Commit cd0bb4c7 by Diana Huang

Add ability to generate static i18n files.

parent dce3d9ca
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ from lms.envs.common import (
# Django REST framework configuration
from path import Path as path
from warnings import simplefilter
......@@ -465,6 +467,8 @@ LANGUAGE_DICT = dict(LANGUAGES)
USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
# Localization strings (e.g. django.po) are under this directory
LOCALE_PATHS = (REPO_ROOT + '/conf/locale',) # edx-platform/conf/locale/
......@@ -845,6 +849,9 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
# edx-milestones service
# Static i18n support
if (window) {
// MathJax Fast Preview was introduced in 2.5. However, it
// causes undesirable flashing/font size changes when
// MathJax is used for interactive preview (equation editor).
// Setting processSectionDelay to 0 (see below) fully eliminates
// fast preview, but to reduce confusion, we are also setting
// the option as displayed in the context menu to false.
// When upgrading to 2.6, check if this variable name changed.
window.MathJax = {
menuSettings: {CHTMLpreview: false}
;(function (require, define) {
'use strict';
if (window) {
// MathJax Fast Preview was introduced in 2.5. However, it
// causes undesirable flashing/font size changes when
// MathJax is used for interactive preview (equation editor).
// Setting processSectionDelay to 0 (see below) fully eliminates
// fast preview, but to reduce confusion, we are also setting
// the option as displayed in the context menu to false.
// When upgrading to 2.6, check if this variable name changed.
window.MathJax = {
menuSettings: {CHTMLpreview: false}
// Since we are serving the gettext catalog as static files,
// the URL for the gettext file will vary depending on which locale
// needs to be served. To handle this, we load the correct file in the
// rendered template and then use this to ensure that RequireJS knows
// how to find it.
define("gettext", function () { return window.gettext; });
// NOTE: baseUrl has been previously set in cms/static/templates/base.html
waitSeconds: 60,
paths: {
"domReady": "js/vendor/domReady",
"gettext": "/i18n",
"mustache": "js/vendor/mustache",
"codemirror": "js/vendor/codemirror-compressed",
"codemirror/stex": "js/vendor/CodeMirror/stex",
"jquery": "js/vendor/jquery.min",
"jquery.ui": "js/vendor/jquery-ui.min",
"jquery.form": "js/vendor/jquery.form",
"jquery.markitup": "js/vendor/markitup/jquery.markitup",
"jquery.leanModal": "js/vendor/jquery.leanModal",
"jquery.ajaxQueue": "js/vendor/jquery.ajaxQueue",
"jquery.smoothScroll": "js/vendor/jquery.smooth-scroll.min",
"jquery.timepicker": "js/vendor/timepicker/jquery.timepicker",
"jquery.cookie": "js/vendor/jquery.cookie",
"jquery.qtip": "js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min",
"jquery.scrollTo": "js/vendor/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min",
"jquery.flot": "js/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.min",
"jquery.fileupload": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload",
"jquery.fileupload-process": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload-process",
"jquery.fileupload-validate": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload-validate",
"jquery.iframe-transport": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.iframe-transport",
"jquery.inputnumber": "js/vendor/html5-input-polyfills/number-polyfill",
"jquery.immediateDescendents": "coffee/src/jquery.immediateDescendents",
"datepair": "js/vendor/timepicker/datepair",
"date": "js/vendor/date",
"moment": "js/vendor/moment.min",
"moment-with-locales": "js/vendor/moment-with-locales.min",
"text": 'js/vendor/requirejs/text',
"underscore": "js/vendor/underscore-min",
"underscore.string": "js/vendor/underscore.string.min",
"backbone": "js/vendor/backbone-min",
"backbone-relational" : "js/vendor/backbone-relational.min",
