Commit d5d7d654 by Nimisha Asthagiri

fixup! Split Test Transformer fixes.

parent 2021ba63
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from .transformers import (
from .user_info import CourseUserInfo
......@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ class SplitTestTransformer(BlockStructureTransformer):
# set group access for each child
for child_location in xblock.children:
child = block_structure.get_xblock(child_location)
child.group_access[] = [child_to_group[child_location]]
group = child_to_group.get(child_location, None)
child.group_access[] = [group] if group else []
def transform(self, user_info, block_structure):
......@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ class CourseStructureTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.user = UserFactory.create(password=self.password)
self.staff = UserFactory.create(password=self.password, is_staff=True)
def create_block_id(self, block_type, block_ref):
Returns the block id (display name) that is used in the test
course structures for the given block type and block reference string.
return '{}_{}'.format(block_type, block_ref)
def build_xblock(self, block_hierarchy, block_map, parent):
Build an XBlock, add it to block_map, and call build_xblock on the
......@@ -47,7 +54,7 @@ class CourseStructureTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
kwargs['parent'] = parent
xblock = factory.create(
display_name='{} {}'.format(block_type, block_ref),
display_name=self.create_block_id(block_type, block_ref),
......@@ -63,15 +70,35 @@ class CourseStructureTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
The additional parents are obtained from the '#parents' field
and is expected to be a list of '#ref' values of the parents.
Note: if a '#parents' field is found, the block is removed from
the course block since it is expected to not belong to the root.
If the block is meant to be a direct child of the course as well,
the course should be explicitly listed in '#parents'.
block_hierarchy (BlockStructureDict): Definition of block hierarchy.
block_map (dict[str: XBlock]): Mapping from '#ref' values to their XBlocks.
parents = block_hierarchy.get('#parents', [])
for parent_ref in parents:
parent_block = block_map[parent_ref]
if parents:
block_key = block_map[block_hierarchy['#ref']].location
# First remove the block from the course.
# It would be re-added to the course if the course was
# explicitly listed in parents.
course = modulestore().get_item(block_map['course'].location)
block_map['course'] = update_block(course)
# Add this to block to each listed parent.
for parent_ref in parents:
parent_block = modulestore().get_item(block_map[parent_ref].location)
block_map[parent_ref] = update_block(parent_block)
# recursively call the children
for child_hierarchy in block_hierarchy.get('#children', []):
self.add_parents(child_hierarchy, block_map)
......@@ -278,3 +305,11 @@ def update_block(block):
Helper method to update the block in the modulestore
return modulestore().update_item(block, 'test_user')
def create_location(org, course, run, block_type, block_id):
Returns the usage key for the given key parameters using the
default modulestore
return modulestore().make_course_key(org, course, run).make_usage_key(block_type, block_id)
\ No newline at end of file
Tests for SplitTestTransformer.
import ddt
import openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.course_tag.api as course_tag_api
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.partition_schemes import RandomUserPartitionScheme
from student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory
from xmodule.partitions.partitions import Group, UserPartition
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import check_mongo_calls, check_mongo_calls_range
from ...api import get_course_blocks
from ..user_partitions import UserPartitionTransformer, get_user_partition_groups
from .test_helpers import CourseStructureTestCase
from .test_helpers import CourseStructureTestCase, create_location
class SplitTestTransformerTestCase(CourseStructureTestCase):
SplitTestTransformer Test
def setUp(self):
Setup course structure and create user for split test transformer test.
......@@ -21,13 +28,12 @@ class SplitTestTransformerTestCase(CourseStructureTestCase):
super(SplitTestTransformerTestCase, self).setUp()
# Set up user partitions and groups.
self.groups = [Group(3, 'Group A'), Group(4, 'Group B')]
self.content_groups = [3, 4]
self.split_test_user_partition_id = 0
self.groups = [Group(1, 'Group 1'), Group(2, 'Group 2'), Group(3, 'Group 3')]
self.split_test_user_partition_id = self.TEST_PARTITION_ID
self.split_test_user_partition = UserPartition(
name='Partition 2',
description='This is partition 2',
name='Split Partition',
description='This is split partition',
......@@ -51,91 +57,170 @@ class SplitTestTransformerTestCase(CourseStructureTestCase):
Returns: dict[course_structure]
return [{
'org': 'SplitTestTransformer',
'course': 'ST101F',
'run': 'test_run',
'user_partitions': [self.split_test_user_partition],
'#type': 'course',
'#ref': 'course',
'#children': [
'#type': 'chapter',
'#ref': 'chapter1',
'#children': [
'#type': 'sequential',
'#ref': 'lesson1',
'#children': [
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'vertical1',
'#children': [
'metadata': {'category': 'split_test'},
'user_partition_id': 0,
'group_id_to_child': {
"3": "i4x://SplitTestTransformer/ST101F/vertical/vertical_vertical2",
"4": "i4x://SplitTestTransformer/ST101F/vertical/vertical_vertical3"
'#type': 'split_test',
'#ref': 'split_test1',
'#children': [
'metadata': {'display_name': "Group ID 3"},
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'vertical2',
'#children': [
'metadata': {'display_name': "Group A"},
'#type': 'html',
'#ref': 'html1',
'metadata': {'display_name': "Group ID 4"},
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'vertical3',
'#children': [
'metadata': {'display_name': "Group A"},
'#type': 'html',
'#ref': 'html2',
def test_user(self):
org_name = 'SplitTestTransformer'
course_name = 'ST101F'
run_name = 'test_run'
def location(block_ref, block_type='vertical'):
Returns the usage key for the given block_type and block reference string in the test course.
