Commit dbf58c0d by Chris Dodge

Merge branch 'master' of into fix/cdodge/export-draft-modules

parents 5f9d7db9 aca6cdba
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import check_module_metadata_editability
from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
from request_cache.middleware import RequestCache
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = '''Enumerates through the course and find common errors'''
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if len(args) != 1:
raise CommandError("check_course requires one argument: <location>")
loc_str = args[0]
loc = CourseDescriptor.id_to_location(loc_str)
store = modulestore()
# setup a request cache so we don't throttle the DB with all the metadata inheritance requests
store.request_cache = RequestCache.get_request_cache()
course = store.get_item(loc, depth=3)
err_cnt = 0
def _xlint_metadata(module):
err_cnt = check_module_metadata_editability(module)
for child in module.get_children():
err_cnt = err_cnt + _xlint_metadata(child)
return err_cnt
err_cnt = err_cnt + _xlint_metadata(course)
# we've had a bug where the xml_attributes field can we rewritten as a string rather than a dict
def _check_xml_attributes_field(module):
err_cnt = 0
if hasattr(module, 'xml_attributes') and isinstance(module.xml_attributes, basestring):
print 'module = {0} has xml_attributes as a string. It should be a dict'.format(module.location.url())
err_cnt = err_cnt + 1
for child in module.get_children():
err_cnt = err_cnt + _check_xml_attributes_field(child)
return err_cnt
err_cnt = err_cnt + _check_xml_attributes_field(course)
# check for dangling discussion items, this can cause errors in the forums
def _get_discussion_items(module):
discussion_items = []
if module.location.category == 'discussion':
discussion_items = discussion_items + [module.location.url()]
for child in module.get_children():
discussion_items = discussion_items + _get_discussion_items(child)
return discussion_items
discussion_items = _get_discussion_items(course)
# now query all discussion items via get_items() and compare with the tree-traversal
queried_discussion_items = store.get_items(['i4x',, course.location.course,
'discussion', None, None])
for item in queried_discussion_items:
if item.location.url() not in discussion_items:
print 'Found dangling discussion module = {0}'.format(item.location.url())
for feature, value in ENV_TOKENS.get('MITX_FEATURES', {}).items():
MITX_FEATURES[feature] = value
# load key, provide a dummy if it does not exist
LOGGING = get_logger_config(LOG_DIR,
syslog_addr=(ENV_TOKENS['SYSLOG_SERVER'], 514),
......@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ MITX_FEATURES = {
'STUB_VIDEO_FOR_TESTING': False, # do not display video when running automated acceptance tests
'STAFF_EMAIL': '', # email address for staff (eg to request course creation)
......@@ -150,3 +150,6 @@ DEBUG_TOOLBAR_MONGO_STACKTRACES = True
# disable NPS survey in dev mode
# segment-io key for dev
SEGMENT_IO_KEY = 'mty8edrrsg'
......@@ -118,3 +118,6 @@ PASSWORD_HASHERS = (
# dummy segment-io key
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class CMS.Views.ModuleEdit extends Backbone.View
$component_editor: => @$el.find('.component-editor')
loadDisplay: ->
loadEdit: ->
if not @module
......@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ class CMS.Views.ModuleEdit extends Backbone.View
clickSaveButton: (event) =>
data =
analytics.track "Saved Module",
course: course_location_analytics
data.metadata = _.extend(data.metadata || {}, @metadata())
@hideModal() =>
......@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ class CMS.Views.TabsEdit extends Backbone.View
@$('.component').each((idx, element) =>
analytics.track "Reordered Static Pages",
course: course_location_analytics
url: '/reorder_static_tabs',
......@@ -56,10 +60,18 @@ class CMS.Views.TabsEdit extends Backbone.View
analytics.track "Added Static Page",
course: course_location_analytics
deleteTab: (event) =>
if not confirm 'Are you sure you want to delete this component? This action cannot be undone.'
$component = $(event.currentTarget).parents('.component')
analytics.track "Deleted Static Page",
course: course_location_analytics
id: $'id')
$.post('/delete_item', {
id: $'id')
}, =>
......@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit extends Backbone.View
handle: '.drag-handle'
update: (event, ui) =>
analytics.track "Reordered Components",
course: course_location_analytics
id: unit_location_analytics
payload = children : @components()
options = success : => @model.unset('children'), options)
......@@ -89,6 +93,11 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit extends Backbone.View
analytics.track "Added a Component",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
type: $(event.currentTarget).data('location')
components: => @$('.component').map((idx, el) -> $(el).data('id')).get()
......@@ -111,6 +120,11 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit extends Backbone.View
$.post('/delete_item', {
id: $'id')
}, =>
analytics.track "Deleted a Component",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
id: $'id')
# b/c we don't vigilantly keep children up to date
# get rid of it before it hurts someone
......@@ -129,6 +143,10 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit extends Backbone.View
id: @$'id')
delete_children: true
}, =>
analytics.track "Deleted Draft",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
......@@ -138,6 +156,10 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit extends Backbone.View
$.post('/create_draft', {
id: @$'id')
}, =>
analytics.track "Created Draft",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
@model.set('state', 'draft')
......@@ -148,20 +170,31 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit extends Backbone.View
$.post('/publish_draft', {
id: @$'id')
}, =>
analytics.track "Published Draft",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
@model.set('state', 'public')
setVisibility: (event) ->
if @$('.visibility-select').val() == 'private'
target_url = '/unpublish_unit'
visibility = "private"
target_url = '/publish_draft'
visibility = "public"
$.post(target_url, {
id: @$'id')
}, =>
analytics.track "Set Unit Visibility",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
visibility: visibility
@model.set('state', @$('.visibility-select').val())
......@@ -193,6 +226,11 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit.NameEdit extends Backbone.View metadata)
# Update name shown in the right-hand side location summary.
$('.unit-location .editing .unit-name').html(metadata.display_name)
analytics.track "Edited Unit Name",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
display_name: metadata.display_name
class CMS.Views.UnitEdit.LocationState extends Backbone.View
initialize: =>
......@@ -331,6 +331,12 @@ function createNewUnit(e) {
var parent = $(this).data('parent');
var template = $(this).data('template');
analytics.track('Created a Unit', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'parent_location': parent
{'parent_location': parent,
'template': template,
......@@ -363,6 +369,12 @@ function _deleteItem($el) {
var id = $'id');
analytics.track('Deleted an Item', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'id': id
{'id': id, 'delete_children': true, 'delete_all_versions': true},
function (data) {
......@@ -426,6 +438,11 @@ function displayFinishedUpload(xhr) {
var html = Mustache.to_html(template, resp);
$('table > tbody').prepend(html);
analytics.track('Uploaded a File', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'asset_url': resp.url
function markAsLoaded() {
......@@ -555,6 +572,11 @@ function saveNewSection(e) {
var template = $'template');
var display_name = $(this).find('.new-section-name').val();
analytics.track('Created a Section', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'display_name': display_name
$.post('/clone_item', {
'parent_location': parent,
'template': template,
......@@ -600,6 +622,12 @@ function saveNewCourse(e) {
analytics.track('Created a Course', {
'org': org,
'number': number,
'display_name': display_name
$.post('/create_new_course', {
'template': template,
'org': org,
......@@ -646,9 +674,14 @@ function saveNewSubsection(e) {
var parent = $(this).find('.new-subsection-name-save').data('parent');
var template = $(this).find('.new-subsection-name-save').data('template');
var display_name = $(this).find('.new-subsection-name-input').val();
analytics.track('Created a Subsection', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'display_name': display_name
$.post('/clone_item', {
'parent_location': parent,
'template': template,
......@@ -702,6 +735,13 @@ function saveEditSectionName(e) {
analytics.track('Edited Section Name', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'display_name': display_name,
'id': id
var $_this = $(this);
// call into server to commit the new order
......@@ -741,6 +781,12 @@ function saveSetSectionScheduleDate(e) {
var id = $modal.attr('data-id');
analytics.track('Edited Section Release Date', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'id': id,
'start': start
// call into server to commit the new order
url: "/save_item",
......@@ -77,11 +77,18 @@ CMS.Views.Checklists = Backbone.View.extend({
var task_index = $'task');
var model =;
model.attributes.items[task_index].is_checked = $task.hasClass(completed);{},
success : function() {
var updatedTemplate = self.renderTemplate(model, checklist_index);
analytics.track('Toggled a Checklist Task', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'task': model.attributes.items[task_index].short_description,
'state': model.attributes.items[task_index].is_checked
error : CMS.ServerError
......@@ -107,6 +107,11 @@ CMS.Views.ClassInfoUpdateView = Backbone.View.extend({
// push change to display, hide the editor, submit the change{}, {error : CMS.ServerError});
analytics.track('Saved Course Update', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'date': this.dateEntry(event).val()
onCancel: function(event) {
......@@ -147,6 +152,11 @@ CMS.Views.ClassInfoUpdateView = Backbone.View.extend({
analytics.track('Deleted Course Update', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'date': this.dateEntry(event).val()
var targetModel = this.eventModel(event);
var cacheThis = this;
......@@ -284,6 +294,11 @@ CMS.Views.ClassInfoHandoutsView = Backbone.View.extend({{}, {error: CMS.ServerError});
analytics.track('Saved Course Handouts', {
'course': course_location_analytics
onCancel: function(event) {
......@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ CMS.Views.Settings.Advanced = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
success : function() {
analytics.track('Saved Advanced Settings', {
'course': course_location_analytics
error : CMS.ServerError
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
@import 'elements/forms';
@import 'elements/modal';
@import 'elements/alerts';
@import 'elements/jquery-ui-calendar';
@import 'elements/vendor';
@import 'elements/tender-widget';
// specific views
// studio - elements - JQUI calendar
// studio - elements - vendor overrides
// ====================
// JQUI calendar
.ui-datepicker {
border-color: $darkGrey;
border-radius: 2px;
......@@ -54,4 +55,11 @@
border-color: $orange;
color: #fff;
// ====================
// JQUI timepicker
.ui-timepicker-list {
z-index: 100000 !important;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ body.course.outline {
position: relative;
top: -4px;
right: 50px;
width: 145px;
width: 100px;
.status-label {