"backbone.associations": "js/vendor/backbone-associations-min",
"backbone.paginator": "js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min",
"tinymce": "js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min",
"jquery.tinymce": "js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min",
"xmodule": "/xmodule/xmodule",
"xblock/core": "js/xblock/core",
"xblock": "coffee/src/xblock",
"utility": "js/src/utility",
"accessibility": "js/src/accessibility_tools",
"draggabilly": "js/vendor/draggabilly.pkgd",
"URI": "js/vendor/URI.min",
"ieshim": "js/src/ie_shim",
"tooltip_manager": "js/src/tooltip_manager",
// NOTE: baseUrl has been previously set in cms/static/templates/base.html
waitSeconds: 60,
paths: {
"domReady": "js/vendor/domReady",
"mustache": "js/vendor/mustache",
"codemirror": "js/vendor/codemirror-compressed",
"codemirror/stex": "js/vendor/CodeMirror/stex",
"jquery": "js/vendor/jquery.min",
"jquery.ui": "js/vendor/jquery-ui.min",
"jquery.form": "js/vendor/jquery.form",
"jquery.markitup": "js/vendor/markitup/jquery.markitup",
"jquery.leanModal": "js/vendor/jquery.leanModal",
"jquery.ajaxQueue": "js/vendor/jquery.ajaxQueue",
"jquery.smoothScroll": "js/vendor/jquery.smooth-scroll.min",
"jquery.timepicker": "js/vendor/timepicker/jquery.timepicker",
"jquery.cookie": "js/vendor/jquery.cookie",
"jquery.qtip": "js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min",
"jquery.scrollTo": "js/vendor/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min",
"jquery.flot": "js/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.min",
"jquery.fileupload": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload",
"jquery.fileupload-process": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload-process",
"jquery.fileupload-validate": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload-validate",
"jquery.iframe-transport": "js/vendor/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.iframe-transport",
"jquery.inputnumber": "js/vendor/html5-input-polyfills/number-polyfill",
"jquery.immediateDescendents": "coffee/src/jquery.immediateDescendents",
"datepair": "js/vendor/timepicker/datepair",
"date": "js/vendor/date",
"moment": "js/vendor/moment.min",
"moment-with-locales": "js/vendor/moment-with-locales.min",
"text": 'js/vendor/requirejs/text',
"underscore": "js/vendor/underscore-min",
"underscore.string": "js/vendor/underscore.string.min",
"backbone": "js/vendor/backbone-min",
"backbone-relational" : "js/vendor/backbone-relational.min",
"backbone.associations": "js/vendor/backbone-associations-min",
"backbone.paginator": "js/vendor/backbone.paginator.min",
"tinymce": "js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min",
"jquery.tinymce": "js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min",
"xmodule": "/xmodule/xmodule",
"xblock/core": "js/xblock/core",
"xblock": "coffee/src/xblock",
"utility": "js/src/utility",
"accessibility": "js/src/accessibility_tools",
"draggabilly": "js/vendor/draggabilly.pkgd",
"URI": "js/vendor/URI.min",
"ieshim": "js/src/ie_shim",
"tooltip_manager": "js/src/tooltip_manager",
// Files needed for Annotations feature
"annotator": "js/vendor/ova/annotator-full",
"annotator-harvardx": "js/vendor/ova/annotator-full-firebase-auth",
"": "js/vendor/ova/",
"": 'js/vendor/ova/',
"rangeslider": 'js/vendor/ova/rangeslider',
"share-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/share-annotator',
"richText-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/richText-annotator',
"reply-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/reply-annotator',
"grouping-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/grouping-annotator',
"tags-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/tags-annotator',
"diacritic-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/diacritic-annotator',
"flagging-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/flagging-annotator',