return create_location(
org_name, course_name, run_name, block_type, self.create_block_id(block_type, block_ref)
# course
# / | \
# / | \
# A BSplit CSplit
# / \ / | \ | \
# / \ / | \ | \
# D E[1] F[2] G[3] H[1] I[2]
# / \ \ |
# / \ \ |
# J KSplit \ L
# / | \ / \
# / | \ / \
# M[2] N[3] O P
return [
'org': org_name,
'course': course_name,
'run': run_name,
'user_partitions': [self.split_test_user_partition],
'#type': 'course',
'#ref': 'course',
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'A',
'#children': [{'#type': 'vertical', '#ref': 'D'}],
'#type': 'split_test',
'#ref': 'BSplit',
'metadata': {'category': 'split_test'},
'user_partition_id': self.TEST_PARTITION_ID,
'group_id_to_child': {
'1': location('E'),
'2': location('F'),
'3': location('G'),
'#children': [{'#type': 'vertical', '#ref': 'G'}],
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'E',
'#parents': ['A', 'BSplit'],
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'F',
'#parents': ['BSplit'],
'#children': [
{'#type': 'vertical', '#ref': 'J'},
'#type': 'split_test',
'#ref': 'KSplit',
'metadata': {'category': 'split_test'},
'user_partition_id': self.TEST_PARTITION_ID,
'group_id_to_child': {
'2': location('M'),
'3': location('N'),
'#parents': ['F'],
'#children': [
{'#type': 'vertical', '#ref': 'M'},
{'#type': 'vertical', '#ref': 'N'},
'#type': 'split_test',
'#ref': 'CSplit',
'metadata': {'category': 'split_test'},
'user_partition_id': self.TEST_PARTITION_ID,
'group_id_to_child': {
'1': location('H'),
'2': location('I'),
'#children': [
{'#type': 'vertical', '#ref': 'I'},
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'H',
'#children': [
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'L',
'#children': [{'#type': 'vertical', '#ref': 'P',},],
'#type': 'vertical',
'#ref': 'O',
'#parents': ['G', 'L'],
# Note: Theoretically, block E should be accessible by users
# not in Group 1, since there's an open path through block A.
# Since the split_test transformer automatically sets the block
# access on its children, it bypasses the paths via other
# parents. However, we don't think this is a use case we need to
# support for split_test components (since they are now deprecated
# in favor of content groups and user partitions).
(1, ('course', 'A', 'D', 'E', 'H', 'L', 'O', 'P',)),
(2, ('course', 'A', 'D', 'F', 'J', 'M', 'I',)),
(3, ('course', 'A', 'D', 'G', 'O',)),
def test_user(self, group_id, expected_blocks):
block_structure1 = get_course_blocks(
set(self.get_block_key_set(self.blocks, *expected_blocks)),
def test_user_randomly_assigned(self):
# user was randomly assigned to one of the groups
user_groups = get_user_partition_groups(, [self.split_test_user_partition], self.user
self.assertEquals(len(user_groups), 1)
group = user_groups[self.split_test_user_partition_id]
# determine expected blocks
expected_blocks = ['course', 'chapter1', 'lesson1', 'vertical1']
expected_blocks += (['vertical2', 'html1'] if == 3 else ['vertical3', 'html2'])
# calling twice should result in the same block set
for _ in range(2):
trans_block_structure = get_course_blocks(
with check_mongo_calls_range(min_finds=1):
block_structure1 = get_course_blocks(
set(self.get_block_key_set(self.blocks, *expected_blocks))
# with check_mongo_calls(0): TODO - debug issue with pickling
# block_structure2 = get_course_blocks(
# self.user,
# self.course.location,
# transformers={self.transformer},
# )
# self.assertEqual(
# set(block_structure1.get_block_keys()),
# set(block_structure2.get_block_keys()),
# )
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
Tests for UserPartitionTransformer.
import ddt
from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.partition_scheme import CohortPartitionScheme
from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.tests.helpers import CohortFactory, config_course_cohorts
from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.cohorts import add_user_to_cohort
......@@ -10,10 +12,11 @@ from student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory
from xmodule.partitions.partitions import Group, UserPartition
from course_blocks.transformers.user_partitions import UserPartitionTransformer
from course_blocks.api import get_course_blocks, clear_course_from_cache
from course_blocks.api import get_course_blocks
from lms.djangoapps.course_blocks.transformers.tests.test_helpers import CourseStructureTestCase
class UserPartitionTransformerTestCase(CourseStructureTestCase):
UserPartitionTransformer Test
......@@ -57,8 +60,6 @@ class UserPartitionTransformerTestCase(CourseStructureTestCase):,
add_user_to_cohort(self.cohorts[0], self.user.username)
self.transformer = UserPartitionTransformer()
def get_course_hierarchy(self):
......@@ -159,11 +160,20 @@ class UserPartitionTransformerTestCase(CourseStructureTestCase):
def test_user_assigned(self):
(None, ('course', 'B', 'O')),
(1, ('course', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'J', 'L', 'M', 'O')),
(2, ('course', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'M', 'O')),
(3, ('course', 'A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'I', 'J', 'O')),
(4, ('course', 'B', 'O')),
def test_user_assigned(self, group_id, expected_blocks):
Test when user is assigned to group in user partition.
# TODO ddt with testing user in different groups
if group_id:
add_user_to_cohort(self.cohorts[group_id-1], self.user.username)
trans_block_structure = get_course_blocks(
......@@ -172,7 +182,7 @@ class UserPartitionTransformerTestCase(CourseStructureTestCase):
self.get_block_key_set(self.blocks, 'course', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'J', 'L', 'M', 'O')
self.get_block_key_set(self.blocks, *expected_blocks)
def test_staff_user(self):
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