Commit d0fea429 by Brian Wilson

Add tests for inherited metadata to test_dump_course, and move to commands/tests dir.

parent 4569ee9d
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from path import path
from import call_command
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.test.testcases import TestCase
from courseware.tests.modulestore_config import TEST_DATA_XML_MODULESTORE
from courseware.tests.modulestore_config import TEST_DATA_MIXED_MODULESTORE
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ DATA_DIR = 'common/test/data/'
TEST_COURSE_ID = 'edX/simple/2012_Fall'
class CommandsTestBase(object):
class CommandsTestBase(TestCase):
Base class for testing different django commands.
......@@ -66,6 +67,15 @@ class CommandsTestBase(object):
dump = json.loads(output)
# check that all elements in the course structure have metadata,
# but not inherited metadata:
for element_name in dump:
element = dump[element_name]
self.assertIn('metadata', element)
self.assertIn('children', element)
self.assertIn('category', element)
self.assertNotIn('inherited_metadata', element)
# Check a few elements in the course dump
parent_id = 'i4x://edX/simple/chapter/Overview'
......@@ -81,10 +91,44 @@ class CommandsTestBase(object):
self.assertEqual(len(dump[video_id]['metadata']), 4)
self.assertIn('youtube_id_1_0', dump[video_id]['metadata'])
# Check if there is the right number of elements
# Check if there are the right number of elements
self.assertEqual(len(dump), 16)
def test_dump_inherited_course_structure(self):
kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default', 'inherited': True}
output = self.call_command('dump_course_structure', *args, **kwargs)
dump = json.loads(output)
# check that all elements in the course structure have inherited metadata,
# and that it contains a particular value as well:
for element_name in dump:
element = dump[element_name]
self.assertIn('metadata', element)
self.assertIn('children', element)
self.assertIn('category', element)
self.assertIn('inherited_metadata', element)
# ... but does not contain inherited metadata containing a default value:
self.assertNotIn('due', element['inherited_metadata'])
def test_dump_inherited_course_structure_with_defaults(self):
kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default', 'inherited': True, 'inherited_defaults': True}
output = self.call_command('dump_course_structure', *args, **kwargs)
dump = json.loads(output)
# check that all elements in the course structure have inherited metadata,
# and that it contains a particular value as well:
for element_name in dump:
element = dump[element_name]
self.assertIn('metadata', element)
self.assertIn('children', element)
self.assertIn('category', element)
self.assertIn('inherited_metadata', element)
# ... and contains inherited metadata containing a default value:
def test_export_course(self):
tmp_dir = path(mkdtemp())
filename = tmp_dir / 'test.tar.gz'
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