Commit 9f48c44f by Will Daly

Merge pull request #2120 from edx/feature/will/capa-template-tests

Added tests for capa input templates (unescaped HTML)
parents be70e016 dcb95291
"""Tests for the logic in input type mako templates."""
Tests for the logic in input type mako templates.
import unittest
import capa
import os.path
import json
from lxml import etree
from mako.template import Template as MakoTemplate
from mako import exceptions
class TemplateError(Exception):
"""Error occurred while rendering a Mako template"""
Error occurred while rendering a Mako template.
class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Utilitites for testing templates"""
Utilitites for testing templates.
# Subclasses override this to specify the file name of the template
# to be loaded from capa/templates.
......@@ -23,7 +30,9 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""Load the template"""
Load the template under test.
capa_path = capa.__path__[0]
self.template_path = os.path.join(capa_path,
......@@ -33,18 +42,31 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def render_to_xml(self, context_dict):
"""Render the template using the `context_dict` dict.
Returns an `etree` XML element."""
Render the template using the `context_dict` dict.
Returns an `etree` XML element.
xml_str = self.template.render_unicode(**context_dict)
raise TemplateError(exceptions.text_error_template().render())
return etree.fromstring(xml_str)
# Attempt to construct an XML tree from the template
# This makes it easy to use XPath to make assertions, rather
# than dealing with a string.
# We modify the string slightly by wrapping it in <test>
# tags, to ensure it has one root element.
xml = etree.fromstring("<test>" + xml_str + "</test>")
except Exception as exc:
raise TemplateError("Could not parse XML from '{0}': {1}".format(
xml_str, str(exc)))
return xml
def assert_has_xpath(self, xml_root, xpath, context_dict, exact_num=1):
"""Asserts that the xml tree has an element satisfying `xpath`.
Asserts that the xml tree has an element satisfying `xpath`.
`xml_root` is an etree XML element
`xpath` is an XPath string, such as `'/foo/bar'`
......@@ -57,7 +79,8 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(xml_root.xpath(xpath)), exact_num, msg=message)
def assert_no_xpath(self, xml_root, xpath, context_dict):
"""Asserts that the xml tree does NOT have an element
Asserts that the xml tree does NOT have an element
satisfying `xpath`.
`xml_root` is an etree XML element
......@@ -67,7 +90,8 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assert_has_xpath(xml_root, xpath, context_dict, exact_num=0)
def assert_has_text(self, xml_root, xpath, text, exact=True):
"""Find the element at `xpath` in `xml_root` and assert
Find the element at `xpath` in `xml_root` and assert
that its text is `text`.
`xml_root` is an etree XML element
......@@ -88,7 +112,9 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
"""Test mako template for `<choicegroup>` input"""
Test mako template for `<choicegroup>` input.
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'choicegroup.html'
......@@ -103,8 +129,10 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
super(ChoiceGroupTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_problem_marked_correct(self):
"""Test conditions under which the entire problem
(not a particular option) is marked correct"""
Test conditions under which the entire problem
(not a particular option) is marked correct.
self.context['status'] = 'correct'
self.context['input_type'] = 'checkbox'
......@@ -123,8 +151,10 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
def test_problem_marked_incorrect(self):
"""Test all conditions under which the entire problem
(not a particular option) is marked incorrect"""
Test all conditions under which the entire problem
(not a particular option) is marked incorrect.
conditions = [
{'status': 'incorrect', 'input_type': 'radio', 'value': ''},
{'status': 'incorrect', 'input_type': 'checkbox', 'value': []},
......@@ -151,8 +181,10 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
def test_problem_marked_unsubmitted(self):
"""Test all conditions under which the entire problem
(not a particular option) is marked unanswered"""
Test all conditions under which the entire problem
(not a particular option) is marked unanswered.
conditions = [
{'status': 'unsubmitted', 'input_type': 'radio', 'value': ''},
{'status': 'unsubmitted', 'input_type': 'radio', 'value': []},
......@@ -181,8 +213,10 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
def test_option_marked_correct(self):
"""Test conditions under which a particular option
(not the entire problem) is marked correct."""
