Commit c68b0d3c by VikParuchuri

Merge pull request #1439 from MITx/feature/vik/oe-versioning

Feature/vik/oe versioning
parents f42f84d9 cf81fb27
......@@ -7,11 +7,7 @@ from lxml import etree
from lxml.html import rewrite_links
from path import path
import os
import dateutil
import dateutil.parser
import datetime
import sys
from timeparse import parse_timedelta
from pkg_resources import resource_string
......@@ -23,40 +19,17 @@ from .stringify import stringify_children
from .x_module import XModule
from .xml_module import XmlDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
import self_assessment_module
import open_ended_module
from combined_open_ended_rubric import CombinedOpenEndedRubric, RubricParsingError
from .stringify import stringify_children
from combined_open_ended_modulev1 import CombinedOpenEndedV1Module, CombinedOpenEndedV1Descriptor
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
# Set the default number of max attempts. Should be 1 for production
# Set higher for debugging/testing
# attempts specified in xml definition overrides this.
# Set maximum available number of points.
# Overriden by max_score specified in xml.
#The highest score allowed for the overall xmodule and for each rubric point
#If true, default behavior is to score module as a practice problem. Otherwise, no grade at all is shown in progress
#Metadata overrides this.
#If true, then default behavior is to require a file upload or pasted link from a student for this problem.
#Metadata overrides this.
('1', CombinedOpenEndedV1Descriptor, CombinedOpenEndedV1Module),
#Contains all reasonable bool and case combinations of True
TRUE_DICT = ["True", True, "TRUE", "true"]
'selfassessment': "Self Assessment",
'openended': "External Grader",
class CombinedOpenEndedModule(XModule):
......@@ -137,533 +110,68 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedModule(XModule):
self.system = system
self.system.set('location', location)
# Load instance state
if instance_state is not None:
instance_state = json.loads(instance_state)
instance_state = {}
#We need to set the location here so the child modules can use it
system.set('location', location)
#Tells the system which xml definition to load
self.current_task_number = instance_state.get('current_task_number', 0)
#This loads the states of the individual children
self.task_states = instance_state.get('task_states', [])
#Overall state of the combined open ended module
self.state = instance_state.get('state', self.INITIAL)
self.attempts = instance_state.get('attempts', 0)
#Allow reset is true if student has failed the criteria to move to the next child task
self.allow_reset = instance_state.get('ready_to_reset', False)
self.max_attempts = int(self.metadata.get('attempts', MAX_ATTEMPTS))
self.is_scored = self.metadata.get('is_graded', IS_SCORED) in TRUE_DICT
self.accept_file_upload = self.metadata.get('accept_file_upload', ACCEPT_FILE_UPLOAD) in TRUE_DICT
display_due_date_string = self.metadata.get('due', None)
if display_due_date_string is not None:
self.display_due_date = dateutil.parser.parse(display_due_date_string)
except ValueError:
log.error("Could not parse due date {0} for location {1}".format(display_due_date_string, location))
self.display_due_date = None
grace_period_string = self.metadata.get('graceperiod', None)
if grace_period_string is not None and self.display_due_date:
self.version = self.metadata.get('version', DEFAULT_VERSION)
if not isinstance(self.version, basestring):
self.grace_period = parse_timedelta(grace_period_string)
self.close_date = self.display_due_date + self.grace_period
self.version = str(self.version)
log.error("Error parsing the grace period {0} for location {1}".format(grace_period_string, location))
self.grace_period = None
self.close_date = self.display_due_date
# Used for progress / grading. Currently get credit just for
# completion (doesn't matter if you self-assessed correct/incorrect).
self._max_score = int(self.metadata.get('max_score', MAX_SCORE))
rubric_renderer = CombinedOpenEndedRubric(system, True)
rubric_string = stringify_children(definition['rubric'])
rubric_renderer.check_if_rubric_is_parseable(rubric_string, location, MAX_SCORE_ALLOWED, self._max_score)
#Static data is passed to the child modules to render
self.static_data = {
'max_score': self._max_score,
'max_attempts': self.max_attempts,
'prompt': definition['prompt'],
'rubric': definition['rubric'],
'display_name': self.display_name,
'accept_file_upload': self.accept_file_upload,
'close_date': self.close_date
self.task_xml = definition['task_xml']
def get_tag_name(self, xml):
Gets the tag name of a given xml block.
Input: XML string
Output: The name of the root tag
tag = etree.fromstring(xml).tag
return tag
def overwrite_state(self, current_task_state):
Overwrites an instance state and sets the latest response to the current response. This is used
to ensure that the student response is carried over from the first child to the rest.
