Commit e1776464 by Jesse Zoldak

Add a script to detect migrations for bokchoy

parent 70dc3359
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Output all migrations that would be applied to an
# empty database for the bok-choy acceptance tests.
# Fail fast
set -e
if [[ -z "$BOK_CHOY_HOSTNAME" ]]; then
declare -A databases
declare -a database_order
databases=(["default"]="edxtest" ["student_module_history"]="student_module_history_test")
database_order=("default" "student_module_history")
for db in "${database_order[@]}"; do
echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${databases[$db]};" | mysql $MYSQL_HOST -u root
# Clear out the test database using the reset_db command which uses "DROP DATABASE" and
# "CREATE DATABASE". This will result in an empty database.
echo "Clearing out the $db bok_choy MySQL database."
./ lms --settings $SETTINGS reset_db --traceback --router $db
# Now output all the migrations in the platform to a file.
echo "Calculating migrations."
# We could do this with either our custom code from the edx-django-release-util repo
# which will output in yaml format.
# output_file="bok_choy_${db}_migrations.yaml"
# ./ lms --settings $SETTINGS show_unapplied_migrations --database $db --output_file $output_file
# OR we could do this with the built-in django command
# which will output in a format that is not friendly to machine parsing.
./ lms --settings $SETTINGS showmigrations --database $db > $output_file
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