Commit c09632ef by cahrens

Tests for conditional content (split_test module).

parent 2ae3fd0a
......@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ from lms.lib.xblock.runtime import quote_slashes
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from student.models import anonymous_id_for_user
from xmodule.partitions.partitions import Group, UserPartition
from user_api.tests.factories import UserCourseTagFactory
class TestSubmittingProblems(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
......@@ -217,12 +220,6 @@ class TestSubmittingProblems(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
return section
class TestCourseGrader(TestSubmittingProblems):
Suite of tests for the course grader.
def add_grading_policy(self, grading_policy):
Add a grading policy to the course.
......@@ -283,7 +280,7 @@ class TestCourseGrader(TestSubmittingProblems):
Global scores, each Score is a Problem Set.
Returns list of scores: [<points on hw_1>, <poinst on hw_2>, ..., <poinst on hw_n>]
Returns list of scores: [<points on hw_1>, <points on hw_2>, ..., <points on hw_n>]
return [s.earned for s in self.get_grade_summary()['totaled_scores']['Homework']]
......@@ -292,7 +289,7 @@ class TestCourseGrader(TestSubmittingProblems):
Returns list of scores for a given url.
Returns list of scores for the given homework:
[<points on problem_1>, <poinst on problem_2>, ..., <poinst on problem_n>]
[<points on problem_1>, <points on problem_2>, ..., <points on problem_n>]
# list of grade summaries for each section
......@@ -304,6 +301,11 @@ class TestCourseGrader(TestSubmittingProblems):
hw_section = next(section for section in sections_list if section.get('url_name') == hw_url_name)
return [s.earned for s in hw_section['scores']]
class TestCourseGrader(TestSubmittingProblems):
Suite of tests for the course grader.
def basic_setup(self, late=False, reset=False, showanswer=False):
Set up a simple course for testing basic grading functionality.
......@@ -1050,3 +1052,207 @@ class TestAnswerDistributions(TestSubmittingProblems):
class TestConditionalContent(TestSubmittingProblems):
Check that conditional content works correctly with grading.
def setUp(self):
Set up a simple course with a grading policy, a UserPartition, and 2 sections, both graded as "homework".
One section is pre-populated with a problem (with 2 inputs), visible to all students.
The second section is empty. Test cases should add conditional content to it.
super(TestConditionalContent, self).setUp()
self.user_partition_group_0 = 0
self.user_partition_group_1 = 1
self.partition = UserPartition(
'First Partition',
Group(self.user_partition_group_0, 'alpha'),
Group(self.user_partition_group_1, 'beta')
self.course = CourseFactory.create(
grading_policy = {
"GRADER": [{
"type": "Homework",
"min_count": 2,
"drop_count": 0,
"short_label": "HW",
"weight": 1.0
self.homework_all = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework1')
self.p1_all_html_id = self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework_all.location, 'H1P1', 2).location.html_id()
self.homework_conditional = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework2')
def split_setup(self, user_partition_group):
Setup for tests using split_test module. Creates a split_test instance as a child of self.homework_conditional
with 2 verticals in it, and assigns self.student_user to the specified user_partition_group.
The verticals are returned.
vertical_0_url ="vertical", "split_test_vertical_0")
vertical_1_url ="vertical", "split_test_vertical_1")
group_id_to_child = {}
for index, url in enumerate([vertical_0_url, vertical_1_url]):
group_id_to_child[str(index)] = url
split_test = ItemFactory.create(
display_name="Split test",
vertical_0 = ItemFactory.create(
display_name="Condition 0 vertical",
vertical_1 = ItemFactory.create(
display_name="Condition 1 vertical",
# Now add the student to the specified group.
key='xblock.partition_service.partition_{0}'.format(, # pylint: disable=no-member
return vertical_0, vertical_1
def split_different_problems_setup(self, user_partition_group):
Setup for the case where the split test instance contains problems for each group
(so both groups do have graded content, though it is different).
Group 0 has 2 problems, worth 1 and 3 points respectively.
Group 1 has 1 problem, worth 1 point.
This method also assigns self.student_user to the specified user_partition_group and
then submits answers for the problems in section 1, which are visible to all students.
The submitted answers give the student 1 point out of a possible 2 points in the section.
vertical_0, vertical_1 = self.split_setup(user_partition_group)
# Group 0 will have 2 problems in the section, worth a total of 4 points.
self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_0.location, 'H2P1', 1).location.html_id()
self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_0.location, 'H2P2', 3).location.html_id()
# Group 1 will have 1 problem in the section, worth a total of 1 point.
self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_1.location, 'H2P1', 1).location.html_id()
# Submit answers for problem in Section 1, which is visible to all students.
self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Incorrect'})
def test_split_different_problems_group_0(self):
Tests that users who see different problems in a split_test module instance are graded correctly.
This is the test case for a user in user partition group 0.
self.submit_question_answer('H2P1', {'2_1': 'Correct'})
self.submit_question_answer('H2P2', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Incorrect', '2_3': 'Correct'})
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0])
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0, 2.0])
self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 3.0])
# Grade percent is .63. Here is the calculation
homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2
homework_2_score = (1.0 + 2.0) / 4
self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2))
def test_split_different_problems_group_1(self):
Tests that users who see different problems in a split_test module instance are graded correctly.
This is the test case for a user in user partition group 1.
self.submit_question_answer('H2P1', {'2_1': 'Correct'})
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0])
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0])
self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 1.0])
# Grade percent is .75. Here is the calculation
homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2
homework_2_score = 1.0 / 1
self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2))
def split_one_group_no_problems_setup(self, user_partition_group):
Setup for the case where the split test instance contains problems on for one group.
Group 0 has no problems.
Group 1 has 1 problem, worth 1 point.
This method also assigns self.student_user to the specified user_partition_group and
then submits answers for the problems in section 1, which are visible to all students.
The submitted answers give the student 2 points out of a possible 2 points in the section.
[_, vertical_1] = self.split_setup(user_partition_group)
# Group 1 will have 1 problem in the section, worth a total of 1 point.
self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_1.location, 'H2P1', 1).location.html_id()
self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', {'2_1': 'Correct'})
def test_split_one_group_no_problems_group_0(self):
Tests what happens when a given group has no problems in it (students receive 0 for that section).
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0])
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [])
self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 0.0])
# Grade percent is .25. Here is the calculation.
homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2
homework_2_score = 0.0
self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2))
def test_split_one_group_no_problems_group_1(self):
Verifies students in the group that DOES have a problem receive a score for their problem.
self.submit_question_answer('H2P1', {'2_1': 'Correct'})
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0])
self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0])
self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 1.0])
# Grade percent is .75. Here is the calculation.
homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2
homework_2_score = 1.0 / 1
self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2))
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