position: absolute;
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ body.course.outline {
opacity: 0.0;
position: absolute;
top: -1px;
left: 5px;
right: 0;
margin: 0;
padding: 8px 12px;
background: $white;
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ body.course.outline {
.section-published-date {
position: absolute;
top: 19px;
right: 90px;
right: 80px;
padding: 4px 10px;
border-radius: 3px;
background: $lightGrey;
......@@ -271,8 +271,6 @@ body.course.outline {
.section-published-date {
float: right;
width: 278px;
margin-right: 220px;
@include border-radius(3px);
background: $lightGrey;
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${static.url('css/vendor/')}" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${static.url('css/vendor/')}" />
<%include file="widgets/segment-io.html" />
<%block name="header_extras"></%block>
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
<li class="nav-item">
% if not disable_course_creation:
<a href="#" class="button new-button new-course-button"><i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon icon-create">&#x002B;</i> New Course</a>
% elif settings.MITX_FEATURES.get('STAFF_EMAIL',''):
<a href="mailto:${settings.MITX_FEATURES.get('STAFF_EMAIL','')}">Email staff to create course</a>
% endif
......@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@
<article class="my-classes">
% if user.is_active:
<ul class="class-list">
%for course, url, lms_link in courses:
%for course, url, lms_link in sorted(courses, key=lambda s: s[0].lower()):
<a class="class-link" href="${url}" class="class-name">
<span class="class-name">${course}</span>
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
var unit_location_analytics = '${unit_location}';
% if settings.MITX_FEATURES.get('SEGMENT_IO'):
<!-- begin -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// if inside course, inject the course location into the JS namespace
%if context_course:
var course_location_analytics = "${context_course.location}";
var analytics=analytics||[];analytics.load=function(e){var t=document.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript",t.async=!0,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https://":"http://")+""+e+"/analytics.min.js";var n=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.parentNode.insertBefore(t,n);var r=function(e){return function(){analytics.push([e].concat(,0)))}},i=["identify","track","trackLink","trackForm","trackClick","trackSubmit","pageview","ab","alias","ready"];for(var s=0;s<i.length;s++)analytics[i[s]]=r(i[s])};
analytics.load("${ settings.SEGMENT_IO_KEY }");
% if user.is_authenticated():
analytics.identify("${ }", {
email : "${ }",
username : "${ user.username }"
% endif
<!-- end -->
% else:
<!-- dummy -->
<script type="text/javascript">
%if context_course:
var course_location_analytics = "${context_course.location}";
var analytics = {
track: function() { return; }
<!-- end dummy -->
% endif
......@@ -655,9 +655,9 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
# Check if problem has been queued
self.queuename = 'matlab'
self.queue_msg = ''
if 'queue_msg' in self.input_state and self.status in ['queued','incomplete', 'unsubmitted']:
if 'queue_msg' in self.input_state and self.status in ['queued', 'incomplete', 'unsubmitted']:
self.queue_msg = self.input_state['queue_msg']
if 'queued' in self.input_state and self.input_state['queuestate'] is not None:
if 'queuestate' in self.input_state and self.input_state['queuestate'] == 'queued':
self.status = 'queued'
self.queue_len = 1
self.msg = self.plot_submitted_msg
......@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
def _extra_context(self):
''' Set up additional context variables'''
extra_context = {
'queue_len': self.queue_len,
'queue_len': str(self.queue_len),
'queue_msg': self.queue_msg
return extra_context
......@@ -361,7 +361,6 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
'feedback': {'message': '3'}, }
elt = etree.fromstring(self.xml)
input_class = lookup_tag('matlabinput')
the_input = self.input_class(test_system, elt, state)
context = the_input._get_render_context()
......@@ -381,6 +380,31 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
def test_rendering_while_queued(self):
state = {'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'incomplete',
'input_state': {'queuestate': 'queued'},
elt = etree.fromstring(self.xml)
the_input = self.input_class(test_system, elt, state)
context = the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': self.input_class.plot_submitted_msg,
'mode': self.mode,
'rows': self.rows,
'cols': self.cols,
'queue_msg': '',
'linenumbers': 'true',
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(self.tabsize),
'queue_len': '1',
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
def test_plot_data(self):
get = {'submission': 'x = 1234;'}
response = self.the_input.handle_ajax("plot", get)
......@@ -391,6 +415,43 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(self.the_input.input_state['queuekey'] is not None)
self.assertEqual(self.the_input.input_state['queuestate'], 'queued')
def test_ungraded_response_success(self):
queuekey = 'abcd'
input_state = {'queuekey': queuekey, 'queuestate': 'queued'}
state = {'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'incomplete',
'input_state': input_state,
'feedback': {'message': '3'}, }
elt = etree.fromstring(self.xml)
the_input = self.input_class(test_system, elt, state)
inner_msg = 'hello!'
queue_msg = json.dumps({'msg': inner_msg})
the_input.ungraded_response(queue_msg, queuekey)
self.assertTrue(input_state['queuekey'] is None)
self.assertTrue(input_state['queuestate'] is None)
self.assertEqual(input_state['queue_msg'], inner_msg)
def test_ungraded_response_key_mismatch(self):
queuekey = 'abcd'
input_state = {'queuekey': queuekey, 'queuestate': 'queued'}
state = {'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'incomplete',
'input_state': input_state,
'feedback': {'message': '3'}, }
elt = etree.fromstring(self.xml)
the_input = self.input_class(test_system, elt, state)
inner_msg = 'hello!'
queue_msg = json.dumps({'msg': inner_msg})
the_input.ungraded_response(queue_msg, 'abc')
self.assertEqual(input_state['queuekey'], queuekey)
self.assertEqual(input_state['queuestate'], 'queued')
self.assertFalse('queue_msg' in input_state)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def group_from_value(groups, v):
class ABTestFields(object):
group_portions = Object(help="What proportions of students should go in each group", default={DEFAULT: 1}, scope=Scope.content)
group_assignments = Object(help="What group this user belongs to", scope=Scope.student_preferences, default={})
group_assignments = Object(help="What group this user belongs to", scope=Scope.preferences, default={})
group_content = Object(help="What content to display to each group", scope=Scope.content, default={DEFAULT: []})
experiment = String(help="Experiment that this A/B test belongs to", scope=Scope.content)
has_children = True
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class ComplexEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
class CapaFields(object):
attempts = StringyInteger(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0, scope=Scope.student_state)
attempts = StringyInteger(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
max_attempts = StringyInteger(help="Maximum number of attempts that a student is allowed", scope=Scope.settings)
due = Date(help="Date that this problem is due by", scope=Scope.settings)
graceperiod = Timedelta(help="Amount of time after the due date that submissions will be accepted", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ class CapaFields(object):
force_save_button = Boolean(help="Whether to force the save button to appear on the page", scope=Scope.settings, default=False)
rerandomize = Randomization(help="When to rerandomize the problem", default="always", scope=Scope.settings)
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
correct_map = Object(help="Dictionary with the correctness of current student answers", scope=Scope.student_state, default={})
input_state = Object(help="Dictionary for maintaining the state of inputtypes", scope=Scope.student_state)
student_answers = Object(help="Dictionary with the current student responses", scope=Scope.student_state)
done = Boolean(help="Whether the student has answered the problem", scope=Scope.student_state)
correct_map = Object(help="Dictionary with the correctness of current student answers", scope=Scope.user_state, default={})
input_state = Object(help="Dictionary for maintaining the state of inputtypes", scope=Scope.user_state)
student_answers = Object(help="Dictionary with the current student responses", scope=Scope.user_state)
done = Boolean(help="Whether the student has answered the problem", scope=Scope.user_state)
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
seed = StringyInteger(help="Random seed for this student", scope=Scope.student_state)
seed = StringyInteger(help="Random seed for this student", scope=Scope.user_state)
weight = StringyFloat(help="How much to weight this problem by", scope=Scope.settings)
markdown = String(help="Markdown source of this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -108,11 +108,10 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
icon_class = 'problem'
js = {'coffee': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
'js': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/imageinput.js'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/schematic.js')
......@@ -367,11 +366,11 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
# Prepend a scary warning to the student
warning = '<div class="capa_reset">'\
'<h2>Warning: The problem has been reset to its initial state!</h2>'\
'The problem\'s state was corrupted by an invalid submission. ' \
'The submission consisted of:'\
warning = '<div class="capa_reset">'\
'<h2>Warning: The problem has been reset to its initial state!</h2>'\
'The problem\'s state was corrupted by an invalid submission. ' \
'The submission consisted of:'\
for student_answer in student_answers.values():
if student_answer != '':
warning += '<li>' + cgi.escape(student_answer) + '</li>'
......@@ -388,7 +387,6 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return html
def get_problem_html(self, encapsulate=True):
'''Return html for the problem. Adds check, reset, save buttons
as necessary based on the problem config and state.'''
......@@ -401,7 +399,6 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
except Exception, err:
html = self.handle_problem_html_error(err)
# The convention is to pass the name of the check button
# if we want to show a check button, and False otherwise
# This works because non-empty strings evaluate to True
......@@ -454,7 +451,7 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
'score_update': self.update_score,
'input_ajax': self.handle_input_ajax,
'ungraded_response': self.handle_ungraded_response
if dispatch not in handlers:
return 'Error'
......@@ -472,7 +469,7 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
'progress_changed': after != before,
'progress_status': Progress.to_js_status_str(after),
return json.dumps(d, cls=ComplexEncoder)
def is_past_due(self):
......@@ -535,7 +532,6 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return False
def update_score(self, get):
Delivers grading response (e.g. from asynchronous code checking) to
......@@ -590,7 +586,6 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
return response
def get_answer(self, get):
For the "show answer" button.
