Commit c5733015 by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #611 from edx/peter-fogg/draggabilly

Rework drag/drop on overview and subsection pages.
parents 6418175a 1de194aa
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Studio: Switched to loading Javascript using require.js
Studio: Better feedback during the course import process
Studio: Improve drag and drop on the course overview and subsection views.
LMS: Add split testing functionality for internal use.
CMS: Add edit_course_tabs management command, providing a primitive
......@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ def change_grading_status(step):
@step(u'I reorder subsections')
def reorder_subsections(_step):
draggable_css = 'a.drag-handle'
draggable_css = '.subsection-drag-handle'
ele = world.css_find(draggable_css).first
......@@ -1484,7 +1484,7 @@ class ContentStoreTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
resp = self.client.get(reverse('course_index', kwargs=data))
'<article class="courseware-overview" data-course-id="i4x://MITx/999/course/Robot_Super_Course">',
'<article class="courseware-overview" data-id="i4x://MITx/999/course/Robot_Super_Course">',
......@@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ requirejs.config({
"squire": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/Squire",
"jasmine-stealth": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jasmine-stealth",
"jasmine.async": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jasmine.async",
"draggabilly": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/draggabilly.pkgd",
"domReady": "xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/domReady",
"coffee/src/ajax_prefix": "xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/ajax_prefix"
shim: {
"gettext": {
exports: "gettext"
......@@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ define([
"coffee/spec/views/course_info_spec", "coffee/spec/views/feedback_spec",
"coffee/spec/views/metadata_edit_spec", "coffee/spec/views/module_edit_spec",
"coffee/spec/views/textbook_spec", "coffee/spec/views/upload_spec",
# these tests are run separate in the cms-squire suite, due to process
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ define ["coffee/src/views/module_edit", "xmodule"], (ModuleEdit) ->
@stubModule = jasmine.createSpy("Module") = 'stub-id'
setFixtures """
<li class="component" id="stub-id">
<div class="component-editor">
......@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ define ["coffee/src/views/module_edit", "xmodule"], (ModuleEdit) ->
<a href="#" class="edit-button"><span class="edit-icon white"></span>Edit</a>
<a href="#" class="delete-button"><span class="delete-icon white"></span>Delete</a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<span class="drag-handle"></span>
<section class="xmodule_display xmodule_stub" data-type="StubModule">
<div id="stub-module-content"/>
define ["js/views/overview", "js/views/feedback_notification", "sinon", "js/base", "date", "jquery.timepicker"],
(OverviewDragger, Notification, sinon) ->
describe "Course Overview", ->
beforeEach ->
appendSetFixtures """
<div class="section-published-date">
<span class="published-status">
<strong>Will Release:</strong> 06/12/2013 at 04:00 UTC
<a href="#" class="edit-button" data-date="06/12/2013" data-time="04:00" data-id="i4x://pfogg/42/chapter/d6b47f7b084f49debcaf67fe5436c8e2">Edit</a>
appendSetFixtures """
<div class="edit-subsection-publish-settings">
<div class="settings">
<h3>Section Release Date</h3>
<div class="picker datepair">
<div class="field field-start-date">
<label for="">Release Day</label>
<input class="start-date date" type="text" name="start_date" value="04/08/1990" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY" class="date" size='15' autocomplete="off"/>
<div class="field field-start-time">
<label for="">Release Time (<abbr title="Coordinated Universal Time">UTC</abbr>)</label>
<input class="start-time time" type="text" name="start_time" value="12:00" placeholder="HH:MM" class="time" size='10' autocomplete="off"/>
<div class="description">
<p>On the date set above, this section – <strong class="section-name"></strong> – will be released to students. Any units marked private will only be visible to admins.</p>
<a href="#" class="save-button">Save</a><a href="#" class="cancel-button">Cancel</a>
appendSetFixtures """
<section class="courseware-section branch" data-id="a-location-goes-here">
<li class="branch collapsed id-holder" data-id="an-id-goes-here">
<a href="#" class="delete-section-button"></a>
appendSetFixtures """
<li class="subsection-list branch" data-id="subsection-1-id" id="subsection-1">
<ol class="sortable-unit-list" id="subsection-list-1">
<li class="unit" id="unit-1" data-id="first-unit-id" data-parent-id="subsection-1-id"></li>
<li class="unit" id="unit-2" data-id="second-unit-id" data-parent-id="subsection-1-id"></li>
<li class="unit" id="unit-3" data-id="third-unit-id" data-parent-id="subsection-1-id"></li>
<li class="subsection-list branch" data-id="subsection-2-id" id="subsection-2">
<ol class="sortable-unit-list" id="subsection-list-2">
<li class="unit" id="unit-4" data-id="fourth-unit-id" data-parent-id="subsection-2"></li>
<li class="subsection-list branch" data-id="subsection-3-id" id="subsection-3">
<ol class="sortable-unit-list" id="subsection-list-3">
spyOn(window, 'saveSetSectionScheduleDate').andCallThrough()
# Have to do this here, as it normally gets bound in document.ready()
$(".edit-subsection-publish-settings .start-date").datepicker()
@notificationSpy = spyOn(Notification.Mini.prototype, 'show').andCallThrough() = jasmine.createSpyObj('analytics', ['track'])
window.course_location_analytics = jasmine.createSpy()
@xhr = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest()
requests = @requests = []
@xhr.onCreate = (req) -> requests.push(req)
'li.branch, article.subsection-body'
afterEach ->
delete window.course_location_analytics
it "should save model when save is clicked", ->
it "should show a confirmation on save", ->
# Failing in Jenkins (passes locally).
# it "should delete model when delete is clicked", ->
# $('a.delete-section-button').click()
# $('a.action-primary').click()
# expect(@requests[0].url).toEqual('/delete_item')
it "should not delete model when cancel is clicked", ->
# Failing in Jenkins (passes locally).
# it "should show a confirmation on delete", ->
# $('a.delete-section-button').click()
# $('a.action-primary').click()
# expect(@notificationSpy).toHaveBeenCalled()
describe "findDestination", ->
it "correctly finds the drop target of a drag", ->
$ele = $('#unit-1')
top: $ele.offset().top + 10, left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, 1)
it "can drag and drop across section boundaries, with special handling for first element", ->
$ele = $('#unit-1')
top: $('#unit-4').offset().top + 8
left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, 1)
# Dragging down into first element, we have a fudge factor makes it easier to drag at beginning.
# Now past the "fudge factor".
top: $('#unit-4').offset().top + 12
left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, 1)
it "can drag and drop across section boundaries, with special handling for last element", ->
$ele = $('#unit-4')
top: $('#unit-3').offset().bottom + 4
left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, -1)
# Dragging down up into last element, we have a fudge factor makes it easier to drag at beginning.
# Now past the "fudge factor".
top: $('#unit-3').offset().top + 4
left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, -1)
it "can drag into an empty list", ->
$ele = $('#unit-1')
top: $('#subsection-3').offset().top + 10
left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, 1)
it "reports a null destination on a failed drag", ->
$ele = $('#unit-1')
top: $ele.offset().top + 200, left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, 1)
ele: null
attachMethod: ""
it "can drag into a collapsed list", ->
$ele = $('#unit-2')
top: $('#subsection-2').offset().top + 3
left: $ele.offset().left
destination = OverviewDragger.findDestination($ele, 1)
describe "onDragStart", ->
it "sets the dragState to its default values", ->
# Call with some dummy data
{element: $('#unit-1')},
dropDestination: null,
attachMethod: '',
parentList: null,
lastY: 0,
dragDirection: 0
it "collapses expanded elements", ->
{element: $('#subsection-1')},
describe "onDragMove", ->
it "adds the correct CSS class to the drop destination", ->
$ele = $('#unit-1')
dragY = $ele.offset().top + 10
dragX = $ele.offset().left
top: dragY, left: dragX
{element: $ele, dragPoint:
{y: dragY}}, '', {clientX: dragX}
expect($('#unit-2')).toHaveClass('drop-target drop-target-before')
it "does not add CSS class to the drop destination if out of bounds", ->
$ele = $('#unit-1')
dragY = $ele.offset().top + 10
top: dragY, left: $ele.offset().left
{element: $ele, dragPoint:
{y: dragY}}, '', {clientX: $ele.offset().left - 3}
expect($('#unit-2')).not.toHaveClass('drop-target drop-target-before')
it "scrolls up if necessary", ->
scrollSpy = spyOn(window, 'scrollBy').andCallThrough()
{element: $('#unit-1')}, '', {clientY: 2}
expect(scrollSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, -10)
it "scrolls down if necessary", ->
height = Math.max(window.innerHeight, 100);
spyOn(window, 'innerHeight').andReturn(height)
scrollSpy = spyOn(window, 'scrollBy').andCallThrough()
{element: $('#unit-1')}, '', {clientY: (height - 5)}
expect(scrollSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 10)
describe "onDragEnd", ->
beforeEach ->
@reorderSpy = spyOn(OverviewDragger, 'handleReorder')
afterEach ->
it "calls handleReorder on a successful drag", ->
OverviewDragger.dragState.dropDestination = $('#unit-2')
OverviewDragger.dragState.attachMethod = "before"
OverviewDragger.dragState.parentList = $('#subsection-1')
top: $('#unit-1').offset().top + 10
left: $('#unit-1').offset().left
{element: $('#unit-1')},
{clientX: $('#unit-1').offset().left}
it "clears out the drag state", ->
{element: $('#unit-1')},
it "sets the element to the correct position", ->
{element: $('#unit-1')},
# Chrome sets the CSS to 'auto', but Firefox uses '0px'.
expect(['0px', 'auto']).toContain($('#unit-1').css('top'))
expect(['0px', 'auto']).toContain($('#unit-1').css('left'))
it "expands an element if it was collapsed on drag start", ->
{element: $('#subsection-1')},
it "expands a collapsed element when something is dropped in it", ->
OverviewDragger.dragState.dropDestination = $('#list-2')
OverviewDragger.dragState.attachMethod = "prepend"
OverviewDragger.dragState.parentList = $('#subsection-2')
{element: $('#unit-1')},
{clientX: $('#unit-1').offset().left}
describe "AJAX", ->
beforeEach ->
@requests = requests = []
@xhr = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest()
@xhr.onCreate = (xhr) -> requests.push(xhr)
@savingSpies = spyOnConstructor(Notification, "Mini",
["show", "hide"])
@clock = sinon.useFakeTimers()
afterEach ->
it "should send an update on reorder", ->
OverviewDragger.dragState.dropDestination = $('#unit-4')
OverviewDragger.dragState.attachMethod = "after"
OverviewDragger.dragState.parentList = $('#subsection-2')
# Drag Unit 1 from Subsection 1 to the end of Subsection 2.
top: $('#unit-4').offset().top + 10
left: $('#unit-4').offset().left
{element: $('#unit-1')},
{clientX: $('#unit-1').offset().left}
savingOptions = @savingSpies.constructor.mostRecentCall.args[0]
# We expect 2 requests to be sent-- the first for removing Unit 1 from Subsection 1,
# and the second for adding Unit 1 to the end of Subsection 2.
# Class is removed in a timeout.
......@@ -863,5 +863,8 @@ function saveSetSectionScheduleDate(e) {
// Add to window object for unit test (overview_spec).
window.saveSetSectionScheduleDate = saveSetSectionScheduleDate;
window.deleteSection = deleteSection;
}); // end require()
* Create a HesitateEvent and assign it as the event to execute:
* $(el).on('mouseEnter', CMS.HesitateEvent( expand, 'mouseLeave').trigger);
* It calls the executeOnTimeOut function with the event.currentTarget after the configurable timeout IFF the cancelSelector event
* did not occur on the event.currentTarget.
