Commit e7e86588 by bridger

Merge pull request #10 from MITx/wikieditor

parents 0704bb37 202659cb
......@@ -3,14 +3,24 @@
Image Circuit Extension for Python-Markdown
circuit:name becomes the circuit.
Any single line beginning with circuit-schematic: and followed by data (which should be json data, but this
is not enforced at this level) will be displayed as a circuit schematic. This is simply an input element with
the value set to the data. It is left to javascript on the page to render that input as a circuit schematic.
(This is a schematic with a single one-ohm resistor. Note that this data is not meant to be user-editable.)
import markdown
import re
import simplewiki.settings as settings
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string
from django.utils.html import escape
import markdown
# Markdown 2.1.0 changed from 2.0.3. We try importing the new version first,
# but import the 2.0.3 version if it fails
......@@ -22,23 +32,40 @@ class CircuitExtension(markdown.Extension):
def __init__(self, configs):
for key, value in configs :
self.setConfig(key, value)
def add_inline(self, md, name, klass, re):
pattern = klass(re)
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
## Because Markdown treats contigous lines as one block of text, it is hard to match
## a regex that must occupy the whole line (like the circuit regex). This is why we have
## a preprocessor that inspects the lines and replaces the matched lines with text that is
## easier to match
md.preprocessors.add('circuit', CircuitPreprocessor(md), "_begin")
pattern = CircuitLink(r'processed-schematic:(?P<data>.*?)processed-schematic-end') = md
pattern.ext = self
md.inlinePatterns.add(name, pattern, "<reference")
md.inlinePatterns.add('circuit', pattern, "<reference")
class CircuitPreprocessor(markdown.preprocessors.Preprocessor):
preRegex = re.compile(r'^circuit-schematic:(?P<data>.*)$')
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
self.add_inline(md, 'circuit', CircuitLink, r'^circuit:(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9]*)$')
def run(self, lines):
def convertLine(line):
m = self.preRegex.match(line)
if m:
return 'processed-schematic:{0}processed-schematic-end'.format('data') )
return line
return [ convertLine(line) for line in lines ]
class CircuitLink(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
def handleMatch(self, m):
name ='name')
if not name.isalnum():
return etree.fromstring("<div>Circuit name must be alphanumeric</div>")
return etree.fromstring(render_to_string('show_circuit.html', {'name':name}))
data ='data')
data = escape(data)
return etree.fromstring("<div align='center'><input type='hidden' parts='' value='" + data + "' analyses='' class='schematic ctrls' width='500' height='300'/></div>")
def makeExtension(configs=None) :
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......@@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ class Revision(models.Model):
# Create pre-parsed contents - no need to parse on-the-fly
ext += ["wikipath(base_url=%s)" % reverse('wiki_view', args=('/',))]
print ext
self.contents_parsed = markdown(self.contents,
......@@ -154,10 +154,11 @@ def create(request, wiki_url):
d = {'wiki_form': f,
'wiki_write': True,
'create_article' : True,
return render_to_response('simplewiki_create.html', d)
return render_to_response('simplewiki_edit.html', d)
def edit(request, wiki_url):
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
......@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@ def edit(request, wiki_url):
'wiki_article': article,
'wiki_title' : article.title,
'wiki_attachments_write': article.can_attach(request.user),
'create_article' : False,
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ DEFAULT_GROUPS = []
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......@@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ input[type="email"], input[type="number"], input[type="password"], input[type="s
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......@@ -1069,7 +1068,7 @@ div#apply_name_change ul li input[type="submit"], div#change_email ul li input[t
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......@@ -4097,7 +4096,7 @@ div#wiki_article pre, div#wiki_article tt, s
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
var schematic_height = 300;
var schematic_width = 500;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("body").append('<div id="circuit_editor" class="leanModal_box" style="z-index: 11000; left: 50%; margin-left: -250px; position: absolute; top: 100px; opacity: 1; "><div align="center">'+
'<input class="schematic" height="' + schematic_height + '" width="' + schematic_width + '" id="schematic_editor" name="schematic" type="hidden" value=""/>' +
'<button type="button" id="circuit_save_btn">save</button></div></div>');
//This is the editor that pops up as a modal
var editorCircuit = $("#schematic_editor").get(0);
//This is the circuit that they last clicked. The one being edited.