......@@ -700,7 +695,6 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
'max_value': score['total'],
def check_problem(self, get):
''' Checks whether answers to a problem are correct, and
returns a map of correct/incorrect answers:
......@@ -783,7 +777,7 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
self.system.track_function('save_problem_check', event_info)
if hasattr(self.system, 'psychometrics_handler'): # update PsychometricsData using callback
# render problem into HTML
html = self.get_problem_html(encapsulate=False)
......@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ class VersionInteger(Integer):
class CombinedOpenEndedFields(object):
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", default="Open Ended Grading", scope=Scope.settings)
current_task_number = Integer(help="Current task that the student is on.", default=0, scope=Scope.student_state)
task_states = List(help="List of state dictionaries of each task within this module.", scope=Scope.student_state)
current_task_number = Integer(help="Current task that the student is on.", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
task_states = List(help="List of state dictionaries of each task within this module.", scope=Scope.user_state)
state = String(help="Which step within the current task that the student is on.", default="initial",
student_attempts = Integer(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0,
ready_to_reset = Boolean(help="If the problem is ready to be reset or not.", default=False,
attempts = Integer(help="Maximum number of attempts that a student is allowed.", default=1, scope=Scope.settings)
is_graded = Boolean(help="Whether or not the problem is graded.", default=False, scope=Scope.settings)
accept_file_upload = Boolean(help="Whether or not the problem accepts file uploads.", default=False,
......@@ -219,4 +219,5 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedDescriptor(CombinedOpenEndedFields, RawDescriptor):
stores_state = True
has_score = True
template_dir_name = "combinedopenended"
......@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ class ConditionalModule(ConditionalFields, XModule):
an AJAX call.
if not self.is_condition_satisfied():
message = self.descriptor.xml_attributes.get('message')
defmsg = "{link} must be attempted before this will become visible."
message = self.descriptor.xml_attributes.get('message', defmsg)
context = {'module': self,
'message': message}
html = self.system.render_template('conditional_module.html',
......@@ -652,7 +652,12 @@ class CourseDescriptor(CourseFields, SequenceDescriptor):
def end_date_text(self):
return time.strftime("%b %d, %Y", self.end)
Returns the end date for the course formatted as a string.
If the course does not have an end date set (course.end is None), an empty string will be returned.
return '' if self.end is None else time.strftime("%b %d, %Y", self.end)
def forum_posts_allowed(self):
......@@ -422,22 +422,44 @@ def remap_namespace(module, target_location_namespace):
return module
def validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, category, allowed=None):
def allowed_metadata_by_category(category):
# should this be in the descriptors?!?
return {
'vertical': [],
'chapter': ['start'],
'sequential': ['due', 'format', 'start', 'graded']
def check_module_metadata_editability(module):
Assert that there is no metadata within a particular category that we can't support editing
Assert that there is no metadata within a particular module that we can't support editing
However we always allow 'display_name' and 'xml_attribtues'
_allowed = (allowed if allowed is not None else []) + ['xml_attributes', 'display_name']
allowed = allowed_metadata_by_category(module.location.category)
if '*' in allowed:
# everything is allowed
return 0
allowed = allowed + ['xml_attributes', 'display_name']
err_cnt = 0
my_metadata = dict(own_metadata(module))
illegal_keys = set(own_metadata(module).keys()) - set(allowed)
if len(illegal_keys) > 0:
err_cnt = err_cnt + 1
print ': found non-editable metadata on {0}. These metadata keys are not supported = {1}'. format(module.location.url(), illegal_keys)
return err_cnt
def validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, category):
err_cnt = 0
for module_loc in module_store.modules[course_id]:
module = module_store.modules[course_id][module_loc]
if module.location.category == category:
my_metadata = dict(own_metadata(module))
for key in my_metadata.keys():
if key not in _allowed:
err_cnt = err_cnt + 1
print ': found metadata on {0}. Studio will not support editing this piece of metadata, so it is not allowed. Metadata: {1} = {2}'. format(module.location.url(), key, my_metadata[key])
err_cnt = err_cnt + check_module_metadata_editability(module)
return err_cnt
......@@ -529,10 +551,9 @@ def perform_xlint(data_dir, course_dirs,
# don't allow metadata on verticals, since we can't edit them in studio
err_cnt += validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, "vertical")
# don't allow metadata on chapters, since we can't edit them in studio
err_cnt += validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, "chapter",['start'])
err_cnt += validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, "chapter")
# don't allow metadata on sequences that we can't edit
err_cnt += validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, "sequential",
err_cnt += validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, "sequential")
# check for a presence of a course marketing video
location_elements = course_id.split('/')
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ class PeerGradingFields(object):
grace_period_string = String(help="Amount of grace to give on the due date.", default=None, scope=Scope.settings)
max_grade = Integer(help="The maximum grade that a student can receieve for this problem.", default=MAX_SCORE,
student_data_for_location = Object(help="Student data for a given peer grading problem.", default=json.dumps({}),
student_data_for_location = Object(help="Student data for a given peer grading problem.",
weight = StringyFloat(help="How much to weight this problem by", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -577,4 +577,5 @@ class PeerGradingDescriptor(PeerGradingFields, RawDescriptor):
stores_state = True
has_score = True
template_dir_name = "peer_grading"
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class PollFields(object):
# Name of poll to use in links to this poll
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
voted = Boolean(help="Whether this student has voted on the poll", scope=Scope.student_state, default=False)
poll_answer = String(help="Student answer", scope=Scope.student_state, default='')
voted = Boolean(help="Whether this student has voted on the poll", scope=Scope.user_state, default=False)
poll_answer = String(help="Student answer", scope=Scope.user_state, default='')
poll_answers = Object(help="All possible answers for the poll fro other students", scope=Scope.content)
answers = List(help="Poll answers from xml", scope=Scope.content, default=[])
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger('mitx.' + __name__)
class RandomizeFields(object):
choice = Integer(help="Which random child was chosen", scope=Scope.student_state)
choice = Integer(help="Which random child was chosen", scope=Scope.user_state)
class RandomizeModule(RandomizeFields, XModule):
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class SequenceFields(object):
# NOTE: Position is 1-indexed. This is silly, but there are now student
# positions saved on prod, so it's not easy to fix.
position = Integer(help="Last tab viewed in this sequence", scope=Scope.student_state)
position = Integer(help="Last tab viewed in this sequence", scope=Scope.user_state)
class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, XModule):
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class CapaFactory(object):
num = 0
def next_num():
CapaFactory.num += 1
......@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ class CapaFactory(object):
def answer_key():
""" Return the key stored in the capa problem answer dict """
return ("-".join(['i4x', 'edX', 'capa_test', 'problem',
'SampleProblem%d' % CapaFactory.num]) +
'SampleProblem%d' % CapaFactory.num]) +
......@@ -120,7 +121,6 @@ class CapaFactory(object):
return module
class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -142,9 +142,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertNotEqual(module.url_name, other_module.url_name,
"Factory should be creating unique names for each problem")
def test_correct(self):
Check that the factory creates correct and incorrect problems properly.
......@@ -155,7 +152,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
other_module = CapaFactory.create(correct=True)
self.assertEqual(other_module.get_score()['score'], 1)
def test_showanswer_default(self):
Make sure the show answer logic does the right thing.
......@@ -165,14 +161,12 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
problem = CapaFactory.create()
def test_showanswer_attempted(self):
problem = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='attempted')
problem.attempts = 1
def test_showanswer_closed(self):
# can see after attempts used up, even with due date in the future
......@@ -182,21 +176,19 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# can see after due date
after_due_date = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='closed',
# can't see because attempts left
attempts_left_open = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='closed',
# Can't see because grace period hasn't expired
......@@ -207,8 +199,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_showanswer_past_due(self):
With showanswer="past_due" should only show answer after the problem is closed
......@@ -222,20 +212,18 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# can see after due date
past_due_date = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='past_due',
# can't see because attempts left
attempts_left_open = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='past_due',
# Can't see because grace period hasn't expired, even though have no more
......@@ -260,31 +248,28 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# can see after due date
past_due_date = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='finished',
# can't see because attempts left and wrong
attempts_left_open = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='finished',