Input: Task state json string
Output: Task state json string
last_response_data = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number - 1)
last_response = last_response_data['response']
loaded_task_state = json.loads(current_task_state)
if loaded_task_state['state'] == self.INITIAL:
loaded_task_state['state'] = self.ASSESSING
loaded_task_state['created'] = True
loaded_task_state['history'].append({'answer': last_response})
current_task_state = json.dumps(loaded_task_state)
return current_task_state
def child_modules(self):
Returns the constructors associated with the child modules in a dictionary. This makes writing functions
simpler (saves code duplication)
Input: None
Output: A dictionary of dictionaries containing the descriptor functions and module functions
child_modules = {
'openended': open_ended_module.OpenEndedModule,
'selfassessment': self_assessment_module.SelfAssessmentModule,
child_descriptors = {
'openended': open_ended_module.OpenEndedDescriptor,
'selfassessment': self_assessment_module.SelfAssessmentDescriptor,
children = {
'modules': child_modules,
'descriptors': child_descriptors,
return children
def setup_next_task(self, reset=False):
Sets up the next task for the module. Creates an instance state if none exists, carries over the answer
from the last instance state to the next if needed.
Input: A boolean indicating whether or not the reset function is calling.
Output: Boolean True (not useful right now)
current_task_state = None
if len(self.task_states) > self.current_task_number:
current_task_state = self.task_states[self.current_task_number]
self.current_task_xml = self.task_xml[self.current_task_number]
if self.current_task_number > 0:
self.allow_reset = self.check_allow_reset()
if self.allow_reset:
self.current_task_number = self.current_task_number - 1
current_task_type = self.get_tag_name(self.current_task_xml)
children = self.child_modules()
child_task_module = children['modules'][current_task_type]
self.current_task_descriptor = children['descriptors'][current_task_type](self.system)
#This is the xml object created from the xml definition of the current task
etree_xml = etree.fromstring(self.current_task_xml)
#This sends the etree_xml object through the descriptor module of the current task, and
#returns the xml parsed by the descriptor
self.current_task_parsed_xml = self.current_task_descriptor.definition_from_xml(etree_xml, self.system)
if current_task_state is None and self.current_task_number == 0:
self.current_task = child_task_module(self.system, self.location,
self.current_task_parsed_xml, self.current_task_descriptor, self.static_data)
self.state = self.ASSESSING
elif current_task_state is None and self.current_task_number > 0:
last_response_data = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number - 1)
last_response = last_response_data['response']
current_task_state = json.dumps({
'state': self.ASSESSING,
'version': self.STATE_VERSION,
'max_score': self._max_score,
'attempts': 0,
'created': True,
'history': [{'answer': last_response}],
self.current_task = child_task_module(self.system, self.location,
self.current_task_parsed_xml, self.current_task_descriptor, self.static_data,
self.state = self.ASSESSING
if self.current_task_number > 0 and not reset:
current_task_state = self.overwrite_state(current_task_state)
self.current_task = child_task_module(self.system, self.location,
self.current_task_parsed_xml, self.current_task_descriptor, self.static_data,
return True
log.error("Version {0} is not correct. Going with version {1}".format(self.version, DEFAULT_VERSION))
self.version = DEFAULT_VERSION
versions = [i[0] for i in VERSION_TUPLES]
descriptors = [i[1] for i in VERSION_TUPLES]
modules = [i[2] for i in VERSION_TUPLES]
def check_allow_reset(self):
Checks to see if the student has passed the criteria to move to the next module. If not, sets
allow_reset to true and halts the student progress through the tasks.
Input: None
Output: the allow_reset attribute of the current module.
if not self.allow_reset:
if self.current_task_number > 0:
last_response_data = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number - 1)
current_response_data = self.get_current_attributes(self.current_task_number)
if(current_response_data['min_score_to_attempt'] > last_response_data['score']
or current_response_data['max_score_to_attempt'] < last_response_data['score']):
self.state = self.DONE
self.allow_reset = True
return self.allow_reset
version_index = versions.index(self.version)
log.error("Version {0} is not correct. Going with version {1}".format(self.version, DEFAULT_VERSION))
self.version = DEFAULT_VERSION
version_index = versions.index(self.version)
def get_context(self):
Generates a context dictionary that is used to render html.
Input: None
Output: A dictionary that can be rendered into the combined open ended template.
task_html = self.get_html_base()
#set context variables and render template
context = {
'items': [{'content': task_html}],
'ajax_url': self.system.ajax_url,
'allow_reset': self.allow_reset,
'state': self.state,
'task_count': len(self.task_xml),
'task_number': self.current_task_number + 1,
'status': self.get_status(),
'display_name': self.display_name,
'accept_file_upload': self.accept_file_upload,
static_data = {
'rewrite_content_links' : self.rewrite_content_links,
return context
self.child_descriptor = descriptors[version_index](self.system)
self.child_definition = descriptors[version_index].definition_from_xml(etree.fromstring(definition['xml_string']), self.system)
self.child_module = modules[version_index](self.system, location, self.child_definition, self.child_descriptor,
instance_state = json.dumps(instance_state), metadata = self.metadata, static_data= static_data)
def get_html(self):
Gets HTML for rendering.
Input: None
Output: rendered html
context = self.get_context()
html = self.system.render_template('combined_open_ended.html', context)
return html
def get_html_nonsystem(self):
Gets HTML for rendering via AJAX. Does not use system, because system contains some additional
html, which is not appropriate for returning via ajax calls.