var editingCircuit = null;
//Notice we use live, because new circuits can be inserted
$(".schematic_open").live("click", function() {
//Find the new editingCircuit. Transfer its contents to the editorCircuit
editingCircuit = $(this).children("input.schematic").get(0);
var circuit_so_far = $(editingCircuit).val();
var n = editorCircuit.schematic.components.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
editorCircuit.schematic.components[n - 1 - i].remove();
editorCircuit.schematic.load_schematic(circuit_so_far, "");
$("#circuit_save_btn").click(function () {
//Take the circuit from the editor and put it back into editingCircuit
var saving_circuit = $(editorCircuit).val();
var n = editingCircuit.schematic.components.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
editingCircuit.schematic.components[n - 1 - i].remove();
editingCircuit.schematic.load_schematic(saving_circuit, "");
if (editingCircuit.codeMirrorLine) {
editingCircuit.codeMirrorLine.replace(0, null, "circuit-schematic:" + saving_circuit);
CodeMirror.defineMode("mitx_markdown", function(cmCfg, modeCfg) {
var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(cmCfg, { name: 'xml', htmlMode: true });
var header = 'header'
, code = 'comment'
, quote = 'quote'
, list = 'string'
, hr = 'hr'
, linktext = 'link'
, linkhref = 'string'
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, strong = 'strong'
, emstrong = 'emstrong';
function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
return unsafe
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.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
var circuit_formatter = {
creator: function(text) {
var circuit_value = text.match(circuitRE)[1]
circuit_value = escapeHtml(circuit_value);
var html = "<div style='display:block;line-height:0;' class='schematic_container'><a href='#circuit_editor' rel='leanModal' class='schematic_open' style='display:inline-block;'>" +
"<input type='hidden' parts='' value='" + circuit_value + "' width='" + schematic_width + "' height='" + schematic_height + "' analyses='' class='schematic ctrls'/></a></div>";
return html;
size: function(text) {
return {width: schematic_width, height:schematic_height};
callback: function(node, line) {
var schmInput = node.firstChild.firstChild;
schmInput.codeMirrorLine = line;
if (schmInput.schematic) { //This is undefined if there was an error making the schematic = "block"; //Otherwise, it gets line height and is a weird size
schmInput.schematic.always_draw_grid = true;
var hrRE = /^[*-=_]/
, ulRE = /^[*-+]\s+/
, olRE = /^[0-9]+\.\s+/
, headerRE = /^(?:\={3,}|-{3,})$/
, codeRE = /^(k:\t|\s{4,})/
, textRE = /^[^\[*_\\<>`]+/
, circuitRE = /^circuit-schematic:(.*)$/;
function switchInline(stream, state, f) {
state.f = state.inline = f;
return f(stream, state);
function switchBlock(stream, state, f) {
state.f = state.block = f;
return f(stream, state);
// Blocks
function blockNormal(stream, state) {
var match;
if (stream.match(circuitRE)) {
return circuit_formatter;
} else if (stream.match(codeRE)) {
return code;
} else if (stream.eatSpace()) {
return null;
} else if (stream.peek() === '#' || stream.match(headerRE)) {
state.header = true;
} else if ('>')) {
state.quote = true;
} else if (stream.peek() === '[') {
return switchInline(stream, state, footnoteLink);
} else if (hrRE.test(stream.peek())) {
var re = new RegExp('(?:\s*['+stream.peek()+']){3,}$');
if (stream.match(re, true)) {
return hr;
} else if (match = stream.match(ulRE, true) || stream.match(olRE, true)) {
state.indentation += match[0].length;
return list;
return switchInline(stream, state, state.inline);
function htmlBlock(stream, state) {
var style = htmlMode.token(stream, state.htmlState);
if (style === 'tag' && state.htmlState.type !== 'openTag' && !state.htmlState.context) {
state.f = inlineNormal;
state.block = blockNormal;
return style;
// Inline
function getType(state) {
// Set defaults
returnValue = '';
// Strong / Emphasis
returnValue += (returnValue ? ' ' : '') + emstrong;
} else {