# _can_ see because attempts left and right
correct_ans = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='finished',
# Can see even though grace period hasn't expired, because have no more
# attempts.
still_in_grace = CapaFactory.create(showanswer='finished',
......@@ -294,7 +279,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_closed(self):
# Attempts < Max attempts --> NOT closed
......@@ -322,7 +306,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_parse_get_params(self):
# We have to set up Django settings in order to use QueryDict
......@@ -348,7 +331,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
"Output dict should have key %s" % original_key)
self.assertEqual(valid_get_dict[original_key], result[key])
# Valid GET param dict with list keys
valid_get_dict = self._querydict_from_dict({'input_2[]': ['test1', 'test2']})
result = CapaModule.make_dict_of_responses(valid_get_dict)
......@@ -366,12 +348,11 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
result = CapaModule.make_dict_of_responses(invalid_get_dict)
# Two equivalent names (one list, one non-list)
# One of the values would overwrite the other, so detect this
# and raise an exception
invalid_get_dict = self._querydict_from_dict({'input_1[]': 'test 1',
'input_1': 'test 2'})
'input_1': 'test 2'})
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
result = CapaModule.make_dict_of_responses(invalid_get_dict)
......@@ -395,7 +376,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
return copyDict
def test_check_problem_correct(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=1)
......@@ -403,6 +383,7 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Simulate that all answers are marked correct, no matter
# what the input is, by patching CorrectMap.is_correct()
# Also simulate rendering the HTML
# TODO: pep8 thinks the following line has invalid syntax
with patch('capa.correctmap.CorrectMap.is_correct') as mock_is_correct,\
patch('xmodule.capa_module.CapaModule.get_problem_html') as mock_html:
mock_is_correct.return_value = True
......@@ -439,7 +420,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the number of attempts is incremented by 1
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_check_problem_closed(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=3)
......@@ -503,12 +483,11 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the number of attempts is NOT incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_check_problem_error(self):
# Try each exception that capa_module should handle
for exception_class in [StudentInputError,
for exception_class in [StudentInputError,
# Create the module
......@@ -532,9 +511,9 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_check_problem_error_with_staff_user(self):
# Try each exception that capa module should handle
for exception_class in [StudentInputError,
for exception_class in [StudentInputError,
......@@ -560,7 +539,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the number of attempts is NOT incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_reset_problem(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(done=True)
module.new_lcp = Mock(wraps=module.new_lcp)
......@@ -583,7 +561,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the problem was reset
module.new_lcp.assert_called_once_with({'seed': None})
def test_reset_problem_closed(self):
module = CapaFactory.create()
......@@ -598,7 +575,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the problem was NOT reset
self.assertTrue('success' in result and not result['success'])
def test_reset_problem_not_done(self):
# Simulate that the problem is NOT done
module = CapaFactory.create(done=False)
......@@ -610,7 +586,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the problem was NOT reset
self.assertTrue('success' in result and not result['success'])
def test_save_problem(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(done=False)
......@@ -625,7 +600,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the result is success
self.assertTrue('success' in result and result['success'])
def test_save_problem_closed(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(done=False)
......@@ -640,7 +614,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the result is failure
self.assertTrue('success' in result and not result['success'])
def test_save_problem_submitted_with_randomize(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(rerandomize='always', done=True)
......@@ -651,7 +624,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that we cannot save
self.assertTrue('success' in result and not result['success'])
def test_save_problem_submitted_no_randomize(self):
module = CapaFactory.create(rerandomize='never', done=True)
......@@ -724,7 +696,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
module = CapaFactory.create(rerandomize="never", done=True)
def test_should_show_reset_button(self):
attempts = random.randint(1, 10)
......@@ -755,7 +726,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
module = CapaFactory.create(max_attempts=0, done=True)
def test_should_show_save_button(self):
attempts = random.randint(1, 10)
......@@ -823,7 +793,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
html = module.get_problem_html()
# assert that we got here without exploding
def test_get_problem_html(self):
module = CapaFactory.create()
......@@ -869,6 +838,18 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Assert that the encapsulated html contains the original html
self.assertTrue(html in html_encapsulated)
def test_input_state_consistency(self):
module1 = CapaFactory.create()
module2 = CapaFactory.create()
# check to make sure that the input_state and the keys have the same values
self.assertEqual(module1.lcp.inputs.keys(), module1.input_state.keys())
intersection = set(module2.input_state.keys()).intersection(set(module1.input_state.keys()))
self.assertEqual(len(intersection), 0)
def test_get_problem_html_error(self):
......@@ -902,7 +883,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the module has created a new dummy problem with the error
self.assertNotEqual(original_problem, module.lcp)
def test_random_seed_no_change(self):
# Run the test for each possible rerandomize value
......@@ -920,10 +900,10 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(seed, 1)
# Check the problem
get_request_dict = { CapaFactory.input_key(): '3.14'}
get_request_dict = {CapaFactory.input_key(): '3.14'}
# Expect that the seed is the same
# Expect that the seed is the same
self.assertEqual(seed, module.seed)
# Save the problem
......@@ -933,7 +913,7 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(seed, module.seed)
def test_random_seed_with_reset(self):
def _reset_and_get_seed(module):
Reset the XModule and return the module's seed
......@@ -956,7 +936,7 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
Returns True if *test_func* was successful
(returned True) within *num_tries* attempts
*test_func* must be a function
*test_func* must be a function
of the form test_func() -> bool
success = False
......@@ -989,9 +969,10 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Since there's a small chance we might get the
# same seed again, give it 5 chances
# to generate a different seed
success = _retry_and_check(5,
lambda: _reset_and_get_seed(module) != seed)
success = _retry_and_check(5,
lambda: _reset_and_get_seed(module) != seed)
# TODO: change this comparison to module.seed is not None?
self.assertTrue(module.seed != None)
msg = 'Could not get a new seed from reset after 5 tries'
self.assertTrue(success, msg)
import unittest
from time import strptime
import datetime
from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS
from mock import Mock, patch
from xmodule.modulestore.xml import ImportSystem, XMLModuleStore
import xmodule.course_module
from xmodule.util.date_utils import time_to_datetime
ORG = 'test_org'
......@@ -39,8 +42,19 @@ class DummySystem(ImportSystem):
class IsNewCourseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Make sure the property is_new works on courses"""
def setUp(self):
# Needed for test_is_newish
datetime_patcher = patch.object(
xmodule.course_module, 'datetime',
mocked_datetime = datetime_patcher.start()
mocked_datetime.utcnow.return_value = time_to_datetime(NOW)
def get_dummy_course(start, announcement=None, is_new=None, advertised_start=None):
def get_dummy_course(start, announcement=None, is_new=None, advertised_start=None, end=None):
"""Get a dummy course"""
system = DummySystem(load_error_modules=True)
......@@ -51,6 +65,7 @@ class IsNewCourseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
is_new = to_attrb('is_new', is_new)
announcement = to_attrb('announcement', announcement)
advertised_start = to_attrb('advertised_start', advertised_start)
end = to_attrb('end', end)
start_xml = '''
<course org="{org}" course="{course}"
......@@ -58,13 +73,14 @@ class IsNewCourseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
<chapter url="hi" url_name="ch" display_name="CH">
<html url_name="h" display_name="H">Two houses, ...</html>
'''.format(org=ORG, course=COURSE, start=start, is_new=is_new,
announcement=announcement, advertised_start=advertised_start)
announcement=announcement, advertised_start=advertised_start, end=end)
return system.process_xml(start_xml)
......@@ -126,10 +142,7 @@ class IsNewCourseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
print "Checking start=%s advertised=%s" % (s[0], s[1])
self.assertEqual(d.start_date_text, s[2])
def test_is_newish(self, gmtime_mock):
gmtime_mock.return_value = NOW
def test_is_newish(self):
descriptor = self.get_dummy_course(start='2012-12-02T12:00', is_new=True)
assert(descriptor.is_newish is True)
......@@ -150,3 +163,11 @@ class IsNewCourseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
descriptor = self.get_dummy_course(start='2012-12-31T12:00')
assert(descriptor.is_newish is True)
def test_end_date_text(self):
# No end date set, returns empty string.
d = self.get_dummy_course('2012-12-02T12:00')
self.assertEqual('', d.end_date_text)
d = self.get_dummy_course('2012-12-02T12:00', end='2014-9-04T12:00')
self.assertEqual('Sep 04, 2014', d.end_date_text)
......@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TimeLimitFields(object):
beginning_at = Float(help="The time this timer was started", scope=Scope.student_state)
ending_at = Float(help="The time this timer will end", scope=Scope.student_state)
accomodation_code = String(help="A code indicating accommodations to be given the student", scope=Scope.student_state)
beginning_at = Float(help="The time this timer was started", scope=Scope.user_state)
ending_at = Float(help="The time this timer will end", scope=Scope.user_state)
accomodation_code = String(help="A code indicating accommodations to be given the student", scope=Scope.user_state)
time_expired_redirect_url = String(help="Url to redirect users to after the timelimit has expired", scope=Scope.settings)
duration = Float(help="The length of this timer", scope=Scope.settings)
suppress_toplevel_navigation = Boolean(help="Whether the toplevel navigation should be suppressed when viewing this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VideoFields(object):
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.student_state, default=0)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.user_state, default=0)
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VideoAlphaFields(object):
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.student_state, default=0)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.user_state, default=0)
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
Test course for checking the end date displayed on the course about page.
This course has both an end_date HTML "blob", and it also has a course end date set.
The end_date "blob" has higher precedence and will show.
See also test_end course.
<course org="edX" course="test_about_blob_end_date" url_name="2012_Fall"/>
"course/2012_Fall": {
"graceperiod": "2 days 5 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds",
"start": "2015-07-17T12:00",
"end": "2015-09-17T12:00",
"display_name": "Test About Blob End Date",
"graded": "true"
Test course for checking the end date displayed on the course about page.
This course does not have an end_date HTML "blob", but it does have a course end date set.
Therefore the course end date should show on the course about page.
See also test_about_blob_end_date course.
