Commit d3a5bc32 by David Baumgold

Merge pull request #8780 from edx/db/mention-confluence-in-readme

Mention Confluence in the README
parents 685a2d31 8d5c1a05
......@@ -55,9 +55,16 @@ Documentation is managed in the `edx-documentation`_ repository. Documentation
is built using `Sphinx`_: you can `view the built documentation on
You can also check out `Confluence`_, our wiki system. Once you sign up for
an account, you'll be able to create new pages and edit existing pages, just
like in any other wiki system. You only need one account for both Confluence
and `JIRA`_, our issue tracker.
.. _Sphinx:
.. _view the built documentation on ReadTheDocs:
.. _edx-documentation:
.. _Confluence:
.. _JIRA:
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