Commit 9f99c900 by Calen Pennington

Fix up capa tests

parent 6b64b421
......@@ -733,20 +733,18 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# If the user has unlimited attempts and we are not randomizing,
# then do NOT show a save button
# because they can keep using "Check"
module = CapaFactory.create(max_attempts=None, rerandomize="never")
module.lcp.done = False
module = CapaFactory.create(max_attempts=None, rerandomize="never", done=False)
module = CapaFactory.create(max_attempts=None, rerandomize="never")
module.lcp.done = True
module = CapaFactory.create(max_attempts=None, rerandomize="never", done=True)
# Otherwise, DO show the save button
module = CapaFactory.create(done=False)
# If we're not randomizing, then we can re-save
module = CapaFactory.create(rerandomize="never", done=True)
# If we're not randomizing and we have limited attempts, then we can save
module = CapaFactory.create(rerandomize="never", max_attempts=2, done=True)
# If survey question for capa (max_attempts = 0),
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