<course org="edX" course="test_end" url_name="2012_Fall"/>
"course/2012_Fall": {
"graceperiod": "2 days 5 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds",
"start": "2015-07-17T12:00",
"end": "2015-09-17T12:00",
"display_name": "Test End",
"graded": "true"
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def grade(student, request, course, model_data_cache=None, keep_raw_scores=False
# Create a fake key to pull out a StudentModule object from the ModelDataCache
key = LmsKeyValueStore.Key(
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ def get_score(course_id, user, problem_descriptor, module_creator, model_data_ca
# Create a fake KeyValueStore key to pull out the StudentModule
key = LmsKeyValueStore.Key(
......@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
for hist_module in hist_modules:
self.remove_studentmodulehistory_input_state(hist_module, save_changes)
if self.num_visited % 1000 == 0:" Progress: updated {0} of {1} student modules".format(self.num_changed, self.num_visited))" Progress: updated {0} of {1} student history modules".format(self.num_hist_changed,
def remove_studentmodule_input_state(self, module, save_changes):
''' Fix the grade assigned to a StudentModule'''
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
if scope in (Scope.children, Scope.parent):
return []
elif scope == Scope.student_state:
elif scope == Scope.user_state:
return self._chunked_query(
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
field_name__in=set( for field in fields),
elif scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif scope == Scope.preferences:
return self._chunked_query(
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):,
field_name__in=set( for field in fields),
elif scope == Scope.student_info:
elif scope == Scope.user_info:
return self._query(
......@@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
Return the key used in the ModelDataCache for the specified KeyValueStore key
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
return (key.scope, key.block_scope_id.url())
elif key.scope == Scope.content:
return (key.scope, key.block_scope_id.url(), key.field_name)
elif key.scope == Scope.settings:
return (key.scope, '%s-%s' % (self.course_id, key.block_scope_id.url()), key.field_name)
elif key.scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif key.scope == Scope.preferences:
return (key.scope, key.block_scope_id, key.field_name)
elif key.scope == Scope.student_info:
elif key.scope == Scope.user_info:
return (key.scope, key.field_name)
def _cache_key_from_field_object(self, scope, field_object):
......@@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
Return the key used in the ModelDataCache for the specified scope and
if scope == Scope.student_state:
if scope == Scope.user_state:
return (scope, field_object.module_state_key)
elif scope == Scope.content:
return (scope, field_object.definition_id, field_object.field_name)
elif scope == Scope.settings:
return (scope, field_object.usage_id, field_object.field_name)
elif scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif scope == Scope.preferences:
return (scope, field_object.module_type, field_object.field_name)
elif scope == Scope.student_info:
elif scope == Scope.user_info:
return (scope, field_object.field_name)
def find(self, key):
......@@ -237,13 +237,14 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
if field_object is not None:
return field_object
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
field_object, _ = StudentModule.objects.get_or_create(
defaults={'state': json.dumps({})},
defaults={'state': json.dumps({}),
'module_type': key.block_scope_id.category,
elif key.scope == Scope.content:
field_object, _ = XModuleContentField.objects.get_or_create(
......@@ -255,13 +256,13 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
usage_id='%s-%s' % (self.course_id, key.block_scope_id.url()),
elif key.scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif key.scope == Scope.preferences:
field_object, _ = XModuleStudentPrefsField.objects.get_or_create(
elif key.scope == Scope.student_info:
elif key.scope == Scope.user_info:
field_object, _ = XModuleStudentInfoField.objects.get_or_create(
......@@ -281,12 +282,12 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
If the scope to write to is not one of the 5 named scopes:
then an InvalidScopeError will be raised.
Data for Scope.student_state is stored as StudentModule objects via the django orm.
Data for Scope.user_state is stored as StudentModule objects via the django orm.
Data for the other scopes is stored in individual objects that are named for the
scope involved and have the field name as a key
......@@ -297,9 +298,9 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
_allowed_scopes = (
......@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if field_object is None:
raise KeyError(key.field_name)
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
return json.loads(field_object.state)[key.field_name]
return json.loads(field_object.value)
......@@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if key.scope not in self._allowed_scopes:
raise InvalidScopeError(key.scope)
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
state = json.loads(field_object.state)
state[key.field_name] = value
field_object.state = json.dumps(state)
......@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if field_object is None:
raise KeyError(key.field_name)
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
state = json.loads(field_object.state)
del state[key.field_name]
field_object.state = json.dumps(state)
......@@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if field_object is None:
return False
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
return key.field_name in json.loads(field_object.state)
return True
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class XModuleSettingsField(models.Model):
class XModuleStudentPrefsField(models.Model):
Stores data set in the Scope.student_preferences scope by an xmodule field
Stores data set in the Scope.preferences scope by an xmodule field
class Meta:
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class XModuleStudentPrefsField(models.Model):
class XModuleStudentInfoField(models.Model):
Stores data set in the Scope.student_preferences scope by an xmodule field
Stores data set in the Scope.preferences scope by an xmodule field
class Meta:
......@@ -177,18 +177,13 @@ def get_module_for_descriptor(user, request, descriptor, model_data_cache, cours
# Intended use is as {ajax_url}/{dispatch_command}, so get rid of the trailing slash.
ajax_url = ajax_url.rstrip('/')
# Fully qualified callback URL for external queueing system
xqueue_callback_url = '{proto}://{host}'.format(
proto=request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https' if request.is_secure() else 'http')
def make_xqueue_callback(dispatch='score_update'):
# Fully qualified callback URL for external queueing system
xqueue_callback_url = '{proto}://{host}'.format(
proto=request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https' if request.is_secure() else 'http')
xqueue_callback_url = settings.XQUEUE_INTERFACE.get('callback_url',xqueue_callback_url) # allow override
xqueue_callback_url += reverse('xqueue_callback',
......@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ course_id = 'edX/test_course/test'
content_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.content, None, location('def_id'))
settings_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.settings, None, location('def_id'))
student_state_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.student_state, 'user', location('def_id'))
student_prefs_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.student_preferences, 'user', 'problem')
student_info_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.student_info, 'user', None)
user_state_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.user_state, 'user', location('def_id'))
prefs_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.preferences, 'user', 'problem')
user_info_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.user_info, 'user', None)
class UserFactory(factory.Factory):
......@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ class TestInvalidScopes(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.desc_md = {}
self.user = UserFactory.create()
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.student_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.user_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.kvs = LmsKeyValueStore(self.desc_md, self.mdc)
def test_invalid_scopes(self):
for scope in (Scope(student=True, block=BlockScope.DEFINITION),
Scope(student=False, block=BlockScope.TYPE),
Scope(student=False, block=BlockScope.ALL)):
for scope in (Scope(user=True, block=BlockScope.DEFINITION),
Scope(user=False, block=BlockScope.TYPE),
Scope(user=False, block=BlockScope.ALL)):
self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.get, LmsKeyValueStore.Key(scope, None, None, 'field'))
self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.set, LmsKeyValueStore.Key(scope, None, None, 'field'), 'value')
self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.delete, LmsKeyValueStore.Key(scope, None, None, 'field'))
......@@ -134,48 +134,48 @@ class TestStudentModuleStorage(TestCase):
self.desc_md = {}
student_module = StudentModuleFactory(state=json.dumps({'a_field': 'a_value'}))
self.user = student_module.student
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.student_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.user_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.kvs = LmsKeyValueStore(self.desc_md, self.mdc)
def test_get_existing_field(self):
"Test that getting an existing field in an existing StudentModule works"
self.assertEquals('a_value', self.kvs.get(student_state_key('a_field')))
self.assertEquals('a_value', self.kvs.get(user_state_key('a_field')))
def test_get_missing_field(self):
"Test that getting a missing field from an existing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, student_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, user_state_key('not_a_field'))
def test_set_existing_field(self):
"Test that setting an existing student_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(student_state_key('a_field'), 'new_value')
"Test that setting an existing user_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('a_field'), 'new_value')
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_set_missing_field(self):
"Test that setting a new student_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(student_state_key('not_a_field'), 'new_value')
"Test that setting a new user_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('not_a_field'), 'new_value')
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'a_value', 'not_a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_delete_existing_field(self):
"Test that deleting an existing field removes it from the StudentModule"
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, student_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, user_state_key('not_a_field'))
def test_delete_missing_field(self):
"Test that deleting a missing field from an existing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, student_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, user_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'a_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_has_existing_field(self):
"Test that `has` returns True for existing fields in StudentModules"
def test_has_missing_field(self):
"Test that `has` returns False for missing fields in StudentModule"
class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
......@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
def test_get_field_from_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that getting a field from a missing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, student_state_key('a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, user_state_key('a_field'))
def test_set_field_in_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that setting a field in a missing StudentModule creates the student module"
self.assertEquals(0, len(self.mdc.cache))
self.assertEquals(0, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.kvs.set(student_state_key('a_field'), 'a_value')
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('a_field'), 'a_value')
self.assertEquals(1, len(self.mdc.cache))
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
......@@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
def test_delete_field_from_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that deleting a field from a missing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, student_state_key('a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, user_state_key('a_field'))
def test_has_field_for_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that `has` returns False for missing StudentModules"
class StorageTestBase(object):
......@@ -286,13 +286,13 @@ class TestContentStorage(StorageTestBase, TestCase):
class TestStudentPrefsStorage(StorageTestBase, TestCase):
factory = StudentPrefsFactory
scope = Scope.student_preferences
key_factory = student_prefs_key
scope = Scope.preferences
key_factory = prefs_key
storage_class = XModuleStudentPrefsField
class TestStudentInfoStorage(StorageTestBase, TestCase):
factory = StudentInfoFactory
scope = Scope.student_info
key_factory = student_info_key
scope = Scope.user_info
key_factory = user_info_key
storage_class = XModuleStudentInfoField
import logging
from mock import MagicMock, patch
from mock import MagicMock
import datetime
import factory
import unittest
import os
from django.test import TestCase
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
from django.http import Http404
from django.conf import settings
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore, _MODULESTORES
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import InvalidLocationError,\
ItemNotFoundError, NoPathToItem
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
import courseware.views as views
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from .factories import UserFactory
class Stub():
......@@ -55,7 +48,6 @@ class TestJumpTo(TestCase):
def test_jumpto_invalid_location(self):
location = Location('i4x', 'edX', 'toy', 'NoSuchPlace', None)
jumpto_url = '%s/%s/jump_to/%s' % ('/courses', self.course_name, location)
expected = 'courses/edX/toy/2012_Fall/courseware/Overview/'
response = self.client.get(jumpto_url)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
......@@ -124,3 +116,26 @@ class ViewsTestCase(TestCase):
request, 'bar', ())
self.assertRaisesRegexp(Http404, 'No data*', views.jump_to, request,
'dummy', self.location)
def test_no_end_on_about_page(self):
# Toy course has no course end date or about/end_date blob
def test_no_end_about_blob(self):
# test_end has a course end date, no end_date HTML blob
self.verify_end_date("edX/test_end/2012_Fall", "Sep 17, 2015")
def test_about_blob_end_date(self):
# test_about_blob_end_date has both a course end date and an end_date HTML blob.
# HTML blob wins
self.verify_end_date("edX/test_about_blob_end_date/2012_Fall", "Learning never ends")
def verify_end_date(self, course_id, expected_end_text=None):
request = self.request_factory.get("foo")
request.user = self.user
result = views.course_about(request, course_id)
if expected_end_text is not None:
self.assertContains(result, "Classes End")
self.assertContains(result, expected_end_text)
self.assertNotContains(result, "Classes End")
......@@ -630,6 +630,7 @@ def progress(request, course_id, student_id=None):
'courseware_summary': courseware_summary,
'grade_summary': grade_summary,
'staff_access': staff_access,
'student': student,
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Enrollments.
