diff --git a/common/test/data/conditional_and_poll/README b/common/test/data/conditional_and_poll/README
deleted file mode 100644
index fc95a7c..0000000
--- a/common/test/data/conditional_and_poll/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Any place that says "YEAR_SEMESTER" needs to be replaced with something 
-in the form "2013_Spring". Take note of this name exactly, you'll need to 
-use it everywhere, precisely - capitalization is very important.
-See https://github.com/MITx/mitx/blob/master/doc/xml-format.md for more on all this.
-about/: Files that live here will be visible OUTSIDE OF COURSEWARE.
-        end_date.html: Specifies in plain-text the end date of the course
-	overview.html: Text of the overview of the course
-	short_description.html: 10-15 words about the course
-	prerequisites.html: Any prerequisites for the course, or None if there are none.
-    YEAR_SEMESTER.xml: This is your top-level xml page that points at chapters. 
-    		       Can just be <course/> for now.
-course.xml: This top level file points at a file in roots/. See creating_course.xml.
-creating_course.xml: Explains how to create course.xml
-info/: Files that live here will be visible on the COURSE LANDING PAGE 
-       (Course Info) WITHIN THE COURSEWARE.
-        handouts.html: A list of handouts, or an empty file if there are none 
-		       (if this file doesn't exist, it displays an error)
-	updates.html: Course updates.
-        policy.json: See https://github.com/MITx/mitx/blob/master/doc/xml-format.md 
-		     for more on the fields specified by this file.
-	grading_policy.json: Optional -- you don't need it to get a course off the 
-			     ground but will eventually. For more info see 
-			     https://github.com/MITx/mitx/blob/master/doc/course_grading.md
-    YEAR_SEMESTER.xml: Looks something like 
-    		       <course url_name="YEAR_SEMESTER" org="ORG"  course="COURSENUM"/> 
-		       where ORG in {"MITx", "HarvardX", "BerkeleyX"}
-	images/
-		course_image.jpg: You MUST have an image named this to be the background
-				  banner image on edx.org
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/test/data/word_cloud/README b/common/test/data/word_cloud/README
deleted file mode 100644
index fc95a7c..0000000
--- a/common/test/data/word_cloud/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Any place that says "YEAR_SEMESTER" needs to be replaced with something 
-in the form "2013_Spring". Take note of this name exactly, you'll need to 
-use it everywhere, precisely - capitalization is very important.
-See https://github.com/MITx/mitx/blob/master/doc/xml-format.md for more on all this.
-about/: Files that live here will be visible OUTSIDE OF COURSEWARE.
-        end_date.html: Specifies in plain-text the end date of the course
-	overview.html: Text of the overview of the course
-	short_description.html: 10-15 words about the course
-	prerequisites.html: Any prerequisites for the course, or None if there are none.
-    YEAR_SEMESTER.xml: This is your top-level xml page that points at chapters. 
-    		       Can just be <course/> for now.
-course.xml: This top level file points at a file in roots/. See creating_course.xml.
-creating_course.xml: Explains how to create course.xml
-info/: Files that live here will be visible on the COURSE LANDING PAGE 
-       (Course Info) WITHIN THE COURSEWARE.
-        handouts.html: A list of handouts, or an empty file if there are none 
-		       (if this file doesn't exist, it displays an error)
-	updates.html: Course updates.
-        policy.json: See https://github.com/MITx/mitx/blob/master/doc/xml-format.md 
-		     for more on the fields specified by this file.
-	grading_policy.json: Optional -- you don't need it to get a course off the 
-			     ground but will eventually. For more info see 
-			     https://github.com/MITx/mitx/blob/master/doc/course_grading.md
-    YEAR_SEMESTER.xml: Looks something like 
-    		       <course url_name="YEAR_SEMESTER" org="ORG"  course="COURSENUM"/> 
-		       where ORG in {"MITx", "HarvardX", "BerkeleyX"}
-	images/
-		course_image.jpg: You MUST have an image named this to be the background
-				  banner image on edx.org
\ No newline at end of file