Commit a9b26afd by polesye

Disable flaky test.

parent d66e6cbc
...@@ -2,44 +2,44 @@ ...@@ -2,44 +2,44 @@
Feature: LMS Video component Feature: LMS Video component
As a student, I want to view course videos in LMS As a student, I want to view course videos in LMS
# 1 # 1 Disabled 4/8/14 after intermittent failures in master
Scenario: Video component stores position correctly when page is reloaded #Scenario: Video component stores position correctly when page is reloaded
Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode # Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode
When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode # When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode
And I click video button "play" # And I click video button "play"
And I click video button "pause" # And I click video button "pause"
Then I seek video to "10" seconds # Then I seek video to "10" seconds
And I click video button "play" # And I click video button "play"
And I click video button "pause" # And I click video button "pause"
And I reload the page with video # And I reload the page with video
Then I see video slider at "10" seconds # Then I see video slider at "10" seconds
# 2 # 1
Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode
Given the course has a Video component in "HTML5" mode Given the course has a Video component in "HTML5" mode
When the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode When the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode
And all sources are correct And all sources are correct
# 3 # 2
@skip_firefox @skip_firefox
Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in LMS for a Video component Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in LMS for a Video component
Given the course has a Video component in "HTML5" mode Given the course has a Video component in "HTML5" mode
Then when I view the video it does not have autoplay enabled Then when I view the video it does not have autoplay enabled
# 4 # 3
# Youtube testing # Youtube testing
Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 0.4 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 0.4 seconds
And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5" mode And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5" mode
When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode
# 5 # 4
Scenario: Video component is not rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources Scenario: Video component is not rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5" mode And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5" mode
When the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode When the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode
# 6 # 5
Scenario: Video component is not rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources when YouTube API is blocked Scenario: Video component is not rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources when YouTube API is blocked
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And youtube stub server blocks YouTube API And youtube stub server blocks YouTube API
...@@ -47,25 +47,25 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -47,25 +47,25 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I wait "3" seconds And I wait "3" seconds
Then the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode Then the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode
# 7 # 6
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode without HTML5 sources Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode without HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode And the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode
When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode
# 8 # 7
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5_Unsupported_Video" mode And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5_Unsupported_Video" mode
When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode
# 9 # 8
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser
Given the course has a Video component in "HTML5_Unsupported_Video" mode Given the course has a Video component in "HTML5_Unsupported_Video" mode
Then error message is shown Then error message is shown
And error message has correct text And error message has correct text
# 10 # 9
Scenario: Multiple videos in sequentials all load and work, switching between sequentials Scenario: Multiple videos in sequentials all load and work, switching between sequentials
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And it has a video "A" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential And it has a video "A" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
...@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
When I open video "A" When I open video "A"
Then video "A" should start playing at speed "2.0" Then video "A" should start playing at speed "2.0"
# 11 # 10
Scenario: Video component stores speed correctly when each video is in separate sequence Scenario: Video component stores speed correctly when each video is in separate sequence
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And it has a video "A" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential And it has a video "A" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
...@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
When I open video "C" When I open video "C"
Then video "C" should start playing at speed "1.0" Then video "C" should start playing at speed "1.0"
# 12 # 11
Scenario: Language menu works correctly in Video component Scenario: Language menu works correctly in Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I select language with code "en" And I select language with code "en"
And I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions And I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# 13 # 12
Scenario: CC button works correctly w/o english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component Scenario: CC button works correctly w/o english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I make sure captions are opened And I make sure captions are opened
Then I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions Then I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions
# 14 # 13
Scenario: CC button works correctly only w/ english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component Scenario: CC button works correctly only w/ english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I make sure captions are opened And I make sure captions are opened
Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# 15 # 14
Scenario: CC button works correctly w/o english transcript in Youtube mode of Video component Scenario: CC button works correctly w/o english transcript in Youtube mode of Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I make sure captions are opened And I make sure captions are opened
Then I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions Then I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions
# 16 # 15
Scenario: CC button works correctly if transcripts and sub fields are empty, but transcript file exists in assets (Youtube mode of Video component) Scenario: CC button works correctly if transcripts and sub fields are empty, but transcript file exists in assets (Youtube mode of Video component)
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I make sure captions are opened And I make sure captions are opened
Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# 17 # 16
Scenario: CC button is hidden if no translations Scenario: CC button is hidden if no translations
Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode
Then button "CC" is hidden Then button "CC" is hidden
# 18 # 17
Scenario: Video is aligned correctly if transcript is visible in fullscreen mode Scenario: Video is aligned correctly if transcript is visible in fullscreen mode
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I click video button "fullscreen" And I click video button "fullscreen"
Then I see video aligned correctly with enabled transcript Then I see video aligned correctly with enabled transcript
# 19 # 18
Scenario: Video is aligned correctly if transcript is hidden in fullscreen mode Scenario: Video is aligned correctly if transcript is hidden in fullscreen mode
Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode
And I click video button "fullscreen" And I click video button "fullscreen"
Then I see video aligned correctly without enabled transcript Then I see video aligned correctly without enabled transcript
# 20 # 19
Scenario: Video is aligned correctly on transcript toggle in fullscreen mode Scenario: Video is aligned correctly on transcript toggle in fullscreen mode
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I click video button "CC" And I click video button "CC"
Then I see video aligned correctly without enabled transcript Then I see video aligned correctly without enabled transcript
# 21 # 20
Scenario: Download Transcript button works correctly in Video component Scenario: Download Transcript button works correctly in Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
When I open video "C" When I open video "C"
Then menu "download_transcript" doesn't exist Then menu "download_transcript" doesn't exist
# 22 # 21
Scenario: Youtube video has correct transcript if fields for other speeds are filled. Scenario: Youtube video has correct transcript if fields for other speeds are filled.
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
And I see duration "1:00" And I see duration "1:00"
# 23 # 22
Scenario: Download button works correctly for non-english transcript in Youtube mode of Video component Scenario: Download button works correctly for non-english transcript in Youtube mode of Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions
Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学" Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学"
# 24 # 23
Scenario: Download button works correctly for non-english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component Scenario: Download button works correctly for non-english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions
Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学" Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学"
# 25 # 24
Scenario: Download button works correctly w/o english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component Scenario: Download button works correctly w/o english transcript in HTML5 mode of Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions
Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学" Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学"
# 26 # 25
Scenario: Download button works correctly w/o english transcript in Youtube mode of Video component Scenario: Download button works correctly w/o english transcript in Youtube mode of Video component
Given I am registered for the course "test_course" Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And I have a "" transcript file in assets And I have a "" transcript file in assets
...@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component ...@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Feature: LMS Video component
And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions
Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学" Then I can download transcript in "srt" format that has text "好 各位同学"
# 27 # 26
Scenario: Verify that each video in each sub-section includes a transcript for non-Youtube countries. Scenario: Verify that each video in each sub-section includes a transcript for non-Youtube countries.
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And I am registered for the course "test_course" And I am registered for the course "test_course"
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