Commit 9e7ccd8e by Calen Pennington

Run tests in lms/lib

parent d937da8d
......@@ -21,13 +21,20 @@ def run_tests(system, report_dir, test_id=nil, stop_on_failure=true)
# If no test id is provided, we need to limit the test runner
# to the Djangoapps we want to test. Otherwise, it will
# run tests on all installed packages.
default_test_id = "#{system}/djangoapps common/djangoapps"
if system == :lms
default_test_id += " #{system}/lib"
if test_id.nil?
test_id = "#{system}/djangoapps common/djangoapps"
test_id = default_test_id
# Handle "--failed" as a special case: we want to re-run only
# the tests that failed within our Django apps
elsif test_id == '--failed'
test_id = "#{system}/djangoapps common/djangoapps --failed"
test_id = "#{default_test_id} --failed"
cmd = django_admin(system, :test, 'test', test_id)
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