Commit c243eec6 by cahrens

Move to view file.

parent 08ce212b
...@@ -2,20 +2,15 @@ if (!CMS.Models['Settings']) CMS.Models.Settings = {}; ...@@ -2,20 +2,15 @@ if (!CMS.Models['Settings']) CMS.Models.Settings = {};
CMS.Models.Settings.Advanced = Backbone.Model.extend({ CMS.Models.Settings.Advanced = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: { defaults: {
// the properties are whatever the user types in // the properties are whatever the user types in (in addition to whatever comes originally from the server)
}, },
// which keys to send as the deleted keys on next save // which keys to send as the deleted keys on next save
deleteKeys : [], deleteKeys : [],
blacklistKeys : [], // an array which the controller should populate directly for now [static not instance based] blacklistKeys : [], // an array which the controller should populate directly for now [static not instance based]
initialize: function() {
console.log('in initialize'); validate: function (attrs) {
var editor = ace.edit('course-advanced-policy-1-value');
validate: function(attrs) {
var errors = {}; var errors = {};
for (key in attrs) { for (var key in attrs) {
if (_.contains(this.blacklistKeys, key)) { if (_.contains(this.blacklistKeys, key)) {
errors[key] = key + " is a reserved keyword or has another editor"; errors[key] = key + " is a reserved keyword or has another editor";
} }
...@@ -23,194 +18,3 @@ CMS.Models.Settings.Advanced = Backbone.Model.extend({ ...@@ -23,194 +18,3 @@ CMS.Models.Settings.Advanced = Backbone.Model.extend({
if (!_.isEmpty(errors)) return errors; if (!_.isEmpty(errors)) return errors;
} }
}); });
if (!CMS.Views['Settings']) CMS.Views.Settings = {};
CMS.Views.Settings.Advanced = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
// Model class is CMS.Models.Settings.Advanced
events : {
'click .delete-button' : "deleteEntry",
'click .save-button' : "saveView",
'click .cancel-button' : "revertView",
'click .new-button' : "addEntry",
// update model on changes
'change #course-advanced-policy-key' : "updateKey",
'change #course-advanced-policy-value' : "updateValue"
// TODO enable/disable save (add disabled class) based on validation & dirty
// TODO enable/disable new button?
initialize : function() {
var self = this;
// instantiates an editor template for each update in the collection
function (raw_template) {
self.template = _.template(raw_template);
this.model.on('error', this.handleValidationError, this);
render: function() {
// catch potential outside call before template loaded
if (!this.template) return this;
var listEle$ = this.$el.find('.course-advanced-policy-list');
// same object so manipulations to one keep the other up to date
this.fieldToSelectorMap = this.selectorToField = {};
// iterate through model and produce key : value editors for each property in model.get
var self = this;
_.each(_.sortBy(_.keys(this.model.attributes), _.identity),
function(key) {
listEle$.append(self.template({ key : key, value : self.model.get(key)}));
self.fieldToSelectorMap[key] = key;
// insert the empty one
// Should this be on an event rather than render?