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from student.models import CourseEnrollment, assign_default_role
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from django_comment_client.models import assign_default_role
class Command(BaseCommand):
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Enrollments.
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from student.models import CourseEnrollment, assign_default_role
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from django_comment_client.models import assign_default_role
class Command(BaseCommand):
Reload forum (comment client) users from existing users.
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import comment_client as cc
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = 'Reload forum (comment client) users from existing users'
def adduser(self,user):
print user
cc_user = cc.User.from_django_user(user)
except Exception as err:
print "update user info to discussion failed for user with id: %s" % user
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if len(args) != 0:
uset = [User.objects.get(username=x) for x in args]
uset = User.objects.all()
for user in uset:
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import InvalidLocationError, ItemNotFoundError, NoPathToItem
from import path_to_location
import xmodule.graders as xmgraders
import track.views
from .offline_gradecalc import student_grades, offline_grades_available
......@@ -208,6 +209,10 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
track.views.server_track(request, 'dump-answer-dist-csv', {}, page='idashboard')
return return_csv('answer_dist_{0}.csv'.format(course_id), get_answers_distribution(request, course_id))
elif 'Dump description of graded assignments configuration' in action:
track.views.server_track(request, action, {}, page='idashboard')
msg += dump_grading_context(course)
elif "Reset student's attempts" in action or "Delete student state for problem" in action:
# get the form data
unique_student_identifier = request.POST.get('unique_student_identifier', '')
......@@ -1122,3 +1127,50 @@ def compute_course_stats(course):
stats = dict(counts) # number of each kind of module
return stats
def dump_grading_context(course):
Dump information about course grading context (eg which problems are graded in what assignments)
Very useful for debugging grading_policy.json and policy.json
msg = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
msg += "Course grader:\n"
msg += '%s\n' % course.grader.__class__
graders = {}
if isinstance(course.grader, xmgraders.WeightedSubsectionsGrader):
msg += '\n'
msg += "Graded sections:\n"
for subgrader, category, weight in course.grader.sections:
msg += " subgrader=%s, type=%s, category=%s, weight=%s\n" % (subgrader.__class__, subgrader.type, category, weight)
subgrader.index = 1
graders[subgrader.type] = subgrader
msg += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
msg += "Listing grading context for course %s\n" %
gc = course.grading_context
msg += "graded sections:\n"
msg += '%s\n' % gc['graded_sections'].keys()
for (gs, gsvals) in gc['graded_sections'].items():
msg += "--> Section %s:\n" % (gs)
for sec in gsvals:
s = sec['section_descriptor']
format = getattr(s, 'format', None)
aname = ''
if format in graders:
g = graders[format]
aname = '%s %02d' % (g.short_label, g.index)
g.index += 1
elif s.display_name in graders:
g = graders[s.display_name]
aname = '%s' % g.short_label
notes = ''
if getattr(s, 'score_by_attempt', False):
notes = ', score by attempt!'
msg += " %s (format=%s, Assignment=%s%s)\n" % (s.display_name, format, aname, notes)
msg += "all descriptors:\n"
msg += "length=%d\n" % len(gc['all_descriptors'])
msg = '<pre>%s</pre>' % msg.replace('<','&lt;')
return msg
......@@ -39,12 +39,14 @@ def getip(request):
def get_commit_id(course):
return course.metadata.get('GIT_COMMIT_ID', 'No commit id')
#return course.metadata.get('GIT_COMMIT_ID', 'No commit id')
return getattr(course, 'GIT_COMMIT_ID', 'No commit id')
# getattr([reload_dir], 'GIT_COMMIT_ID','No commit id')
def set_commit_id(course, commit_id):
course.metadata['GIT_COMMIT_ID'] = commit_id
#course.metadata['GIT_COMMIT_ID'] = commit_id
setattr(course, 'GIT_COMMIT_ID', commit_id)
# setattr([reload_dir], 'GIT_COMMIT_ID', new_commit_id)
......@@ -124,7 +126,8 @@ def manage_modulestores(request, reload_dir=None, commit_id=None):
dumpfields = ['definition', 'location', 'metadata']
#dumpfields = ['definition', 'location', 'metadata']
dumpfields = ['location', 'metadata']
for cdir, course in
html += '<hr width="100%"/>'
......@@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ def manage_modulestores(request, reload_dir=None, commit_id=None):
html += '<p>commit_id=%s</p>' % get_commit_id(course)
for field in dumpfields:
data = getattr(course, field)
data = getattr(course, field, None)
html += '<h3>%s</h3>' % field
if type(data) == dict:
html += '<ul>'
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Sum, Max
from psychometrics.models import *
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.psychometrics")
......@@ -246,13 +245,16 @@ def generate_plots_for_problem(problem):
yset['ydat'] = ydat
if len(ydat) > 3: # try to fit to logistic function if enough data points
cfp = curve_fit(func_2pl, xdat, ydat, [1.0, max_attempts / 2.0])
yset['fitparam'] = cfp
yset['fitpts'] = func_2pl(np.array(xdat), *cfp[0])
yset['fiterr'] = [yd - yf for (yd, yf) in zip(ydat, yset['fitpts'])]
fitx = np.linspace(xdat[0], xdat[-1], 100)
yset['fitx'] = fitx
yset['fity'] = func_2pl(np.array(fitx), *cfp[0])
cfp = curve_fit(func_2pl, xdat, ydat, [1.0, max_attempts / 2.0])
yset['fitparam'] = cfp
yset['fitpts'] = func_2pl(np.array(xdat), *cfp[0])
yset['fiterr'] = [yd - yf for (yd, yf) in zip(ydat, yset['fitpts'])]
fitx = np.linspace(xdat[0], xdat[-1], 100)
yset['fitx'] = fitx
yset['fity'] = func_2pl(np.array(fitx), *cfp[0])
except Exception as err:
log.debug('Error in psychoanalyze curve fitting: %s' % err)
dataset['grade_%d' % grade] = yset
......@@ -289,7 +291,7 @@ def generate_plots_for_problem(problem):
'info': '',
'data': jsdata,
'cmd': '[%s], %s' % (','.join(jsplots), axisopts),
#log.debug('plots = %s' % plots)
return msg, plots
......@@ -302,12 +304,12 @@ def make_psychometrics_data_update_handler(course_id, user, module_state_key):
Construct and return a procedure which may be called to update
the PsychometricsData instance for the given StudentModule instance.
sm = studentmodule.objects.get_or_create(
defaults={'state': '{}', 'module_type': 'problem'},
sm, status = StudentModule.objects.get_or_create(
defaults={'state': '{}', 'module_type': 'problem'},
pmd = PsychometricData.objects.using(db).get(studentmodule=sm)
......@@ -329,7 +331,11 @@ def make_psychometrics_data_update_handler(course_id, user, module_state_key):
pmd.done = done
pmd.attempts = state['attempts']
pmd.attempts = state.get('attempts', 0)
log.exception("no attempts for %s (state=%s)" % (sm, sm.state))
checktimes = eval(pmd.checktimes) # update log of attempt timestamps
......@@ -144,10 +144,20 @@
<li><div class="icon course-number"></div><p>Course Number</p><span class="course-number">${course.number}</span></li>
<li><div class="icon start"></div><p>Classes Start</p><span class="start-date">${course.start_date_text}</span></li>
## End date should come from course.xml, but this is a quick hack
% if get_course_about_section(course, "end_date"):
<li><div class="icon end"></div><p>Classes End</p><span class="final-date">${get_course_about_section(course, "end_date")}</span></li>
