Commit dce90148 by Bill Filler

check if prereq has been met and only display content if it has

parent 0914acd5
......@@ -230,8 +230,6 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
banner_text, special_html = special_html_view
if special_html and not masquerading_as_specific_student:
return Fragment(special_html)
banner_text = self._gated_content_staff_banner()
return self._student_view(context, banner_text)
def _special_exam_student_view(self):
......@@ -253,11 +251,8 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
display depending on whether staff is masquerading.
course = self._get_course()
content_gated = self._is_content_gated()
if not self._can_user_view_content(course) or content_gated:
if content_gated:
banner_text = _('This subsection is locked until prerequisite requirements met.')
elif course.self_paced:
if not self._can_user_view_content(course):
if course.self_paced:
banner_text = _("Because the course has ended, this assignment is hidden from the learner.")
banner_text = _("Because the due date has passed, this assignment is hidden from the learner.")
......@@ -266,22 +261,12 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
'self_paced': course.self_paced,
'progress_url': context.get('progress_url'),
'content_gated': content_gated
'progress_url': context.get('progress_url')
return banner_text, hidden_content_html
def _gated_content_staff_banner(self):
Checks whether the content is gated for learners. If so,
returns a banner_text depending on whether user is staff.
banner_text = _('This subsection is unlocked for learners when they meet the prerequisite requirements.')
if self._is_content_gated() and self.runtime.user_is_staff:
return banner_text
def _is_content_gated(self):
Checks whether the content is gated for learners.
......@@ -295,6 +280,18 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
return False
def _is_prereq_met(self, milestone):
Evaluate if the user has completed the prerequiste
prereq_met = False
milestones_service = self.runtime.service(self, 'milestones')
if milestones_service:
# if it's complete then a user milestone record will exist
prereq_met = milestones_service.user_has_milestone({'id': self.runtime.user_id}, milestone)
return prereq_met
def _can_user_view_content(self, course):
Returns whether the runtime user can view the content
......@@ -319,9 +316,21 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
display_items = self.get_display_items()
self._update_position(context, len(display_items))
gate_content = False
milestones = self._is_content_gated()
if milestones:
if self.runtime.user_is_staff:
banner_text = _('This subsection is unlocked for learners when they meet the prerequisite requirements.')
elif not self._is_prereq_met(milestones[0]):
banner_text = _('This subsection is locked until prerequisite requirements are met.')
gate_content = True
# TODO - force a subsection grade recalcuation and then check again
print('\nBF!! Hurray the prequesite has been met!!')
fragment = Fragment()
params = {
'items': self._render_student_view_for_items(context, display_items, fragment),
'items': self._render_student_view_for_items(context, display_items, fragment) if not gate_content else [],
'element_id': self.location.html_id(),
'item_id': self.location.to_deprecated_string(),
'position': self.position,
......@@ -331,6 +340,7 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
'prev_url': context.get('prev_url'),
'banner_text': banner_text,
'disable_navigation': not self.is_user_authenticated(context),
'gate_content' : gate_content,
fragment.add_content(self.system.render_template("seq_module.html", params))
......@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
<div class="sequence hidden-content proctored-exam completed">
% if content_gated:
${_("Prerequistes not met.")}
% elif self_paced:
% if self_paced:
${_("The course has ended.")}
% else:
${_("The due date for this assignment has passed.")}
......@@ -16,16 +14,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
% if content_gated:
"This content is locked until all prerequistes have been met.{line_break}Press refresh to try again. "
"Grade is available on the {link_start}progress page{link_end}."
link_start=HTML("<a href='{}'>").format(progress_url),
% elif self_paced:
% if self_paced:
"Because the course has ended, this assignment is no longer "
"available.{line_break}If you have completed this assignment, your "
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