returnValue += (returnValue ? ' ' : '') + strong;
} else {
returnValue += (returnValue ? ' ' : '') + em;
// Header
returnValue += (returnValue ? ' ' : '') + header;
// Quotes
returnValue += (returnValue ? ' ' : '') + quote;
// Check valud and return
returnValue = null;
return returnValue;
function handleText(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(textRE, true)) {
return getType(state);
return undefined;
function inlineNormal(stream, state) {
var style = state.text(stream, state)
if (typeof style !== 'undefined')
return style;
var ch =;
if (ch === '\\') {;
return getType(state);
if (ch === '`') {
return switchInline(stream, state, inlineElement(code, '`'));
if (ch === '[') {
return switchInline(stream, state, linkText);
if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^\w/, false)) {
return switchBlock(stream, state, htmlBlock);
var t = getType(state);
if (ch === '*' || ch === '_') {
if ( {
return (state.strong = !state.strong) ? getType(state) : t;
return (state.em = !state.em) ? getType(state) : t;
return getType(state);
function linkText(stream, state) {
while (!stream.eol()) {
var ch =;
if (ch === '\\');
if (ch === ']') {
state.inline = state.f = linkHref;
return linktext;
return linktext;
function linkHref(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (ch === '(' || ch === '[') {
return switchInline(stream, state, inlineElement(linkhref, ch === '(' ? ')' : ']'));
return 'error';
function footnoteLink(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^[^\]]*\]:/, true)) {
state.f = footnoteUrl;
return linktext;
return switchInline(stream, state, inlineNormal);
function footnoteUrl(stream, state) {
stream.match(/^[^\s]+/, true);
state.f = state.inline = inlineNormal;
return linkhref;
function inlineRE(endChar) {
if (!inlineRE[endChar]) {
// match any not-escaped-non-endChar and any escaped char
// then match endChar or eol
inlineRE[endChar] = new RegExp('^(?:[^\\\\\\' + endChar + ']|\\\\.)*(?:\\' + endChar + '|$)');
return inlineRE[endChar];
function inlineElement(type, endChar, next) {
next = next || inlineNormal;
return function(stream, state) {
state.inline = state.f = next;
return type;
return {
startState: function() {
return {
f: blockNormal,
block: blockNormal,
htmlState: htmlMode.startState(),
indentation: 0,
inline: inlineNormal,
text: handleText,
em: false,
strong: false,
header: false,
quote: false
copyState: function(s) {
return {
f: s.f,
block: s.block,
htmlState: CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, s.htmlState),
indentation: s.indentation,
inline: s.inline,
text: s.text,
em: s.em,
strong: s.strong,
header: s.header,
quote: s.quote
token: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.sol()) {
// Reset EM state
state.em = false;
// Reset STRONG state
state.strong = false;
// Reset state.header
state.header = false;
// Reset state.quote
state.quote = false;
state.f = state.block;
var previousIndentation = state.indentation
, currentIndentation = 0;
while (previousIndentation > 0) {
if (' ')) {
} else if (previousIndentation >= 4 &&'\t')) {
previousIndentation -= 4;
currentIndentation += 4;
} else {
state.indentation = currentIndentation;
if (currentIndentation > 0) return null;
return state.f(stream, state);
getType: getType
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-markdown", "markdown");
CodeMirror.defineMode("xml", function(config, parserConfig) {
var indentUnit = config.indentUnit;
var Kludges = parserConfig.htmlMode ? {
autoSelfClosers: {"br": true, "img": true, "hr": true, "link": true, "input": true,
"meta": true, "col": true, "frame": true, "base": true, "area": true},
doNotIndent: {"pre": true},
allowUnquoted: true,
allowMissing: false
} : {autoSelfClosers: {}, doNotIndent: {}, allowUnquoted: false, allowMissing: false};
var alignCDATA = parserConfig.alignCDATA;
// Return variables for tokenizers
var tagName, type;
function inText(stream, state) {
function chain(parser) {
state.tokenize = parser;
return parser(stream, state);
var ch =;
if (ch == "<") {
if ("!")) {
if ("[")) {
