Commit b84a3fdf by Will Daly

Merge pull request #1654 from edx/will/disable-latex-test

Disabled LaTeX acceptance test
parents e370fb95 2a6754b8
......@@ -81,14 +81,19 @@ Feature: CMS.Problem Editor
When I edit and select Settings
Then Edit High Level Source is visible
# Disabled 11/13/2013 after failing in master
# The screenshot showed that the LaTeX editor had the text "hi",
# but Selenium timed out waiting for the text to appear.
# It also caused later tests to fail with "UnexpectedAlertPresent"
# This feature will work in Firefox only when Firefox is the active window
# IE will not interact with the high level source in sauce labs
Scenario: High Level source is persisted for LaTeX problem (bug STUD-280)
Given I have created a LaTeX Problem
When I edit and compile the High Level Source
Then my change to the High Level Source is persisted
And when I view the High Level Source I see my changes
#Scenario: High Level source is persisted for LaTeX problem (bug STUD-280)
# Given I have created a LaTeX Problem
# When I edit and compile the High Level Source
# Then my change to the High Level Source is persisted
# And when I view the High Level Source I see my changes
# Disabled 10/28/13 due to flakiness observed in master
# Scenario: Exceptions don't cause problem to be uneditable (bug STUD-786)
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