// var editor = ace.edit('course-advanced-policy-1-value');
// editor.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai");
// editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/javascript");
return this;
deleteEntry : function(event) {
// find out which entry
var li$ = $(event.currentTarget).closest('li');
// Not data b/c the validation view uses it for a selector
var key = $('.key', li$).attr('id');
delete this.fieldToSelectorMap[key];
if (key !== '__new_advanced_key__') {
delete this.model[key];
saveView : function(event) {
// TODO one last verification scan:
// call validateKey on each to ensure proper format
// check for dupes{
success : function() { window.alert("Saved"); },
error : CMS.ServerError
// FIXME don't delete if the validation didn't succeed in the save call
// remove deleted attrs
if (!_.isEmpty(this.model.deleteKeys)) {
var self = this;
// hmmm, not sure how to do this via backbone since we're not destroying the model
url : this.model.url,
// json to and fro
contentType : "application/json",
dataType : "json",
// delete
type : 'DELETE',
// data
data : JSON.stringify({ deleteKeys : this.model.deleteKeys})
.fail(function(hdr, status, error) { CMS.ServerError(self.model, "Deleting keys:" + status); })
.done(function(data, status, error) {
// clear deleteKeys on success
self.model.deleteKeys = [];
revertView : function(event) {
this.model.deleteKeys = [];
var self = this;
this.model.clear({silent : true});
success : function() { self.render(); },
error : CMS.ServerError
addEntry : function() {
var listEle$ = this.$el.find('.course-advanced-policy-list');
listEle$.append(this.template({ key : "", value : ""}));
// disable the value entry until there's an acceptable key
this.fieldToSelectorMap['__new_advanced_key__'] = '__new_advanced_key__';
updateKey : function(event) {
// old key: either the key as in the model or __new_advanced_key__. That is, it doesn't change as the val changes until val is accepted
var oldKey = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.key').attr('id');
var newKey = $(event.currentTarget).val();
console.log('update ', oldKey, newKey); // REMOVE ME
if (oldKey !== newKey) {
// may erase other errors but difficult to just remove these
if (!this.validateKey(oldKey, newKey)) return;
if (this.model.has(newKey)) {
console.log('dupe key');
var error = {};
error[oldKey] = newKey + " has another entry";
error[newKey] = "Other entry for " + newKey;
this.model.trigger("error", this.model, error);
return false;
// explicitly call validate to determine whether to proceed (relying on triggered error means putting continuation in the success
// method which is uglier I think?)
var newEntryModel = {};
// set the new key's value to the old one's
newEntryModel[newKey] = (oldKey === '__new_advanced_key__' ? '' : this.model.get(oldKey));
var validation = this.model.validate(newEntryModel);
if (validation) {
console.log('reserved key');
this.model.trigger("error", this.model, validation);
// abandon update
// Now safe to actually do the update
delete this.fieldToSelectorMap[oldKey];
if (oldKey !== '__new_advanced_key__') {
// mark the old key for deletion and delete from field maps
this.model.unset(oldKey) ;
else {
// enable the value entry
// update gui (sets all the ids etc)
$(event.currentTarget).closest('li').replaceWith(this.template({key : newKey, value : this.model.get(newKey) }));
this.fieldToSelectorMap[newKey] = newKey;
validateKey : function(oldKey, newKey) {
// model validation can't handle malformed keys nor notice if 2 fields have same key; so, need to add that chk here
// TODO ensure there's no spaces or illegal chars
if (_.isEmpty(newKey)) {
console.log('no key');
var error = {};
error[oldKey] = "Key cannot be an empty string";
this.model.trigger("error", this.model, error);
return false;
else return true;
updateValue : function(event) {
// much simpler than key munging. just update the value
var key = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.row').children('.key').attr('id');
var value = $(event.currentTarget).val();
console.log('updating ', key, value);
this.model.set(key, value, {validate:true});
if (!CMS.Views['Settings']) CMS.Views.Settings = {};
CMS.Views.Settings.Advanced = CMS.Views.ValidatingView.extend({
// the key for a newly added policy-- before the user has entered a key value
new_key : "__new_advanced_key__",
// Model class is CMS.Models.Settings.Advanced
events : {
'click .delete-button' : "deleteEntry",
'click .save-button' : "saveView",
'click .cancel-button' : "revertView",
'click .new-button' : "addEntry",
// update model on changes
'change #course-advanced-policy-key' : "updateKey",
'change #course-advanced-policy-value' : "updateValue"
// TODO enable/disable save (add disabled class) based on validation & dirty
// TODO enable/disable new button?
initialize : function() {
var self = this;
// instantiates an editor template for each update in the collection
function (raw_template) {
self.template = _.template(raw_template);
this.model.on('error', this.handleValidationError, this);
render: function() {
// catch potential outside call before template loaded
if (!this.template) return this;
var listEle$ = this.$el.find('.course-advanced-policy-list');
// In this case, the fieldToSelectorMap (inherited from ValidatingView) use a map
// from the key to itself. Therefore the selectorToField map is the same object.
