Commit b05ead86 by Calen Pennington

Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #1374 from MITx/feature/cale/no-course-collectstatic""

This reverts commit c4f56620.
parent 82b2dc71
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def has_access(user, location, role=STAFF_ROLE_NAME):
Return True if user allowed to access this piece of data
Note that the CMS permissions model is with respect to courses
There is a super-admin permissions if user.is_staff is set
Also, since we're unifying the user database between LMS and CAS,
Also, since we're unifying the user database between LMS and CAS,
I'm presuming that the course instructor (formally known as admin)
will not be in both INSTRUCTOR and STAFF groups, so we have to cascade our queries here as INSTRUCTOR
has all the rights that STAFF do
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def course_index(request, org, course, name):
org, course, name: Attributes of the Location for the item to edit
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', name]
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def edit_subsection(request, location):
# remove all metadata from the generic dictionary that is presented in a more normalized UI
policy_metadata = dict((key,value) for key, value in item.metadata.iteritems()
policy_metadata = dict((key,value) for key, value in item.metadata.iteritems()
if key not in ['display_name', 'start', 'due', 'format'] and key not in item.system_metadata_fields)
can_view_live = False
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ def edit_unit(request, location):
containing_section = modulestore().get_item(containing_section_locs[0])
# cdodge hack. We're having trouble previewing drafts via jump_to redirect
# so let's generate the link url here
# so let's generate the link url here
# need to figure out where this item is in the list of children as the preview will need this
index =1
......@@ -302,12 +302,12 @@ def edit_unit(request, location):
preview_lms_link = '//{preview}{lms_base}/courses/{org}/{course}/{course_name}/courseware/{section}/{subsection}/{index}'.format(
unit_state = compute_unit_state(item)
......@@ -358,14 +358,14 @@ def assignment_type_update(request, org, course, category, name):
location = Location(['i4x', org, course, category, name])
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise HttpResponseForbidden()
if request.method == 'GET':
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.get_section_grader_type(location)),
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.get_section_grader_type(location)),
elif request.method == 'POST': # post or put, doesn't matter.
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.update_section_grader_type(location, request.POST)),
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.update_section_grader_type(location, request.POST)),
def user_author_string(user):
'''Get an author string for commits by this user. Format:
......@@ -510,23 +510,23 @@ def load_preview_module(request, preview_id, descriptor, instance_state, shared_
).xmodule_constructor(system)(None, None)
# cdodge: Special case
# cdodge: Special case
if module.location.category == 'static_tab':
module.get_html = wrap_xmodule(
module.get_html = wrap_xmodule(
module.get_html = replace_static_urls(
module.metadata.get('data_dir', module.location.course),
'/static/' + module.metadata.get('data_dir', module.location.course),
course_namespace = Location([module.location.tag,, module.location.course, None, None])
save_preview_state(request, preview_id, descriptor.location.url(),
......@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ def _xmodule_recurse(item, action):
_xmodule_recurse(child, action)
......@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ def delete_item(request):
# delete_item on a vertical tries to delete the draft version leaving the
# requested delete to never occur
if item.location.revision is None and item.location.category=='vertical' and delete_all_versions:
return HttpResponse()
......@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ def save_item(request):
if request.POST.get('data') is not None:
data = request.POST['data']
store.update_item(item_location, data)
# cdodge: note calling request.POST.get('children') will return None if children is an empty array
# so it lead to a bug whereby the last component to be deleted in the UI was not actually
# deleting the children object from the children collection
......@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ def unpublish_unit(request):
def clone_item(request):
parent_location = Location(request.POST['parent_location'])
template = Location(request.POST['template'])
display_name = request.POST.get('display_name')
if not has_access(request.user, parent_location):
......@@ -738,9 +738,9 @@ def upload_asset(request, org, course, coursename):
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', coursename]
if not has_access(request.user, location):
return HttpResponseForbidden()
# Does the course actually exist?!? Get anything from it to prove its existance
item = modulestore().get_item(location)
......@@ -774,9 +774,9 @@ def upload_asset(request, org, course, coursename):
# readback the saved content - we need the database timestamp
readback = contentstore().find(content.location)
response_payload = {'displayname' :,
'uploadDate' : get_date_display(readback.last_modified_at),
response_payload = {'displayname' :,
'uploadDate' : get_date_display(readback.last_modified_at),
'url' : StaticContent.get_url_path_from_location(content.location),
'thumb_url' : StaticContent.get_url_path_from_location(thumbnail_location) if thumbnail_content is not None else None,
'msg' : 'Upload completed'
......@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ This view will return all CMS users who are editors for the specified course
def manage_users(request, location):
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location, role=INSTRUCTOR_ROLE_NAME) and not has_access(request.user, location, role=STAFF_ROLE_NAME):
raise PermissionDenied()
......@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ def manage_users(request, location):
'allow_actions' : has_access(request.user, location, role=INSTRUCTOR_ROLE_NAME),
'request_user_id' :
def create_json_response(errmsg = None):
if errmsg is not None:
......@@ -830,13 +830,13 @@ def add_user(request, location):
if email=='':
return create_json_response('Please specify an email address.')
