Commit cc0de386 by noraiz-anwar

optimize libraries iter for studio dashboard

parent bd49375d
......@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ def _accessible_libraries_iter(user, org=None):
if org is not None:
libraries = [] if org == '' else modulestore().get_libraries(org=org)
libraries = modulestore().get_libraries()
libraries = modulestore().get_library_summaries()
# No need to worry about ErrorDescriptors - split's get_libraries() never returns them.
return (lib for lib in libraries if has_studio_read_access(user, lib.location.library_key))
......@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ def _accessible_libraries_iter(user, org=None):
def course_listing(request):
List all courses available to the logged in user
List all courses and libraries available to the logged in user
optimization_enabled = GlobalStaff().has_user(request.user) and \
......@@ -502,7 +502,9 @@ def course_listing(request):
org = request.GET.get('org', '') if optimization_enabled else None
courses_iter, in_process_course_actions = get_courses_accessible_to_user(request, org)
user = request.user
start_time = time.time()
libraries = _accessible_libraries_iter(request.user, org) if LIBRARIES_ENABLED else []"_accessible_libraries_iter completed in [%f]" , (time.time() - start_time))
def format_in_process_course_view(uca):
......@@ -529,6 +531,7 @@ def course_listing(request):
Return a dict of the data which the view requires for each library
return {
u'display_name': library.display_name,
u'library_key': unicode(library.location.library_key),
......@@ -542,12 +545,16 @@ def course_listing(request):
active_courses, archived_courses = _process_courses_list(courses_iter, in_process_course_actions, split_archived)
in_process_course_actions = [format_in_process_course_view(uca) for uca in in_process_course_actions]
start_time = time.time()
formated_libs = [format_library_for_view(lib) for lib in libraries]"formatting of libraries completed in [%f]", (time.time() - start_time))
return render_to_response(u'index.html', {
u'courses': active_courses,
u'archived_courses': archived_courses,
u'in_process_course_actions': in_process_course_actions,
u'libraries_enabled': LIBRARIES_ENABLED,
u'libraries': [format_library_for_view(lib) for lib in libraries],
u'libraries': formated_libs ,
u'show_new_library_button': get_library_creator_status(user),
u'user': user,
u'request_course_creator_url': reverse('request_course_creator'),
......@@ -560,7 +567,6 @@ def course_listing(request):
return response
def _get_rerun_link_for_item(course_key):
""" Returns the rerun link for the given course key. """
return reverse_course_url('course_rerun_handler', course_key)
......@@ -640,3 +640,39 @@ class LibraryContentDescriptor(LibraryContentFields, MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDe
if field.is_set_on(self):
xml_object.set(field_name, unicode(field.read_from(self)))
return xml_object
class LibrarySummary(object):
A library summary object which contains the fields required for library listing on studio.
def __init__(self, library_locator, display_name):
Initialize LibrarySummary
library_locator (LibraryLocator): LibraryLocator object of the library.
display_name (unicode): display name of the library.
self.display_name = display_name if display_name else u"Empty" = library_locator # pylint: disable=invalid-name
self.location = library_locator.make_usage_key('library', 'library')
def display_org_with_default(self):
Org display names are not implemented. This just provides API compatibility with CourseDescriptor.
Always returns the raw 'org' field from the key.
def display_number_with_default(self):
Display numbers are not implemented. This just provides API compatibility with CourseDescriptor.
Always returns the raw 'library' field from the key.
return self.location.library_key.library
......@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ class MultipleCourseBlocksFound(Exception):
class MultipleLibraryBlocksFound(Exception):
Raise this exception when Iterating over the library blocks return multiple library blocks.
class InsufficientSpecificationError(Exception):
......@@ -322,6 +322,23 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
return courses.values()
def get_library_summaries(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list of LibrarySummary objects.
Information contains `location`, `display_name`, `locator` of the libraries in this modulestore.
library_summaries = {}
for store in self.modulestores:
if not hasattr(store, 'get_libraries'):
# fetch library summaries and filter out any duplicated entry across/within stores
for library_summary in store.get_library_summaries(**kwargs):
library_id = self._clean_locator_for_mapping(library_summary.location)
if library_id not in library_summaries:
library_summaries[library_id] = library_summary
return library_summaries.values()
def get_libraries(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list containing the top level XBlock of the libraries (LibraryRoot) in this modulestore.
