Commit d4c6f9fa by Mushtaq Ali Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14748 from edx/mushtaq/fix-group-id

Make matching group ID condition be more specific
parents 4ba0bfcd 6b9f853c
......@@ -283,20 +283,20 @@ def reverse_usage_url(handler_name, usage_key, kwargs=None):
return reverse_url(handler_name, 'usage_key_string', usage_key, kwargs)
def get_group_display_name(user_partitions, xblock_display_name):
def get_split_group_display_name(xblock, course):
Get the group name if matching group xblock is found.
Returns group name if an xblock is found in user partition groups that are suitable for the split_test module.
user_partitions (Dict): Locator of source item.
xblock_display_name (String): Display name of group xblock.
xblock (XBlock): The courseware component.
course (XBlock): The course descriptor.
group name (String): Group name of the matching group.
group name (String): Group name of the matching group xblock.
for user_partition in user_partitions:
for user_partition in get_user_partition_info(xblock, schemes=['random'], course=course):
for group in user_partition['groups']:
if str(group['id']) in xblock_display_name:
if 'Group ID {group_id}'.format(group_id=group['id']) == xblock.display_name_with_default:
return group['name']
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from cms.lib.xblock.authoring_mixin import VISIBILITY_VIEW
from contentstore.utils import (
find_release_date_source, find_staff_lock_source, is_currently_visible_to_students,
ancestor_has_staff_lock, has_children_visible_to_specific_content_groups,
get_user_partition_info, get_group_display_name,
get_user_partition_info, get_split_group_display_name,
from contentstore.views.helpers import is_unit, xblock_studio_url, xblock_primary_child_category, \
xblock_type_display_name, get_parent_xblock, create_xblock, usage_key_with_run
......@@ -1125,7 +1125,6 @@ def create_xblock_info(xblock, data=None, metadata=None, include_ancestor_info=F
# a percent value out of 100, e.g. "58%" means "58/100".
user_partitions = get_user_partition_info(xblock, course=course)
xblock_info = {
'id': unicode(xblock.location),
'display_name': xblock.display_name_with_default,
......@@ -1136,9 +1135,10 @@ def create_xblock_info(xblock, data=None, metadata=None, include_ancestor_info=F
if child_info and len(child_info.get('children', [])) > 0:
xblock_info['child_info'] = child_info
# Groups are labelled with their internal ids, rather than with the group name. Replace id with display name.
group_display_name = get_group_display_name(user_partitions, xblock_info['display_name'])
group_display_name = get_split_group_display_name(xblock, course)
xblock_info['display_name'] = group_display_name if group_display_name else xblock_info['display_name']
user_partitions = get_user_partition_info(xblock, course=course)
'edited_on': get_default_time_display(xblock.subtree_edited_on) if xblock.subtree_edited_on else None,
'published': published,
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