Commit d4776a15 by Don Mitchell

Test both split and old mongo

parent 0f0d75fc
......@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser
from lazy import lazy
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import Location
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import UsageKey
from xmodule.seq_module import SequenceDescriptor, SequenceModule
from xmodule.graders import grader_from_conf
from xmodule.tabs import CourseTabList
......@@ -17,7 +15,6 @@ import json
from xblock.fields import Scope, List, String, Dict, Boolean, Integer
from .fields import Date
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import CourseLocator
from django.utils.timezone import UTC
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
from collections import namedtuple
import datetime
import pytz
from xmodule.tabs import CoursewareTab, CourseInfoTab, StaticTab, DiscussionTab, ProgressTab, WikiTab
def mixed_store_config(data_dir, mappings):
......@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ def split_mongo_store_config(data_dir):
store = {
'default': {
'NAME': 'draft',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo.split.SplitMongoModuleStore',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo.split_draft.DraftVersioningModuleStore',
'host': 'localhost',
'db': 'test_xmodule',
......@@ -422,23 +423,6 @@ class ModuleStoreTestCase(TestCase):
def tearDownClass(cls):
Drop the existing modulestores, causing them to be reloaded.
Clean up any data stored in Mongo.
# Clean up by flushing the Mongo modulestore
# Clear out the existing modulestores,
# which will cause them to be re-created
# the next time they are accessed.
# We do this at *both* setup and teardown just to be safe.
def _pre_setup(self):
Flush the ModuleStore.
......@@ -455,6 +439,11 @@ class ModuleStoreTestCase(TestCase):
Flush the ModuleStore after each test.
# Clear out the existing modulestores,
# which will cause them to be re-created
# the next time they are accessed.
# We do this at *both* setup and teardown just to be safe.
# Call superclass implementation
super(ModuleStoreTestCase, self)._post_teardown()
......@@ -501,13 +490,13 @@ class ModuleStoreTestCase(TestCase):
"display_name" : "Toy Course",
"graded" : True,
"tabs" : [
{"type" : "courseware", "name" : "Courseware"},
{"type" : "course_info", "name" : "Course Info"},
{"type" : "static_tab", "name" : "Syllabus", "url_slug" : "syllabus"},
{"type" : "static_tab", "name" : "Resources", "url_slug" : "resources"},
{"type" : "discussion", "name" : "Discussion"},
{"type" : "wiki", "name" : "Wiki"},
{"type" : "progress", "name" : "Progress"}
CoursewareTab(), # {"type" : "courseware", "name" : "Courseware"},
CourseInfoTab(), # {"type" : "course_info", "name" : "Course Info"},
StaticTab(name="Syllabus", url_slug="syllabus"),
StaticTab(name="Resources", url_slug="resources"),
"discussion_topics" : {"General" : {"id" : "i4x-edX-toy-course-2012_Fall"}},
"graceperiod" : datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=21599),
Test for lms courseware app, module render unit
from ddt import ddt, data
import ddt
from functools import partial
from mock import MagicMock, patch, Mock
import json
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
from xmodule.lti_module import LTIDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import ItemFactory, CourseFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import ItemFactory, CourseFactory, check_mongo_calls
from xmodule.x_module import XModuleDescriptor, STUDENT_VIEW
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ from courseware.tests.test_submitting_problems import TestSubmittingProblems
from student.models import anonymous_id_for_user
from lms.lib.xblock.runtime import quote_slashes
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
......@@ -313,22 +314,29 @@ class TestHandleXBlockCallback(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
class TestTOC(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""Check the Table of Contents for a course"""
def setUp(self):
super(TestTOC, self).setUp()
def setup_modulestore(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
self.course_key = self.create_toy_course()
self.chapter = 'Overview'
chapter_url = '%s/%s/%s' % ('/courses', self.course_key, self.chapter)
factory = RequestFactory()
self.request = factory.get(chapter_url)
self.request.user = UserFactory()
self.toy_course =
self.modulestore =
with check_mongo_calls(self.modulestore, num_finds, num_sends):
self.toy_course =, depth=2)
self.field_data_cache = FieldDataCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
self.toy_loc, self.request.user, self.toy_course, depth=2)
def test_toc_toy_from_chapter(self):, 3, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 7, 0))
def test_toc_toy_from_chapter(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
self.setup_modulestore(default_ms, num_finds, num_sends)
expected = ([{'active': True, 'sections':
[{'url_name': 'Toy_Videos', 'display_name': u'Toy Videos', 'graded': True,
'format': u'Lecture Sequence', 'due': None, 'active': False},
......@@ -344,11 +352,18 @@ class TestTOC(ModuleStoreTestCase):
'format': '', 'due': None, 'active': False}],
'url_name': 'secret:magic', 'display_name': 'secret:magic'}])
actual = render.toc_for_course(self.request.user, self.request, self.toy_course, self.chapter, None, self.field_data_cache)
with check_mongo_calls(self.modulestore, 0, 0):
actual = render.toc_for_course(
self.request.user, self.request, self.toy_course, self.chapter, None, self.field_data_cache
for toc_section in expected:
self.assertIn(toc_section, actual)
def test_toc_toy_from_section(self):, 3, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 7, 0))
def test_toc_toy_from_section(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
self.setup_modulestore(default_ms, num_finds, num_sends)
section = 'Welcome'
expected = ([{'active': True, 'sections':
[{'url_name': 'Toy_Videos', 'display_name': u'Toy Videos', 'graded': True,
......@@ -755,7 +770,7 @@ PER_STUDENT_ANONYMIZED_DESCRIPTORS = set(
class TestAnonymousStudentId(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
......@@ -795,7 +810,7 @@ class TestAnonymousStudentId(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
Mock(), # XQueue Callback Url Prefix
def test_per_student_anonymized_id(self, descriptor_class):
for course_id in ('MITx/6.00x/2012_Fall', 'MITx/6.00x/2013_Spring'):
......@@ -805,7 +820,7 @@ class TestAnonymousStudentId(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
self._get_anonymous_id(SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(course_id), descriptor_class)
def test_per_course_anonymized_id(self, descriptor_class):
# This value is set by observation, so that later changes to the student
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