Commit d778f2e9 by Brian Talbot Committed by Giulio Gratta

updates jasmine tests to correspond to new capa template HTML

parent a377f860
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
expect($('section.action input.reset')).toHandleWith 'click', @problem.reset
it 'bind the show button', ->
expect($('section.action')).toHandleWith 'click',
expect($('section.action')).toHandleWith 'click',
it 'bind the save button', ->
expect($('section.action')).toHandleWith 'click',
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
it 'toggle the show answer button', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback(answers: {})
expect($('.show')).toHaveValue 'Hide Answer'
expect($('.show .show-label')).toHaveText 'Hide Answer(s)'
it 'add the showed class to element', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback(answers: {})
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
expect($('label[for="input_1_1_3"]')).toHaveAttr 'correct_answer', 'true'
expect($('label[for="input_1_2_1"]')).not.toHaveAttr 'correct_answer', 'true'
describe 'when the answers are alreay shown', ->
describe 'when the answers are already shown', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem.el.addClass 'showed'
@problem.el.prepend '''
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
it 'toggle the show answer button', ->
expect($('.show')).toHaveValue 'Show Answer'
expect($('.show .show-label')).toHaveText 'Show Answer(s)'
it 'remove the showed class from element', ->
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