Commit c9cf8b63 by Ben Patterson

Post complexity metric to a file for downstream collection.

This complexity metric is created by using radon (see changed files for additional
documentation links). This tool calculates cyclomatic complexity and provides a numeric grade
where a lower number is better (e.g., less complex).
parent c0eaeb7e
......@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ class TestPaverQualityViolations(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(num, 2)
class TestPaverJsHintViolationsCounts(unittest.TestCase):
class TestPaverReportViolationsCounts(unittest.TestCase):
For testing run_jshint
For testing run_jshint and run_complexity utils
def setUp(self):
super(TestPaverJsHintViolationsCounts, self).setUp()
super(TestPaverReportViolationsCounts, self).setUp()
# Mock the paver @needs decorator
self._mock_paver_needs = patch.object(pavelib.quality.run_quality, 'needs').start()
......@@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ class TestPaverJsHintViolationsCounts(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_violations_count(self):
def test_get_jshint_violations_count(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("3000 violations found")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line( # pylint: disable=protected-access
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "jshint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, 3000)
def test_get_violations_no_number_found(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("Not expected string regex")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line( # pylint: disable=protected-access
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "jshint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, None)
def test_get_violations_count_truncated_report(self):
......@@ -95,7 +95,41 @@ class TestPaverJsHintViolationsCounts(unittest.TestCase):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("foo/bar/js/fizzbuzz.js: line 45, col 59, Missing semicolon.")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line( # pylint: disable=protected-access
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "jshint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, None)
def test_complexity_value(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("Average complexity: A (1.93953443446)")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "python_complexity") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, 1.93953443446)
def test_truncated_complexity_report(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("M 110:4 FooBar.default - A")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "python_complexity") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, None)
def test_no_complexity_report(self):
with self.assertRaises(BuildFailure):
pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line("non-existent-file", "python_complexity") # pylint: disable=protected-access
def test_generic_value(self):
Default behavior is to look for an integer appearing at head of line
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("5.777 good to see you")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "foo") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, 5)
def test_generic_value_none_found(self):
Default behavior is to look for an integer appearing at head of line
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("hello 5.777 good to see you")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "foo") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, None)
......@@ -229,13 +229,29 @@ def run_complexity():
For additional details on radon, see
system_string = 'cms/ lms/ common/ openedx/'
print "--> Calculating cyclomatic complexity of files..."
complexity_report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "complexity")
complexity_report = complexity_report_dir / "python_complexity.log"
# Ensure directory structure is in place: metrics dir, and an empty complexity report dir.
print "--> Calculating cyclomatic complexity of python files..."
"radon cc {system_string} --total-average".format(
"radon cc {system_string} --total-average > {complexity_report}".format(
complexity_metric = _get_count_from_last_line(complexity_report, "python_complexity")
(Env.METRICS_DIR / "python_complexity")
print "--> Python cyclomatic complexity report complete."
print "radon cyclomatic complexity score: {metric}".format(metric=str(complexity_metric))
except BuildFailure:
print "ERROR: Unable to calculate python-only code-complexity."
......@@ -264,13 +280,18 @@ def run_jshint(options):
num_violations = _get_count_from_last_line(jshint_report)
if not num_violations:
raise BuildFailure("Error in calculating total number of violations.")
num_violations = int(_get_count_from_last_line(jshint_report, "jshint"))
except TypeError:
raise BuildFailure(
"Error. Number of jshint violations could not be found in {jshint_report}".format(
# Record the metric
_write_metric(str(num_violations), (Env.METRICS_DIR / "jshint"))
_write_metric(num_violations, (Env.METRICS_DIR / "jshint"))
# Fail if number of violations is greater than the limit
if num_violations > violations_limit > -1:
......@@ -288,7 +309,7 @@ def _write_metric(metric, filename):
jshint violations found
with open(filename, "w") as metric_file:
def _prepare_report_dir(dir_name):
......@@ -303,20 +324,34 @@ def _get_last_report_line(filename):
Returns the last line of a given file. Used for getting output from quality output files.
file_not_found_message = "The following log file could not be found: {file}".format(file=filename)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as report_file:
lines = report_file.readlines()
return lines[len(lines) - 1]
# Raise a build error if the file is not found
raise BuildFailure(file_not_found_message)
def _get_count_from_last_line(filename):
def _get_count_from_last_line(filename, file_type):
This will return the number in a line that looks something like "3000 errors found". It is returning
the digits only (as an integer).
This will return the number in the last line of a file.
It is returning only the value (as a floating number).
last_line = _get_last_report_line(filename)
if file_type is "python_complexity":
# Example of the last line of a complexity report: "Average complexity: A (1.93953443446)"
regex = r'\d+.\d+'
# Example of the last line of a jshint report (for example): "3482 errors"
regex = r'^\d+'
return int('^\d+', last_line).group(0))
except AttributeError:
return float(, last_line).group(0))
# An AttributeError will occur if the regex finds no matches.
# A ValueError will occur if the returned regex cannot be cast as a float.
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
return None
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ case "$TEST_SUITE" in
paver run_jshint -l $JSHINT_THRESHOLD > jshint.log || { cat jshint.log; EXIT=1; }
echo "Running code complexity report (python)."
paver run_complexity > reports/code_complexity.log || echo "Unable to calculate code complexity. Ignoring error."
paver run_complexity || echo "Unable to calculate code complexity. Ignoring error."
# Need to create an empty test result so the post-build
# action doesn't fail the build.
cat > reports/quality.xml <<END
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