% endif
## We plan to ditch end_date (which is not stored in course metadata),
## but for backwards compatibility, show about/end_date blob if it exists.
% if get_course_about_section(course, "end_date") or course.end:
<div class="icon end"></div>
<p>Classes End</p><span class="final-date">
% if get_course_about_section(course, "end_date"):
${get_course_about_section(course, "end_date")}
% else:
% endif
% endif
% if get_course_about_section(course, "effort"):
<li><div class="icon effort"></div><p>Estimated Effort</p><span class="start-date">${get_course_about_section(course, "effort")}</span></li>
......@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Download CSV of answer distributions">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Dump description of graded assignments configuration">
<hr width="40%" style="align:left">
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ${progress_graph.body(grade_summary, course.grade_cutoffs, "grade-detail-graph",
<section class="course-info">
<h1>Course Progress</h1>
<h1>Course Progress for Student '${student.username}' (${})</h1>
%if not course.disable_progress_graph:
......@@ -6,7 +6,16 @@
<link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href=""/>
<link type="application/atom+xml" rel="self" href=""/>
<title>EdX Blog</title>
<link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href="${reverse('press/stanford-to-work-with-edx')}"/>
<title>Stanford University to Collaborate with edX on Development of Non-Profit Open Source edX Platform</title>
<content type="html">&lt;img src=&quot;${static.url('images/press/releases/stanford-university_204x114.png')}&quot; /&gt;
......@@ -159,13 +159,50 @@
<li>Proactive, optimistic approach to problem solving.</li>
<li>Commitment to constant personal and organizational improvement.</li>
<li>Willingness to travel to partner sites as needed. </li>
<li>Bachelors required, Master’s in Education, organizational learning, or other related field preferred. </li>
<li>Bachelor's or Master’s in Education, organizational learning, or other related field preferred. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.</li>
<p>If you are interested in this position, please send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<article id="trainer" class="job">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<p>All those Universities on the edX homepage are full of incredible professors and teaching teams, designing on-line courses that will change the face of education. The edX team is constantly training whole new university teams on how to make their visions shine using edX software. We’re looking for some truly talented people to help train people on the tools that are enabling the future of education.</p>
<li>Facilitate training programs as required ensuring that best practices are incorporated in all learning environments.</li>
<li>Create and design learning materials for training curriculums, incorporate edX best practices into training curriculum.</li>
<li>Incorporate key performance metrics into training modules; participate in strategic initiatives</li>
<li>Measure, monitor and share training results with business units to identify future training opportunities.</li>
<li>Identify and leverage existing resources to maximize partner efficiency and productivity. </li>
<li>Work with both Universities and edX to provide strategic input based on future training needs.</li>
<li>Communicate effectively in oral and written presentations.</li>
<li>Analyze learners training needs and identify cross training opportunities.</li>
<li>Mentor and train others on training tools to expand training efficiency and uniformity.</li>
<li>Build relationships with universities to be viewed as a trusted training partner. </li>
<li>Minimum of 1-3 years experience developing and delivering educational training, preferably in an educational technology organization. </li>
<li>Lean and Agile thinking and training. Experienced in Scrum or kanban preferred.</li>
<li>Excellent interpersonal skills including proven presentation and facilitation skills.</li>
<li>Strong oral and written communication skills.</li>
<li>Flexibility to work on a variety of initiatives; prior startup experience preferred.</li>
<li>Outstanding work ethic, results-oriented, and creative/innovative style.</li>
<li>Proactive, optimistic approach to problem solving.</li>
<li>Commitment to constant personal and organizational improvement.</li>
<li>Willingness to travel to partner sites as needed.</li>
<li>Bachelors or Master’s in Education, organizational learning, instructional design or other related field preferred. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.</li>
<p>If you are interested in this position, please send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<article id="instructional-designer" class="job">
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<h3><strong>INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER</strong></h3>
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<li>Master's Degree in Educational Technology, Instructional Design or related field. Experience in higher education with additional experience in a start-up or research environment preferable.</li>
<li>Excellent interpersonal and communication (written and verbal), project management, problem-solving and time management skills. The ability to be flexible with projects and to work on multiple courses essential.</li> Ability to meet deadlines and manage expectations of constituents.
<li>Master's Degree in Educational Technology, Instructional Design or related field. Experience in higher education with additional experience in a start-up or research environment preferable. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.</li>
<li>Experience in higher education with additional experience in a start-up or research environment preferable.</li>
<li>Excellent interpersonal and communication (written and verbal), project management, problem-solving and time management skills. The ability to be flexible with projects and to work on multiple courses essential.</li>
<li>Ability to meet deadlines and manage expectations of constituents.</li>
<li>Capacity to develop new and relevant technology skills. Experience using game theory design and learning analytics to inform instructional design decisions and strategy.</li>
<li>Technical Skills: Video and screencasting experience. LMS Platform experience, xml, HTML, CSS, Adobe Design Suite, Camtasia or Captivate experience. Experience with web 2.0 collaboration tools.</li>
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<p>edX Program Managers (PM) lead the edX's course production process. They are systems thinkers who manage the creation of a course from start to finish. PMs work with University Professors and course staff to help them take advantage of edX services to create world class online learning offerings and encourage the exploration of an emerging form of higher education.</p>
<li>Create and execute the course production cycle. PMs are able to examine and explain what they do in great detail and able to think abstractly about people, time, and processes. They coordinate the efforts of multiple</li> teams engaged in the production of the courses assigned to them.
<li>Create and execute the course production cycle. PMs are able to examine and explain what they do in great detail and able to think abstractly about people, time, and processes. They coordinate the efforts of multiple teams engaged in the production of the courses assigned to them.</li>
<li>Train partners and drive best practices adoption. PMs train course staff from partner institutions and help them adopt best practices for workflow and tools. </li>
<li>Build capacity. Mentor staff at partner institutions, train the trainers that help them scale their course production ability.</li>
<li>Create visibility. PMs are responsible for making the state of the course production system accessible and comprehensible to all stakeholders. They are capable of training Course development teams in Scrum and</li> Kanban, and are Lean thinkers and educators.
<li>Create visibility. PMs are responsible for making the state of the course production system accessible and comprehensible to all stakeholders. They are capable of training Course development teams in Scrum and Kanban, and are Lean thinkers and educators.</li>
<li>Improve workflows. PMs are responsible for carefully assessing the methods and outputs of each course and adjusting them to take best advantage of available resources.</li>
<li>Encourage innovation. Spark creativity in course teams to build new courses that could never be produced in brick and mortar settings.</li>
<li>Bachelor's Degree. Master's Degree preferred.</li>
<li>Bachelor's Degree. Master's Degree preferred. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.</li>
<li>At least 2 years of experience working with University faculty and administrators.</li>
<li>Proven record of successful Scrum or Kanban project management, including use of project management tools. </li>
<li>Ability to create processes that systematically provide solutions to open ended challenges.</li>
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<article id="project-manager-pmo" class="job">
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<h3><strong>PROJECT MANAGER (PMO)</strong></h3>
<p>As a fast paced, rapidly growing organization serving the evolving online higher education market, edX maximizes its talents and resources. To help make the most of this unapologetically intelligent and dedicated team, we seek a project manager to increase the accuracy of our resource and schedule estimates and our stakeholder satisfaction.</p>
<li>Coordinate multiple projects to bring Courses, Software Product and Marketing initiatives to market, all of which are related, which have both dedicated and shared resources.</li>
<li>Provide, at a moment’s notice, the state of development, so that priorities can be enforced or reset, so that future expectations can be set accurately.</li>
<li>Develop lean processes that supports a wide variety of efforts which draw on a shared resource pool.</li>
<li>Develop metrics on resource use that support the leadership team in optimizing how they respond to unexpected challenges and new opportunities.</li>
<li>Accurately and clearly escalate only those issues which need escalation for productive resolution. Assist in establishing consensus for all other issues.</li>
<li>Advise the team on best practices, whether developed internally or as industry standards.</li>
<li>Recommend to the leadership team how to re-deploy key resources to better match stated priorities.</li>
<li>Help the organization deliver on its commitments with more consistency and efficiency. Allow the organization to respond to new opportunities with more certainty in its ability to forecast resource needs.</li>
<li>Select and maintain project management tools for Scrum and Kanban that can serve as the standard for those we use with our partners.</li>
<li>Forecast future resource needs given the strategic direction of the organization.</li>
<li>Bachelor’s degree or higher</li>
<li>Exquisite communication skills, especially listening</li>
<li>Inexhaustible attention to detail with the ability to let go of perfection</li>
<li>Deep commitment to Lean project management, including a dedication to its best intentions not just its rituals</li>
<li>Sense of humor and humility</li>
<li>Ability to hold on to the important in the face of the urgent</li>
<p>If you are interested in this position, please send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<article id="director-of-product-management" class="job">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
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<li>Bachelor’s degree or higher in a Technical Area</li>
<li>MBA or Masters in Design preferred</li>
<li>Bachelor’s degree or higher in a Technical Area, MBA or Masters in Design preferred. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.</li>
<li>Proven ability to develop and implement strategy</li>
<li>Exquisite organizational skills</li>
<li>Deep analytical skills</li>
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<li>Bachelor’s degree or higher</li>
<li>Bachelor’s degree or higher. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.</li>
<li>Thorough knowledge of Python, DJango, XML,HTML, CSS , Javascript and backbone.js</li>
<li>Ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously without splintering</li>
<li>Tactfully escalate conflicting deadlines or priorities only when needed. Otherwise help the team members negotiate a solution.</li>
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<li>Test Driven Development</li>
<li>Committed to Documentation best practices so your code can be consumed in an open source environment</li>
<li>Contributor to or consumer of Open Source Frameworks</li>
<li>BS in Computer Science from top-tier institution</li>
<li>BS in Computer Science from top-tier institution. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.</li>
<li>Acknowledged by peers as a technology leader </li>
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<article id="devops-engineer-systems-administrator" class="job">
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<p>The Devop Engineers at edX help develop and maintain the infrastructure in AWS for all services and systems required to run edX. We're seeking a capable systems administrator who is unafraid of scripting languages and development to build out tools in order to improve the functionality of edX. The devops team primarily focuses on the provisioning, configuration, and deployment of services at edX. If you have a passion for automation and constant improvement then we want to hear from you. Our production environment is primarily built on Ubuntu (in AWS) and we use Puppet and Fabric to manage most of the environment.</p>
<p>In addition to the primary task of building infrastructure the Devops team supports the developers in a variety of other contexts, including helping with desktop development environments if required. We participate in on-call and emergency support and there will be occasional out of normal hours work required.</p>
