Commit c3f55845 by Arthur Barrett

factoring out discussion logic (for now, anyway)

parent 66ddfa29
......@@ -980,6 +980,7 @@ class AnnotationInput(InputTypeBase):
self.comment_prompt = xml.findtext('./comment_prompt', 'Type a commentary below:')
self.tag_prompt = xml.findtext('./tag_prompt', 'Select one or more tags:')
self.options = self._find_options()
self.return_to_annotation = True
# Need to provide a value that JSON can parse if there is no
# student-supplied value yet.
......@@ -1024,6 +1025,7 @@ class AnnotationInput(InputTypeBase):
'comment_prompt': self.comment_prompt,
'tag_prompt': self.tag_prompt,
'options': self.options,
'return_to_annotation': self.return_to_annotation,
'debug': self.debug
unpacked_value = self._unpack_value()
......@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
<span class="incorrect" id="status_${id}"></span>
% endif
% if return_to_annotation:
<a class="annotation-return" href="javascript:void(0)">Return to Annotation</a><br/>
% endif
class @Annotatable
_debug: true
_debug: false
wrapperSelector: '.annotatable-wrapper'
toggleSelector: '.annotatable-toggle'
......@@ -8,11 +8,9 @@ class @Annotatable
problemXModuleSelector: '.xmodule_CapaModule'
problemSelector: 'section.problem'
problemInputSelector: '.annotation-input'
problemReturnSelector: 'section.problem .annotation-return'
discussionXModuleSelector: '.xmodule_DiscussionModule'
discussionSelector: '.discussion-module'
constructor: (el) ->
console.log 'loaded Annotatable' if @_debug
@el = el
......@@ -24,7 +22,6 @@ class @Annotatable
init: () ->
initEvents: () ->
# For handling hide/show of annotations
......@@ -36,15 +33,13 @@ class @Annotatable
# (see the qtip2 options, this must be set explicitly, otherwise they render in the body).
@$(@wrapperSelector).delegate @replySelector, 'click', @onClickReply
# This is a silly hack, but it assumes two things:
# For handling 'return to annotation' events from capa problems. Assumes that:
# 1) There are annotationinput capa problems rendered on the page
# 2) Each one has its an embedded "return to annotation" link.
# 2) Each one has an embedded "return to annotation" link (from the capa problem template).
# The capa problem's html is injected via AJAX so this just sets a listener on the body and
# handles the click event there.
$('body').delegate @problemReturnSelector, 'click', @onClickReturn
initDiscussion: () -> 1
initTips: () ->
@savedTips = []
@$(@spanSelector).each (index, el) =>
......@@ -103,18 +98,11 @@ class @Annotatable
getProblem: (el) ->
problem_id = @getProblemId(el)
getDiscussion: () ->
discussion_id = @getDiscussionId()
getProblemId: (el) ->
getDiscussionId: () ->
toggleAnnotations: () ->
hide = (@annotationsHidden = not @annotationsHidden)
@toggleButtonText hide
......@@ -142,10 +130,6 @@ class @Annotatable
offset: offset
}) if $(el).length > 0
afterScrollToDiscussion: (discussion_el) ->
btn = $('.discussion-show', discussion_el) if !btn.hasClass('shown')
afterScrollToProblem: (problem_el) ->
problem_el.effect 'highlight', {}, 500
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