"jquery-Watch": 'js/vendor/ova/jquery-Watch',
"openseadragon": 'js/vendor/ova/openseadragon',
"osda": 'js/vendor/ova/OpenSeaDragonAnnotation',
"ova": 'js/vendor/ova/ova',
"catch": 'js/vendor/ova/catch/js/catch',
"handlebars": 'js/vendor/ova/catch/js/handlebars-1.1.2',
// end of Annotation tool files
// Files needed for Annotations feature
"annotator": "js/vendor/ova/annotator-full",
"annotator-harvardx": "js/vendor/ova/annotator-full-firebase-auth",
"": "js/vendor/ova/",
"": 'js/vendor/ova/',
"rangeslider": 'js/vendor/ova/rangeslider',
"share-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/share-annotator',
"richText-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/richText-annotator',
"reply-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/reply-annotator',
"grouping-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/grouping-annotator',
"tags-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/tags-annotator',
"diacritic-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/diacritic-annotator',
"flagging-annotator": 'js/vendor/ova/flagging-annotator',
"jquery-Watch": 'js/vendor/ova/jquery-Watch',
"openseadragon": 'js/vendor/ova/openseadragon',
"osda": 'js/vendor/ova/OpenSeaDragonAnnotation',
"ova": 'js/vendor/ova/ova',
"catch": 'js/vendor/ova/catch/js/catch',
"handlebars": 'js/vendor/ova/catch/js/handlebars-1.1.2',
// end of Annotation tool files
// externally hosted files
"mathjax": "//",
"youtube": [
// youtube URL does not end in ".js". We add "?noext" to the path so
// that require.js adds the ".js" to the query component of the URL,
// and leaves the path component intact.
// if youtube fails to load, fallback on a local file
// so that require doesn't fall over
shim: {
"gettext": {
exports: "gettext"
"date": {
exports: "Date"
"jquery.ui": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.ui"
"jquery.form": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.ajaxForm"
"jquery.markitup": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.markitup"
"jquery.leanmodal": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.leanModal"
"jquery.ajaxQueue": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.ajaxQueue"
"jquery.smoothScroll": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.smoothScroll"
"jquery.cookie": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.cookie"
"jquery.qtip": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.qtip"
"jquery.scrollTo": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.scrollTo",
"jquery.flot": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.plot"
"jquery.fileupload": {
deps: ["jquery.ui", "jquery.iframe-transport"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.fileupload"
"jquery.fileupload-process": {
deps: ["jquery.fileupload"]
"jquery.fileupload-validate": {
deps: ["jquery.fileupload"]
"jquery.inputnumber": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.inputNumber"
"jquery.tinymce": {
deps: ["jquery", "tinymce"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.tinymce"
"datepair": {
deps: ["jquery.ui", "jquery.timepicker"]
"underscore": {
exports: "_"
"backbone": {
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
"backbone.associations": {
deps: ["backbone"],
exports: "Backbone.Associations"
"backbone.paginator": {
deps: ["backbone"],
exports: "Backbone.Paginator"
"youtube": {
exports: "YT"
"codemirror": {
exports: "CodeMirror"
"codemirror/stex": {
deps: ["codemirror"]
"tinymce": {
exports: "tinymce"
"mathjax": {
exports: "MathJax",
init: function() {
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [
displayMath: [
// externally hosted files
"mathjax": "//", // jshint ignore:line
"youtube": [
// youtube URL does not end in ".js". We add "?noext" to the path so
// that require.js adds the ".js" to the query component of the URL,
// and leaves the path component intact.