* More specifically, when trigger is called (triggered by the event you bound it to), it starts a timer
* which the cancelSelector event will cancel or if the timer finished, it executes the executeOnTimeOut function
* passing it the original event (whose currentTarget s/b the specific ele). It never accumulates events; however, it doesn't hurt for your
* code to minimize invocations of trigger by binding to mouseEnter v mouseOver and such.
* NOTE: if something outside of this wants to cancel the event, invoke cachedhesitation.untrigger(null | anything);
define(["jquery"], function($) {
var HesitateEvent = function(executeOnTimeOut, cancelSelector, onlyOnce) {
this.executeOnTimeOut = executeOnTimeOut;
this.cancelSelector = cancelSelector;
this.timeoutEventId = null;
this.originalEvent = null;
this.onlyOnce = (onlyOnce === true);
HesitateEvent.DURATION = 800;
HesitateEvent.prototype.trigger = function(event) {
if ( == null) { = window.setTimeout(
function() {; },
HesitateEvent.DURATION); = event;
HesitateEvent.prototype.fireEvent = function(event) { = null;
if ( $(,;;
HesitateEvent.prototype.untrigger = function(event) {
if ( {
} = null;
return HesitateEvent;
require(["jquery", "jquery.ui", "gettext", "js/hesitate", "js/views/feedback_notification"],
function($, ui, gettext, HesitateEvent, NotificationView) {
$(document).ready(function() {
// making the unit list draggable. Note: sortable didn't work b/c it considered
// drop points which the user hovered over as destinations and proactively changed
// the dom; so, if the user subsequently dropped at an illegal spot, the reversion
// point was the last dom change.
axis: 'y',
handle: '.drag-handle',
zIndex: 999,
start: initiateHesitate,
// left 2nd arg in as inert selector b/c i was uncertain whether we'd try to get the shove up/down
// to work in the future
drag: generateCheckHoverState('.collapsed', ''),
stop: removeHesitate,
revert: "invalid"
// Subsection reordering
axis: 'y',
handle: '.section-item .drag-handle',
zIndex: 999,
start: initiateHesitate,
drag: generateCheckHoverState('.courseware-section.collapsed', ''),
stop: removeHesitate,
revert: "invalid"
// Section reordering
axis: 'y',
handle: 'header .drag-handle',
stack: '.courseware-section',
revert: "invalid"
define(["domReady", "jquery", "jquery.ui", "gettext", "js/views/feedback_notification", "draggabilly"],
function (domReady, $, ui, gettext, NotificationView, Draggabilly) {
var overviewDragger = {
droppableClasses: 'drop-target drop-target-prepend drop-target-before drop-target-after',
validDropClass: "valid-drop",
expandOnDropClass: "expand-on-drop",
accept : '.unit',
greedy: true,
tolerance: "pointer",
hoverClass: "dropover",
drop: onUnitReordered
$('.subsection-list > ol').droppable({
// why don't we have a more useful class for subsections than id-holder?
accept : '.id-holder', // '.unit, .id-holder',
tolerance: "pointer",
hoverClass: "dropover",
drop: onSubsectionReordered,
greedy: true
* Determine information about where to drop the currently dragged
* element. Returns the element to attach to and the method of
* attachment ('before', 'after', or 'prepend').
findDestination: function (ele, yChange) {
var eleY = ele.offset().top;
var containers = $('droppable-class'));
// Section reordering
accept : '.courseware-section',
tolerance: "pointer",
drop: onSectionReordered,
greedy: true
for (var i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) {
var container = $(containers[i]);
// Exclude the 'new unit' buttons, and make sure we don't
// prepend an element to itself
var siblings = container.children().filter(function () {
return $(this).data('id') !== undefined && !$(this).is(ele);
// If the container is collapsed, check to see if the
// element is on top of its parent list -- don't check the
// position of the container
var parentList = container.parents('parent-location-selector')).first();
if (parentList.hasClass('collapsed')) {
if (Math.abs(eleY - parentList.offset().top) < 10) {
return {
ele: container,
attachMethod: 'prepend',
parentList: parentList
// Otherwise, do check the container
else {
// If the list is empty, we should prepend to it,
// unless both elements are at the same location --
// this prevents the user from being unable to expand
// a section
var containerY = container.offset().top;
if (siblings.length == 0 &&
containerY != eleY &&
Math.abs(eleY - containerY) < 50) {
return {
ele: container,
attachMethod: 'prepend'
// Otherwise the list is populated, and we should attach before/after a sibling
else {
for (var j = 0; j < siblings.length; j++) {
var $sibling = $(siblings[j]);
var siblingY = $sibling.offset().top;
var siblingHeight = $sibling.height();
var siblingYEnd = siblingY + siblingHeight;
// stop clicks on drag bars from doing their thing w/o stopping drag
$('.drag-handle').click(function(e) {e.preventDefault(); });
// Facilitate dropping into the beginning or end of a list
// (coming from opposite direction) via a "fudge factor". Math.min is for Jasmine test.
var fudge = Math.min(Math.ceil(siblingHeight / 2), 20);
// Dragging up into end of list.
if (j == siblings.length - 1 && yChange < 0 && Math.abs(eleY - siblingYEnd) <= fudge) {
return {
ele: $sibling,
attachMethod: 'after'
// Dragging down into beginning of list.
else if (j == 0 && yChange > 0 && Math.abs(eleY - siblingY) <= fudge) {
return {
ele: $sibling,
attachMethod: 'before'
else if (eleY >= siblingY && eleY <= siblingYEnd) {
return {
ele: $sibling,
attachMethod: eleY - siblingY <= siblingHeight / 2 ? 'before' : 'after'
// Failed drag
return {
ele: null,
attachMethod: ''
// Information about the current drag.
dragState: {},
HesitateEvent.toggleXpandHesitation = null;
function initiateHesitate(event, ui) {
HesitateEvent.toggleXpandHesitation = new HesitateEvent(expandSection, 'dragLeave', true);
$('.collapsed').on('dragEnter', HesitateEvent.toggleXpandHesitation, HesitateEvent.toggleXpandHesitation.trigger);
$('.collapsed, .unit, .id-holder').each(function() {
this.proportions = {width : this.offsetWidth, height : this.offsetHeight };
// reset b/c these were holding values from aborts
this.isover = false;
onDragStart: function (draggie, event, pointer) {
var ele = $(draggie.element);
this.dragState = {
// Which element will be dropped into/onto on success
dropDestination: null,
// How we attach to the destination: 'before', 'after', 'prepend'
attachMethod: '',
// If dragging to an empty section, the parent section
parentList: null,
// The y location of the last dragMove event (to determine direction).
lastY: 0,
// The direction the drag is moving in (negative means up, positive down).
dragDirection: 0
if (!ele.hasClass('collapsed')) {
// onDragStart gets called again after the collapse, so we can't just store a variable in the dragState.
function computeIntersection(droppable, uiHelper, y) {
* Test whether y falls within the bounds of the droppable on the Y axis
// NOTE: this only judges y axis intersection b/c that's all we're doing right now
// don't expand the thing being carried
if ( {
return null;
$.extend(droppable, {offset : $(droppable).offset()});
var t =,
b = t + droppable.proportions.height;
if (t === b) {
// probably wrong values b/c invisible at the time of caching
droppable.proportions = { width : droppable.offsetWidth, height : droppable.offsetHeight };
b = t + droppable.proportions.height;
// equivalent to the intersects test
return (t < y && // Bottom Half
y < b ); // Top Half
// NOTE: selectorsToShove is not currently being used but I left this code as it did work but not well
function generateCheckHoverState(selectorsToOpen, selectorsToShove) {
return function(event, ui) {
// copied from jquery.ui.droppable.js $.ui.ddmanager.drag & other ui.intersect
var draggable = $(this).data("ui-draggable"),
centerY = (draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).top + (draggable.helperProportions.height / 2);
$(selectorsToOpen).each(function() {
var intersects = computeIntersection(this, ui.helper, centerY),
c = !intersects && this.isover ? "isout" : (intersects && !this.isover ? "isover" : null);
if(!c) {
onDragMove: function (draggie, event, pointer) {
// Handle scrolling of the browser.
