Commit a40d2b65 by Nimisha Asthagiri

Course Blocks App MA-1556

parent f84ac6f9
The Course Blocks app, built upon the Block Cache framework in
openedx.core.lib.block_cache, is a higher layer django app in LMS that
provides additional context of Courses and Users (via with
implementations for Block Structure Transformers that are related to
block structure course access.
As described in the Block Cache framework's __init__ module, this
framework provides faster access to course blocks for performance
sensitive features, by caching all transformer-required data so no
modulestore access is necessary during block access.
It is expected that only Block Access related transformers reside in
this django app, as they are cross-cutting authorization transformers
required across other features. Other higher-level and feature-specific
transformers should be implemented in their own separate apps.
Note: Currently, some of the implementation is redundant with the
has_access code in courseware/ However, we do have short-term
plans for refactoring the current has_access code to use Course Blocks
instead ( We have
introduced this redundancy in the short-term as an incremental
implementation approach, reducing risk with initial release of this app.
# Importing signals is necessary to activate the course publish/delete signal handlers.
from . import signals # pylint: disable=unused-import
API entry point to the course_blocks app with top-level
get_course_blocks and clear_course_from_cache functions.
from django.core.cache import cache
from openedx.core.lib.block_cache.block_cache import get_blocks, clear_block_cache
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from .transformers import (
from .usage_info import CourseUsageInfo
# Default list of transformers for manipulating course block structures
# based on the user's access to the course blocks.
def get_course_blocks(
A higher order function implemented on top of the
block_cache.get_blocks function returning a transformed block
structure for the given user starting at root_block_usage_key.
Note: The current implementation requires the root_block_usage_key
to be the root block of its corresponding course. However, this
is a short-term limitation, which will be addressed in a coming
ticket ( Once that
ticket is implemented, callers will be able to get course blocks
starting at any arbitrary location within a block structure.
user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) - User object for
which the block structure is to be transformed.
root_block_usage_key (UsageKey) - The usage_key for the root
of the block structure that is being accessed.
transformers ([BlockStructureTransformer]) - The list of
transformers whose transform methods are to be called.
BlockStructureBlockData - A transformed block structure,
starting at root_block_usage_key, that has undergone the
transform methods for the given user and the course
associated with the block structure. If using the default
transformers, the transformed block structure will be
exactly equivalent to the blocks that the given user has
store = modulestore()
if root_block_usage_key != store.make_course_usage_key(root_block_usage_key.course_key):
# Enforce this check for now until MA-1604 is implemented.
# Otherwise, callers will get incorrect block data after a
# new version of the course is published, since
# clear_course_from_cache only clears the cached block
# structures starting at the root block of the course.
raise NotImplementedError
return get_blocks(
CourseUsageInfo(root_block_usage_key.course_key, user),
COURSE_BLOCK_ACCESS_TRANSFORMERS if transformers is None else transformers,
def clear_course_from_cache(course_key):
A higher order function implemented on top of the
block_cache.clear_block_cache function that clears the block
structure from the cache for the block structure starting at the
root block of the course for the given course_key.
Note: See Note in get_course_blocks. Even after MA-1604 is
implemented, this implementation should still be valid since the
entire block structure of the course is cached, even though
arbitrary access to an intermediate block will be supported.
course_usage_key = modulestore().make_course_usage_key(course_key)
return clear_block_cache(cache, course_usage_key)
Signal handlers for invalidating cached data.
from django.dispatch.dispatcher import receiver
from xmodule.modulestore.django import SignalHandler
from .api import clear_course_from_cache
def _listen_for_course_publish(sender, course_key, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Catches the signal that a course has been published in the module
store and invalidates the corresponding cache entry if one exists.
def _listen_for_course_delete(sender, course_key, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Catches the signal that a course has been deleted from the
module store and invalidates the corresponding cache entry if one
Module container for all Course Block Access Transformers.