Input: None
Output: HTML rendered directly via Mako
context = self.get_context()
html = self.system.render_template('combined_open_ended.html', context)
return html
def get_html_base(self):
Gets the HTML associated with the current child task
Input: None
Output: Child task HTML
html = self.current_task.get_html(self.system)
return_html = rewrite_links(html, self.rewrite_content_links)
return return_html
def get_current_attributes(self, task_number):
Gets the min and max score to attempt attributes of the specified task.
Input: The number of the task.
Output: The minimum and maximum scores needed to move on to the specified task.
task_xml = self.task_xml[task_number]
etree_xml = etree.fromstring(task_xml)
min_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('min_score_to_attempt', 0))
max_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('max_score_to_attempt', self._max_score))
return {'min_score_to_attempt': min_score_to_attempt, 'max_score_to_attempt': max_score_to_attempt}
def get_last_response(self, task_number):
Returns data associated with the specified task number, such as the last response, score, etc.
Input: The number of the task.
Output: A dictionary that contains information about the specified task.
last_response = ""
task_state = self.task_states[task_number]
task_xml = self.task_xml[task_number]
task_type = self.get_tag_name(task_xml)
children = self.child_modules()
task_descriptor = children['descriptors'][task_type](self.system)
etree_xml = etree.fromstring(task_xml)
min_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('min_score_to_attempt', 0))
max_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('max_score_to_attempt', self._max_score))
task_parsed_xml = task_descriptor.definition_from_xml(etree_xml, self.system)
task = children['modules'][task_type](self.system, self.location, task_parsed_xml, task_descriptor,
self.static_data, instance_state=task_state)
last_response = task.latest_answer()
last_score = task.latest_score()
last_post_assessment = task.latest_post_assessment(self.system)
last_post_feedback = ""
if task_type == "openended":
last_post_assessment = task.latest_post_assessment(self.system, short_feedback=False, join_feedback=False)
if isinstance(last_post_assessment, list):
eval_list = []
for i in xrange(0, len(last_post_assessment)):
eval_list.append(task.format_feedback_with_evaluation(self.system, last_post_assessment[i]))
last_post_evaluation = "".join(eval_list)
last_post_evaluation = task.format_feedback_with_evaluation(self.system, last_post_assessment)
last_post_assessment = last_post_evaluation
last_correctness = task.is_last_response_correct()
max_score = task.max_score()
state = task.state
if task_type in HUMAN_TASK_TYPE:
human_task_name = HUMAN_TASK_TYPE[task_type]
human_task_name = task_type
if state in task.HUMAN_NAMES:
human_state = task.HUMAN_NAMES[state]
human_state = state
last_response_dict = {
'response': last_response,
'score': last_score,
'post_assessment': last_post_assessment,
'type': task_type,
'max_score': max_score,
'state': state,
'human_state': human_state,
'human_task': human_task_name,
'correct': last_correctness,
'min_score_to_attempt': min_score_to_attempt,
'max_score_to_attempt': max_score_to_attempt,
return last_response_dict
def update_task_states(self):
Updates the task state of the combined open ended module with the task state of the current child module.
Input: None
Output: boolean indicating whether or not the task state changed.
changed = False
if not self.allow_reset:
self.task_states[self.current_task_number] = self.current_task.get_instance_state()
current_task_state = json.loads(self.task_states[self.current_task_number])
if current_task_state['state'] == self.DONE:
self.current_task_number += 1
if self.current_task_number >= (len(self.task_xml)):
self.state = self.DONE
self.current_task_number = len(self.task_xml) - 1
self.state = self.INITIAL
changed = True
return changed
def update_task_states_ajax(self, return_html):
Runs the update task states function for ajax calls. Currently the same as update_task_states
Input: The html returned by the handle_ajax function of the child
Output: New html that should be rendered
changed = self.update_task_states()
if changed:
return return_html
def get_results(self, get):
Gets the results of a given grader via ajax.
Input: AJAX get dictionary
Output: Dictionary to be rendered via ajax that contains the result html.
task_number = int(get['task_number'])
response_dict = self.get_last_response(task_number)
context = {'results': response_dict['post_assessment'], 'task_number': task_number + 1}
html = self.system.render_template('combined_open_ended_results.html', context)
return {'html': html, 'success': True}
return self.child_module.get_html()
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
This is called by courseware.module_render, to handle an AJAX call.
"get" is request.POST.
Returns a json dictionary:
{ 'progress_changed' : True/False,
'progress': 'none'/'in_progress'/'done',
<other request-specific values here > }
handlers = {
'next_problem': self.next_problem,
'reset': self.reset,
'get_results': self.get_results
if dispatch not in handlers:
return_html = self.current_task.handle_ajax(dispatch, get, self.system)
return self.update_task_states_ajax(return_html)
d = handlers[dispatch](get)
return json.dumps(d, cls=ComplexEncoder)
def next_problem(self, get):
Called via ajax to advance to the next problem.
Input: AJAX get request.
Output: Dictionary to be rendered
return {'success': True, 'html': self.get_html_nonsystem(), 'allow_reset': self.allow_reset}
def reset(self, get):
If resetting is allowed, reset the state of the combined open ended module.