var scrollAmount = 0;
var dragBuffer = 10;
if (window.innerHeight - dragBuffer < pointer.clientY) {
scrollAmount = dragBuffer;
else if (dragBuffer > pointer.clientY) {
scrollAmount = -(dragBuffer);
if (scrollAmount !== 0) {
window.scrollBy(0, scrollAmount);
this[c] = true;
this[c === "isout" ? "isover" : "isout"] = false;
$(this).trigger(c === "isover" ? "dragEnter" : "dragLeave");
var yChange = draggie.dragPoint.y - this.dragState.lastY;
if (yChange !== 0) {
this.dragState.direction = yChange;
this.dragState.lastY = draggie.dragPoint.y;
$(selectorsToShove).each(function() {
var intersectsBottom = computeIntersection(this, ui.helper, (draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).top);
var ele = $(draggie.element);
var destinationInfo = this.findDestination(ele, this.dragState.direction);
var destinationEle = destinationInfo.ele;
this.dragState.parentList = destinationInfo.parentList;
if ($(this).hasClass('ui-dragging-pushup')) {
if (!intersectsBottom) {
console.log('not up', $(this).data('id'));
// Clear out the old destination
if (this.dragState.dropDestination) {
// Mark the new destination
if (destinationEle && this.pointerInBounds(pointer, ele)) {
destinationEle.addClass('drop-target drop-target-' + destinationInfo.attachMethod);
this.dragState.attachMethod = destinationInfo.attachMethod;
this.dragState.dropDestination = destinationEle;
else if (intersectsBottom) {
console.log('up', $(this).data('id'));
else {
this.dragState.attachMethod = '';
this.dragState.dropDestination = null;
var intersectsTop = computeIntersection(this, ui.helper,
(draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).top + draggable.helperProportions.height);
onDragEnd: function (draggie, event, pointer) {
var ele = $(draggie.element);
var destination = this.dragState.dropDestination;
if ($(this).hasClass('ui-dragging-pushdown')) {
if (!intersectsTop) {
console.log('not down', $(this).data('id'));
// Clear dragging state in preparation for the next event.
if (destination) {
// If the drag succeeded, rearrange the DOM and send the result.
if (destination && this.pointerInBounds(pointer, ele)) {
// Make sure we don't drop into a collapsed element
if (this.dragState.parentList) {
else if (intersectsTop) {
console.log('down', $(this).data('id'));
var method = this.dragState.attachMethod;
// If the drag failed, send it back
else {
if (ele.hasClass(this.expandOnDropClass)) {
// Everything in its right place
top: 'auto',
left: 'auto'
function removeHesitate(event, ui) {
$('.collapsed').off('dragEnter', HesitateEvent.toggleXpandHesitation.trigger);
HesitateEvent.toggleXpandHesitation = null;
function expandSection(event) {
$(event.delegateTarget).removeClass('collapsed', 400);
// don't descend to icon's on children (which aren't under first child) only to this element's icon
$(event.delegateTarget).children().first().find('.expand-collapse-icon').removeClass('expand', 400).addClass('collapse');
function onUnitReordered(event, ui) {
// a unit's been dropped on this subsection,
// figure out where it came from and where it slots in.
_handleReorder(event, ui, 'subsection-id', 'li:.leaf');
function onSubsectionReordered(event, ui) {
// a subsection has been dropped on this section,
// figure out where it came from and where it slots in.
_handleReorder(event, ui, 'section-id', 'li:.branch');
function onSectionReordered(event, ui) {
// a section moved w/in the overall (cannot change course via this, so no parentage change possible, just order)
_handleReorder(event, ui, 'course-id', '.courseware-section');
function _handleReorder(event, ui, parentIdField, childrenSelector) {
// figure out where it came from and where it slots in.
var subsection_id = $(;
var _els = $(;
var children =, el) { return $(el).data('id'); }).get();
// if new to this parent, figure out which parent to remove it from and do so
if (!_.contains(children,'id'))) {
var old_parent = ui.draggable.parent();
var old_children = old_parent.children(childrenSelector).map(function(idx, el) { return $(el).data('id'); }).get();
old_children = _.without(old_children,'id'));
url: "/save_item",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data:JSON.stringify({ 'id' :, 'children' : old_children})
this.dragState = {};
pointerInBounds: function (pointer, ele) {
return pointer.clientX >= ele.offset().left && pointer.clientX < ele.offset().left + ele.width();
expandElement: function (ele) {
* Find all parent-child changes and save them.
handleReorder: function (ele) {
var parentSelector ='parent-location-selector');
var childrenSelector ='child-selector');
var newParentEle = ele.parents(parentSelector).first();
var newParentID ='id');
var oldParentID ='parent-id');
// If the parent has changed, update the children of the old parent.
if (oldParentID !== newParentID) {
// Find the old parent element.
var oldParentEle = $(parentSelector).filter(function () {
return $(this).data('id') === oldParentID;
this.saveItem(oldParentEle, childrenSelector, function () {'parent-id', newParentID);
else {
// staying in same parent
// remove so that the replacement in the right place doesn't double it
children = _.without(children,'id'));
// add to this parent (figure out where)
for (var i = 0, bump = 0; i < _els.length; i++) {
if ([i])) {
bump = -1; // bump indicates that the draggable was passed in the dom but not children's list b/c
// it's not in that list
else if ( < $(_els[i]).offset().top) {
// insert at i in children and _els
// TODO figure out correct way to have it remove the style: top:n; setting (and similar line below)
ui.draggable.attr("style", "position:relative;");
children.splice(i + bump, 0,'id'));
// see if it goes at end (the above loop didn't insert it)
if (!_.contains(children,'id'))) {
ui.draggable.attr("style", "position:relative;"); // STYLE hack too
var saving = new NotificationView.Mini({
title: gettext('Saving&hellip;')
url: "/save_item",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data:JSON.stringify({ 'id' : subsection_id, 'children' : children}),
success: function() {
// Timeout interval has to match what is in the CSS.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
this.saveItem(newParentEle, childrenSelector, function () {
* Actually save the update to the server. Takes the element
* representing the parent item to save, a CSS selector to find
* its children, and a success callback.
saveItem: function (ele, childrenSelector, success) {
// Find all current child IDs.
var children =
function (child) {
return $(child).data('id');
url: '/save_item',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({
children: children
success: success
* Make `type` draggable using `handleClass`, able to be dropped
* into `droppableClass`, and with parent type
* `parentLocationSelector`.
makeDraggable: function (type, handleClass, droppableClass, parentLocationSelector) {
function (ele) {
// Remember data necessary to reconstruct the parent-child relationships
$(ele).data('droppable-class', droppableClass);
$(ele).data('parent-location-selector', parentLocationSelector);
$(ele).data('child-selector', type);
var draggable = new Draggabilly(ele, {
handle: handleClass,
axis: 'y'
draggable.on('dragStart', _.bind(overviewDragger.onDragStart, overviewDragger));
draggable.on('dragMove', _.bind(overviewDragger.onDragMove, overviewDragger));
draggable.on('dragEnd', _.bind(overviewDragger.onDragEnd, overviewDragger));
domReady(function() {
// Section
// Subsection
'.subsection-list > ol',
// Unit
'li.branch, article.subsection-body'
}); // end define()
return overviewDragger;
......@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ lib_paths:
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/CodeMirror/codemirror.js
- xmodule_js/src/xmodule.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/test/i18n.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/draggabilly.pkgd.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/date.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/domReady.js
- xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jquery.smooth-scroll.min.js
# Paths to source JavaScript files
......@@ -528,9 +528,9 @@ p, ul, ol, dl {
.new-policy-item {
@include grey-button;
margin: 5px 8px;
padding: 3px 10px 4px 10px;
font-size: 10px;
@include font-size(10);
margin: ($baseline/2);
padding: 3px ($baseline/2) 4px ($baseline/2);
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// ====================
// view - dashboard
body.dashboard {
.view-dashboard {
// elements - authorship controls
.wrapper-authorshiprights {
......@@ -22,6 +22,35 @@ body.dashboard {
// ====================
.view-unit {
.unit-location .draggable-drop-indicator {
display: none; //needed to not show DnD UI (UI is shared across both views)
// ====================
// needed to override ui-window styling for dragging state (outline selectors get too specific) {
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 $shadow-d1 !important;
border: 1px solid $gray-d3 !important;
} {
border-color: $blue-s1 !important;
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 $blue-t2 !important;
// ====================
// needed for poorly scoped margin rules on all content elements
.branch .sortable-unit-list {
margin-bottom: 0;
// yes we have no boldness today - need to fix the resets
body strong,
......@@ -29,12 +58,13 @@ body b {
font-weight: 700;
// known things to do (paint the fence, sand the floor, wax on/off)
// ====================
// known things to do (paint the fence, sand the floor, wax on/off):
/* known things to do (paint the fence, sand the floor, wax on/off):
* centralize and move form styling into forms.scss - cms/static/sass/views/_textbooks.scss and cms/static/sass/views/_settings.scss
* move dialogue styles into cms/static/sass/elements/_modal.scss
* use the @include placeholder Bourbon mixin ( for any placeholder styling
// * centralize and move form styling into forms.scss - cms/static/sass/views/_textbooks.scss and cms/static/sass/views/_settings.scss
// * move dialogue styles into cms/static/sass/elements/_modal.scss
// * use the @include placeholder Bourbon mixin ( for any placeholder styling
......@@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ $tmg-f3: 0.125s;
// ====================
// specific UI
$notification-height: ($baseline*10);
$ui-notification-height: ($baseline*10);
$ui-update-color: $blue-l4;
// ====================
......@@ -140,22 +140,22 @@
90% {
@include transform(translateY(-($notification-height)));
@include transform(translateY(-($ui-notification-height)));
100% {
@include transform(translateY(-($notification-height*0.99)));
@include transform(translateY(-($ui-notification-height*0.99)));
// notifications slide down
@include keyframes(notificationSlideDown) {
0% {
@include transform(translateY(-($notification-height*0.99)));
@include transform(translateY(-($ui-notification-height*0.99)));
10% {
@include transform(translateY(-($notification-height)));
@include transform(translateY(-($ui-notification-height)));
100% {
......@@ -211,3 +211,39 @@
%anim-bounceOut {
@include animation(bounceOut $tmg-f1 ease-in-out 1);
// ====================
// flash
@include keyframes(flash) {
0%, 100% {
opacity: 1.0;
50% {
opacity: 0.0;
// canned animation - use if you want out of the box/non-customized anim
%anim-flash {
@include animation(flash $tmg-f1 ease-in-out 1);
// flash - double
@include keyframes(flashDouble) {
0%, 50%, 100% {
opacity: 1.0;
25%, 75% {
opacity: 0.0;
// canned animation - use if you want out of the box/non-customized anim
%anim-flashDouble {
@include animation(flashDouble $tmg-f1 ease-in-out 1);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -200,3 +200,83 @@
%view-live-button {
@extend %t-action4;
// ====================
// UI: drag handles
.drag-handle {
&:hover, &:focus {
cursor: move;
// UI: elem is draggable
.is-draggable {
@include transition(border-color $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0, box-shadow $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0);
position: relative;
.draggable-drop-indicator {
@extend %ui-depth3;
@include transition(opacity $tmg-f2 linear 0s);
@include size(100%, auto);
position: absolute;
border-top: 1px solid $blue-l1;
opacity: 0.0;
*[class^="icon-caret"] {
@extend %t-icon5;
position: absolute;
top: -12px;
left: -($baseline/4);
color: $blue-s1;
.draggable-drop-indicator-before {
top: -($baseline/2);
.draggable-drop-indicator-after {
bottom: -($baseline/2);
// UI: drag state - is dragging
.is-dragging {
@extend %ui-depth4;
left: -($baseline/4);
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 $shadow-d1;
cursor: move;
opacity: 0.65;
border: 1px solid $gray-d3;
// UI: condition - valid drop
&.valid-drop {
border-color: $blue-s1;
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 $blue-t2;
// UI: drag state - was dragging
.was-dragging {
@include transition(transform $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0);
// UI: drag target
.drop-target {
&.drop-target-before {
> .draggable-drop-indicator-before {
opacity: 1.0;
&.drop-target-after {
> .draggable-drop-indicator-after {
opacity: 1.0;
......@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
// notification showing/hiding
.wrapper-notification {
bottom: -($notification-height);
bottom: -($ui-notification-height);
// varying animations
&.is-shown {
......@@ -137,17 +137,11 @@
.courseware-section {
@extend %ui-window;
@include transition(background $tmg-avg ease-in-out 0);
position: relative;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid $mediumGrey;