Test helpers for testing course block transformers.
from student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory, UserFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.access import has_access
from ...api import get_course_blocks
class CourseStructureTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Helper for test cases that need to build course structures.
def setUp(self):
Create users.
super(CourseStructureTestCase, self).setUp()
# Set up users.
self.password = 'test'
self.user = UserFactory.create(password=self.password)
self.staff = UserFactory.create(password=self.password, is_staff=True)
def create_block_id(self, block_type, block_ref):
Returns the block id (display name) that is used in the test
course structures for the given block type and block reference
return '{}_{}'.format(block_type, block_ref)
def build_xblock(self, block_hierarchy, block_map, parent):
Build an XBlock, add it to block_map, and call build_xblock on
the children defined in block_dict.
block_hierarchy (BlockStructureDict): Definition of
hierarchy, from this block down.
block_map (dict[str: XBlock]): Mapping from '#ref' values to
their XBlocks.
parent (XBlock): Parent block for this xBlock.
block_type = block_hierarchy['#type']
block_ref = block_hierarchy['#ref']
factory = (CourseFactory if block_type == 'course' else ItemFactory)
kwargs = {key: value for key, value in block_hierarchy.iteritems() if key[0] != '#'}
if block_type != 'course':
kwargs['category'] = block_type
if parent:
kwargs['parent'] = parent
xblock = factory.create(
display_name=self.create_block_id(block_type, block_ref),
block_map[block_ref] = xblock
for child_hierarchy in block_hierarchy.get('#children', []):
self.build_xblock(child_hierarchy, block_map, xblock)
def add_parents(self, block_hierarchy, block_map):
Recursively traverse the block_hierarchy and add additional
parents. This method is expected to be called only after all
blocks have been created.
The additional parents are obtained from the '#parents' field
and is expected to be a list of '#ref' values of the parents.
Note: if a '#parents' field is found, the block is removed from
the course block since it is expected to not belong to the root.
If the block is meant to be a direct child of the course as
well, the course should be explicitly listed in '#parents'.
block_hierarchy (BlockStructureDict):
Definition of block hierarchy.
block_map (dict[str: XBlock]):
Mapping from '#ref' values to their XBlocks.
parents = block_hierarchy.get('#parents', [])
if parents:
block_key = block_map[block_hierarchy['#ref']].location
# First remove the block from the course.
# It would be re-added to the course if the course was
# explicitly listed in parents.
course = modulestore().get_item(block_map['course'].location)
block_map['course'] = update_block(course)
# Add this to block to each listed parent.
for parent_ref in parents:
parent_block = modulestore().get_item(block_map[parent_ref].location)
block_map[parent_ref] = update_block(parent_block)
# recursively call the children
for child_hierarchy in block_hierarchy.get('#children', []):
self.add_parents(child_hierarchy, block_map)
def build_course(self, course_hierarchy):
Build a hierarchy of XBlocks.
course_hierarchy (BlockStructureDict): Definition of course
where a BlockStructureDict is a list of dicts in the form {
'key1': 'value1',
'keyN': 'valueN',
'#type': block_type,
'#ref': short_string_for_referencing_block,
'#children': list[BlockStructureDict],
'#parents': list['#ref' values]
Special keys start with '#'; the rest just get passed as
kwargs to Factory.create.
Note: the caller has a choice of whether to create
(1) a nested block structure with children blocks embedded
within their parents, or
(2) a flat block structure with children blocks defined
alongside their parents and attached via the #parents
field, or
(3) a combination of both #1 and #2 used for whichever
Note 2: When the #parents field is used in addition to the
nested pattern for a block, it specifies additional parents
that aren't already implied by having the block exist within
another block's #children field.
dict[str: XBlock]:
Mapping from '#ref' values to their XBlocks.
block_map = {}
# build the course tree
for block_hierarchy in course_hierarchy:
self.build_xblock(block_hierarchy, block_map, parent=None)
# add additional parents if the course is a DAG or built
# linearly (without specifying '#children' values)
for block_hierarchy in course_hierarchy:
self.add_parents(block_hierarchy, block_map)
return block_map
def get_block_key_set(self, blocks, *refs):
Gets the set of usage keys that correspond to the list of
#ref values as defined on blocks.
Returns: set[UsageKey]
xblocks = (blocks[ref] for ref in refs)
return set([xblock.location for xblock in xblocks])
class BlockParentsMapTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Test helper class for creating a test course of
a graph of vertical blocks based on a parents_map.