# check that logged in user has admin permissions to this course
if not has_access(request.user, location, role=INSTRUCTOR_ROLE_NAME):
raise PermissionDenied()
user = get_user_by_email(email)
# user doesn't exist?!? Return error.
if user is None:
return create_json_response('Could not find user by email address \'{0}\'.'.format(email))
......@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ the specified course
def remove_user(request, location):
email = request.POST["email"]
# check that logged in user has admin permissions on this course
if not has_access(request.user, location, role=INSTRUCTOR_ROLE_NAME):
raise PermissionDenied()
......@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ def landing(request, org, course, coursename):
def static_pages(request, org, course, coursename):
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', coursename]
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
......@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ def reorder_static_tabs(request):
def edit_tabs(request, org, course, coursename):
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', coursename]
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', coursename]
course_item = modulestore().get_item(location)
static_tabs_loc = Location('i4x', org, course, 'static_tab', None)
......@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ def edit_tabs(request, org, course, coursename):
return render_to_response('edit-tabs.html', {
'active_tab': 'pages',
'components': components
......@@ -1001,13 +1001,13 @@ def course_info(request, org, course, name, provided_id=None):
org, course, name: Attributes of the Location for the item to edit
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', name]
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
course_module = modulestore().get_item(location)
# get current updates
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course_info', "updates"]
......@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ def course_info(request, org, course, name, provided_id=None):
'course_updates' : json.dumps(get_course_updates(location)),
'handouts_location': Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course_info', 'handouts']).url()
......@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ def course_info_updates(request, org, course, provided_id=None):
# ??? No way to check for access permission afaik
# get current updates
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course_info', "updates"]
# Hmmm, provided_id is coming as empty string on create whereas I believe it used to be None :-(
# Possibly due to my removing the seemingly redundant pattern in
if provided_id == '':
......@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ def course_info_updates(request, org, course, provided_id=None):
real_method = request.META['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE']
real_method = request.method
if request.method == 'GET':
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(get_course_updates(location)), mimetype="application/json")
elif real_method == 'DELETE': # coming as POST need to pull from Request Header X-HTTP-Method-Override DELETE
......@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ def course_info_updates(request, org, course, provided_id=None):
def module_info(request, module_location):
location = Location(module_location)
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
......@@ -1077,10 +1077,10 @@ def module_info(request, module_location):
rewrite_static_links = request.GET.get('rewrite_url_links','True') in ['True', 'true']
logging.debug('rewrite_static_links = {0} {1}'.format(request.GET.get('rewrite_url_links','False'), rewrite_static_links))
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
raise PermissionDenied()
if real_method == 'GET':
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(get_module_info(get_modulestore(location), location, rewrite_static_links=rewrite_static_links)), mimetype="application/json")
......@@ -1098,20 +1098,20 @@ def get_course_settings(request, org, course, name):
org, course, name: Attributes of the Location for the item to edit
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', name]
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
course_module = modulestore().get_item(location)
course_details = CourseDetails.fetch(location)
return render_to_response('settings.html', {
'active_tab': 'settings',
'active_tab': 'settings',
'context_course': course_module,
'course_details' : json.dumps(course_details, cls=CourseSettingsEncoder)
......@@ -1134,13 +1134,13 @@ def course_settings_updates(request, org, course, name, section):
elif section == 'grading':
manager = CourseGradingModel
else: return
if request.method == 'GET':
# Cannot just do a get w/o knowing the course name :-(
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.fetch(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name])), cls=CourseSettingsEncoder),
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.fetch(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name])), cls=CourseSettingsEncoder),
elif request.method == 'POST': # post or put, doesn't matter.