this.fieldToSelectorMap = this.selectorToField = {};
// iterate through model and produce key : value editors for each property in model.get
var self = this;
_.each(_.sortBy(_.keys(this.model.attributes), _.identity),
function(key) {
// TODO: working here
var newEl = self.template({ key : key, value : self.model.get(key)});
self.fieldToSelectorMap[key] = key;
// var editor = ace.edit('course-advanced-policy-1-value');
// editor.setTheme("ace/theme/chrome");
// editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/json");
return this;
deleteEntry : function(event) {
// find out which entry
var li$ = $(event.currentTarget).closest('li');
// Not data b/c the validation view uses it for a selector
var key = $('.key', li$).attr('id');
delete this.fieldToSelectorMap[key];
if (key !== this.new_key) {
delete this.model[key];
saveView : function(event) {
// TODO one last verification scan:
// call validateKey on each to ensure proper format
// check for dupes{},
success : function() {
error : CMS.ServerError
// FIXME don't delete if the validation didn't succeed in the save call
// remove deleted attrs
if (!_.isEmpty(this.model.deleteKeys)) {
var self = this;
// not able to do via backbone since we're not destroying the model
url : this.model.url,
// json to and fro
contentType : "application/json",
dataType : "json",
// delete
type : 'DELETE',
// data
data : JSON.stringify({ deleteKeys : this.model.deleteKeys})
.fail(function(hdr, status, error) { CMS.ServerError(self.model, "Deleting keys:" + status); })
.done(function(data, status, error) {
// clear deleteKeys on success
self.model.deleteKeys = [];
revertView : function(event) {
this.model.deleteKeys = [];
var self = this;
this.model.clear({silent : true});
success : function() { self.render(); },
error : CMS.ServerError
addEntry : function() {
var listEle$ = this.$el.find('.course-advanced-policy-list');
listEle$.append(this.template({ key : "", value : ""}));
// disable the value entry until there's an acceptable key
this.fieldToSelectorMap[this.new_key] = this.new_key;
updateKey : function(event) {
// old key: either the key as in the model or new_key.
// That is, it doesn't change as the val changes until val is accepted.
var oldKey = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.key').attr('id');
var newKey = $(event.currentTarget).val();
console.log('update ', oldKey, newKey); // TODO: REMOVE ME
if (oldKey !== newKey) {
// may erase other errors but difficult to just remove these
if (!this.validateKey(oldKey, newKey)) return;
if (this.model.has(newKey)) {
console.log('dupe key');
var error = {};
error[oldKey] = newKey + " has another entry";
error[newKey] = "Other entry for " + newKey;
this.model.trigger("error", this.model, error);
return false;
// explicitly call validate to determine whether to proceed (relying on triggered error means putting continuation in the success
// method which is uglier I think?)
var newEntryModel = {};
// set the new key's value to the old one's
newEntryModel[newKey] = (oldKey === this.new_key ? '' : this.model.get(oldKey));
var validation = this.model.validate(newEntryModel);
if (validation) {
console.log('reserved key');
this.model.trigger("error", this.model, validation);
// abandon update
// Now safe to actually do the update
delete this.fieldToSelectorMap[oldKey];
if (oldKey !== this.new_key) {
// mark the old key for deletion and delete from field maps
this.model.unset(oldKey) ;
else {
// enable the value entry
// update gui (sets all the ids etc)
$(event.currentTarget).closest('li').replaceWith(this.template({key : newKey, value : this.model.get(newKey) }));
this.fieldToSelectorMap[newKey] = newKey;
validateKey : function(oldKey, newKey) {
// model validation can't handle malformed keys nor notice if 2 fields have same key; so, need to add that chk here
// TODO ensure there's no spaces or illegal chars
if (_.isEmpty(newKey)) {
console.log('no key');
var error = {};
error[oldKey] = "Key cannot be an empty string";
this.model.trigger("error", this.model, error);
return false;
else return true;
updateValue : function(event) {
// much simpler than key munging. just update the value
var key = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.row').children('.key').attr('id');
var value = $(event.currentTarget).val();
console.log('updating ', key, value);
this.model.set(key, value, {validate:true});
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from contentstore import utils ...@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from contentstore import utils
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/models/settings/course_grading_policy.js')}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/models/settings/course_grading_policy.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/views/settings/main_settings_view.js')}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/views/settings/main_settings_view.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/models/settings/advanced.js')}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/models/settings/advanced.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/views/settings/advanced_view.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(){ $(document).ready(function(){
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