margin-top: 15px;
padding-bottom: 12px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
&:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
margin-top: ($baseline);
padding-bottom: ($baseline/2);
&.collapsed {
padding-bottom: 0;
......@@ -675,35 +669,75 @@
color: $darkGrey;
// sort/drag and drop
.ui-droppable {
@include transition (padding 0.5s ease-in-out 0s);
min-height: 20px;
padding: 0;
// UI: DnD - specific elems/cases - section
.courseware-section {
&.dropover {
padding: 15px 0;
.draggable-drop-indicator-before {
top: -($baseline/2);
.draggable-drop-indicator-after {
bottom: -13px;
.ui-draggable-dragging {
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
border: 1px solid $darkGrey;
opacity : 0.2;
&:hover {
opacity : 1.0;
.section-item {
background: $yellow !important;
// CASE: DnD - empty subsection with unit dropping
.drop-target-prepend .draggable-drop-indicator-initial {
opacity: 1.0;
// STATE: was dropped
&.was-dropped {
background-color: $ui-update-color;
// hiding unit button - temporary fix until this semantically corrected
.new-unit-item {
display: none;
// UI: DnD - specific elems/cases - subsection
.courseware-subsection {
.draggable-drop-indicator-before {
top: 0;
.draggable-drop-indicator-after {
bottom: 0;
ol.ui-droppable .branch:first-child .section-item {
border-top: none;
// CASE: DnD - empty subsection with unit dropping
.drop-target-prepend .draggable-drop-indicator-initial {
opacity: 1.0;
// STATE: was dropped
&.was-dropped {
> .section-item {
background-color: $ui-update-color !important; // nasty, but needed for specificity
// UI: DnD - specific elems/cases - unit
.courseware-unit {
.draggable-drop-indicator-before {
top: 0;
.draggable-drop-indicator-after {
bottom: 0;
// STATE: was dropped
&.was-dropped {
> .section-item {
background-color: $ui-update-color !important; // nasty, but needed for specificity
// UI: DnD - specific elems/cases - empty parents splint
.ui-splint-indicator {
position: relative;
......@@ -400,4 +400,21 @@
// UI: DnD - specific elems/cases - units
.courseware-unit {
.draggable-drop-indicator-before {
top: 0;
.draggable-drop-indicator-after {
bottom: 0;
// UI: DnD - specific elems/cases - empty parents initial drop indicator
.draggable-drop-indicator-initial {
display: none;
......@@ -415,6 +415,19 @@ body.course.unit,.view-unit {
margin-left: 0;
// UI: DnD - specific elems/cases - unit
.courseware-unit {
// STATE: was dropped
&.was-dropped {
> .section-item {
background-color: $ui-update-color !important; // nasty, but needed for specificity
// ====================
// Component Editing
......@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ var require = {
"jquery.tinymce": "js/vendor/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce",
"mathjax": "",
"xmodule": "/xmodule/xmodule",
"utility": "js/src/utility"
"utility": "js/src/utility",
"draggabilly": "js/vendor/draggabilly.pkgd"
shim: {
"gettext": {
......@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
<a href="#" class="edit-button standard"><span class="edit-icon"></span>${_("Edit")}</a>
<a href="#" class="delete-button standard"><span class="delete-icon"></span>${_("Delete")}</a>
<a data-tooltip='${_("Drag to reorder")}' href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<span data-tooltip='${_("Drag to reorder")}' class="drag-handle"></span>
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/location", "js/models/section", "js/v
<div class="item-actions">
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Delete this section')}" class="delete-button delete-section-button"><span class="delete-icon"></span></a>
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Drag to re-order')}" class="drag-handle"></a>
<span data-tooltip="${_('Drag to re-order')}" class="drag-handle"></span>
......@@ -138,9 +138,12 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/location", "js/models/section", "js/v
<div class="main-wrapper">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<article class="courseware-overview" data-course-id="${context_course.location.url()}">
<article class="courseware-overview" data-id="${context_course.location.url()}">
% for section in sections:
<section class="courseware-section branch" data-id="${section.location}">
<section class="courseware-section branch is-draggable" data-id="${section.location}" data-parent-id="${context_course.location.url()}">
<%include file="widgets/_ui-dnd-indicator-before.html" />
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Expand/collapse this section')}" class="expand-collapse-icon collapse"></a>
......@@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/location", "js/models/section", "js/v
<div class="item-actions">
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Delete this section')}" class="delete-button delete-section-button"><span class="delete-icon"></span></a>
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Drag to reorder')}" class="drag-handle"></a>
<span data-tooltip="${_('Drag to reorder')}" class="drag-handle section-drag-handle"></span>
<div class="subsection-list">
......@@ -178,9 +181,12 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/location", "js/models/section", "js/v
<span class="new-folder-icon"></span>${_("New Subsection")}
<ol data-section-id="${section.location.url()}">
<ol class="sortable-subsection-list" data-id="${section.location.url()}">
% for subsection in section.get_children():
<li class="branch collapsed id-holder" data-id="${subsection.location}">
<li class="courseware-subsection branch collapsed id-holder is-draggable" data-id="${subsection.location}" data-parent-id="${section.location.url()}">
<%include file="widgets/_ui-dnd-indicator-before.html" />
<div class="section-item">
<div class="details">
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Expand/collapse this subsection')}" class="expand-collapse-icon expand"></a>
......@@ -195,14 +201,21 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/location", "js/models/section", "js/v
<div class="item-actions">
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Delete this subsection')}" class="delete-button delete-subsection-button"><span class="delete-icon"></span></a>
<a href="#" data-tooltip="${_('Drag to reorder')}" class="drag-handle"></a>
<span data-tooltip="${_('Drag to reorder')}" class="drag-handle subsection-drag-handle"></span>
<%include file="widgets/_ui-dnd-indicator-after.html" />
% endfor
<li class="ui-splint ui-splint-indicator">
<%include file="widgets/_ui-dnd-indicator-initial.html" />
<%include file="widgets/_ui-dnd-indicator-after.html" />
% endfor
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<!-- NOTE not used currently but retained b/c it's yet-to-be-wired functionality -->
<%inherit file="base.html" />
<%block name="title">${_("Schedule and details")}</%block>
<%block name="bodyclass">is-signedin course view-settings</%block>
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
from contentstore import utils
<%block name="jsextra">
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/models/course_relative.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/views/validating_view.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<%block name="content">
<!-- -->
<div class="main-wrapper">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<article class="settings-overview">
<div class="settings-page-section main-column">
<section class="settings-faculty">
<h2 class="title">${_("Faculty")}</h2>
<section class="settings-faculty-members">
<h3>${_("Faculty Members")}</h3>
<span class="detail">${_("Individuals instructing and helping with this course")}</span>
<div class="row">
<div class="field enum">
<ul class="input-list course-faculty-list">
<li class="input input-existing multi course-faculty-list-item">
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-faculty-1-firstname">${_("Faculty First Name:")}</label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="long" id="course-faculty-1-firstname">
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-faculty-1-lastname">${_("Faculty Last Name:")}</label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="long" id="course-faculty-1-lastname">
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-faculty-1-photo">${_("Faculty Photo")}</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="input input-existing">
<div class="current current-faculty-1-photo">
<a href="#" class="remove-item remove-faculty-photo remove-video-data"><span class="delete-icon"></span> ${_("Delete Faculty Photo")}</a>
<div class="row">
<label for="course-faculty-1-bio">${_("Faculty Bio:")}</label>
<div class="field">
<textarea class="long tall edit-box tinymce" id="course-faculty-1-bio"></textarea>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("A brief description of your education, experience, and expertise")}</span>
<a href="#" class="remove-item remove-faculty-data"><span class="delete-icon"></span> ${_("Delete Faculty Member")}</a>
<li class="input multi course-faculty-list-item">
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-faculty-2-firstname">${_("Faculty First Name:")}</label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="long" id="course-faculty-2-firstname">
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-faculty-2-lastname">${_("Faculty Last Name:")}</label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="long" id="course-faculty-2-lastname">
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-faculty-2-photo">${_("Faculty Photo")}</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="input">
<a href="#" class="new-item new-faculty-photo add-faculty-photo-data" id="course-faculty-2-photo">
<span class="upload-icon"></span>${_("Upload Faculty Photo")}
<span class="tip tip-inline">${_("Max size: 30KB")}</span>
<div class="row">
<label for="course-faculty-2-bio">${_("Faculty Bio:")}</label>
<div class="field">
<div clas="input">
<textarea class="long tall edit-box tinymce" id="course-faculty-2-bio"></textarea>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("A brief description of your education, experience, and expertise")}</span>
<a href="#" class="new-item new-course-faculty-item add-faculty-data">
<span class="plus-icon"></span>${_("New Faculty Member")}
</section><!-- .settings-staff -->
<section class="settings-problems">
<h2 class="title">${_("Problems")}</h2>
<section class="settings-problems-general">
<h3>${_("General Settings")}</h3>
<span class="detail">${_("Course-wide settings for all problems")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<h4 class="label">${_("Problem Randomization:")}</h4>
<div class="field">
<div class="input input-radio">
<input checked="checked" type="radio" name="course-problems-general-randomization" id="course-problems-general-randomization-always" value="${_('Always')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-general-randomization-always">${_("Always")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("<strong>randomize all</strong> problems")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input type="radio" name="course-problems-general-randomization" id="course-problems-general-randomization-never" value="${_('Never')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-general-randomization-never">${_("Never")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("<strong>do not randomize</strong> problems")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input type="radio" name="course-problems-general-randomization" id="course-problems-general-randomization-perstudent" value="${_('Per Student')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-general-randomization-perstudent">${_("Per Student")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("randomize problems <strong>per student</strong>")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<h4 class="label">${_("Show Answers:")}</h4>
<div class="field">
<div class="input input-radio">
<input checked="checked" type="radio" name="course-problems-general-showanswer" id="course-problems-general-showanswer-always" value="${_('Always')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-general-showanswer-always">${_("Always")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("Answers will be shown after the number of attempts has been met")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input type="radio" name="course-problems-general-showanswer" id="course-problems-general-showanswer-never" value="${_('Never')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-general-showanswer-never">${_("Never")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("Answers will never be shown, regardless of attempts")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="pcourse-roblems-general-attempts">${_("Number of Attempts <br /> Allowed on Problems:")} </label>
<div class="field">
<div class="input">
<input type="text" class="short" id="course-problems-general-attempts" placeholder="0 or higher" value="0">
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_('Students will this have this number of chances to answer a problem. To set infinite atttempts, use "0"')}</span>
</section><!-- .settings-problems-general -->
<section class="settings-problems-assignment-1 settings-extras">
<h3>[${_("Assignment Type Name")}]</h3>
<div class="row row-col2">
<h4 class="label">${_("Problem Randomization:")}</h4>
<div class="field">
<div class="input input-radio">