Input: AJAX get dictionary
Output: AJAX dictionary to tbe rendered
if self.state != self.DONE:
if not self.allow_reset:
return self.out_of_sync_error(get)
if self.attempts > self.max_attempts:
return {
'success': False,
'error': 'Too many attempts.'
self.state = self.INITIAL
self.allow_reset = False
for i in xrange(0, len(self.task_xml)):
self.current_task_number = i
self.task_states[self.current_task_number] = self.current_task.get_instance_state()
self.current_task_number = 0
self.allow_reset = False
return {'success': True, 'html': self.get_html_nonsystem()}
return self.child_module.handle_ajax(dispatch, get)
def get_instance_state(self):
Returns the current instance state. The module can be recreated from the instance state.
Input: None
Output: A dictionary containing the instance state.
state = {
'version': self.STATE_VERSION,
'current_task_number': self.current_task_number,
'state': self.state,
'task_states': self.task_states,
'attempts': self.attempts,
'ready_to_reset': self.allow_reset,
return json.dumps(state)
def get_status(self):
Gets the status panel to be displayed at the top right.
Input: None
Output: The status html to be rendered
status = []
for i in xrange(0, self.current_task_number + 1):
task_data = self.get_last_response(i)
task_data.update({'task_number': i + 1})
context = {'status_list': status}
status_html = self.system.render_template("combined_open_ended_status.html", context)
return status_html
def check_if_done_and_scored(self):
Checks if the object is currently in a finished state (either student didn't meet criteria to move
to next step, in which case they are in the allow_reset state, or they are done with the question
entirely, in which case they will be in the self.DONE state), and if it is scored or not.
@return: Boolean corresponding to the above.
return (self.state == self.DONE or self.allow_reset) and self.is_scored
return self.child_module.get_instance_state()
def get_score(self):
Score the student received on the problem, or None if there is no
{'score': integer, from 0 to get_max_score(),
'total': get_max_score()}
max_score = None
score = None
if self.check_if_done_and_scored():
last_response = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number)
max_score = last_response['max_score']
score = last_response['score']
score_dict = {
'score': score,
'total': max_score,
return score_dict
return self.child_module.get_score()
def max_score(self):
''' Maximum score. Two notes:
* This is generic; in abstract, a problem could be 3/5 points on one
randomization, and 5/7 on another
max_score = None
if self.check_if_done_and_scored():
last_response = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number)
max_score = last_response['max_score']
return max_score
return self.child_module.max_score()
def get_progress(self):
''' Return a progress.Progress object that represents how far the
student has gone in this module. Must be implemented to get correct
progress tracking behavior in nesting modules like sequence and
return self.child_module.get_progress()
If this module has no notion of progress, return None.
progress_object = Progress(self.current_task_number, len(self.task_xml))
def due_date(self):
return self.child_module.due_date
return progress_object
def display_name(self):
return self.child_module.display_name
class CombinedOpenEndedDescriptor(XmlDescriptor, EditingDescriptor):
......@@ -693,20 +201,8 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedDescriptor(XmlDescriptor, EditingDescriptor):
'task_xml': dictionary of xml strings,
expected_children = ['task', 'rubric', 'prompt']
for child in expected_children:
if len(xml_object.xpath(child)) == 0:
raise ValueError("Combined Open Ended definition must include at least one '{0}' tag".format(child))
def parse_task(k):
"""Assumes that xml_object has child k"""
return [stringify_children(xml_object.xpath(k)[i]) for i in xrange(0, len(xml_object.xpath(k)))]
def parse(k):
"""Assumes that xml_object has child k"""
return xml_object.xpath(k)[0]
return {'task_xml': parse_task('task'), 'prompt': parse('prompt'), 'rubric': parse('rubric')}
return {'xml_string' : etree.tostring(xml_object), 'metadata' : xml_object.attrib}
def definition_to_xml(self, resource_fs):
import copy
from fs.errors import ResourceNotFoundError
import itertools
import json
import logging
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html import rewrite_links
from path import path
import os
import sys
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from .capa_module import only_one, ComplexEncoder
from .editing_module import EditingDescriptor
from .html_checker import check_html
from progress import Progress
from .stringify import stringify_children
from .x_module import XModule
from .xml_module import XmlDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
import self_assessment_module
import open_ended_module
from combined_open_ended_rubric import CombinedOpenEndedRubric, RubricParsingError
from .stringify import stringify_children
import dateutil
import dateutil.parser
import datetime
from timeparse import parse_timedelta
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
# Set the default number of max attempts. Should be 1 for production
# Set higher for debugging/testing
# attempts specified in xml definition overrides this.
# Set maximum available number of points.
# Overriden by max_score specified in xml.
#The highest score allowed for the overall xmodule and for each rubric point
#If true, default behavior is to score module as a practice problem. Otherwise, no grade at all is shown in progress
#Metadata overrides this.
#If true, then default behavior is to require a file upload or pasted link from a student for this problem.
#Metadata overrides this.
#Contains all reasonable bool and case combinations of True
TRUE_DICT = ["True", True, "TRUE", "true"]
'selfassessment' : "Self Assessment",
'openended' : "External Grader",
class CombinedOpenEndedV1Module():
This is a module that encapsulates all open ended grading (self assessment, peer assessment, etc).
It transitions between problems, and support arbitrary ordering.