# Tree formed by parent_map:
# 0
# / \
# 1 2
# / \ / \
# 3 4 / 5
# \ /
# 6
# Note the parents must always have lower indices than their
# children.
parents_map = [[], [0], [0], [1], [1], [2], [2, 4]]
def setUp(self, **kwargs):
super(BlockParentsMapTestCase, self).setUp(**kwargs)
# create the course
self.course = CourseFactory.create()
# an ordered list of block locations, where the index
# corresponds to the block's index in the parents_map.
self.xblock_keys = [self.course.location]
# create all other blocks in the course
for i, parents_index in enumerate(self.parents_map):
if i == 0:
continue # course already created
# create the block as a vertical
# add additional parents
if len(parents_index) > 1:
for index in range(1, len(parents_index)):
parent_index = parents_index[index]
parent_block = self.get_block(parent_index)
self.password = 'test'
self.student = UserFactory.create(is_staff=False, username='test_student', password=self.password)
self.staff = UserFactory.create(is_staff=True, username='test_staff', password=self.password)
CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(is_active=True, mode='honor', user=self.student,
def assert_transform_results(
Verifies the results of transforming the blocks in the course.
test_user (User): The non-staff user that is being tested.
For example, self.student.
expected_user_accessible_blocks (set(int)): Set of blocks
(indices) that a student user is expected to have access
to after the transformers are executed.
blocks_with_differing_access (set(int)): Set of
blocks (indices) whose access will differ from the
transformers result and the current implementation of
transformers (BlockStructureTransformer): An optional list
of transformer that are to be executed. If not
provided, the default value used by get_course_blocks
is used.
def check_results(user, expected_accessible_blocks, blocks_with_differing_access):
Verifies the results of transforming the blocks in the
course for the given user.
self.client.login(username=user.username, password=self.password)
block_structure = get_course_blocks(user, self.course.location, transformers=transformers)
# Enumerate through all the blocks that were created in the
# course
for i, xblock_key in enumerate(self.xblock_keys):
# verify existence of the block
block_structure_result = block_structure.has_block(xblock_key)
has_access_result = bool(has_access(user, 'load', self.get_block(i),
# compare with expected value
i in expected_accessible_blocks,
"block_structure return value {0} not equal to expected value for block {1} for user {2}".format(
block_structure_result, i, user.username
# compare with has_access result
if i in blocks_with_differing_access:
"block structure ({0}) & has_access ({1}) results are equal for block {2} for user {3}".format(
block_structure_result, has_access_result, i, user.username
"block structure ({0}) & has_access ({1}) results not equal for block {2} for user {3}".format(
block_structure_result, has_access_result, i, user.username
# verify given test user has access to expected blocks
# verify staff has access to all blocks
check_results(self.staff, set(range(len(self.parents_map))), {})
def get_block(self, block_index):
Helper method to retrieve the requested block (index) from the
return modulestore().get_item(self.xblock_keys[block_index])
def update_block(block):
Helper method to update the block in the modulestore
return modulestore().update_item(block, 'test_user')
def create_location(org, course, run, block_type, block_id):
Returns the usage key for the given key parameters using the
default modulestore
return modulestore().make_course_key(org, course, run).make_usage_key(block_type, block_id)
Common Helper utilities for transformers
def get_field_on_block(block, field_name, default_value=None):
Get the field value that is directly set on the xblock.
Do not get the inherited value since field inheritance
returns value from only a single parent chain
(e.g., doesn't take a union in DAGs).
if block.fields[field_name].is_set_on(block):
return getattr(block, field_name)
return default_value
Declares CourseUsageInfo class to be used by the transform method in
from lms.djangoapps.courseware.access import _has_access_to_course
class CourseUsageInfo(object):
A class object that encapsulates the course and user context to be
used as currency across block structure transformers, by passing
an instance of it in calls to BlockStructureTransformer.transform
def __init__(self, course_key, user):
# Course identifier (opaque_keys.edx.keys.CourseKey)
self.course_key = course_key
# User object (django.contrib.auth.models.User)
self.user = user
# Cached value of whether the user has staff access (bool/None)
self._has_staff_access = None
def has_staff_access(self):
Returns whether the user has staff access to the course
associated with this CourseUsageInfo instance.
