Commit b556b1d8 by kimth

choicegroup should only process choices belonging to its input_id

parent f7693625
......@@ -334,10 +334,13 @@ class @Problem
choicegroup: (element, display, answers) =>
element = $(element)
for key, value of answers
element.find('input').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
for choice in value
element.find("label[for='input_#{key}_#{choice}']").addClass 'choicegroup_correct'
input_id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/,'')
answer = answers[input_id]
for choice in answer
element.find("label[for='input_#{input_id}_#{choice}']").addClass 'choicegroup_correct'
javascriptinput: (element, display, answers) =>
answer_id = $(element).attr('id').split("_")[1...].join("_")
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