......@@ -362,20 +362,21 @@ class MongoConnection(object):
return docs
def find_course_blocks_by_id(self, ids, course_context=None):
def find_courselike_blocks_by_id(self, ids, block_type, course_context=None):
Find all structures that specified in `ids`. Among the blocks only return block whose type is `course`.
Find all structures that specified in `ids`. Among the blocks only return block whose type is `block_type`.
ids (list): A list of structure ids
block_type: type of block to return
with TIMER.timer("find_course_blocks_by_id", course_context) as tagger:
with TIMER.timer("find_courselike_blocks_by_id", course_context) as tagger:
tagger.measure("requested_ids", len(ids))
docs = [
structure_from_mongo(structure, course_context)
for structure in self.structures.find(
{'_id': {'$in': ids}},
{'blocks': {'$elemMatch': {'block_type': 'course'}}, 'root': 1}
{'blocks': {'$elemMatch': {'block_type': block_type}}, 'root': 1}
tagger.measure("structures", len(docs))
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from xblock.core import XBlock
from xblock.fields import Scope, Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceValueDict
from xmodule.course_module import CourseSummary
from xmodule.library_content_module import LibrarySummary
from xmodule.errortracker import null_error_tracker
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import (
......@@ -582,16 +583,16 @@ class SplitBulkWriteMixin(BulkOperationsMixin):
return course_indexes
def find_course_blocks_by_id(self, ids):
def find_courselike_blocks_by_id(self, ids, block_type):
Find all structures that specified in `ids`. Filter the course blocks to only return whose
`block_type` is `course`
Find all structures that specified in `ids`. Return blocks matching with block_type.
ids (list): A list of structure ids
block_type: type of block to return
ids = set(ids)
return self.db_connection.find_course_blocks_by_id(list(ids))
return self.db_connection.find_courselike_blocks_by_id(list(ids), block_type)
return self.db_connection.find_courselike_blocks_by_id(list(ids), block_type)
def find_structures_by_id(self, ids):
......@@ -691,6 +692,9 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
# version) but those functions will have an optional arg for setting these.
SEARCH_TARGET_DICT = ['wiki_slug']
def __init__(self, contentstore, doc_store_config, fs_root, render_template,
......@@ -913,16 +917,19 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
# add it in the envelope for the structure.
return CourseEnvelope(course_key.replace(version_guid=version_guid), entry)
def _get_course_blocks_for_branch(self, branch, **kwargs):
def _get_courselike_blocks_for_branch(self, branch, **kwargs):
Internal generator for fetching lists of courses without loading them.
Internal generator for fetching lists of courselike without loading them.
version_guids, id_version_map = self.collect_ids_from_matching_indexes(branch, **kwargs)
if not version_guids:
for entry in self.find_course_blocks_by_id(version_guids):
block_type = SplitMongoModuleStore.DEFAULT_ROOT_LIBRARY_BLOCK_TYPE \
if branch == 'library' else SplitMongoModuleStore.DEFAULT_ROOT_COURSE_BLOCK_TYPE
for entry in self.find_courselike_blocks_by_id(version_guids, block_type):
for course_index in id_version_map[entry['_id']]:
yield entry, course_index
......@@ -1039,7 +1046,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
courses_summaries = []
for entry, structure_info in self._get_course_blocks_for_branch(branch, **kwargs):
for entry, structure_info in self._get_courselike_blocks_for_branch(branch, **kwargs):
course_locator = self._create_course_locator(structure_info, branch=None)
course_block = [
......@@ -1059,6 +1066,42 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
return courses_summaries
def get_library_summaries(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list of `LibrarySummary` objects.
kwargs can be valid db fields to match against active_versions
collection e.g org='example_org'.
branch = 'library'
libraries_summaries = []
for entry, structure_info in self._get_courselike_blocks_for_branch(branch, **kwargs):
library_locator = self._create_library_locator(structure_info, branch=None)
library_block = [
for block_key, block_data in entry['blocks'].items()
if block_key.type == "library"
if not library_block:
raise ItemNotFoundError
if len(library_block) > 1:
raise MultipleLibraryBlocksFound(
"Expected 1 library block, but found {0}".format(len(library_block))
library_block_fields = library_block[0].fields
display_name = ''
if 'display_name' in library_block_fields:
display_name = library_block_fields['display_name']
LibrarySummary(library_locator, display_name)
return libraries_summaries
def get_libraries(self, branch="library", **kwargs):
Returns a list of "library" root blocks matching any given qualifiers.
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