Commit a0289b06 by Mark Hoeber

Merge pull request #2961 from edx/markhoeber/documentation/release-notes-3-18-14

Release Notes for 3-18-14
parents 1add868b a9164f16
March 18, 2014
The following information reflects what is new in the edX Platform as of March 18, 2014. See previoius pages in this document for a history of changes.
edX Documentation
You can access the public edX `roadmap <>`_ for details about the currently planned product direction.
The following documentation is available:
* `Building and Running an edX Course. <>`_ You can also download the guide as a PDF from the edX Studio user interface.
Recent changes include a reorganization of all content into the following sections:
* `Getting Started <>`_
* `Building a Course <>`_
* `Creating Course Content <>`_
* `Working with Problems <>`_
* `Releasing Your Course <>`_
* `Running Your Course <>`_
* `Information for Your Students <>`_
* `edX Data Documentation <>`_
Recent changes include:
* `Certificate Data <>`_
edX Studio
* A/B tests configured in XML and imported into Studio can now be viewed in the course outline. (STUD-1403)
* In the HTML editor, when you entered a ``<style>`` element, the editor sometimes stopped responding. This problem is resolved. (STUD-1434)
edX Learning Management System
* Course staff could not re-score a problem in the standard Instructor Dashboard. This issue is resolved. (LMS-2327)
* In the Beta Instructor Dashboard, the button for listing enrolled students is now only enabled for courses with fewer than 200 students. (LMS-1203)
* In the Beta Instructor Dashboard, you can now use edX usernames as well as email addresses to set roles for course administrators. (LMS-1438)
* The student Progress page now works correctly for graded XBlocks. (LMS-2349)
* For MatLab problems, when the code exceeded the size of the entry field, the scroll bars stopped working. This problem is resolved. (LMS-2387)
* A problem that in certain situations caused the video transcript button to disappear when you changed the video speed is resolved. (BLD-915)
* Students using Firefox browsers were only able to select 1.0 as the video speed. Firefox users can now select all available speed options. (BLD-895)
edX Analytics
* A problem that prevented data exports of courses with Unicode characters in the organization name is resolved. (AN-657)
edX Discussions
* A problem that prevented students from viewing discussion components within a unit when cohorts were configured is resolved. (FOR-523)
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