<input checked="checked" type="radio" name="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization" id="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization-always" value="${_('Always')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization-always">${_("Always")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("<strong>randomize all</strong> problems")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input type="radio" name="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization" id="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization-never" value="${_('Never')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization-never">${_("Never")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("<strong>do not randomize</strong> problems")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input type="radio" name="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization" id="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization-perstudent" value="${_('Per Student')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-assignment-1-randomization-perstudent">${_("Per Student")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("randomize problems <strong>per student</strong>")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<h4 class="label">${_("Show Answers:")}</h4>
<div class="field">
<div class="input input-radio">
<input checked="checked" type="radio" name="course-problems-assignment-1-showanswer" id="course-problems-assignment-1-showanswer-always" value="${_('Always')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-problems-assignment-1-showanswer-always">${_("Always")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("Answers will be shown after the number of attempts has been met")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input type="radio" name="course-problems-assignment-1-showanswer" id="course-problems-assignment-1-showanswer-never" value="${_('Never')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="pcourse-roblems-assignment-1-showanswer-never">${_("Never")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("Answers will never be shown, regardless of attempts")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-problems-assignment-1-attempts">${_("Number of Attempts <br /> Allowed on Problems: ")}</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="input">
<input type="text" class="short" id="course-problems-assignment-1-attempts" placeholder="${_('0 or higher')}" value="0">
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_('Students will this have this number of chances to answer a problem. To set infinite atttempts, use "0"')}</span>
</section><!-- .settings-problems-assignment-1 -->
</section><!-- .settings-problems -->
<section class="settings-discussions">
<h2 class="title">${_("Discussions")}</h2>
<section class="settings-discussions-general">
<h3>${_("General Settings")}</h3>
<span class="detail">${_("Course-wide settings for online discussion")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<h4 class="label">${_("Anonymous Discussions:")}</h4>
<div class="field">
<div class="input input-radio">
<input type="radio" name="course-discussions-anonymous" id="course-discussions-anonymous-allow" value="${_('Allow')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-discussions-anonymous-allow">${_("Allow")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("Students and faculty <strong>will be able to post anonymously</strong>")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input checked="checked" type="radio" name="course-discussions-anonymous" id="course-discussions-anonymous-dontallow" value="${_('Do Not Allow')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-discussions-anonymous-dontallow">${_("Do not allow")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("<strong>Posting anonymously is not allowed</strong>. Any previous anonymous posts <strong>will be reverted to non-anonymous</strong>")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<h4 class="label">${_("Anonymous Discussions:")}</h4>
<div class="field">
<div class="input input-radio">
<input checked="checked" type="radio" name="course-discussions-anonymous" id="course-discussions-anonymous-allow" value="${_('Allow')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-discussions-anonymous-allow">${_("Allow")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("Students and faculty <strong>will be able to post anonymously</strong>")}</span>
<div class="input input-radio">
<input disabled="disabled" type="radio" name="course-discussions-anonymous" id="course-discussions-anonymous-dontallow" value="${_('Do Not Allow')}">
<div class="copy">
<label for="course-discussions-anonymous-dontallow">${_("Do not allow")}</label>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("This option is disabled since there are previous discussions that are anonymous.")}</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<h4 class="label">${_("Discussion Categories")}</h4>
<div class="field enum">
<ul class="input-list course-discussions-categories-list sortable">
<li class="input input-existing input-default course-discussions-categories-list-item sortable-item">
<div class="group">
<label for="course-discussions-categories-1-name">${_("Category Name:")} </label>
<input type="text" class="course-discussions-categories-name" id="course-discussions-categories-1-name" placeholder="" value="${_('General')}" disabled="disabled">
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<li class="input input-existing input-default course-discussions-categories-list-item sortable-item">
<div class="group">
<label for="course-discussions-categories-2-name">${_("Category Name:")} </label>
<input type="text" class="course-discussions-categories-name" id="course-discussions-categories-2-name" placeholder="" value="Feedback" disabled="disabled">
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<li class="input input-existing input-default course-discussions-categories-list-item sortable-item">
<div class="group">
<label for="course-discussions-categories-3-name">${_("Category Name:")} </label>
<input type="text" class="course-discussions-categories-name" id="course-discussions-categories-3-name" placeholder="" value="${_('Troubleshooting')}" disabled="disabled">
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<li class="input input-existing course-discussions-categories-list-item sortable-item">
<div class="group">
<label for="course-discussions-categories-4-name">${_("Category Name:")} </label>
<input type="text" class="course-discussions-categories-name" id="course-discussions-categories-4-name" placeholder="" value="${_('Study Groups')}">
<a href="#" class="remove-item remove-course-discussions-categories-data"><span class="delete-icon"></span> ${_("Delete Category")}</a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<li class="input input-existing course-discussions-categories-list-item sortable-item">
<div class="group">
<label for="course-discussions-categories-5-name">${_("Category Name:")} </label>
<input type="text" class="course-discussions-categories-name" id="course-discussions-categories-5-name" placeholder="" value="${_('Lectures')}">
<a href="#" class="remove-item remove-course-discussions-categories-data"><span class="delete-icon"></span> ${_("Delete Category")}</a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<li class="input input-existing course-discussions-categories-list-item sortable-item">
<div class="group">
<label for="course-discussions-categories-6-name">${_("Category Name:")} </label>
<input type="text" class="course-discussions-categories-name" id="course-discussions-categories-6-name" placeholder="" value="${_('Labs')}">
<a href="#" class="remove-item remove-course-discussions-categories-data"><span class="delete-icon"></span> ${_("Delete Category")}</a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<li class="input input-existing course-discussions-categories-list-item sortable-item">
<div class="group">
<label for="course-discussions-categories-6-name">${_("Category Name:")} </label>
<input type="text" class="course-discussions-categories-name" id="course-discussions-categories-6-name" placeholder="" value="">
<a href="#" class="remove-item remove-course-discussions-categories-data"><span class="delete-icon"></span> ${_("Delete Category")}</a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle"></a>
<a href="#" class="new-item new-course-discussions-categories-item add-categories-data">
<span class="plus-icon"></span>${_("New Discussion Category")}
</section><!-- .settings-discussions-general -->
</section><!-- .settings-discussions -->
......@@ -18,21 +18,21 @@
<a href="#" class="page-name">${_("Course Info")}</a>
<div class="item-actions">
<a href="#" class="edit-button wip"><span class="delete-icon"></span></a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle wip"></a>
<span class="drag-handle wip"></span>
<li class="static-page-item">
<a href="#" class="page-name">${_("Textbook")}</a>
<div class="item-actions">
<a href="#" class="edit-button wip"><span class="delete-icon"></span></a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle wip"></a>
<span class="drag-handle wip"></span>
<li class="static-page-item">
<a href="#" class="page-name">${_("Syllabus")}</a>
<div class="item-actions">
<a href="#" class="edit-button wip"><span class="delete-icon"></span></a>
<a href="#" class="drag-handle wip"></a>
<span class="drag-handle wip"></span>
<span class="draggable-drop-indicator draggable-drop-indicator-after"><i class="icon-caret-right"></i></span>
<span class="draggable-drop-indicator draggable-drop-indicator-before"><i class="icon-caret-right"></i></span>
<span class="draggable-drop-indicator draggable-drop-indicator-initial"><i class="icon-caret-right"></i></span>
......@@ -5,13 +5,16 @@
This def will enumerate through a passed in subsection and list all of the units
<%def name="enum_units(subsection, actions=True, selected=None, sortable=True, subsection_units=None)">
<ol ${'class="sortable-unit-list"' if sortable else ''} data-subsection-id="${subsection.location}">
<ol ${'class="sortable-unit-list"' if sortable else ''}>
if subsection_units is None:
subsection_units = subsection.get_children()
% for unit in subsection_units:
<li class="leaf unit" data-id="${unit.location}">
<li class="courseware-unit leaf unit is-draggable" data-id="${unit.location}" data-parent-id="${subsection.location.url()}">
<%include file="_ui-dnd-indicator-before.html" />
unit_state = compute_unit_state(unit)
if unit.location == selected:
......@@ -27,13 +30,17 @@ This def will enumerate through a passed in subsection and list all of the units
% if actions:
<div class="item-actions">
<a href="#" data-tooltip="Delete this unit" class="delete-button" data-id="${unit.location}"><span class="delete-icon"></span></a>
<a href="#" data-tooltip="Drag to sort" class="drag-handle"></a>
<span data-tooltip="Drag to sort" class="drag-handle unit-drag-handle"></span>
% endif
<%include file="_ui-dnd-indicator-after.html" />
% endfor
<%include file="_ui-dnd-indicator-initial.html" />
<a href="#" class="new-unit-item" data-category="${new_unit_category}" data-parent="${subsection.location}">
<span class="new-unit-icon"></span>New Unit
* Draggabilly PACKAGED v1.0.5
* Make that shiz draggable
* classie - class helper functions
* from bonzo
* classie.has( elem, 'my-class' ) -> true/false
* classie.add( elem, 'my-new-class' )
* classie.remove( elem, 'my-unwanted-class' )
* classie.toggle( elem, 'my-class' )
/*jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true */
/*global define: false */
( function( window ) {
'use strict';
// class helper functions from bonzo
function classReg( className ) {
return new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)");
// classList support for class management
// altho to be fair, the api sucks because it won't accept multiple classes at once
var hasClass, addClass, removeClass;
if ( 'classList' in document.documentElement ) {
hasClass = function( elem, c ) {
return elem.classList.contains( c );
addClass = function( elem, c ) {
elem.classList.add( c );
removeClass = function( elem, c ) {
elem.classList.remove( c );
else {
hasClass = function( elem, c ) {
return classReg( c ).test( elem.className );
addClass = function( elem, c ) {
if ( !hasClass( elem, c ) ) {
elem.className = elem.className + ' ' + c;
removeClass = function( elem, c ) {
elem.className = elem.className.replace( classReg( c ), ' ' );
function toggleClass( elem, c ) {
var fn = hasClass( elem, c ) ? removeClass : addClass;
fn( elem, c );
var classie = {
// full names
hasClass: hasClass,
addClass: addClass,
removeClass: removeClass,
toggleClass: toggleClass,
// short names
has: hasClass,
add: addClass,
remove: removeClass,
toggle: toggleClass
// transport
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define("classie", classie);
} else {
// browser global
window.classie = classie;
})( window );
* eventie v1.0.3
* event binding helper
* eventie.bind( elem, 'click', myFn )
* eventie.unbind( elem, 'click', myFn )
/*jshint browser: true, undef: true, unused: true */
/*global define: false */
( function( window ) {
'use strict';
var docElem = document.documentElement;
var bind = function() {};
if ( docElem.addEventListener ) {
bind = function( obj, type, fn ) {
obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false );
} else if ( docElem.attachEvent ) {
bind = function( obj, type, fn ) {
obj[ type + fn ] = fn.handleEvent ?
