Commit d0f7a08c by Adam

Merge pull request #8408 from edx/release

parents a02b242e f91764ab
......@@ -522,12 +522,9 @@ function (VideoPlayer, i18n) {
.always(function (json, status) {
var err = $.isPlainObject(json.error) ||
status !== 'success' &&
status !== 'notmodified'
if (err) {
// It will work for both if statusCode is 200 or 410.
var didSucceed = (json.error && json.error.code === 410) || status === 'success' || status === 'notmodified';
if (!didSucceed) {
'[Video info]: YouTube returned an error for ' +
'video with id "' + id + '".'
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