// if youtube fails to load, fallback on a local file
// so that require doesn't fall over
shim: {
"gettext": {
exports: "gettext"
"date": {
exports: "Date"
"jquery.ui": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.ui"
"jquery.form": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.ajaxForm"
"jquery.markitup": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.markitup"
"jquery.leanmodal": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.leanModal"
"jquery.ajaxQueue": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.ajaxQueue"
"jquery.smoothScroll": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.smoothScroll"
"jquery.cookie": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.cookie"
"jquery.qtip": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.qtip"
"jquery.scrollTo": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.scrollTo",
"jquery.flot": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.plot"
"jquery.fileupload": {
deps: ["jquery.ui", "jquery.iframe-transport"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.fileupload"
"jquery.fileupload-process": {
deps: ["jquery.fileupload"]
"jquery.fileupload-validate": {
deps: ["jquery.fileupload"]
"jquery.inputnumber": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.inputNumber"
"jquery.tinymce": {
deps: ["jquery", "tinymce"],
exports: "jQuery.fn.tinymce"
"datepair": {
deps: ["jquery.ui", "jquery.timepicker"]
"underscore": {
exports: "_"
"backbone": {
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
"backbone.associations": {
deps: ["backbone"],
exports: "Backbone.Associations"
"backbone.paginator": {
deps: ["backbone"],
exports: "Backbone.Paginator"
"youtube": {
exports: "YT"
"codemirror": {
exports: "CodeMirror"
"codemirror/stex": {
deps: ["codemirror"]
"tinymce": {
exports: "tinymce"
"mathjax": {
exports: "MathJax",
init: function() {
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [
displayMath: [
// In order to eliminate all flashing during interactive
// preview, it is necessary to set processSectionDelay to 0
// (remove delay between input and output phases). This
// effectively disables fast preview, regardless of
// the fast preview setting as shown in the context menu.
window.MathJax.Hub.processSectionDelay = 0;
// In order to eliminate all flashing during interactive
// preview, it is necessary to set processSectionDelay to 0
// (remove delay between input and output phases). This
// effectively disables fast preview, regardless of
// the fast preview setting as shown in the context menu.
MathJax.Hub.processSectionDelay = 0;
"URI": {
exports: "URI"
"tooltip_manager": {
deps: ["jquery", "underscore"]
"jquery.immediateDescendents": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"xblock/core": {
exports: "XBlock",
deps: ["jquery", "jquery.immediateDescendents"]
"xblock/runtime.v1": {
exports: "XBlock",
deps: ["xblock/core"]
"URI": {
exports: "URI"
"tooltip_manager": {
deps: ["jquery", "underscore"]
"jquery.immediateDescendents": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"xblock/core": {
exports: "XBlock",
deps: ["jquery", "jquery.immediateDescendents"]
"xblock/runtime.v1": {
exports: "XBlock",
deps: ["xblock/core"]
"coffee/src/main": {
deps: ["coffee/src/ajax_prefix"]
"js/src/logger": {
exports: "Logger",
deps: ["coffee/src/ajax_prefix"]
"coffee/src/main": {
deps: ["coffee/src/ajax_prefix"]
"js/src/logger": {
exports: "Logger",
deps: ["coffee/src/ajax_prefix"]
// the following are all needed for annotation tools
"": {
"": {
deps: [""]
"rangeslider": {
deps: [""]
"annotator": {
exports: "Annotator"
deps: ["annotator"]
"share-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"richText-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator", "tinymce"]
"reply-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"tags-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"diacritic-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"flagging-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"grouping-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
exports: "ova",
deps: ["annotator", "annotator-harvardx", "", "", "rangeslider", "share-annotator", "richText-annotator", "reply-annotator", "tags-annotator", "flagging-annotator", "grouping-annotator", "diacritic-annotator", "jquery-Watch", "catch", "handlebars", "URI"]
exports: "osda",
deps: ["annotator", "annotator-harvardx", "", "", "rangeslider", "share-annotator", "richText-annotator", "reply-annotator", "tags-annotator", "flagging-annotator", "grouping-annotator", "diacritic-annotator", "openseadragon", "jquery-Watch", "catch", "handlebars", "URI"]
// the following are all needed for annotation tools
"": {
"": {
deps: [""]
"rangeslider": {
deps: [""]
"annotator": {
exports: "Annotator"
deps: ["annotator"]