function() {
var event = window.event;
// add = || event.srcElement; fn, event );
} :
function() {
var event = window.event;
// add = || event.srcElement; obj, event );
obj.attachEvent( "on" + type, obj[ type + fn ] );
var unbind = function() {};
if ( docElem.removeEventListener ) {
unbind = function( obj, type, fn ) {
obj.removeEventListener( type, fn, false );
} else if ( docElem.detachEvent ) {
unbind = function( obj, type, fn ) {
obj.detachEvent( "on" + type, obj[ type + fn ] );
try {
delete obj[ type + fn ];
} catch ( err ) {
// can't delete window object properties
obj[ type + fn ] = undefined;
var eventie = {
bind: bind,
unbind: unbind
// transport
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define("eventie", eventie);
} else {
// browser global
window.eventie = eventie;
})( this );
* EventEmitter v4.2.4 -
* Oliver Caldwell
* MIT license
* @preserve
(function () {
'use strict';
* Class for managing events.
* Can be extended to provide event functionality in other classes.
* @class EventEmitter Manages event registering and emitting.
function EventEmitter() {}
// Shortcuts to improve speed and size
// Easy access to the prototype
var proto = EventEmitter.prototype;
* Finds the index of the listener for the event in it's storage array.
* @param {Function[]} listeners Array of listeners to search through.
* @param {Function} listener Method to look for.
* @return {Number} Index of the specified listener, -1 if not found
* @api private
function indexOfListener(listeners, listener) {
var i = listeners.length;
while (i--) {
if (listeners[i].listener === listener) {
return i;
return -1;
* Alias a method while keeping the context correct, to allow for overwriting of target method.
* @param {String} name The name of the target method.
* @return {Function} The aliased method
* @api private
function alias(name) {
return function aliasClosure() {
return this[name].apply(this, arguments);
* Returns the listener array for the specified event.
* Will initialise the event object and listener arrays if required.
* Will return an object if you use a regex search. The object contains keys for each matched event. So /ba[rz]/ might return an object containing bar and baz. But only if you have either defined them with defineEvent or added some listeners to them.
* Each property in the object response is an array of listener functions.
* @param {String|RegExp} evt Name of the event to return the listeners from.
* @return {Function[]|Object} All listener functions for the event.
proto.getListeners = function getListeners(evt) {
var events = this._getEvents();
var response;
var key;
// Return a concatenated array of all matching events if
// the selector is a regular expression.
if (typeof evt === 'object') {
response = {};
for (key in events) {
if (events.hasOwnProperty(key) && evt.test(key)) {
response[key] = events[key];
else {
response = events[evt] || (events[evt] = []);
return response;
* Takes a list of listener objects and flattens it into a list of listener functions.
* @param {Object[]} listeners Raw listener objects.
* @return {Function[]} Just the listener functions.
proto.flattenListeners = function flattenListeners(listeners) {
var flatListeners = [];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < listeners.length; i += 1) {
return flatListeners;
* Fetches the requested listeners via getListeners but will always return the results inside an object. This is mainly for internal use but others may find it useful.
* @param {String|RegExp} evt Name of the event to return the listeners from.
* @return {Object} All listener functions for an event in an object.
proto.getListenersAsObject = function getListenersAsObject(evt) {
var listeners = this.getListeners(evt);
var response;
if (listeners instanceof Array) {
response = {};
response[evt] = listeners;
return response || listeners;
* Adds a listener function to the specified event.
* The listener will not be added if it is a duplicate.
* If the listener returns true then it will be removed after it is called.
* If you pass a regular expression as the event name then the listener will be added to all events that match it.
* @param {String|RegExp} evt Name of the event to attach the listener to.
* @param {Function} listener Method to be called when the event is emitted. If the function returns true then it will be removed after calling.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.addListener = function addListener(evt, listener) {
var listeners = this.getListenersAsObject(evt);
var listenerIsWrapped = typeof listener === 'object';
var key;
for (key in listeners) {
if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(key) && indexOfListener(listeners[key], listener) === -1) {
listeners[key].push(listenerIsWrapped ? listener : {
listener: listener,
once: false
return this;
* Alias of addListener
proto.on = alias('addListener');
* Semi-alias of addListener. It will add a listener that will be
* automatically removed after it's first execution.
* @param {String|RegExp} evt Name of the event to attach the listener to.
* @param {Function} listener Method to be called when the event is emitted. If the function returns true then it will be removed after calling.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.addOnceListener = function addOnceListener(evt, listener) {
return this.addListener(evt, {
listener: listener,
once: true
* Alias of addOnceListener.
proto.once = alias('addOnceListener');
* Defines an event name. This is required if you want to use a regex to add a listener to multiple events at once. If you don't do this then how do you expect it to know what event to add to? Should it just add to every possible match for a regex? No. That is scary and bad.
* You need to tell it what event names should be matched by a regex.
* @param {String} evt Name of the event to create.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.defineEvent = function defineEvent(evt) {
return this;
* Uses defineEvent to define multiple events.
* @param {String[]} evts An array of event names to define.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.defineEvents = function defineEvents(evts) {
for (var i = 0; i < evts.length; i += 1) {
return this;
* Removes a listener function from the specified event.
* When passed a regular expression as the event name, it will remove the listener from all events that match it.
* @param {String|RegExp} evt Name of the event to remove the listener from.
* @param {Function} listener Method to remove from the event.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.removeListener = function removeListener(evt, listener) {
var listeners = this.getListenersAsObject(evt);
var index;
var key;
for (key in listeners) {
if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
index = indexOfListener(listeners[key], listener);
if (index !== -1) {
listeners[key].splice(index, 1);
return this;
* Alias of removeListener
*/ = alias('removeListener');
* Adds listeners in bulk using the manipulateListeners method.
* If you pass an object as the second argument you can add to multiple events at once. The object should contain key value pairs of events and listeners or listener arrays. You can also pass it an event name and an array of listeners to be added.
* You can also pass it a regular expression to add the array of listeners to all events that match it.
* Yeah, this function does quite a bit. That's probably a bad thing.
* @param {String|Object|RegExp} evt An event name if you will pass an array of listeners next. An object if you wish to add to multiple events at once.
* @param {Function[]} [listeners] An optional array of listener functions to add.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.addListeners = function addListeners(evt, listeners) {
// Pass through to manipulateListeners
return this.manipulateListeners(false, evt, listeners);
* Removes listeners in bulk using the manipulateListeners method.
* If you pass an object as the second argument you can remove from multiple events at once. The object should contain key value pairs of events and listeners or listener arrays.
* You can also pass it an event name and an array of listeners to be removed.
* You can also pass it a regular expression to remove the listeners from all events that match it.
* @param {String|Object|RegExp} evt An event name if you will pass an array of listeners next. An object if you wish to remove from multiple events at once.
* @param {Function[]} [listeners] An optional array of listener functions to remove.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.removeListeners = function removeListeners(evt, listeners) {
// Pass through to manipulateListeners
return this.manipulateListeners(true, evt, listeners);
* Edits listeners in bulk. The addListeners and removeListeners methods both use this to do their job. You should really use those instead, this is a little lower level.
* The first argument will determine if the listeners are removed (true) or added (false).
* If you pass an object as the second argument you can add/remove from multiple events at once. The object should contain key value pairs of events and listeners or listener arrays.
* You can also pass it an event name and an array of listeners to be added/removed.
* You can also pass it a regular expression to manipulate the listeners of all events that match it.
* @param {Boolean} remove True if you want to remove listeners, false if you want to add.