Each combined open ended module contains one or multiple "child" modules.
Child modules track their own state, and can transition between states. They also implement get_html and
The combined open ended module transitions between child modules as appropriate, tracks its own state, and passess
ajax requests from the browser to the child module or handles them itself (in the cases of reset and next problem)
ajax actions implemented by all children are:
'save_answer' -- Saves the student answer
'save_assessment' -- Saves the student assessment (or external grader assessment)
'save_post_assessment' -- saves a post assessment (hint, feedback on feedback, etc)
ajax actions implemented by combined open ended module are:
'reset' -- resets the whole combined open ended module and returns to the first child module
'next_problem' -- moves to the next child module
'get_results' -- gets results from a given child module
Types of children. Task is synonymous with child module, so each combined open ended module
incorporates multiple children (tasks):
# states
INITIAL = 'initial'
ASSESSING = 'assessing'
INTERMEDIATE_DONE = 'intermediate_done'
DONE = 'done'
js = {'coffee': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/combinedopenended/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
js_module_name = "CombinedOpenEnded"
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/combinedopenended/display.scss')]}
def __init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor,
instance_state=None, shared_state=None, metadata = None, static_data = None, **kwargs):
Definition file should have one or many task blocks, a rubric block, and a prompt block:
Sample file:
<combinedopenended attempts="10000" max_score="1">
Blah blah rubric.
Some prompt.
What hint about this problem would you give to someone?
Save Succcesful. Thanks for participating!
<openended min_score_to_attempt="1" max_score_to_attempt="1">
<initial_display>Enter essay here.</initial_display>
<answer_display>This is the answer.</answer_display>
<grader_payload>{"grader_settings" : "ml_grading.conf",
"problem_id" : "6.002x/Welcome/OETest"}</grader_payload>
self.metadata = metadata
self.display_name = metadata.get('display_name', "Open Ended")
self.rewrite_content_links = static_data.get('rewrite_content_links',"")
# Load instance state
if instance_state is not None:
instance_state = json.loads(instance_state)
instance_state = {}
#We need to set the location here so the child modules can use it
system.set('location', location)
self.system = system
#Tells the system which xml definition to load
self.current_task_number = instance_state.get('current_task_number', 0)
#This loads the states of the individual children
self.task_states = instance_state.get('task_states', [])
#Overall state of the combined open ended module
self.state = instance_state.get('state', self.INITIAL)
self.attempts = instance_state.get('attempts', 0)
#Allow reset is true if student has failed the criteria to move to the next child task
self.allow_reset = instance_state.get('ready_to_reset', False)
self.max_attempts = int(self.metadata.get('attempts', MAX_ATTEMPTS))
self.is_scored = self.metadata.get('is_graded', IS_SCORED) in TRUE_DICT
self.accept_file_upload = self.metadata.get('accept_file_upload', ACCEPT_FILE_UPLOAD) in TRUE_DICT
display_due_date_string = self.metadata.get('due', None)
if display_due_date_string is not None:
self.display_due_date = dateutil.parser.parse(display_due_date_string)
except ValueError:
log.error("Could not parse due date {0} for location {1}".format(display_due_date_string, location))
self.display_due_date = None
grace_period_string = self.metadata.get('graceperiod', None)
if grace_period_string is not None and self.display_due_date:
self.grace_period = parse_timedelta(grace_period_string)
self.close_date = self.display_due_date + self.grace_period
log.error("Error parsing the grace period {0} for location {1}".format(grace_period_string, location))
self.grace_period = None
self.close_date = self.display_due_date
# Used for progress / grading. Currently get credit just for
# completion (doesn't matter if you self-assessed correct/incorrect).
self._max_score = int(self.metadata.get('max_score', MAX_SCORE))
rubric_renderer = CombinedOpenEndedRubric(system, True)
rubric_string = stringify_children(definition['rubric'])
rubric_renderer.check_if_rubric_is_parseable(rubric_string, location, MAX_SCORE_ALLOWED, self._max_score)
#Static data is passed to the child modules to render
self.static_data = {
'max_score': self._max_score,
'max_attempts': self.max_attempts,
'prompt': definition['prompt'],
'rubric': definition['rubric'],
'display_name': self.display_name,
'accept_file_upload': self.accept_file_upload,
'close_date' : self.close_date,
self.task_xml = definition['task_xml']
self.location = location
def get_tag_name(self, xml):
Gets the tag name of a given xml block.
Input: XML string
Output: The name of the root tag
tag = etree.fromstring(xml).tag
return tag
def overwrite_state(self, current_task_state):
Overwrites an instance state and sets the latest response to the current response. This is used
to ensure that the student response is carried over from the first child to the rest.
