve what it set out to do.
or providing exception message if failed. For tasks in progress,
indicates the current progress.
'succeeded': on complete tasks or tasks in progress, indicates if the
task outcome was successful: did it achieve what it set out to do.
This is in contrast with a successful task_state, which indicates that the
task merely completed.
'task_id': id assigned by LMS and used by celery.
......@@ -62,7 +67,7 @@ def instructor_task_status(request):
instructor_task = get_updated_instructor_task(task_id)
status = get_status_from_instructor_task(instructor_task)
if instructor_task.task_state in READY_STATES:
if instructor_task.task_state in STATES_WITH_STATUS:
succeeded, message = get_task_completion_info(instructor_task)
status['message'] = message
status['succeeded'] = succeeded
......@@ -97,8 +102,7 @@ def get_task_completion_info(instructor_task):
succeeded = False
# if still in progress, then we assume there is no completion info to provide:
if instructor_task.task_state not in READY_STATES:
if instructor_task.task_state not in STATES_WITH_STATUS:
return (succeeded, "No status information available")
# we're more surprised if there is no output for a completed task, but just warn:
......@@ -135,7 +139,10 @@ def get_task_completion_info(instructor_task):
student = task_input.get('student')
if student is not None:
if instructor_task.task_state == PROGRESS:
# special message for providing progress updates:
msg_format = "Progress: {action} {updated} of {attempted} so far"
elif student is not None:
if num_attempted == 0:
msg_format = "Unable to find submission to be {action} for student '{student}'"
elif num_updated == 0:
......@@ -26,14 +26,6 @@
this.InstructorTaskProgress = (function() {
// Hardcode the refresh interval to be every five seconds.
// TODO: allow the refresh interval to be set. (And if it is disabled,
// then don't set the timeout at all.)
var refresh_interval = 5000;
// Hardcode the initial delay before the first refresh to two seconds:
var initial_refresh_delay = 2000;
function InstructorTaskProgress(element) {
this.update_progress = __bind(this.update_progress, this);
this.get_status = __bind(this.get_status, this);
......@@ -42,7 +34,8 @@
if (window.queuePollerID) {
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(this.get_status, this.initial_refresh_delay);
// Hardcode the initial delay before the first refresh to one second:
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(this.get_status, 1000);
InstructorTaskProgress.prototype.$ = function(selector) {
......@@ -60,7 +53,8 @@
// find the corresponding entry, and update it:
entry = $(_this.element).find('[data-task-id="' + task_id + '"]');
var duration_value = (task_dict.task_progress && task_dict.task_progress.duration_ms) || 'unknown';
var duration_value = (task_dict.task_progress && task_dict.task_progress.duration_ms
&& Math.round(task_dict.task_progress.duration_ms/1000)) || 'unknown';
var progress_value = task_dict.message || '';
......@@ -74,8 +68,11 @@
// if some entries are still incomplete, then repoll:
// Hardcode the refresh interval to be every five seconds.
// TODO: allow the refresh interval to be set. (And if it is disabled,
// then don't set the timeout at all.)
if (something_in_progress) {
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(_this.get_status, _this.refresh_interval);
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(_this.get_status, 5000);
} else {
delete window.queuePollerID;
......@@ -741,7 +738,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<th>Task State</th>
<th>Duration (ms)</th>
<th>Duration (sec)</th>
<th>Task Progress</th>
%for tasknum, instructor_task in enumerate(instructor_tasks):
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