"share-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"richText-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator", "tinymce"]
"reply-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"tags-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"diacritic-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"flagging-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
"grouping-annotator": {
deps: ["annotator"]
exports: "ova",
deps: ["annotator", "annotator-harvardx", "", "",
"rangeslider", "share-annotator", "richText-annotator", "reply-annotator",
"tags-annotator", "flagging-annotator", "grouping-annotator", "diacritic-annotator",
"jquery-Watch", "catch", "handlebars", "URI"]
exports: "osda",
deps: ["annotator", "annotator-harvardx", "", "",
"rangeslider", "share-annotator", "richText-annotator", "reply-annotator",
"tags-annotator", "flagging-annotator", "grouping-annotator", "diacritic-annotator",
"openseadragon", "jquery-Watch", "catch", "handlebars", "URI"]
// end of annotation tool files
// end of annotation tool files
}).call(this, require, define);
......@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ from openedx.core.lib.js_utils import (
jsi18n_path = "js/i18n/{language}/djangojs.js".format(language=LANGUAGE_CODE)
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url(jsi18n_path)}"></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<meta name="path_prefix" content="${EDX_ROOT_URL}">
......@@ -122,12 +122,6 @@ JS_INFO_DICT = {
'packages': ('openassessment',),
urlpatterns += patterns(
# Serve catalog of localized strings to be rendered by Javascript
url(r'^i18n.js$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', JS_INFO_DICT),
urlpatterns += (
......@@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ ignore_dirs:
- '*/spec'
- '*/tests'
- '*/features'
# Directories full of auto-generated JS
- lms/static/js/i18n
- cms/static/js/i18n
# Third-party installed apps that we also extract strings from. When adding a
......@@ -922,6 +922,9 @@ LANGUAGE_DICT = dict(LANGUAGES)
USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
# Localization strings (e.g. django.po) are under this directory
LOCALE_PATHS = (REPO_ROOT + '/conf/locale',) # edx-platform/conf/locale/
# Messages
......@@ -1943,6 +1946,9 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
# Gating of course content
# Static i18n support
# Migrations which are not in the standard module "migrations"
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
// NOTE: baseUrl has been previously set in lms/templates/main.html
waitSeconds: 60,
paths: {
"gettext": "/i18n",
"annotator_1.2.9": "js/vendor/edxnotes/annotator-full.min",
"date": "js/vendor/date",
"moment": "js/vendor/moment.min",
......@@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ from branding import api as branding_api
% endif
<script type="text/javascript" src="/i18n.js"></script>
jsi18n_path = "js/i18n/{language}/djangojs.js".format(language=LANGUAGE_CODE)
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url(jsi18n_path)}"></script>
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="${static.url(static.get_value('favicon_path', settings.FAVICON_PATH))}" />
......@@ -138,11 +138,6 @@ js_info_dict = {
'packages': ('openassessment',),
urlpatterns += (
# Serve catalog of localized strings to be rendered by Javascript
url(r'^i18n.js$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict),
# sysadmin dashboard, to see what courses are loaded, to delete & load courses
urlpatterns += (
......@@ -5,12 +5,15 @@ import sys
import subprocess
from path import Path as path
from paver.easy import task, cmdopts, needs, sh
from .utils.cmd import django_cmd
from pygments.console import colorize
except ImportError:
colorize = lambda color, text: text
......@@ -194,6 +197,7 @@ def i18n_robot_pull():
Pull source strings, generate po and mo files, and validate
# sh('paver test_i18n')
# Tests were removed from repo, but there should still be tests covering the translations
# TODO: Validate the recently pulled translations, and give a bail option
......@@ -203,10 +207,16 @@ def i18n_robot_pull():
print "\n\nValidating translations with `i18n_tool validate`..."
# Generate static i18n JS files.
for system in ['lms', 'cms']:
sh(django_cmd(system, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, 'compilejsi18n'))
con = raw_input("Continue with committing these translations (y/n)? ")
if con.lower() == 'y':
sh('git add conf/locale')
sh('git add cms/static/js/i18n')
sh('git add lms/static/js/i18n')
'git commit --message='
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ django-oauth-plus==2.2.8
# We need a fix to DRF 3.2.x, for now use it from our own cherry-picked repo
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