* @param {String|Object|RegExp} evt An event name if you will pass an array of listeners next. An object if you wish to add/remove from multiple events at once.
* @param {Function[]} [listeners] An optional array of listener functions to add/remove.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.manipulateListeners = function manipulateListeners(remove, evt, listeners) {
var i;
var value;
var single = remove ? this.removeListener : this.addListener;
var multiple = remove ? this.removeListeners : this.addListeners;
// If evt is an object then pass each of it's properties to this method
if (typeof evt === 'object' && !(evt instanceof RegExp)) {
for (i in evt) {
if (evt.hasOwnProperty(i) && (value = evt[i])) {
// Pass the single listener straight through to the singular method
if (typeof value === 'function') {, i, value);
else {
// Otherwise pass back to the multiple function, i, value);
else {
// So evt must be a string
// And listeners must be an array of listeners
// Loop over it and pass each one to the multiple method
i = listeners.length;
while (i--) {, evt, listeners[i]);
return this;
* Removes all listeners from a specified event.
* If you do not specify an event then all listeners will be removed.
* That means every event will be emptied.
* You can also pass a regex to remove all events that match it.
* @param {String|RegExp} [evt] Optional name of the event to remove all listeners for. Will remove from every event if not passed.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.removeEvent = function removeEvent(evt) {
var type = typeof evt;
var events = this._getEvents();
var key;
// Remove different things depending on the state of evt
if (type === 'string') {
// Remove all listeners for the specified event
delete events[evt];
else if (type === 'object') {
// Remove all events matching the regex.
for (key in events) {
if (events.hasOwnProperty(key) && evt.test(key)) {
delete events[key];
else {
// Remove all listeners in all events
delete this._events;
return this;
* Alias of removeEvent.
* Added to mirror the node API.
proto.removeAllListeners = alias('removeEvent');
* Emits an event of your choice.
* When emitted, every listener attached to that event will be executed.
* If you pass the optional argument array then those arguments will be passed to every listener upon execution.
* Because it uses `apply`, your array of arguments will be passed as if you wrote them out separately.
* So they will not arrive within the array on the other side, they will be separate.
* You can also pass a regular expression to emit to all events that match it.
* @param {String|RegExp} evt Name of the event to emit and execute listeners for.
* @param {Array} [args] Optional array of arguments to be passed to each listener.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.emitEvent = function emitEvent(evt, args) {
var listeners = this.getListenersAsObject(evt);
var listener;
var i;
var key;
var response;
for (key in listeners) {
if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
i = listeners[key].length;
while (i--) {
// If the listener returns true then it shall be removed from the event
// The function is executed either with a basic call or an apply if there is an args array
listener = listeners[key][i];
if (listener.once === true) {
this.removeListener(evt, listener.listener);
response = listener.listener.apply(this, args || []);
if (response === this._getOnceReturnValue()) {
this.removeListener(evt, listener.listener);
return this;
* Alias of emitEvent
proto.trigger = alias('emitEvent');
* Subtly different from emitEvent in that it will pass its arguments on to the listeners, as opposed to taking a single array of arguments to pass on.
* As with emitEvent, you can pass a regex in place of the event name to emit to all events that match it.
* @param {String|RegExp} evt Name of the event to emit and execute listeners for.
* @param {...*} Optional additional arguments to be passed to each listener.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.emit = function emit(evt) {
var args =, 1);
return this.emitEvent(evt, args);
* Sets the current value to check against when executing listeners. If a
* listeners return value matches the one set here then it will be removed
* after execution. This value defaults to true.
* @param {*} value The new value to check for when executing listeners.
* @return {Object} Current instance of EventEmitter for chaining.
proto.setOnceReturnValue = function setOnceReturnValue(value) {
this._onceReturnValue = value;
return this;
* Fetches the current value to check against when executing listeners. If
* the listeners return value matches this one then it should be removed
* automatically. It will return true by default.
* @return {*|Boolean} The current value to check for or the default, true.
* @api private
proto._getOnceReturnValue = function _getOnceReturnValue() {
if (this.hasOwnProperty('_onceReturnValue')) {
return this._onceReturnValue;
else {
return true;
* Fetches the events object and creates one if required.
* @return {Object} The events storage object.
* @api private
proto._getEvents = function _getEvents() {
return this._events || (this._events = {});
// Expose the class either via AMD, CommonJS or the global object
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define("EventEmitter", function () {
return EventEmitter;
else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports){
module.exports = EventEmitter;
else {
this.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
* getStyleProperty by kangax
/*jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true */
/*globals define: false */
( function( window ) {
'use strict';
var prefixes = 'Webkit Moz ms Ms O'.split(' ');
var docElemStyle =;
function getStyleProperty( propName ) {
if ( !propName ) {
// test standard property first
if ( typeof docElemStyle[ propName ] === 'string' ) {
return propName;
// capitalize
propName = propName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propName.slice(1);
// test vendor specific properties
var prefixed;
for ( var i=0, len = prefixes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
prefixed = prefixes[i] + propName;
if ( typeof docElemStyle[ prefixed ] === 'string' ) {
return prefixed;
// transport
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define("getStyleProperty", function() {
return getStyleProperty;
} else {
// browser global
window.getStyleProperty = getStyleProperty;
})( window );
* getSize v1.1.4
* measure size of elements
/*jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true, unused: true */
/*global define: false */
( function( window, undefined ) {
'use strict';
// -------------------------- helpers -------------------------- //
var defView = document.defaultView;
var getStyle = defView && defView.getComputedStyle ?
function( elem ) {
return defView.getComputedStyle( elem, null );
} :
function( elem ) {
return elem.currentStyle;
// get a number from a string, not a percentage
function getStyleSize( value ) {
var num = parseFloat( value );
// not a percent like '100%', and a number
var isValid = value.indexOf('%') === -1 && !isNaN( num );
return isValid && num;
// -------------------------- measurements -------------------------- //
var measurements = [
function getZeroSize() {
var size = {
width: 0,
height: 0,
innerWidth: 0,
innerHeight: 0,
outerWidth: 0,
outerHeight: 0
for ( var i=0, len = measurements.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var measurement = measurements[i];
size[ measurement ] = 0;
return size;
function defineGetSize( getStyleProperty ) {
// -------------------------- box sizing -------------------------- //
var boxSizingProp = getStyleProperty('boxSizing');
var isBoxSizeOuter;
* WebKit measures the outer-width on style.width on border-box elems
* IE & Firefox measures the inner-width
( function() {
if ( !boxSizingProp ) {
var div = document.createElement('div'); = '200px'; = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; = 'solid'; = '1px 2px 3px 4px';[ boxSizingProp ] = 'border-box';
var body = document.body || document.documentElement;
body.appendChild( div );
var style = getStyle( div );
isBoxSizeOuter = getStyleSize( style.width ) === 200;
body.removeChild( div );
// -------------------------- getSize -------------------------- //
function getSize( elem ) {
// use querySeletor if elem is string
if ( typeof elem === 'string' ) {
elem = document.querySelector( elem );
// do not proceed on non-objects
if ( !elem || typeof elem !== 'object' || !elem.nodeType ) {
var style = getStyle( elem );
// if hidden, everything is 0
if ( style.display === 'none' ) {
return getZeroSize();
var size = {};
size.width = elem.offsetWidth;
size.height = elem.offsetHeight;
var isBorderBox = size.isBorderBox = !!( boxSizingProp &&
style[ boxSizingProp ] && style[ boxSizingProp ] === 'border-box' );
// get all measurements
for ( var i=0, len = measurements.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var measurement = measurements[i];
var value = style[ measurement ];
var num = parseFloat( value );
// any 'auto', 'medium' value will be 0
size[ measurement ] = !isNaN( num ) ? num : 0;
var paddingWidth = size.paddingLeft + size.paddingRight;
var paddingHeight = size.paddingTop + size.paddingBottom;
var marginWidth = size.marginLeft + size.marginRight;
var marginHeight = size.marginTop + size.marginBottom;
var borderWidth = size.borderLeftWidth + size.borderRightWidth;
var borderHeight = size.borderTopWidth + size.borderBottomWidth;
var isBorderBoxSizeOuter = isBorderBox && isBoxSizeOuter;
// overwrite width and height if we can get it from style
var styleWidth = getStyleSize( style.width );
if ( styleWidth !== false ) {
size.width = styleWidth +
// add padding and border unless it's already including it
( isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingWidth + borderWidth );
var styleHeight = getStyleSize( style.height );
if ( styleHeight !== false ) {
size.height = styleHeight +
// add padding and border unless it's already including it
( isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingHeight + borderHeight );
size.innerWidth = size.width - ( paddingWidth + borderWidth );
size.innerHeight = size.height - ( paddingHeight + borderHeight );
size.outerWidth = size.width + marginWidth;
size.outerHeight = size.height + marginHeight;
return size;
return getSize;
// transport
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define("getSize", [ 'getStyleProperty' ], defineGetSize );
} else {
// browser global
window.getSize = defineGetSize( window.getStyleProperty );
})( window );
* Draggabilly v1.0.5
* Make that shiz draggable
( function( window ) {
'use strict';
// vars
var document = window.document;
// -------------------------- helpers -------------------------- //
// extend objects
function extend( a, b ) {
for ( var prop in b ) {
a[ prop ] = b[ prop ];
return a;
function noop() {}
// ----- get style ----- //
var defView = document.defaultView;
var getStyle = defView && defView.getComputedStyle ?
function( elem ) {
return defView.getComputedStyle( elem, null );
} :
function( elem ) {
return elem.currentStyle;
var isElement = ( typeof HTMLElement === 'object' ) ?