Test conditions under which a particular option
(not the entire problem) is marked correct.
conditions = [
{'input_type': 'radio', 'value': '2'},
{'input_type': 'radio', 'value': ['2']}]
......@@ -200,8 +234,10 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
self.assert_no_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_option_marked_incorrect(self):
"""Test conditions under which a particular option
(not the entire problem) is marked incorrect."""
Test conditions under which a particular option
(not the entire problem) is marked incorrect.
conditions = [
{'input_type': 'radio', 'value': '2'},
{'input_type': 'radio', 'value': ['2']}]
......@@ -219,7 +255,8 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
self.assert_no_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_never_show_correctness(self):
"""Test conditions under which we tell the template to
Test conditions under which we tell the template to
NOT show correct/incorrect, but instead show a message.
This is used, for example, by the Justice course to ask
......@@ -268,8 +305,10 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
def test_no_message_before_submission(self):
"""Ensure that we don't show the `submitted_message`
before submitting"""
Ensure that we don't show the `submitted_message`
before submitting.
conditions = [
{'input_type': 'radio', 'status': 'unsubmitted', 'value': ''},
......@@ -298,7 +337,9 @@ class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
class TextlineTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
"""Test mako template for `<textline>` input"""
Test mako template for `<textline>` input.
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'textline.html'
......@@ -405,3 +446,271 @@ class TextlineTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
xpath = "//span[@class='message']"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, self.context['msg'])
class AnnotationInputTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
Test mako template for `<annotationinput>` input.
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'annotationinput.html'
def setUp(self):
self.context = {'id': 2,
'value': '<p>Test value</p>',
'title': '<h1>This is a title</h1>',
'text': '<p><b>This</b> is a test.</p>',
'comment': '<p>This is a test comment</p>',
'comment_prompt': '<p>This is a test comment prompt</p>',
'comment_value': '<p>This is the value of a test comment</p>',
'tag_prompt': '<p>This is a tag prompt</p>',
'options': [],
'has_options_value': False,
'debug': False,
'status': 'unsubmitted',
'return_to_annotation': False,
'msg': '<p>This is a test message</p>', }
super(AnnotationInputTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_return_to_annotation(self):
Test link for `Return to Annotation` appears if and only if
the flag is set.
xpath = "//a[@class='annotation-return']"
# If return_to_annotation set, then show the link
self.context['return_to_annotation'] = True
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
# Otherwise, do not show the links
self.context['return_to_annotation'] = False
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
self.assert_no_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_option_selection(self):
Test that selected options are selected.
# Create options 0-4 and select option 2
self.context['options_value'] = [2]
self.context['options'] = [
{'id': id_num,
'choice': 'correct',
'description': '<p>Unescaped <b>HTML {0}</b></p>'.format(id_num)}
for id_num in range(0, 5)]
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Expect that each option description is visible
# with unescaped HTML.
# Since the HTML is unescaped, we can traverse the XML tree
for id_num in range(0, 5):
xpath = "//span[@data-id='{0}']/p/b".format(id_num)
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'HTML {0}'.format(id_num), exact=False)
# Expect that the correct option is selected
xpath = "//span[contains(@class,'selected')]/p/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'HTML 2', exact=False)
def test_submission_status(self):
Test that the submission status displays correctly.
# Test cases of `(input_status, expected_css_class)` tuples
test_cases = [('unsubmitted', 'unanswered'),
('incomplete', 'incorrect'),
('incorrect', 'incorrect')]
for (input_status, expected_css_class) in test_cases:
self.context['status'] = input_status
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//span[@class='{0}']".format(expected_css_class)
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
# If individual options are being marked, then expect
# just the option to be marked incorrect, not the whole problem
self.context['has_options_value'] = True
self.context['status'] = 'incorrect'
xpath = "//span[@class='incorrect']"
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
self.assert_no_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_display_html_comment(self):
Test that HTML comment and comment prompt render.
self.context['comment'] = "<p>Unescaped <b>comment HTML</b></p>"
self.context['comment_prompt'] = "<p>Prompt <b>prompt HTML</b></p>"
self.context['text'] = "<p>Unescaped <b>text</b></p>"
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Because the HTML is unescaped, we should be able to
# descend to the <b> tag
xpath = "//div[@class='block']/p/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'prompt HTML')
xpath = "//div[@class='block block-comment']/p/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'comment HTML')
xpath = "//div[@class='block block-highlight']/p/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'text')
def test_display_html_tag_prompt(self):
Test that HTML tag prompts render.
self.context['tag_prompt'] = "<p>Unescaped <b>HTML</b></p>"
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Because the HTML is unescaped, we should be able to
# descend to the <b> tag
xpath = "//div[@class='block']/p/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'HTML')
class MathStringTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
Test mako template for `<mathstring>` input.
