Commit d4b54cec by Vik Paruchuri

Update open ended editor to parse tasks properly

parent 986999c6
......@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@
<script type="text/template" id="open-ended-template">
<openended %min_max_string%>
<initial_display>Enter essay here.</initial_display>
<answer_display>This is the answer.</answer_display>
<grader_payload>{"grader_settings" : "%grading_config%", "problem_id" : "6.002x/Welcome/OETest"}</grader_payload>
<script type="text/template" id="simple-editor-cheatsheet">
<article class="simple-editor-cheatsheet">
<div class="cheatsheet-wrapper">
......@@ -41,7 +51,11 @@
<div class="col prompt">
<div class="col">
<pre><code>[prompt]Why is the sky blue?[prompt]</code></pre>
Why is the sky blue?
<div class="row">
......@@ -67,7 +81,11 @@
<div class="col sample tasks">
<div class="col">
<pre><code>[tasks](Self), ({0,1}AI), ({1,3}Peer)[tasks]</code></pre>
(Self), ({0-1}AI), ({1-3}Peer)
class @OpenEndedMarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
# TODO really, these templates should come from or also feed the cheatsheet
@rubricTemplate : "[rubric]\n+ Color Identification\n- Incorrect\n- Correct\n + Grammar\n- Poor\n- Acceptable\n- Superb \n[rubric]\n"
@tasksTemplate: "[tasks]\n(Self), ({0,1}AI), ({1,3}Peer)\n[tasks]\n"
@tasksTemplate: "[tasks]\n(Self), ({0-1}AI), ({1-3}Peer)\n[tasks]\n"
@promptTemplate: "[prompt]\nWhy is the sky blue?\n[prompt]\n"
constructor: (element) ->
......@@ -138,76 +138,78 @@ class @OpenEndedMarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
@markdownToXml: (markdown)->
toXml = `function(markdown) {
function template(template_html,data){
return template_html.replace(/%(\w*)%/g,function(m,key){return data.hasOwnProperty(key)?data[key]:"";});
var xml = markdown;
// group rubrics
xml = xml.replace(/\[rubric\]\n?([^\]]*)\[\/?rubric\]/gmi, function(match, p) {
var groupString = '<multiplechoiceresponse>\n';
groupString += ' <choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">\n';
var options = match.split('\n');
var groupString = '<rubric>\n<rubric>\n';
var options = p.split('\n');
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if(options[i].length > 0) {
var value = options[i].split(/^\s*\(.?\)\s*/)[1];
var correct = /^\s*\(x\)/i.test(options[i]);
groupString += ' <choice correct="' + correct + '">' + value + '</choice>\n';
var value = options[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
if (value.charAt(0)=="+") {
groupString += "</category>\n";
groupString += "<category>\n<description>\n";
text = value.substr(1);
text = text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
groupString += text;
groupString += "\n</description>\n";
} else if (value.charAt(0) == "-") {
groupString += "<option>\n";
text = value.substr(1);
text = text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
groupString += text;
groupString += "\n</option>\n";
groupString += ' </choicegroup>\n';
groupString += '</multiplechoiceresponse>\n\n';
groupString += '</rubric>\n</rubric>\n';
return groupString;
// group check answers
xml = xml.replace(/(^\s*\[.?\].*?$\n*)+/gm, function(match, p) {
var groupString = '<choiceresponse>\n';
groupString += ' <checkboxgroup direction="vertical">\n';
var options = match.split('\n');
// group tasks
xml = xml.replace(/\[tasks\]\n?([^\]]*)\[\/?tasks\]/gmi, function(match, p) {
var open_ended_template = $('#open-ended-template').html()
var groupString = '';
var options = p.split(",");
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if(options[i].length > 0) {
var value = options[i].split(/^\s*\[.?\]\s*/)[1];
var correct = /^\s*\[x\]/i.test(options[i]);
groupString += ' <choice correct="' + correct + '">' + value + '</choice>\n';
var value = options[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
var lower_option = value.toLowerCase();
type = lower_option.match(/(peer|self|ai)/gmi)
if(type != null) {
type = type[0]
var min_max = value.match(/\{\n?([^\]]*)\}/gmi);
var min_max_string = "";
if(min_max!=null) {
min_max = min_max[0].replace(/^{|}/gmi,'');
min_max = min_max.split("-");
min = min_max[0];
max = min_max[1];
min_max_string = 'min_score_to_attempt="' + min + '" max_score_to_attempt="' + max + '" ';
groupString += "<task>\n"
if(type=="self") {
groupString +="<selfassessment" + min_max_string + "/>"
} else if (type=="peer") {
config = "peer_grading.conf"
groupString += template(open_ended_template,{min_max_string: min_max_string, grading_config: config});
} else if (type=="ai") {
config = "ml_grading.conf"
groupString += template(open_ended_template,{min_max_string: min_max_string, grading_config: config});
groupString += ' </checkboxgroup>\n';
groupString += '</choiceresponse>\n\n';
return groupString;
// replace string and numerical
xml = xml.replace(/^\=\s*(.*?$)/gm, function(match, p) {
var string;
var floatValue = parseFloat(p);
if(!isNaN(floatValue)) {
var params = /(.*?)\+\-\s*(.*?$)/.exec(p);
if(params) {
string = '<numericalresponse answer="' + floatValue + '">\n';
string += ' <responseparam type="tolerance" default="' + params[2] + '" />\n';
} else {
string = '<numericalresponse answer="' + floatValue + '">\n';
groupString += "</task>\n"
string += ' <textline />\n';
string += '</numericalresponse>\n\n';
} else {
string = '<stringresponse answer="' + p + '" type="ci">\n <textline size="20"/>\n</stringresponse>\n\n';
return string;
// replace selects
xml = xml.replace(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/g, function(match, p) {
var selectString = '\n<optionresponse>\n';
selectString += ' <optioninput options="(';
var options = p.split(/\,\s*/g);
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
selectString += "'" + options[i].replace(/(?:^|,)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*(?:$|,)/g, '$1') + "'" + (i < options.length -1 ? ',' : '');
selectString += ')" correct="';
var correct = /(?:^|,)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*(?:$|,)/g.exec(p);
if (correct) selectString += correct[1];
selectString += '"></optioninput>\n';
selectString += '</optionresponse>\n\n';
return selectString;
return groupString;
// replace prompts
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