if (stream.match("CDATA[")) return chain(inBlock("atom", "]]>"));
else return null;
else if (stream.match("--")) return chain(inBlock("comment", "-->"));
else if (stream.match("DOCTYPE", true, true)) {
return chain(doctype(1));
else return null;
else if ("?")) {
state.tokenize = inBlock("meta", "?>");
return "meta";
else {
type ="/") ? "closeTag" : "openTag";
tagName = "";
var c;
while ((c =[^\s\u00a0=<>\"\'\/?]/))) tagName += c;
state.tokenize = inTag;
return "tag";
else if (ch == "&") {
var ok;
if ("#")) {
if ("x")) {
ok = stream.eatWhile(/[a-fA-F\d]/) &&";");
} else {
ok = stream.eatWhile(/[\d]/) &&";");
} else {
ok = stream.eatWhile(/[\w\.\-:]/) &&";");
return ok ? "atom" : "error";
else {
return null;
function inTag(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (ch == ">" || (ch == "/" &&">"))) {
state.tokenize = inText;
type = ch == ">" ? "endTag" : "selfcloseTag";
return "tag";
else if (ch == "=") {
type = "equals";
return null;
else if (/[\'\"]/.test(ch)) {
state.tokenize = inAttribute(ch);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
else {
return "word";
function inAttribute(quote) {
return function(stream, state) {
while (!stream.eol()) {
if ( == quote) {
state.tokenize = inTag;
return "string";
function inBlock(style, terminator) {
return function(stream, state) {
while (!stream.eol()) {
if (stream.match(terminator)) {
state.tokenize = inText;
return style;
function doctype(depth) {
return function(stream, state) {
var ch;
while ((ch = != null) {
if (ch == "<") {
state.tokenize = doctype(depth + 1);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
} else if (ch == ">") {
if (depth == 1) {
state.tokenize = inText;
} else {
state.tokenize = doctype(depth - 1);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
return "meta";
var curState, setStyle;
function pass() {
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)[i]);
function cont() {
pass.apply(null, arguments);
return true;
function pushContext(tagName, startOfLine) {
var noIndent = Kludges.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(tagName) || (curState.context && curState.context.noIndent);
curState.context = {
prev: curState.context,
tagName: tagName,
indent: curState.indented,
startOfLine: startOfLine,
noIndent: noIndent
function popContext() {
if (curState.context) curState.context = curState.context.prev;
function element(type) {
if (type == "openTag") {
curState.tagName = tagName;
return cont(attributes, endtag(curState.startOfLine));
} else if (type == "closeTag") {
var err = false;
if (curState.context) {
err = curState.context.tagName != tagName;
} else {
err = true;
if (err) setStyle = "error";
return cont(endclosetag(err));
return cont();
function endtag(startOfLine) {
return function(type) {
if (type == "selfcloseTag" ||
(type == "endTag" && Kludges.autoSelfClosers.hasOwnProperty(curState.tagName.toLowerCase())))
return cont();
if (type == "endTag") {pushContext(curState.tagName, startOfLine); return cont();}
return cont();
function endclosetag(err) {
return function(type) {
if (err) setStyle = "error";
if (type == "endTag") { popContext(); return cont(); }
setStyle = "error";
return cont(arguments.callee);
function attributes(type) {
if (type == "word") {setStyle = "attribute"; return cont(attribute, attributes);}
if (type == "endTag" || type == "selfcloseTag") return pass();
setStyle = "error";
return cont(attributes);
function attribute(type) {
if (type == "equals") return cont(attvalue, attributes);
if (!Kludges.allowMissing) setStyle = "error";
return (type == "endTag" || type == "selfcloseTag") ? pass() : cont();
function attvalue(type) {
if (type == "string") return cont(attvaluemaybe);
if (type == "word" && Kludges.allowUnquoted) {setStyle = "string"; return cont();}
setStyle = "error";
return (type == "endTag" || type == "selfCloseTag") ? pass() : cont();
function attvaluemaybe(type) {
if (type == "string") return cont(attvaluemaybe);
else return pass();
return {
startState: function() {
return {tokenize: inText, cc: [], indented: 0, startOfLine: true, tagName: null, context: null};