Input: Task state json string
Output: Task state json string
last_response_data = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number - 1)
last_response = last_response_data['response']
loaded_task_state = json.loads(current_task_state)
if loaded_task_state['state'] == self.INITIAL:
loaded_task_state['state'] = self.ASSESSING
loaded_task_state['created'] = True
loaded_task_state['history'].append({'answer': last_response})
current_task_state = json.dumps(loaded_task_state)
return current_task_state
def child_modules(self):
Returns the constructors associated with the child modules in a dictionary. This makes writing functions
simpler (saves code duplication)
Input: None
Output: A dictionary of dictionaries containing the descriptor functions and module functions
child_modules = {
'openended': open_ended_module.OpenEndedModule,
'selfassessment': self_assessment_module.SelfAssessmentModule,
child_descriptors = {
'openended': open_ended_module.OpenEndedDescriptor,
'selfassessment': self_assessment_module.SelfAssessmentDescriptor,
children = {
'modules': child_modules,
'descriptors': child_descriptors,
return children
def setup_next_task(self, reset=False):
Sets up the next task for the module. Creates an instance state if none exists, carries over the answer
from the last instance state to the next if needed.
Input: A boolean indicating whether or not the reset function is calling.
Output: Boolean True (not useful right now)
current_task_state = None
if len(self.task_states) > self.current_task_number:
current_task_state = self.task_states[self.current_task_number]
self.current_task_xml = self.task_xml[self.current_task_number]
if self.current_task_number > 0:
self.allow_reset = self.check_allow_reset()
if self.allow_reset:
self.current_task_number = self.current_task_number - 1
current_task_type = self.get_tag_name(self.current_task_xml)
children = self.child_modules()
child_task_module = children['modules'][current_task_type]
self.current_task_descriptor = children['descriptors'][current_task_type](self.system)
#This is the xml object created from the xml definition of the current task
etree_xml = etree.fromstring(self.current_task_xml)
#This sends the etree_xml object through the descriptor module of the current task, and
#returns the xml parsed by the descriptor
self.current_task_parsed_xml = self.current_task_descriptor.definition_from_xml(etree_xml, self.system)
if current_task_state is None and self.current_task_number == 0:
self.current_task = child_task_module(self.system, self.location,
self.current_task_parsed_xml, self.current_task_descriptor, self.static_data)
self.state = self.ASSESSING
elif current_task_state is None and self.current_task_number > 0:
last_response_data = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number - 1)
last_response = last_response_data['response']
current_task_state = json.dumps({
'state': self.ASSESSING,
'version': self.STATE_VERSION,
'max_score': self._max_score,
'attempts': 0,
'created': True,
'history': [{'answer': last_response}],
self.current_task = child_task_module(self.system, self.location,
self.current_task_parsed_xml, self.current_task_descriptor, self.static_data,
self.state = self.ASSESSING
if self.current_task_number > 0 and not reset:
current_task_state = self.overwrite_state(current_task_state)
self.current_task = child_task_module(self.system, self.location,
self.current_task_parsed_xml, self.current_task_descriptor, self.static_data,
return True
def check_allow_reset(self):
Checks to see if the student has passed the criteria to move to the next module. If not, sets
allow_reset to true and halts the student progress through the tasks.
Input: None
Output: the allow_reset attribute of the current module.
if not self.allow_reset:
if self.current_task_number > 0:
last_response_data = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number - 1)
current_response_data = self.get_current_attributes(self.current_task_number)
if(current_response_data['min_score_to_attempt'] > last_response_data['score']
or current_response_data['max_score_to_attempt'] < last_response_data['score']):
self.state = self.DONE
self.allow_reset = True
return self.allow_reset
def get_context(self):
Generates a context dictionary that is used to render html.
Input: None
Output: A dictionary that can be rendered into the combined open ended template.
task_html = self.get_html_base()
#set context variables and render template
context = {
'items': [{'content': task_html}],
'ajax_url': self.system.ajax_url,
'allow_reset': self.allow_reset,
'state': self.state,
'task_count': len(self.task_xml),
'task_number': self.current_task_number + 1,
'status': self.get_status(),
'display_name': self.display_name,
'accept_file_upload': self.accept_file_upload,
return context
def get_html(self):
Gets HTML for rendering.
Input: None
Output: rendered html
context = self.get_context()
html = self.system.render_template('combined_open_ended.html', context)
return html
def get_html_nonsystem(self):
Gets HTML for rendering via AJAX. Does not use system, because system contains some additional
html, which is not appropriate for returning via ajax calls.
Input: None
Output: HTML rendered directly via Mako
context = self.get_context()
html = self.system.render_template('combined_open_ended.html', context)
return html
def get_html_base(self):
Gets the HTML associated with the current child task
Input: None
Output: Child task HTML
html = self.current_task.get_html(self.system)
return_html = rewrite_links(html, self.rewrite_content_links)
return return_html
def get_current_attributes(self, task_number):
Gets the min and max score to attempt attributes of the specified task.
Input: The number of the task.
Output: The minimum and maximum scores needed to move on to the specified task.
task_xml = self.task_xml[task_number]
etree_xml = etree.fromstring(task_xml)
min_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('min_score_to_attempt', 0))
max_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('max_score_to_attempt', self._max_score))
return {'min_score_to_attempt': min_score_to_attempt, 'max_score_to_attempt': max_score_to_attempt}
def get_last_response(self, task_number):
Returns data associated with the specified task number, such as the last response, score, etc.
Input: The number of the task.
