Commit d328c53d by Don Mitchell

Cached course entry: separate structure from identity

Don't undo inheritance by unsetting course_entry structure
Do finer-grained cache clearing
parent c1789adf
......@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem):
modulestore: the module store that can be used to retrieve additional
course_entry: the originally fetched enveloped course_structure w/ branch and course_id info.
Callers to _load_item provide an override but that function ignores the provided structure and
only looks at the branch and course_id
module_data: a dict mapping Location -> json that was cached from the
underlying modulestore
......@@ -37,15 +41,13 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem):
self.module_data = module_data
# Compute inheritance
course_entry.get('blocks', {}),
course_entry.get('blocks', {}).get(course_entry.get('root'))
course_entry['structure'].get('blocks', {}),
course_entry['structure'].get('blocks', {}).get(course_entry['structure'].get('root'))
self.default_class = default_class
self.local_modules = {}
def _load_item(self, usage_id, course_entry_override=None):
# TODO ensure all callers of system.load_item pass just the id
if isinstance(usage_id, BlockUsageLocator) and isinstance(usage_id.usage_id, LocalId):
return self.local_modules[usage_id]
......@@ -66,9 +68,24 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem):
return self.xblock_from_json(class_, usage_id, json_data, course_entry_override)
# xblock's runtime does not always pass enough contextual information to figure out
# which named container (course x branch) or which parent is requesting an item. Because split allows
# a many:1 mapping from named containers to structures and because item's identities encode
# context as well as unique identity, this function must sometimes infer whether the access is
# within an unspecified named container. In most cases, course_entry_override will give the
# explicit context; however, runtime.get_block(), e.g., does not. HOWEVER, there are simple heuristics
# which will work 99.999% of the time: a runtime is thread & even context specific. The likelihood that
# the thread is working with more than one named container pointing to the same specific structure is
# low; thus, the course_entry is most likely correct. If the thread is looking at > 1 named container
# pointing to the same structure, the access is likely to be chunky enough that the last known container
# is the intended one when not given a course_entry_override; thus, the caching of the last branch/course_id.
def xblock_from_json(self, class_, usage_id, json_data, course_entry_override=None):
if course_entry_override is None:
course_entry_override = self.course_entry
# most recent retrieval is most likely the right one for next caller (see comment above fn)
self.course_entry['branch'] = course_entry_override['branch']
self.course_entry['course_id'] = course_entry_override['course_id']
# most likely a lazy loader or the id directly
definition = json_data.get('definition', {})
definition_id = self.modulestore.definition_locator(definition)
......@@ -78,7 +95,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem):
usage_id = LocalId()
block_locator = BlockUsageLocator(
......@@ -103,7 +120,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem):
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
new_module_data = {}
for usage_id in base_usage_ids:
new_module_data = self.descendants(
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
given depth. Load the definitions into each block if lazy is False;
otherwise, use the lazy definition placeholder.
system = self._get_cache(course_entry['_id'])
system = self._get_cache(course_entry['structure']['_id'])
if system is None:
system = CachingDescriptorSystem(
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
self._add_cache(course_entry['_id'], system)
self._add_cache(course_entry['structure']['_id'], system)
self.cache_items(system, usage_ids, depth, lazy)
return [system.load_item(usage_id, course_entry) for usage_id in usage_ids]
......@@ -186,10 +186,14 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
self.thread_cache.course_cache[course_version_guid] = system
return system
def _clear_cache(self):
def _clear_cache(self, course_version_guid=None):
Should only be used by testing or something which implements transactional boundary semantics
Should only be used by testing or something which implements transactional boundary semantics.
