<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Team Members</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Draft Your Course's Grading Policy</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Regardless of whether you have all your course assignments written, you can immediately get started setting up assignment types and a grade computation scheme.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit Team Members</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Team Members</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Explore the other Studio Checklists</h4>
<pclass="task-description">They'll help you learn the other course authoring tools available to you, and will also help you find help when you need it.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions course-checklist-actions">
<h5class="sr">Edit This Checklist</h5>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon-add">+</i> Add a Task <spanclass="sr">to This Checklist</span></a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-secondary action-delete"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon-delete"></i> Delete This Checklist</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Designate a Subsection as Graded</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Assignment types are defined in your grading settings but can be quickly associated with sections using your course outline.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Reordering Course Content</h4>
<pclass="task-description">From the Course Outline, you can easily reorder your course content based on the progression you'd like students to walk through.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Deleting Course Content</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Try out deleting on a section, subsection, or unit you don't need anymore. Be careful though, anything inside the course content you delete is also removed.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add an Instructor-Only Section to Your Outline</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Some course authors find creating a section for unsorted, in-progress work useful. To do this, create a section and set the release date to the distant future.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Team Members</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Explore the Studio Help Forum</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Access the Studio Help forum from the menu that appears when you click your user name in the top right corner of Studio.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit Team Members</a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Visit edX Studio Help</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Team Members</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Download the Studio Documentation</h4>
<pclass="task-description">View the searchable Studio documentation to find answers to your questions or information about how to do specific tasks. Once you download the PDF, you can view it offline.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit Team Members</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Team Members</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Explore the other Studio Checklists</h4>
<pclass="task-description">They'll help you learn the other course authoring tools available to you, and will also help you find help when you need it.</p>
<aclass="task-support"href="#">See Also: How manage your course team in edX101</a>
<ulclass="list-actions course-checklist-actions">
<h5class="sr">Edit This Checklist</h5>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon-add">+</i> Add a Task <spanclass="sr">to This Checklist</span></a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-secondary action-delete"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon-delete"></i> Delete This Checklist</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Drafting a Course Description/h4>
<pclass="task-description">Courses on edX each have their own introduction page, including a course video, description, and more. Draft the introduction students will read before deciding to enroll in your course.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit Team Members</a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Adding Staff Bios</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Showing prospective students who will be their instructor is helpful, so we recommend including staff bios in the Course introduction page.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course FAQs</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Students often have questions about courses, and including a short list of frequently asked questions up front often reduces the number of students who are confused.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Prerequisites</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Before a student jumps into a course without the necessary preparation, we'd like them to understand the prerequisites that will make them more likely to succeed.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>