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.update_from_json(request.POST), cls=CourseSettingsEncoder),
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.update_from_json(request.POST), cls=CourseSettingsEncoder),
......@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ def course_grader_updates(request, org, course, name, grader_index=None):
org, course: Attributes of the Location for the item to edit
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', name]
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
......@@ -1164,13 +1164,13 @@ def course_grader_updates(request, org, course, name, grader_index=None):
real_method = request.META['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE']
real_method = request.method
if real_method == 'GET':
# Cannot just do a get w/o knowing the course name :-(
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.fetch_grader(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name]), grader_index)),
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.fetch_grader(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name]), grader_index)),
elif real_method == "DELETE":
# ??? Shoudl this return anything? Perhaps success fail?
# ??? Shoudl this return anything? Perhaps success fail?
CourseGradingModel.delete_grader(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name]), grader_index)
return HttpResponse()
elif request.method == 'POST': # post or put, doesn't matter.
......@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ def asset_index(request, org, course, name):
org, course, name: Attributes of the Location for the item to edit
location = ['i4x', org, course, 'course', name]
# check that logged in user has permissions to this item
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
......@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ def asset_index(request, org, course, name):
course_module = modulestore().get_item(location)
course_reference = StaticContent.compute_location(org, course, name)
assets = contentstore().get_all_content_for_course(course_reference)
......@@ -1214,15 +1214,15 @@ def asset_index(request, org, course, name):
display_info = {}
display_info['displayname'] = asset['displayname']
display_info['uploadDate'] = get_date_display(asset['uploadDate'])
asset_location = StaticContent.compute_location(id['org'], id['course'], id['name'])
display_info['url'] = StaticContent.get_url_path_from_location(asset_location)
# note, due to the schema change we may not have a 'thumbnail_location' in the result set
_thumbnail_location = asset.get('thumbnail_location', None)
thumbnail_location = Location(_thumbnail_location) if _thumbnail_location is not None else None
display_info['thumb_url'] = StaticContent.get_url_path_from_location(thumbnail_location) if thumbnail_location is not None else None
return render_to_response('asset_index.html', {
......@@ -1241,9 +1241,9 @@ def edge(request):
def create_new_course(request):
template = Location(request.POST['template'])
org = request.POST.get('org')
number = request.POST.get('number')
display_name = request.POST.get('display_name')
org = request.POST.get('org')
number = request.POST.get('number')
display_name = request.POST.get('display_name')
dest_location = Location('i4x', org, number, 'course', Location.clean(display_name))
......@@ -1289,13 +1289,13 @@ def initialize_course_tabs(course):
# at least a list populated with the minimal times
# @TODO: I don't like the fact that the presentation tier is away of these data related constraints, let's find a better
# place for this. Also rather than using a simple list of dictionaries a nice class model would be helpful here
course.tabs = [{"type": "courseware"},
{"type": "course_info", "name": "Course Info"},
course.tabs = [{"type": "courseware"},
{"type": "course_info", "name": "Course Info"},
{"type": "discussion", "name": "Discussion"},
{"type": "wiki", "name": "Wiki"},
{"type": "progress", "name": "Progress"}]
modulestore('direct').update_metadata(course.location.url(), course.own_metadata)
modulestore('direct').update_metadata(course.location.url(), course.own_metadata)
......@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ def generate_export_course(request, org, course, name):
root_dir = path(mkdtemp())
# export out to a tempdir
logging.debug('root = {0}'.format(root_dir))
export_to_xml(modulestore('direct'), contentstore(), loc, root_dir, name)
......@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ def generate_export_course(request, org, course, name):
# remove temp dir
wrapper = FileWrapper(export_file)
response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type='application/x-tgz')
......@@ -1430,4 +1430,4 @@ def event(request):
A noop to swallow the analytics call so that cms methods don't spook and poor developers looking at
