Commit d395c444 by Brian Wilson Committed by Ashley Penney

add more pearson tests, and update commands in response

parent 740d0403
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
from optparse import make_option
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from student.models import TestCenterUser
......@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
("LastUpdate", "user_updated_at"), # in UTC, so same as what we store
# define defaults, even thought 'store_true' shouldn't need them.
# (call_command will set None as default value for all options that don't have one,
# so one cannot rely on presence/absence of flags in that world.)
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
......@@ -63,13 +66,13 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
# Name will use timestamp -- this is UTC, so it will look funny,
# but it should at least be consistent with the other timestamps
# used in the system.
if 'dest-from-settings' in options:
if 'dest-from-settings' in options and options['dest-from-settings']:
if 'LOCAL_EXPORT' in settings.PEARSON:
dest = settings.PEARSON['LOCAL_EXPORT']
raise CommandError('--dest-from-settings was enabled but the'
'PEARSON[LOCAL_EXPORT] setting was not set.')
elif 'destination' in options:
elif 'destination' in options and options['destination']:
dest = options['destination']
raise CommandError('--destination or --dest-from-settings must be used')
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
from optparse import make_option
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from student.models import TestCenterRegistration
......@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
......@@ -57,13 +59,13 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
# Name will use timestamp -- this is UTC, so it will look funny,
# but it should at least be consistent with the other timestamps
# used in the system.
if 'dest-from-settings' in options:
if 'dest-from-settings' in options and options['dest-from-settings']:
if 'LOCAL_EXPORT' in settings.PEARSON:
dest = settings.PEARSON['LOCAL_EXPORT']
raise CommandError('--dest-from-settings was enabled but the'
'PEARSON[LOCAL_EXPORT] setting was not set.')
elif 'destinations' in options:
elif 'destination' in options and options['destination']:
dest = options['destination']
raise CommandError('--destination or --dest-from-settings must be used')
import os
from optparse import make_option
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from import call_command
from dogapi import dog_http_api, dog_stats_api
import paramiko
import boto
import os
dog_http_api.api_key = settings.DATADOG_API
......@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
help = """
This command handles the importing and exporting of student records for
Pearson. It uses some other Django commands to export and import the
files and then uploads over SFTP to pearson and stuffs the entry in an
files and then uploads over SFTP to Pearson and stuffs the entry in an
S3 bucket for archive purposes.
Usage: pearson-transfer --mode [import|export|both]
......@@ -29,11 +31,12 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, **options):
# TODO: this doesn't work. Need to check if it's a property.
if not settings.PEARSON:
raise CommandError('No PEARSON entries in auth/env.json.')
if value not in settings.PEARSON:
raise CommandError('No entry in the PEARSON settings'
'(env/auth.json) for {0}'.format(value))
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import cStringIO
import sys
from django.test import TestCase
from django.core import management
from import call_command
from student.models import User, TestCenterRegistration, TestCenterUser, get_testcenter_registration
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ def create_tc_user(username):
'phone' : '252-1866',
'phone_country_code' : '1',
management.call_command('pearson_make_tc_user', username, **options)
call_command('pearson_make_tc_user', username, **options)
return TestCenterUser.objects.get(user=user)
def create_tc_registration(username, course_id, exam_code, accommodation_code):
def create_tc_registration(username, course_id = 'org1/course1/term1', exam_code = 'exam1', accommodation_code = None):
options = { 'exam_series_code' : exam_code,
'eligibility_appointment_date_first' : '2013-01-01T00:00',
......@@ -42,11 +42,55 @@ def create_tc_registration(username, course_id, exam_code, accommodation_code):
'accommodation_code' : accommodation_code,
management.call_command('pearson_make_tc_registration', username, course_id, **options)
call_command('pearson_make_tc_registration', username, course_id, **options)
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
registrations = get_testcenter_registration(user, course_id, exam_code)
return registrations[0]
def get_error_string_for_management_call(*args, **options):
stdout_string = None
old_stdout = sys.stdout
old_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
sys.stderr = cStringIO.StringIO()
call_command(*args, **options)
except BaseException, why1:
# The goal here is to catch CommandError calls.
# But these are actually translated into nice messages,
# and sys.exit(1) is then called. For testing, we
# want to catch what sys.exit throws, and get the
# relevant text either from stdout or stderr.
# TODO: this should really check to see that we
# arrived here because of a sys.exit(1). Otherwise
# we should just raise the exception.
stdout_string = sys.stdout.getvalue()
stderr_string = sys.stderr.getvalue()
except Exception, why:
raise why
sys.stdout = old_stdout
sys.stderr = old_stderr
if stdout_string is None:
raise Exception("Expected call to {} to fail, but it succeeded!".format(args[0]))
return stdout_string, stderr_string
def get_file_info(dirpath):
filelist = os.listdir(dirpath)
print 'Files found: {}'.format(filelist)
numfiles = len(filelist)
if numfiles == 1:
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filelist[0])
with open(filepath, 'r') as cddfile:
filecontents = cddfile.readlines()
numlines = len(filecontents)
return filepath, numlines
raise Exception("Expected to find a single file in {}, but found {}".format(dirpath,filelist))
class PearsonTestCase(TestCase):
Base class for tests running Pearson-related commands
......@@ -54,7 +98,9 @@ class PearsonTestCase(TestCase):
import_dir = mkdtemp(prefix="import")
export_dir = mkdtemp(prefix="export")
def assertErrorContains(self, error_message, expected):
self.assertTrue(error_message.find(expected) >= 0, 'error message "{}" did not contain "{}"'.format(error_message, expected))
def tearDown(self):
def delete_temp_dir(dirname):
if os.path.exists(dirname):
......@@ -67,14 +113,13 @@ class PearsonTestCase(TestCase):
def test_missing_demographic_fields(self):