function isElementDOM2( obj ) {
return obj instanceof HTMLElement;
} :
function isElementQuirky( obj ) {
return obj && typeof obj === 'object' &&
obj.nodeType === 1 && typeof obj.nodeName === 'string';
// -------------------------- requestAnimationFrame -------------------------- //
var lastTime = 0;
var prefixes = 'webkit moz ms o'.split(' ');
// get unprefixed rAF and cAF, if present
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame;
var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
// loop through vendor prefixes and get prefixed rAF and cAF
var prefix;
for( var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++ ) {
if ( requestAnimationFrame && cancelAnimationFrame ) {
prefix = prefixes[i];
requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame || window[ prefix + 'RequestAnimationFrame' ];
cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame || window[ prefix + 'CancelAnimationFrame' ] ||
window[ prefix + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame' ];
// fallback to setTimeout and clearTimeout if either request/cancel is not supported
if ( !requestAnimationFrame || !cancelAnimationFrame ) {
requestAnimationFrame = function( callback ) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max( 0, 16 - ( currTime - lastTime ) );
var id = window.setTimeout( function() {
callback( currTime + timeToCall );
}, timeToCall );
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
cancelAnimationFrame = function( id ) {
window.clearTimeout( id );
// -------------------------- definition -------------------------- //
function draggabillyDefinition( classie, EventEmitter, eventie, getStyleProperty, getSize ) {
// -------------------------- support -------------------------- //
var transformProperty = getStyleProperty('transform');
// TODO fix quick & dirty check for 3D support
var is3d = !!getStyleProperty('perspective');
// -------------------------- -------------------------- //
function Draggabilly( element, options ) {
this.element = element;
this.options = extend( {}, this.options );
extend( this.options, options );
// inherit EventEmitter methods
extend( Draggabilly.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype );
Draggabilly.prototype.options = {
Draggabilly.prototype._create = function() {
// properties
this.position = {};
this.startPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.dragPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.startPosition = extend( {}, this.position );
// set relative positioning
var style = getStyle( this.element );
if ( style.position !== 'relative' && style.position !== 'absolute' ) { = 'relative';
* set this.handles and bind start events to 'em
Draggabilly.prototype.setHandles = function() {
this.handles = this.options.handle ?
this.element.querySelectorAll( this.options.handle ) : [ this.element ];
for ( var i=0, len = this.handles.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var handle = this.handles[i];
// bind pointer start event
// listen for both, for devices like Chrome Pixel
// which has touch and mouse events
eventie.bind( handle, 'mousedown', this );
eventie.bind( handle, 'touchstart', this );
disableImgOndragstart( handle );
// remove default dragging interaction on all images in IE8
// IE8 does its own drag thing on images, which messes stuff up
function noDragStart() {
return false;
// TODO replace this with a IE8 test
var isIE8 = 'attachEvent' in document.documentElement;
// IE8 only
var disableImgOndragstart = !isIE8 ? noop : function( handle ) {
if ( handle.nodeName === 'IMG' ) {
handle.ondragstart = noDragStart;
var images = handle.querySelectorAll('img');
for ( var i=0, len = images.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var img = images[i];
img.ondragstart = noDragStart;
// get left/top position from style
Draggabilly.prototype._getPosition = function() {
// properties
var style = getStyle( this.element );
var x = parseInt( style.left, 10 );
var y = parseInt(, 10 );
// clean up 'auto' or other non-integer values
this.position.x = isNaN( x ) ? 0 : x;
this.position.y = isNaN( y ) ? 0 : y;
this._addTransformPosition( style );
// add transform: translate( x, y ) to position
Draggabilly.prototype._addTransformPosition = function( style ) {
if ( !transformProperty ) {
var transform = style[ transformProperty ];
// bail out if value is 'none'
if ( transform.indexOf('matrix') !== 0 ) {
// split matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y)
var matrixValues = transform.split(',');
// translate X value is in 12th or 4th position
var xIndex = transform.indexOf('matrix3d') === 0 ? 12 : 4;
var translateX = parseInt( matrixValues[ xIndex ], 10 );
// translate Y value is in 13th or 5th position
var translateY = parseInt( matrixValues[ xIndex + 1 ], 10 );
this.position.x += translateX;
this.position.y += translateY;
// -------------------------- events -------------------------- //
// trigger handler methods for events
Draggabilly.prototype.handleEvent = function( event ) {
var method = 'on' + event.type;
if ( this[ method ] ) {
this[ method ]( event );
// returns the touch that we're keeping track of
Draggabilly.prototype.getTouch = function( touches ) {
for ( var i=0, len = touches.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var touch = touches[i];
if ( touch.identifier === this.pointerIdentifier ) {
return touch;
// ----- start event ----- //
Draggabilly.prototype.onmousedown = function( event ) {
this.dragStart( event, event );
Draggabilly.prototype.ontouchstart = function( event ) {
// disregard additional touches
if ( this.isDragging ) {
this.dragStart( event, event.changedTouches[0] );
function setPointerPoint( point, pointer ) {
point.x = pointer.pageX !== undefined ? pointer.pageX : pointer.clientX;
point.y = pointer.pageY !== undefined ? pointer.pageY : pointer.clientY;
* drag start
* @param {Event} event
* @param {Event or Touch} pointer
Draggabilly.prototype.dragStart = function( event, pointer ) {
if ( !this.isEnabled ) {
if ( event.preventDefault ) {
} else {
event.returnValue = false;
var isTouch = event.type === 'touchstart';
// save pointer identifier to match up touch events
this.pointerIdentifier = pointer.identifier;
// point where drag began
setPointerPoint( this.startPoint, pointer );
// position _when_ drag began
this.startPosition.x = this.position.x;
this.startPosition.y = this.position.y;
// reset left/top style
this.dragPoint.x = 0;
this.dragPoint.y = 0;
// bind move and end events
events: isTouch ? [ 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel' ] :
[ 'mousemove', 'mouseup' ],
// IE8 needs to be bound to document
node: event.preventDefault ? window : document
classie.add( this.element, 'is-dragging' );
// reset isDragging flag
this.isDragging = true;
this.emitEvent( 'dragStart', [ this, event, pointer ] );
// start animation
Draggabilly.prototype._bindEvents = function( args ) {
for ( var i=0, len =; i < len; i++ ) {
var event =[i];
eventie.bind( args.node, event, this );
// save these arguments
this._boundEvents = args;
Draggabilly.prototype._unbindEvents = function() {
var args = this._boundEvents;
for ( var i=0, len =; i < len; i++ ) {
var event =[i];
eventie.unbind( args.node, event, this );
delete this._boundEvents;
Draggabilly.prototype.measureContainment = function() {
var containment = this.options.containment;
if ( !containment ) {
this.size = getSize( this.element );
var elemRect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
// use element if element
var container = isElement( containment ) ? containment :
// fallback to querySelector if string
typeof containment === 'string' ? document.querySelector( containment ) :
// otherwise just `true`, use the parent
this.containerSize = getSize( container );
var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
this.relativeStartPosition = {
x: elemRect.left - containerRect.left,
y: -
// ----- move event ----- //
Draggabilly.prototype.onmousemove = function( event ) {
this.dragMove( event, event );
Draggabilly.prototype.ontouchmove = function( event ) {
var touch = this.getTouch( event.changedTouches );
if ( touch ) {
this.dragMove( event, touch );
* drag move
* @param {Event} event
* @param {Event or Touch} pointer
Draggabilly.prototype.dragMove = function( event, pointer ) {
setPointerPoint( this.dragPoint, pointer );
this.dragPoint.x -= this.startPoint.x;
this.dragPoint.y -= this.startPoint.y;
if ( this.options.containment ) {
var relX = this.relativeStartPosition.x;
var relY = this.relativeStartPosition.y;
this.dragPoint.x = Math.max( this.dragPoint.x, -relX );
this.dragPoint.y = Math.max( this.dragPoint.y, -relY );
this.dragPoint.x = Math.min( this.dragPoint.x, this.containerSize.width - relX - this.size.width );
this.dragPoint.y = Math.min( this.dragPoint.y, this.containerSize.height - relY - this.size.height );
this.position.x = this.startPosition.x + this.dragPoint.x;
this.position.y = this.startPosition.y + this.dragPoint.y;
this.emitEvent( 'dragMove', [ this, event, pointer ] );
// ----- end event ----- //
Draggabilly.prototype.onmouseup = function( event ) {
this.dragEnd( event, event );
Draggabilly.prototype.ontouchend = function( event ) {
var touch = this.getTouch( event.changedTouches );
if ( touch ) {
this.dragEnd( event, touch );
* drag end
* @param {Event} event
* @param {Event or Touch} pointer
Draggabilly.prototype.dragEnd = function( event, pointer ) {
this.isDragging = false;
delete this.pointerIdentifier;
// use top left position when complete
if ( transformProperty ) {[ transformProperty ] = '';
// remove events
classie.remove( this.element, 'is-dragging' );
this.emitEvent( 'dragEnd', [ this, event, pointer ] );
// ----- cancel event ----- //
// coerce to end event
Draggabilly.prototype.ontouchcancel = function( event ) {
var touch = this.getTouch( event.changedTouches );
this.dragEnd( event, touch );
// -------------------------- animation -------------------------- //
Draggabilly.prototype.animate = function() {
// only render and animate if dragging
if ( !this.isDragging ) {
var _this = this;
requestAnimationFrame( function animateFrame() {
// transform translate function
var translate = is3d ?
function( x, y ) {
return 'translate3d( ' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0)';
} :
function( x, y ) {
return 'translate( ' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)';
// left/top positioning
Draggabilly.prototype.setLeftTop = function() { = this.position.x + 'px'; = this.position.y + 'px';
Draggabilly.prototype.positionDrag = transformProperty ?
function() {
// position with transform[ transformProperty ] = translate( this.dragPoint.x, this.dragPoint.y );
} : Draggabilly.prototype.setLeftTop;
Draggabilly.prototype.enable = function() {
this.isEnabled = true;
Draggabilly.prototype.disable = function() {
this.isEnabled = false;
if ( this.isDragging ) {
return Draggabilly;
} // end definition
// -------------------------- transport -------------------------- //
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define('draggabilly', [
draggabillyDefinition );
} else {
// browser global
window.Draggabilly = draggabillyDefinition(
})( window );
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -358,18 +358,15 @@
background: $lightGrey;
.branch {
margin-bottom: 10px;
&.collapsed {
margin-bottom: 0;
.branch > .section-item {
border-top: 1px solid #c5cad4;
.section-item {
@include transition(background $tmg-avg ease-in-out 0);
position: relative;
display: block;
padding: 6px 8px 8px 16px;
......@@ -377,7 +374,7 @@
font-size: 13px;
&:hover {
background: #fffcf1;
background: $orange-l4;
.item-actions {
display: block;
......@@ -385,7 +382,7 @@
&.editing {
background: #fffcf1;
background: $orange-l4;
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