Output: A dictionary that contains information about the specified task.
last_response = ""
task_state = self.task_states[task_number]
task_xml = self.task_xml[task_number]
task_type = self.get_tag_name(task_xml)
children = self.child_modules()
task_descriptor = children['descriptors'][task_type](self.system)
etree_xml = etree.fromstring(task_xml)
min_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('min_score_to_attempt', 0))
max_score_to_attempt = int(etree_xml.attrib.get('max_score_to_attempt', self._max_score))
task_parsed_xml = task_descriptor.definition_from_xml(etree_xml, self.system)
task = children['modules'][task_type](self.system, self.location, task_parsed_xml, task_descriptor,
self.static_data, instance_state=task_state)
last_response = task.latest_answer()
last_score = task.latest_score()
last_post_assessment = task.latest_post_assessment(self.system)
last_post_feedback = ""
if task_type == "openended":
last_post_assessment = task.latest_post_assessment(self.system, short_feedback=False, join_feedback=False)
if isinstance(last_post_assessment, list):
eval_list = []
for i in xrange(0, len(last_post_assessment)):
eval_list.append(task.format_feedback_with_evaluation(self.system, last_post_assessment[i]))
last_post_evaluation = "".join(eval_list)
last_post_evaluation = task.format_feedback_with_evaluation(self.system, last_post_assessment)
last_post_assessment = last_post_evaluation
last_correctness = task.is_last_response_correct()
max_score = task.max_score()
state = task.state
if task_type in HUMAN_TASK_TYPE:
human_task_name = HUMAN_TASK_TYPE[task_type]
human_task_name = task_type
if state in task.HUMAN_NAMES:
human_state = task.HUMAN_NAMES[state]
human_state = state
last_response_dict = {
'response': last_response,
'score': last_score,
'post_assessment': last_post_assessment,
'type': task_type,
'max_score': max_score,
'state': state,
'human_state': human_state,
'human_task': human_task_name,
'correct': last_correctness,
'min_score_to_attempt': min_score_to_attempt,
'max_score_to_attempt': max_score_to_attempt,
return last_response_dict
def update_task_states(self):
Updates the task state of the combined open ended module with the task state of the current child module.
Input: None
Output: boolean indicating whether or not the task state changed.
changed = False
if not self.allow_reset:
self.task_states[self.current_task_number] = self.current_task.get_instance_state()
current_task_state = json.loads(self.task_states[self.current_task_number])
if current_task_state['state'] == self.DONE:
self.current_task_number += 1
if self.current_task_number >= (len(self.task_xml)):
self.state = self.DONE
self.current_task_number = len(self.task_xml) - 1
self.state = self.INITIAL
changed = True
return changed
def update_task_states_ajax(self, return_html):
Runs the update task states function for ajax calls. Currently the same as update_task_states
Input: The html returned by the handle_ajax function of the child
Output: New html that should be rendered
changed = self.update_task_states()
if changed:
return return_html
def get_results(self, get):
Gets the results of a given grader via ajax.
Input: AJAX get dictionary
Output: Dictionary to be rendered via ajax that contains the result html.
task_number = int(get['task_number'])
response_dict = self.get_last_response(task_number)
context = {'results': response_dict['post_assessment'], 'task_number': task_number + 1}
html = self.system.render_template('combined_open_ended_results.html', context)
return {'html': html, 'success': True}
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
This is called by courseware.module_render, to handle an AJAX call.
"get" is request.POST.
Returns a json dictionary:
{ 'progress_changed' : True/False,
'progress': 'none'/'in_progress'/'done',
<other request-specific values here > }
handlers = {
'next_problem': self.next_problem,
'reset': self.reset,
'get_results': self.get_results
if dispatch not in handlers:
return_html = self.current_task.handle_ajax(dispatch, get, self.system)
return self.update_task_states_ajax(return_html)
d = handlers[dispatch](get)
return json.dumps(d, cls=ComplexEncoder)
def next_problem(self, get):
Called via ajax to advance to the next problem.
Input: AJAX get request.
Output: Dictionary to be rendered
return {'success': True, 'html': self.get_html_nonsystem(), 'allow_reset': self.allow_reset}
def reset(self, get):
If resetting is allowed, reset the state of the combined open ended module.
Input: AJAX get dictionary
Output: AJAX dictionary to tbe rendered
if self.state != self.DONE:
if not self.allow_reset:
return self.out_of_sync_error(get)
if self.attempts > self.max_attempts:
return {
'success': False,
'error': 'Too many attempts.'
self.state = self.INITIAL
self.allow_reset = False
for i in xrange(0, len(self.task_xml)):
self.current_task_number = i
self.task_states[self.current_task_number] = self.current_task.get_instance_state()
self.current_task_number = 0
self.allow_reset = False
return {'success': True, 'html': self.get_html_nonsystem()}
def get_instance_state(self):
Returns the current instance state. The module can be recreated from the instance state.
Input: None
Output: A dictionary containing the instance state.
state = {
'version': self.STATE_VERSION,
'current_task_number': self.current_task_number,
'state': self.state,
'task_states': self.task_states,
'attempts': self.attempts,
'ready_to_reset': self.allow_reset,
return json.dumps(state)
def get_status(self):
Gets the status panel to be displayed at the top right.