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
# We won't bother to test all details of form validation here.
# It is enough to show that it works here, but deal with test cases for the form
# validation in the student tests, not these management tests.
username = 'baduser'
User.objects.create_user(username, '{}'.format(username), 'fakepass')
options = {}
self.assertRaises(BaseException, management.call_command, 'pearson_make_tc_user', username, **options)
output_string = sys.stdout.getvalue()
output_string, _ = get_error_string_for_management_call('pearson_make_tc_user', username, **options)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form errors encountered:') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: city') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: first_name') >= 0)
......@@ -83,35 +128,114 @@ class PearsonTestCase(TestCase):
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: phone_country_code') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: phone') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: address_1') >= 0)
sys.stdout = old_stdout
self.assertErrorContains(output_string, 'Field Form Error: address_1')
def test_create_good_testcenter_user(self):
testcenter_user = create_tc_user("test1")
def test_create_good_testcenter_registration(self):
username = 'test1'
course_id = 'org1/course1/term1'
exam_code = 'exam1'
accommodation_code = 'NONE'
testcenter_user = create_tc_user(username)
registration = create_tc_registration(username, course_id, exam_code, accommodation_code)
def test_export(self):
username = 'test1'
course_id = 'org1/course1/term1'
exam_code = 'exam1'
accommodation_code = 'NONE'
testcenter_user = create_tc_user(username)
registration = create_tc_registration(username, course_id, exam_code, accommodation_code)
#options = { 'destination' : self.export_dir }
options = { '--dest-from-settings' : None }
registration = create_tc_registration(username)
def test_cdd_missing_option(self):
_, error_string = get_error_string_for_management_call('pearson_export_cdd', **{})
self.assertErrorContains(error_string, 'Error: --destination or --dest-from-settings must be used')
def test_ead_missing_option(self):
_, error_string = get_error_string_for_management_call('pearson_export_ead', **{})
self.assertErrorContains(error_string, 'Error: --destination or --dest-from-settings must be used')
def test_export_single_cdd(self):
# before we generate any tc_users, we expect there to be nothing to output:
options = { 'dest-from-settings' : True }
with self.settings(PEARSON={ 'LOCAL_EXPORT' : self.export_dir }):
management.call_command('pearson_export_cdd', **options)
print 'Files found: {}'.format(os.listdir(self.export_dir))
self.assertEquals(len(os.listdir(self.export_dir)), 1, "Expect cdd file to be created")
management.call_command('pearson_export_ead', **options)
print 'Files found: {}'.format(os.listdir(self.export_dir))
self.assertEquals(len(os.listdir(self.export_dir)), 2, "Expect ead file to also be created")
# TODO: check that files were output....
call_command('pearson_export_cdd', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 1, "Expect cdd file to have no non-header lines")
# generating a tc_user should result in a line in the output
username = 'test_single_cdd'
call_command('pearson_export_cdd', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 2, "Expect cdd file to have one non-header line")
# output after registration should not have any entries again.
call_command('pearson_export_cdd', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 1, "Expect cdd file to have no non-header lines")
# if we modify the record, then it should be output again:
user_options = { 'first_name' : 'NewTestFirst', }
call_command('pearson_make_tc_user', username, **user_options)
call_command('pearson_export_cdd', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 2, "Expect cdd file to have one non-header line")
def test_export_single_ead(self):
# before we generate any registrations, we expect there to be nothing to output:
options = { 'dest-from-settings' : True }
with self.settings(PEARSON={ 'LOCAL_EXPORT' : self.export_dir }):
call_command('pearson_export_ead', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 1, "Expect ead file to have no non-header lines")
# generating a registration should result in a line in the output
username = 'test_single_ead'
call_command('pearson_export_ead', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 2, "Expect ead file to have one non-header line")
# output after registration should not have any entries again.
call_command('pearson_export_ead', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 1, "Expect ead file to have no non-header lines")
# if we modify the record, then it should be output again:
create_tc_registration(username, accommodation_code='EQPMNT')
call_command('pearson_export_ead', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 2, "Expect ead file to have one non-header line")
def test_export_multiple(self):
username1 = 'test_multiple1'
create_tc_registration(username1, course_id = 'org1/course2/term1')
create_tc_registration(username1, exam_code = 'exam2')
username2 = 'test_multiple2'
username3 = 'test_multiple3'
create_tc_registration(username3, course_id = 'org1/course2/term1')
username4 = 'test_multiple4'
create_tc_registration(username4, exam_code = 'exam2')
with self.settings(PEARSON={ 'LOCAL_EXPORT' : self.export_dir }):
options = { 'dest-from-settings' : True }
call_command('pearson_export_cdd', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 5, "Expect cdd file to have four non-header lines: total was {}".format(numlines))
call_command('pearson_export_ead', **options)
(filepath, numlines) = get_file_info(self.export_dir)
self.assertEquals(numlines, 7, "Expect ead file to have six non-header lines: total was {}".format(numlines))
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