:param course_version_guid: if provided, clear only this entry
if course_version_guid:
del self.thread_cache.course_cache[course_version_guid]
self.thread_cache.course_cache = {}
def _lookup_course(self, course_locator):
......@@ -229,14 +233,15 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
version_guid = course_locator.as_object_id(version_guid)
entry = self.structures.find_one({'_id': version_guid})
# b/c more than one course can use same structure, the 'course_id' is not intrinsic to structure
# b/c more than one course can use same structure, the 'course_id' and 'branch' are not intrinsic to structure
# and the one assoc'd w/ it by another fetch may not be the one relevant to this fetch; so,
# fake it by explicitly setting it in the in memory structure.
if course_locator.course_id:
entry['course_id'] = course_locator.course_id
entry['branch'] = course_locator.branch
return entry
# add it in the envelope for the structure.
envelope = {
'course_id': course_locator.course_id,
'branch': course_locator.branch,
'structure': entry,
return envelope
def get_courses(self, branch='published', qualifiers=None):
......@@ -259,20 +264,23 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
# collect ids and then query for those
version_guids = []
id_version_map = {}
for course_entry in matching:
version_guid = course_entry['versions'][branch]
for structure in matching:
version_guid = structure['versions'][branch]
id_version_map[version_guid] = course_entry['_id']
id_version_map[version_guid] = structure['_id']
course_entries = self.structures.find({'_id': {'$in': version_guids}})
# get the block for the course element (s/b the root)
result = []
for entry in course_entries:
# structures are course agnostic but the caller wants to know course, so add it in here
entry['course_id'] = id_version_map[entry['_id']]
envelope = {
'course_id': id_version_map[entry['_id']],
'branch': branch,
'structure': entry,
root = entry['root']
result.extend(self._load_items(entry, [root], 0, lazy=True))
result.extend(self._load_items(envelope, [root], 0, lazy=True))
return result
def get_course(self, course_locator):
......@@ -283,7 +291,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
raises InsufficientSpecificationError
course_entry = self._lookup_course(course_locator)
root = course_entry['root']
root = course_entry['structure']['root']
result = self._load_items(course_entry, [root], 0, lazy=True)
return result[0]
......@@ -303,7 +311,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
if block_location.usage_id is None:
raise InsufficientSpecificationError(block_location)
course_structure = self._lookup_course(block_location)
course_structure = self._lookup_course(block_location)['structure']
except ItemNotFoundError:
# this error only occurs if the course does not exist
return False
......@@ -364,7 +372,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
qualifiers = {}
course = self._lookup_course(locator)
items = []
for usage_id, value in course['blocks'].iteritems():
for usage_id, value in course['structure']['blocks'].iteritems():
if self._block_matches(value, qualifiers):
......@@ -397,7 +405,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
course = self._lookup_course(locator)
items = []
for parent_id, value in course['blocks'].iteritems():
for parent_id, value in course['structure']['blocks'].iteritems():
for child_id in value['fields'].get('children', []):
if locator.usage_id == child_id:
items.append(BlockUsageLocator(url=locator.as_course_locator(), usage_id=parent_id))
......@@ -434,7 +442,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
'edited_on': when the change was made
course = self._lookup_course(course_locator)
course = self._lookup_course(course_locator)['structure']
return {'original_version': course['original_version'],
'previous_version': course['previous_version'],
'edited_by': course['edited_by'],
......@@ -467,7 +475,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
return None
if course_locator.version_guid is None:
course = self._lookup_course(course_locator)
version_guid = course.version_guid
version_guid = course['structure']['_id']
version_guid = course_locator.version_guid
......@@ -497,8 +505,8 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
The block's history tracks its explicit changes but not the changes in its children.