Input: None
Output: The status html to be rendered
status = []
for i in xrange(0, self.current_task_number + 1):
task_data = self.get_last_response(i)
task_data.update({'task_number': i + 1})
context = {'status_list': status}
status_html = self.system.render_template("combined_open_ended_status.html", context)
return status_html
def check_if_done_and_scored(self):
Checks if the object is currently in a finished state (either student didn't meet criteria to move
to next step, in which case they are in the allow_reset state, or they are done with the question
entirely, in which case they will be in the self.DONE state), and if it is scored or not.
@return: Boolean corresponding to the above.
return (self.state == self.DONE or self.allow_reset) and self.is_scored
def get_score(self):
Score the student received on the problem, or None if there is no
{'score': integer, from 0 to get_max_score(),
'total': get_max_score()}
max_score = None
score = None
if self.check_if_done_and_scored():
last_response = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number)
max_score = last_response['max_score']
score = last_response['score']
score_dict = {
'score': score,
'total': max_score,
return score_dict
def max_score(self):
''' Maximum score. Two notes:
* This is generic; in abstract, a problem could be 3/5 points on one
randomization, and 5/7 on another
max_score = None
if self.check_if_done_and_scored():
last_response = self.get_last_response(self.current_task_number)
max_score = last_response['max_score']
return max_score
def get_progress(self):
''' Return a progress.Progress object that represents how far the
student has gone in this module. Must be implemented to get correct
progress tracking behavior in nesting modules like sequence and
If this module has no notion of progress, return None.
progress_object = Progress(self.current_task_number, len(self.task_xml))
return progress_object
class CombinedOpenEndedV1Descriptor(XmlDescriptor, EditingDescriptor):
Module for adding combined open ended questions
mako_template = "widgets/html-edit.html"
module_class = CombinedOpenEndedV1Module
filename_extension = "xml"
stores_state = True
has_score = True
template_dir_name = "combinedopenended"
js = {'coffee': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/html/')]}
js_module_name = "HTMLEditingDescriptor"
def definition_from_xml(cls, xml_object, system):
Pull out the individual tasks, the rubric, and the prompt, and parse
'rubric': 'some-html',
'prompt': 'some-html',
'task_xml': dictionary of xml strings,
expected_children = ['task', 'rubric', 'prompt']
for child in expected_children:
if len(xml_object.xpath(child)) == 0:
raise ValueError("Combined Open Ended definition must include at least one '{0}' tag".format(child))
def parse_task(k):
"""Assumes that xml_object has child k"""
return [stringify_children(xml_object.xpath(k)[i]) for i in xrange(0, len(xml_object.xpath(k)))]
def parse(k):
"""Assumes that xml_object has child k"""
return xml_object.xpath(k)[0]
return {'task_xml': parse_task('task'), 'prompt': parse('prompt'), 'rubric': parse('rubric')}
def definition_to_xml(self, resource_fs):
'''Return an xml element representing this definition.'''
elt = etree.Element('combinedopenended')
def add_child(k):
child_str = '<{tag}>{body}</{tag}>'.format(tag=k, body=self.definition[k])
child_node = etree.fromstring(child_str)
for child in ['task']:
return elt
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import unittest
from xmodule.openendedchild import OpenEndedChild
from xmodule.open_ended_module import OpenEndedModule
from xmodule.combined_open_ended_module import CombinedOpenEndedModule
from xmodule.combined_open_ended_modulev1 import CombinedOpenEndedV1Module
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from lxml import etree
......@@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
'max_score': max_score,
'display_name': 'Name',
'accept_file_upload': False,
'close_date': None
'rewrite_content_links' : "",
'close_date': None,
oeparam = etree.XML('''
......@@ -283,13 +284,16 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
metadata = {'attempts': '10', 'max_score': max_score}
static_data = json.dumps({
static_data = {
'max_attempts': 20,
'prompt': prompt,
'rubric': rubric,
'max_score': max_score,
'display_name': 'Name'
'display_name': 'Name',
'accept_file_upload' : False,
'rewrite_content_links' : "",
'close_date' : "",
oeparam = etree.XML('''
......@@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
descriptor = Mock()
def setUp(self):
self.combinedoe = CombinedOpenEndedModule(test_system, self.location, self.definition, self.descriptor, self.static_data, metadata=self.metadata)
self.combinedoe = CombinedOpenEndedV1Module(test_system, self.location, self.definition, self.descriptor, static_data = self.static_data, metadata=self.metadata)
def test_get_tag_name(self):
name = self.combinedoe.get_tag_name("<t>Tag</t>")
......@@ -331,14 +335,14 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
response_dict = self.combinedoe.get_last_response(0)
self.assertEqual(response_dict['type'], "selfassessment")
self.assertEqual(response_dict['max_score'], self.max_score)
self.assertEqual(response_dict['state'], CombinedOpenEndedModule.INITIAL)
self.assertEqual(response_dict['state'], CombinedOpenEndedV1Module.INITIAL)
def test_update_task_states(self):
changed = self.combinedoe.update_task_states()
current_task = self.combinedoe.current_task
changed = self.combinedoe.update_task_states()
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