Commit d0697e89 by Prem Sichanugrist

Fix some failing spec after sequence module change

parent ca18fb9e
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ jasmine.stubRequests = ->
else if match = settings.url.match /static\/subs\/(.+)\.srt\.sjson/
settings.success jasmine.stubbedCaption
else if settings.url == '/calculate' ||
settings.url == '/6002x/modx/sequential/1/goto_position' ||
settings.url == '/6002x/modx/sequence/1/goto_position' ||
settings.url.match(/event$/) ||
# do nothing
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe 'Sequence', ->
describe 'constructor', ->
beforeEach ->
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 1
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 'sequence', 1
it 'set the element', ->
expect(@sequence.element).toEqual $('#sequence_1')
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ describe 'Sequence', ->
describe 'toggleArrows', ->
beforeEach ->
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 1
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 'sequence', 1
describe 'when the first tab is active', ->
beforeEach ->
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ describe 'Sequence', ->
describe 'render', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn $, 'postWithPrefix'
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 'sequence'
spyOnEvent @sequence.element, 'contentChanged'
describe 'with a different position than the current one', ->
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ describe 'Sequence', ->
expect($('[data-element="2"]')).toHaveClass 'seq_video_visited'
it 'save the new position', ->
expect($.postWithPrefix).toHaveBeenCalledWith '/modx/sequential/1/goto_position', position: 1
expect($.postWithPrefix).toHaveBeenCalledWith '/modx/sequence/1/goto_position', position: 1
it 'mark new tab as active', ->
expect($('[data-element="1"]')).toHaveClass 'seq_video_active'
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ describe 'Sequence', ->
describe 'goto', ->
beforeEach ->
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 2
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 'sequence', 2
it 'log the sequence goto event', ->
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ describe 'Sequence', ->
describe 'next', ->
beforeEach ->
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 2
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 'sequence', 2
$('.sequence-nav-buttons .next a').click()
it 'log the next sequence event', ->
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ describe 'Sequence', ->
describe 'previous', ->
beforeEach ->
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 2
@sequence = new Sequence '1', @items, 'sequence', 2
$('.sequence-nav-buttons .prev a').click()
it 'log the previous sequence event', ->
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