block_locator = block_locator.version_agnostic()
course_struct = self._lookup_course(block_locator)
# version_agnostic means we don't care if the head and version don't align, trust the version
course_struct = self._lookup_course(block_locator.version_agnostic())['structure']
usage_id = block_locator.usage_id
update_version_field = 'blocks.{}.edit_info.update_version'.format(usage_id)
all_versions_with_block = self.structures.find({'original_version': course_struct['original_version'],
......@@ -683,7 +691,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
# find course_index entry if applicable and structures entry
index_entry = self._get_index_if_valid(course_or_parent_locator, force, continue_version)
structure = self._lookup_course(course_or_parent_locator)
structure = self._lookup_course(course_or_parent_locator)['structure']
partitioned_fields = self._partition_fields_by_scope(category, fields)
new_def_data = partitioned_fields.get(Scope.content, {})
......@@ -739,7 +747,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
# db update
self.structures.update({'_id': new_id}, new_structure)
# clear cache so things get refetched and inheritance recomputed
new_id = self.structures.insert(new_structure)
......@@ -851,7 +859,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
# just get the draft_version structure
draft_version = CourseLocator(version_guid=versions_dict[master_branch])
draft_structure = self._lookup_course(draft_version)
draft_structure = self._lookup_course(draft_version)['structure']
if definition_fields or block_fields:
draft_structure = self._version_structure(draft_structure, user_id)
root_block = draft_structure['blocks'][draft_structure['root']]
......@@ -903,7 +911,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
The implementation tries to detect which, if any changes, actually need to be saved and thus won't version
the definition, structure, nor course if they didn't change.
original_structure = self._lookup_course(descriptor.location)
original_structure = self._lookup_course(descriptor.location)['structure']
index_entry = self._get_index_if_valid(descriptor.location, force)
descriptor.definition_locator, is_updated = self.update_definition_from_data(
......@@ -945,7 +953,9 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
self._update_head(index_entry, descriptor.location.branch, new_id)
# fetch and return the new item--fetching is unnecessary but a good qc step
return self.get_item(BlockUsageLocator(descriptor.location, version_guid=new_id))
new_locator = BlockUsageLocator(descriptor.location)
new_locator.version_guid = new_id
return self.get_item(new_locator)
# nothing changed, just return the one sent in
return descriptor
......@@ -969,7 +979,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
# find course_index entry if applicable and structures entry
index_entry = self._get_index_if_valid(xblock.location, force)
structure = self._lookup_course(xblock.location)
structure = self._lookup_course(xblock.location)['structure']
new_structure = self._version_structure(structure, user_id)
changed_blocks = self._persist_subdag(xblock, user_id, new_structure['blocks'])
......@@ -1115,7 +1125,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
the course but leaves the head pointer where it is (this change will not be in the course head).
assert isinstance(usage_locator, BlockUsageLocator) and usage_locator.is_initialized()
original_structure = self._lookup_course(usage_locator)
original_structure = self._lookup_course(usage_locator)['structure']
if original_structure['root'] == usage_locator.usage_id:
raise ValueError("Cannot delete the root of a course")
index_entry = self._get_index_if_valid(usage_locator, force)
......@@ -1205,7 +1215,8 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
self.inherit_settings(block_map, block_map[child], inheriting_settings)
except KeyError:
# here's where we need logic for looking up in other structures when we allow cross pointers
# but it's also getting this during course creation if creating top down w/ children set.
# but it's also getting this during course creation if creating top down w/ children set or
# migration where the old mongo published had pointers to privates
def descendants(self, block_map, usage_id, depth, descendent_map):
......@@ -1249,13 +1260,15 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
:param course_locator: the course to clean
original_structure = self._lookup_course(course_locator)
original_structure = self._lookup_course(course_locator)['structure']
for block in original_structure['blocks'].itervalues():
if 'fields' in block and 'children' in block['fields']:
block['fields']["children"] = [
usage_id for usage_id in block['fields']["children"] if usage_id in original_structure['blocks']
self.structures.update({'_id': original_structure['_id']}, original_structure)
# clear cache again b/c inheritance may be wrong over orphans
def _block_matches(self, value, qualifiers):
import copy
from xblock.fields import Scope
from collections import namedtuple
from xblock.runtime import KeyValueStore
from xblock.exceptions import InvalidScopeError
from .definition_lazy_loader import DefinitionLazyLoader
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import InheritanceKeyValueStore
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