<li>Work with developers and staff to maintain and improve the infrastructure of edX.</li>
<li>Assist where needed with other technical support tasks to support the fast moving pace of edX.</li>
<li>Rapidly diagnose and resolve faults with organization-wide servers and services, and communicate to users as appropriate.</li>
<li>Bachelor's degree in engineering or computer science. But we're all about education, so let us know how you gained what you need to succeed in this role: projects after completing 6.00x or CS50x, Xbox cheevos, on-line guilds led, large scale innovations championed.3 or more years of systems administration. </li>
<li>Must have an excellent working knowledge of Linux both as an end-user and as an administrator.</li>
<li>Must be adept in programming/scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, Bash.</li>
<li>Must be familiar with a configuration management system such as Puppet, Chef, Ansible.</li>
<li>Must have experience running web applications in a production environment.</li>
<li>Must have excellent personal interaction skills as the position requires interfacing with a wide range of people up to board level.</li>
<li>Ideally possesses experience with some of the following technologies: nginx, mysql, mongodb, django environments, splunk, git.</li>
<p>If you are interested in this position, please send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<article id="learning-sciences-engineer" class="job">
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<h3><strong>LEARNING SCIENCES ENGINEER</strong></h3>
<p>In 2012, edX reinvented education. In 2013, the edX learning sciences team is charged with reinventing education, again. The goal of the team is to prototype and develop technologies which will radically change the way students learn and instructors teach. We will engage in projects in learning analytics, crowdsourced content development, intelligent tutoring, as well as radical changes to the ways course content is structured. We are looking to opportunistically build a small (3 person), fast-moving team capable of rapidly bringing advanced development projects to prototype and to market. All members of the team must be spectacular software engineers capable of working in or adapting to dynamic, duck typed, functional languages (Python and JavaScript). In addition, we are looking for some combination of:</p>
<li>Deep expertise in mathematics, and in particular, advanced linear algebra, machine learning, big data, psychometrics, and probability. </li>
<li>UX design. Capable of envisioning user interface for software that does things that have never been done before, and bringing them through to market. Skills should be broad and range the full gamut: graphic design, UX, HTML5, basic JavaScript, and CSS. </li>
<li>Interest and experience in both research and practice of education, cognitive science, and related fields. </li>
<li>Core backend experience (Python, Django, MongoDB, SQL)</li>
<li>Background in social networks and social network analysis (both social science and mathematics) is desirable as well.</li>
<p>More than anything, we’re looking for spectacular people capable of very rapidly building things which have never been built before. We’re capable of providing both traditional employment, and potentially, in partnership with MIT, more academic opportunities.</p>
<p>If you are interested in this position, please send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<section class="jobs-sidebar">
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<a href="#director-of-education-services">Director of Education Services</a>
<a href="#manager-of-training-services">Manager of Training Services</a>
<a href="#trainer">Trainer</a>
<a href="#instructional-designer">Instructional Designer</a>
<a href="#program-manager">Program Manager</a>
<a href="#project-manager-pmo">Project Manager (PMO)</a>
<a href="#director-of-product-management">Director of Product Management</a>
<a href="#content-engineer">Content Engineer</a>
<a href="#software-engineer">Software Engineer</a>
<a href="#devops-engineer-systems-administrator">Devops Engineer - Systems Administrator</a>
<a href="#learning-sciences-engineer">Learning Sciences Engineer</a>
<h2>How to Apply</h2>
<p>E-mail your resume, cover letter and any other materials to <a href=""></a></p>
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<h1>Stanford University to Collaborate with edX on Development of Non-Profit Open Source edX Platform</h1>
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<h2>edX Learning Platform to be open source and available on June 1</h2>
<p><strong>CAMBRIDGE, MA and STANFORD, CA &ndash; April 3, 2013 &ndash;</strong>
Stanford University and <a href="">edX</a>, the not-for-profit online learning enterprise founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), today announced their collaboration to advance the development of edX’s open source learning platform and provide free and open online learning tools for institutions around the world.</p>
<p>As part of this announcement, edX will release the source code for its entire online learning platform on June 1, 2013. In support of that move, Stanford will integrate features of its existing Class2Go platform into the edX platform, use the integration as an internal platform for online coursework for on-campus and distance learners, and work collaboratively with edX and other institutions to further develop the edX platform.</p>
<p>“This collaboration brings together two leaders in online education in a common effort to ensure that the world’s universities have the strongest possible not-for-profit, open source platform available to them,” said John Mitchell, vice provost for online learning at Stanford University. “A not-for-profit, open source platform will help universities experiment with different ways to produce and share content, fostering continued innovation through a vibrant community of contributors.”</p>
<p>EdX and Stanford will collaborate along with others around the globe on the ongoing development and refinement of the edX online learning platform. As of June 1, developers everywhere will be able to freely access the source code of the edX learning platform, including code for its Learning Management System (LMS); Studio, a course authoring tool; xBlock, an application programming interface (API) for integrating third-party learning objects; and machine grading API’s. EdX will support and nurture the community of developers contributing to the enhancement of the edX platform by providing a rich environment for developer collaboration as well as technical and process guidelines to facilitate developer contributions.</p>
<p>“It has been our vision to offer our platform as open source since edX’s founding by Harvard and MIT,” stated Anant Agarwal, president of edX. “We are now realizing that vision, and I am pleased to welcome Stanford University, one of the world’s leading institutions of higher education, to further this global open source solution. I want to acknowledge the key role played by our X Consortium member UC Berkeley, which was instrumental in fostering this collaboration. We believe the edX platform—the Linux of learning—will benefit from all the world’s institutions and communities.”</p>
<p>EdX is pursuing an open source vision to enhance access to higher education for the entire world. One of the chief benefits of massive open online courses (MOOCs) is that they bring together a tremendously diverse student body to learn with and from each other. EdX has chosen to extend that perspective to its learning platform as well, knowing that drawing upon the global community of developers is an effective route to both transform and deliver the world’s best and most accessible online and blended learning experience.</p>
<p>MOOCs and innovative online teaching approaches on college campuses, such as the “flipped classroom,” use web environments that support interactive video, online discussion, social/cohort interaction, assessment and other functions. Open source online learning platforms will allow universities to develop their own delivery methods, partner with other universities and institutions as they choose, collect data, and control branding of their educational material. Further developing online opportunities through open source technology is a key objective of the partnership between edX and Stanford.</p>
<p>Stanford will continue to provide a range of platforms for its instructors to choose from in hosting their online coursework, including continued partnerships with Coursera and other providers. The university will focus its ongoing platform development efforts on the new platform, combining key features from the Class2Go open source platform with the open source edX code base.</p>
<p>The edX learning platform source code, as well as platform developments from Stanford, edX and other contributors, will be available on June 1, 2013 and can be accessed from the edX Platform Repository located at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<h2>About edX</h2>
<p><a href="">EdX</a> is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding partners <a href="">Harvard University</a> and the <a href="">Massachusetts Institute of Technology</a> focused on transforming online and on-campus learning through groundbreaking methodologies, game-like experiences and cutting-edge research. EdX provides inspirational and transformative knowledge to students of all ages, social status, and income who form worldwide communities of learners. EdX uses its open source technology to transcend physical and social borders. We’re focused on people, not profit. EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the USA.</p>
<h2>About Stanford University</h2>
<a href="">Stanford University</a> is engaged in a variety of efforts to develop online learning – experimenting with coursework for both on-campus and off-campus students, researching key questions around what a digital environment means for teaching and learning, and pursuing platform development. More information on Stanford’s online learning activities is available at <a href=""></a>
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<p><strong>Media Contact:</strong></p>
<p>Dan O'Connell</p>
<p>(617) 480-6585</p>
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<p>Brad Hayward</p>
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<p>Lisa Lapin</p>
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<div class="logo"></div><h3 class="date">DATE: 04 - 03 - 2013</h3>
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<%block name="university_description">
<p>The University of Texas at Austin is the top-ranked public university in a nearly 1,000-mile radius, and is ranked in the top 25 universities in the world. Students have been finding their passion in life at UT Austin for more than 130 years, and it has been a member of the prestigious AAU since 1929. UT Austin combines the academic depth and breadth of a world research institute (regularly ranking within the top three producers of doctoral degrees in the country) with the fun and excitement of a big-time collegiate experience. It is currently the fifth-largest university in America, with more than 50,000 students and 3,000 professors across 17 colleges and schools, and is the first major American university to build a medical school in the past 50 years.</p>
<p>The University of Texas at Austin is the top-ranked public university in a nearly 1,000-mile radius, and is ranked in the top 25 universities in the world. Students have been finding their passion in life at UT Austin for more than 130 years, and it has been a member of the prestigious AAU since 1929. UT Austin combines the academic depth and breadth of a world research institute (regularly ranking within the top three producers of doctoral degrees in the country) with the fun and excitement of a big-time collegiate experience. It is currently the fifth-largest university in America, with more than 50,000 students and 3,000 professors across 17 colleges and schools. UT Austin will be opening the Dell Medical School in 2016.</p>
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<%block name="university_description">
<p>Educating students, providing care for patients, conducting groundbreaking research and serving the needs of Texans and the nation for more than 130 years, The University of Texas System is one of the largest public university systems in the United States, with nine academic universities and six health science centers. Student enrollment exceeded 215,000 in the 2011 academic year. The UT System confers more than one-third of the state’s undergraduate degrees and educates nearly three-fourths of the state’s health care professionals annually. The UT System has an annual operating budget of $13.1 billion (FY 2012) including $2.3 billion in sponsored programs funded by federal, state, local and private sources. With roughly 87,000 employees, the UT System is one of the largest employers in the state.</p>
<p>Find out about the <a href="${reverse('university_profile', args=['UTAustinX'])}">University of Texas Austin</a>.</p>
<p>Find out about <a href="${reverse('university_profile', args=['UTAustinX'])}">The University of Texas at Austin</a>.</p>
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url(r'^press/xblock_announcement$', 'static_template_view.views.render',
{'template': 'press_releases/xblock_announcement.html'},
url(r'^press/stanford-to-work-with-edx$', 'static_template_view.views.render',
{'template': 'press_releases/stanford_announcement.html'},
# Should this always update to point to the latest press release?
(r'^pressrelease$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to',
......@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
# XBlock:
# Might change frequently, so put it in local-requirements.txt,
# but conceptually is an external package, so it is in a separate repo.
-e git+ssh://
-e git+
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