Commit c80f700e by Christina Roberts Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14335 from edx/christina/remove-names

Remove warnings about WIP API.
parents be28e5c4 80ff25f7
""" """
NOTE: this API is WIP and has not yet been approved. Do not use this API without talking to Christina or Andy. An API for retrieving user account information.
For more information, see: For additional information and historical context, see:
""" """
from django.db import transaction from django.db import transaction
from edx_rest_framework_extensions.authentication import JwtAuthentication from edx_rest_framework_extensions.authentication import JwtAuthentication
from rest_framework import permissions from rest_framework import permissions
""" """
NOTE: this API is WIP and has not yet been approved. Do not use this API An API for retrieving user preference information.
without talking to Christina or Andy.
For more information, see: For additional information and historical context, see:
""" """
from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.views import APIView
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