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'mathstring.html'
def setUp(self):
self.context = {'isinline': False, 'mathstr': '', 'tail': ''}
super(MathStringTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_math_string_inline(self):
self.context['isinline'] = True
self.context['mathstr'] = 'y = ax^2 + bx + c'
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//section[@class='math-string']/span[1]"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath,
'[mathjaxinline]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/mathjaxinline]')
def test_math_string_not_inline(self):
self.context['isinline'] = False
self.context['mathstr'] = 'y = ax^2 + bx + c'
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//section[@class='math-string']/span[1]"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath,
'[mathjax]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/mathjax]')
def test_tail_html(self):
self.context['tail'] = "<p>This is some <b>tail</b> <em>HTML</em></p>"
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# HTML from `tail` should NOT be escaped.
# We should be able to traverse it as part of the XML tree
xpath = "//section[@class='math-string']/span[2]/p/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'tail')
xpath = "//section[@class='math-string']/span[2]/p/em"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'HTML')
class OptionInputTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
Test mako template for `<optioninput>` input.
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'optioninput.html'
def setUp(self):
self.context = {'id': 2, 'options': [], 'status': 'unsubmitted', 'value': 0}
super(OptionInputTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_select_options(self):
# Create options 0-4, and select option 2
self.context['options'] = [(id_num, '<b>Option {0}</b>'.format(id_num))
for id_num in range(0, 5)]
self.context['value'] = 2
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Should have a dummy default
xpath = "//option[@value='option_2_dummy_default']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
# Should have each of the options, with the correct description
# The description HTML should NOT be escaped
# (that's why we descend into the <b> tag)
for id_num in range(0, 5):
xpath = "//option[@value='{0}']/b".format(id_num)
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'Option {0}'.format(id_num))
# Should have the correct option selected
xpath = "//option[@selected='true']/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'Option 2')
def test_status(self):
# Test cases, where each tuple represents
# `(input_status, expected_css_class)`
test_cases = [('unsubmitted', 'unanswered'),
('correct', 'correct'),
('incorrect', 'incorrect'),
('incomplete', 'incorrect')]
for (input_status, expected_css_class) in test_cases:
self.context['status'] = input_status
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//span[@class='{0}']".format(expected_css_class)
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
class DragAndDropTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
Test mako template for `<draganddropinput>` input.
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'drag_and_drop_input.html'
def setUp(self):
self.context = {'id': 2,
'drag_and_drop_json': '',
'value': 0,
'status': 'unsubmitted',
'msg': ''}
super(DragAndDropTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_status(self):
# Test cases, where each tuple represents
# `(input_status, expected_css_class, expected_text)`
test_cases = [('unsubmitted', 'unanswered', 'unanswered'),
('correct', 'correct', 'correct'),
('incorrect', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'),
('incomplete', 'incorrect', 'incomplete')]
for (input_status, expected_css_class, expected_text) in test_cases:
self.context['status'] = input_status
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Expect a <div> with the status
xpath = "//div[@class='{0}']".format(expected_css_class)
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
# Expect a <p> with the status
xpath = "//p[@class='status']"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, expected_text, exact=False)
def test_drag_and_drop_json_html(self):
json_with_html = json.dumps({'test': '<p>Unescaped <b>HTML</b></p>'})
self.context['drag_and_drop_json'] = json_with_html
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Assert that the JSON-encoded string was inserted without
# escaping the HTML. We should be able to traverse the XML tree.
xpath = "//div[@class='drag_and_drop_problem_json']/p/b"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, 'HTML')
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