console logs don't get distracted :-)
return HttpResponse(True)
\ No newline at end of file
return HttpResponse(True)
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
id=self.location.html_id(), ajax_url=self.system.ajax_url) + html + "</div>"
# now do the substitutions which are filesystem based, e.g. '/static/' prefixes
return self.system.replace_urls(html, self.metadata['data_dir'], course_namespace=self.location)
return self.system.replace_urls(html)
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
......@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
new_answers = dict()
for answer_id in answers:
new_answer = {answer_id: self.system.replace_urls(answers[answer_id], self.metadata['data_dir'], course_namespace=self.location)}
new_answer = {answer_id: self.system.replace_urls(answers[answer_id])}
except TypeError:
log.debug('Unable to perform URL substitution on answers[%s]: %s' % (answer_id, answers[answer_id]))
new_answer = {answer_id: answers[answer_id]}
......@@ -83,13 +83,12 @@ def get_opt_course_with_access(user, course_id, action):
return None
return get_course_with_access(user, course_id, action)
def course_image_url(course):
"""Try to look up the image url for the course. If it's not found,
log an error and return the dead link"""
if isinstance(modulestore(), XMLModuleStore):
path = course.metadata['data_dir'] + "/images/course_image.jpg"
return try_staticfiles_lookup(path)
return '/static/' + course.metadata['data_dir'] + "/images/course_image.jpg"
loc = course.location._replace(tag='c4x', category='asset', name='images_course_image.jpg')
path = StaticContent.get_url_path_from_location(loc)
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import logging
import pyparsing
import sys
from functools import partial
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
......@@ -244,7 +246,11 @@ def _get_module(user, request, descriptor, student_module_cache, course_id,
# TODO (cpennington): This should be removed when all html from
# a module is coming through get_html and is therefore covered
# by the replace_static_urls code below
staticfiles_prefix='/static/' + descriptor.metadata.get('data_dir', ''),
course_namespace=descriptor.location._replace(category=None, name=None),
......@@ -280,7 +286,7 @@ def _get_module(user, request, descriptor, student_module_cache, course_id,
module.get_html = replace_static_urls(
module.metadata['data_dir'] if 'data_dir' in module.metadata else '',
'/static/' + module.metadata.get('data_dir', ''),
course_namespace = module.location._replace(category=None, name=None))
# Allow URLs of the form '/course/' refer to the root of multicourse directory
......@@ -266,24 +266,6 @@ STATICFILES_DIRS = [
COMMON_ROOT / "static",
PROJECT_ROOT / "static",
if os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR):
# Add the full course repo if there is no static directory
# TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this
# should no longer be added to STATICFILES
(course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir)
for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR)
if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir) and
not os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static'))
# Otherwise, add only the static directory from the course dir
# TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this
# should no longer be added to STATICFILES
(course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static')
for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR)
if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static'))
# Locale/Internationalization
TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York' #
......@@ -106,6 +106,27 @@ VIRTUAL_UNIVERSITIES = []
############################## Course static files ##########################
if os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR):
# Add the full course repo if there is no static directory
# TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this
# should no longer be added to STATICFILES
(course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir)
for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR)
if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir) and
not os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static'))
# Otherwise, add only the static directory from the course dir
# TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this
# should no longer be added to STATICFILES
(course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static')
for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR)
if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static'))
################################# mitx revision string #####################
MITX_VERSION_STRING = os.popen('cd %s; git describe' % REPO_ROOT).read().strip()
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