token: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.sol()) {
state.startOfLine = true;
state.indented = stream.indentation();
if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
setStyle = type = tagName = null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
state.type = type;
if ((style || type) && style != "comment") {
curState = state;
while (true) {
var comb = || element;
if (comb(type || style)) break;
state.startOfLine = false;
return setStyle || style;
indent: function(state, textAfter, fullLine) {
var context = state.context;
if ((state.tokenize != inTag && state.tokenize != inText) ||
context && context.noIndent)
return fullLine ? fullLine.match(/^(\s*)/)[0].length : 0;
if (alignCDATA && /<!\[CDATA\[/.test(textAfter)) return 0;
if (context && /^<\//.test(textAfter))
context = context.prev;
while (context && !context.startOfLine)
context = context.prev;
if (context) return context.indent + indentUnit;
else return 0;
compareStates: function(a, b) {
if (a.indented != b.indented || a.tokenize != b.tokenize) return false;
for (var ca = a.context, cb = b.context; ; ca = ca.prev, cb = cb.prev) {
if (!ca || !cb) return ca == cb;
if (ca.tagName != cb.tagName) return false;
electricChars: "/"
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/xml", "xml");
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......@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
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from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
##This file is based on the template from the SimpleWiki source which carries the GPL license
<%inherit file="simplewiki_base.html"/>
<%block name="title"><title>Wiki – Create Article – MITx 6.002x</title></%block>
<%block name="wiki_page_title">
<h1>Create article</h1>
<%block name="wiki_body">
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<div style="display:none">
<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="${csrf_token}"/>
${ wiki_form }
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<%include file="simplewiki_instructions.html"/>
......@@ -2,29 +2,58 @@
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<%block name="title"><title>${"Edit " + wiki_title + " - " if wiki_title is not UNDEFINED else ""}MITx 6.002x Wiki</title></%block>
<%block name="title">
%if create_article:
Wiki – Create Article – MITx 6.002x
${"Edit " + wiki_title + " - " if wiki_title is not UNDEFINED else ""}MITx 6.002x Wiki
<%block name="wiki_page_title">
%if create_article:
<h1>Create article</h1>
<h1>${ wiki_article.title }</h1>
<%block name="wiki_head">
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window.onbeforeunload = function askConfirm() { //Warn the user before they navigate away
if ( $("#id_contents").val() != $("#id_contents").data('initial_contents') ) {
return "You have made changes to the article that have not been saved yet.";
$("#submit_edit").click(function() {
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if ( editor.getValue() != initial_contents ) {
return "You have made changes to the article that have not been saved yet.";
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......@@ -35,8 +64,12 @@
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<input type="submit" id="submit_delete" name="delete" value="Delete article" />
<%include file="simplewiki_instructions.html"/>
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This wiki uses <strong>Markdown</strong> for styling. There are several <a href="">useful</a> <a href="">guides</a> <a href="">online</a>.
<br>MITx Additions:
<p class="markdown-example">circuit:basic</p>
<p class="markdown-example">circuit-schematic:</p>
<p class="markdown-example"><span>$</span>LaTeX Math Expression<span>$</span></p>
To create a new wiki article, create a link to it. Clicking the link gives you the creation page.
<p class="markdown-example">[Article Name](wiki:ArticleName)</p>
Markdown is supported
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