For performance reasons (minimizing multiple SQL calls), the
value is cached within this instance.
if self._has_staff_access is None:
self._has_staff_access = _has_access_to_course(self.user, 'staff', self.course_key)
return self._has_staff_access
...@@ -1954,8 +1954,12 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = ( ...@@ -1954,8 +1954,12 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
'lms.djangoapps.lms_xblock', 'lms.djangoapps.lms_xblock',
# Course data caching
'openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews', 'openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews',
'openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_structures', 'openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_structures',
# Old course structure API
'course_structure_api', 'course_structure_api',
# Mailchimp Syncing # Mailchimp Syncing
...@@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ CACHES = { ...@@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ CACHES = {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
'LOCATION': 'edx_course_structure_mem_cache', 'LOCATION': 'edx_course_structure_mem_cache',
}, },
'lms.course_blocks': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key',
'LOCATION': 'lms_course_blocks_cache',
} }
...@@ -223,6 +223,10 @@ CACHES = { ...@@ -223,6 +223,10 @@ CACHES = {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
'LOCATION': 'edx_location_block_cache', 'LOCATION': 'edx_location_block_cache',
}, },
'lms.course_blocks': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
'LOCATION': 'edx_location_course_blocks',
} }
# Dummy secret key for dev # Dummy secret key for dev
...@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ Registry. Transformers are registered using the platform's ...@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ Registry. Transformers are registered using the platform's
PluginManager (e.g., Stevedore). This is currently done by updating PluginManager (e.g., Stevedore). This is currently done by updating Only registered transformers are called during the Collect Only registered transformers are called during the Collect
Phase. And only registered transformers can be used during the Phase. And only registered transformers can be used during the
Transform phase. Transform phase. Exceptions to this rule are any nested transformers
that are contained within higher-order transformers - as long as the
higher-order transformers are registered and appropriately call the
contained transformers within them.
Note: A partial subset (as an ordered list) of the registered Note: A partial subset (as an ordered list) of the registered
transformers can be requested during the Transform phase, allowing transformers can be requested during the Transform phase, allowing
...@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ def get_blocks(cache, modulestore, usage_info, root_block_usage_key, transformer ...@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ def get_blocks(cache, modulestore, usage_info, root_block_usage_key, transformer
transformers whose transform methods are to be called. transformers whose transform methods are to be called.
This list should be a subset of the list of registered This list should be a subset of the list of registered
transformers in the Transformer Registry. transformers in the Transformer Registry.
BlockStructureBlockData - A transformed block structure,
starting at root_block_usage_key, that has undergone the
transform methods in the given transformers with the
given usage_info.
""" """
# Verify that all requested transformers are registered in the # Verify that all requested transformers are registered in the
...@@ -118,6 +118,16 @@ class BlockStructure(object): ...@@ -118,6 +118,16 @@ class BlockStructure(object):
""" """
return usage_key in self._block_relations return usage_key in self._block_relations
def get_block_keys(self):
Returns the block keys in the block structure.
iterator(UsageKey) - An iterator of the usage
keys of all the blocks in the block structure.
return self._block_relations.iterkeys()
#--- Block structure traversal methods ---# #--- Block structure traversal methods ---#
def topological_traversal( def topological_traversal(
...@@ -198,13 +208,6 @@ class BlockStructure(object): ...@@ -198,13 +208,6 @@ class BlockStructure(object):
# Replace this structure's relations with the newly pruned one. # Replace this structure's relations with the newly pruned one.
self._block_relations = pruned_block_relations self._block_relations = pruned_block_relations
def _get_block_keys(self):
Returns an iterator of all the block keys in the block
return self._block_relations.iterkeys()
def _add_relation(self, parent_key, child_key): def _add_relation(self, parent_key, child_key):
""" """
Adds a parent to child relationship in this block structure. Adds a parent to child relationship in this block structure.
...@@ -48,5 +48,11 @@ setup( ...@@ -48,5 +48,11 @@ setup(
"cohort = openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.partition_scheme:CohortPartitionScheme", "cohort = openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.partition_scheme:CohortPartitionScheme",
"verification =", "verification =",
], ],
"openedx.block_structure_transformer": [
"library_content = lms.djangoapps.course_blocks.transformers.library_content:ContentLibraryTransformer",
"start_date = lms.djangoapps.course_blocks.transformers.start_date:StartDateTransformer",
"user_partitions = lms.djangoapps.course_blocks.transformers.user_partitions:UserPartitionTransformer",
"visibility = lms.djangoapps.course_blocks.transformers.visibility:VisibilityTransformer",
} }
) )
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