Commit d33c6ecb by Peter Fogg

[safe templates] Commerce templates.

parent 994afbb6
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ var edx = edx || {};
courseKey: this.courseKey
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(this.$el, edx.HtmlUtils.template(templateHtml)(context));
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ var edx = edx || {};
context.course_key = this.courseKey;
context.username = this.username;
context.platformName = this.$'platform-name');
context.fulfillment_instructions = edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(context.fulfillment_instructions);
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(providerDiv, edx.HtmlUtils.template(templateHtml)(context)).removeClass('hidden');
renderError: function () {
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
<%inherit file="../main.html" />
......@@ -7,6 +12,9 @@
<section class="container">
<h1>${_("Checkout Cancelled")}</h1>
${ _(u"Your transaction has been cancelled. If you feel an error has occurred, contact {email}.").format(
email="<a href=\"mailto:{email}\">{email}</a>".format(email=payment_support_email)) }
Text(_(u"Your transaction has been cancelled. If you feel an error has occurred, contact {email}.")).format(
email=HTML("<a href=\"mailto:{email}\">{email}</a>").format(email=payment_support_email)
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
<%inherit file="../main.html" />
......@@ -7,6 +12,12 @@
<section class="container">
<h1>${_("Checkout Error")}</h1>
${ _(u"An error has occurred with your payment. <b>You have not been charged.</b> Please try to submit your payment again. If this problem persists, contact {email}.").format(
email="<a href=\"mailto:{email}\">{email}</a>".format(email=payment_support_email)) }
## Translators: bold_end and bold_start are HTML tags to create bold text.
Text(_(u"An error has occurred with your payment. {bold_start}You have not been charged.{bold_end} Please try to submit your payment again. If this problem persists, contact {email}.")).format(
email=HTML("<a href=\"mailto:{email}\">{email}</a>").format(email=payment_support_email),
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
<div class="provider-wrapper">
<div class="provider-info">
<%= interpolate(
gettext("You still need to visit the %(display_name)s website to complete the credit process."),
{ display_name: display_name }, true
<%- StringUtils.interpolate(
gettext("You still need to visit the {display_name} website to complete the credit process."),
{ display_name: display_name }
) %>
<div class="provider-more-info">
<%= interpolate(
gettext("To finalize course credit, %(display_name)s requires %(platform_name)s learners to submit a credit request."),
{ display_name: display_name, platform_name: platformName }, true
<%- StringUtils.interpolate(
gettext("To finalize course credit, {display_name} requires {platform_name} learners to submit a credit request."),
{ display_name: display_name, platform_name: platformName }
) %>
<div class="provider-instructions">
<%= fulfillment_instructions %>
<%- edx.HtmlUtils.ensureHtml(fulfillment_instructions) %>
<div class="provider-buttons-logos">
<div class="provider-logo">
<%= interpolate("<img src='%s' alt='%s'></image>", [thumbnail_url, display_name]) %>
<img src="<%- thumbnail_url %>" alt="<%- display_name %>" />
<div class="complete-order">
<%= interpolate('<button data-provider="%s" data-course-key="%s" data-username="%s" class="complete-course" onClick=completeOrder(this)>%s</button>', [id, course_key, username,
gettext( "Get Credit")]) %>
<button data-provider="<%- id %>" data-course-key="<%- course_key %>" data-username="<%- username %>" class="complete-course" onClick=completeOrder(this)><%- gettext("Get Credit") %></button>
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