Commit dbf1dc68 by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia

Added some debug output information via logme().

parent 5f988fd9
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define('Graph', [], function () {
define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
return Graph;
......@@ -141,46 +141,72 @@ define('Graph', [], function () {
'end': 10,
'step': 0.1
logme('Default xrange:', xrange);
// The 'xrange' is a string containing two floating point numbers
// separated by a comma. The first number is the starting
// x-coordinate , the second number is the ending x-coordinate
if (typeof config.plot['xrange'] === 'string') {
logme('xrange is a string; xrange = "' + config.plot['xrange'] + '".');
xRangeStr = config.plot['xrange'];
xRangeBlobs = xRangeStr.split(',');
if (xRangeBlobs.length === 2) {
logme('xrange contains 2 blobs; 1 -> "' + xRangeBlobs[0] + '", 2 -> "' + xRangeBlobs[1] + '".');
tempNum = parseFloat(xRangeBlobs[0]);
if (isNaN(tempNum) === false) {
xrange.start = tempNum;
logme('First blob was parsed as a float. xrange.start = "' + xrange.start + '".');
} else {
logme('ERROR: First blob was parsed as a NaN.');
tempNum = parseFloat(xRangeBlobs[1]);
if (isNaN(tempNum) === false) {
xrange.end = tempNum;
logme('Second blob was parsed as a float. xrange.end = "' + xrange.end + '".');
} else {
logme('ERROR: Second blob was parsed as a NaN.');
if (xrange.start >= xrange.end) {
xrange.start = 0;
xrange.end = 10;
logme('xrange.start is greater than xrange.end - will set defaults. xrange.start = "' + xrange.start + '". xrange.end = "' + xrange.end + '".');
} else {
logme('ERROR: xrange does not contain 2 blobs.');
} else {
logme('ERROR: xrange is not a string.');
// The user can specify the number of points. However, internally
// we will use it to generate a 'step' - i.e. the distance (on
// x-axis) between two adjacent points.
if (typeof config.plot['num_points'] === 'string') {
logme('num_points is a string. num_points = "' + config.plot['num_points'] + '".');
tempNum = parseInt(config.plot['num_points'], 10);
if (
(isNaN(tempNum) === false) &&
(isNaN(tempNum) === false) ||
(tempNum >= 2) &&
(tempNum <= 500)
) {
logme('num_points was parsed as a number. num_points = "' + tempNum + '".');
xrange.step = (xrange.end - xrange.start) / (tempNum - 1);
logme('xrange.step = "' + xrange.step + '".');
} else {
logme('ERROR: num_points was not parsed as a number, or num_points < 2, or num_points > 500.');
} else {
logme('ERROR: num_points is not a string.');
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