Commit 9ca4c566 by srpearce

Merge pull request #5044 from edx/sylvia/docs/DOC-875

Add note about angle brackets to Dropdown topic
parents a0964f71 96c0babe
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ September, 2014
- Added info about possible problem types to :ref:`Problem with Adaptive Hint`.
* -
- Removed "These problems only allow integers and a few select constants" from table of problem types in :ref:`Create Exercises`.
* -
- Added a note about angle bracket characters to the :ref:`Dropdown` topic.
August, 2014
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Dropdown problems allow the student to choose from a collection of answer option
.. image:: /Images/DropdownExample.png
:alt: Image of a dropdown problem
.. note:: Answers in dropdown problems cannot contain greater than signs or less than signs, also known as angle bracket characters (<>). If answer options for your problem must contain angle brackets, use the :ref:`multiple choice<Multiple Choice>` problem type.
Create a Dropdown Problem
......@@ -29,6 +31,9 @@ To create a dropdown problem, follow these steps.
#. In the new Problem component that appears, click **Edit**.
#. Replace the default text with the text for your problem. Enter each of the possible
answers on the same line, separated by commas.
.. note:: Answers in dropdown problems cannot contain greater than signs or less than signs, also known as angle bracket characters (<>). If answer options for your problem must contain angle brackets, use the :ref:`multiple choice<Multiple Choice>` problem type.
#. Determine the text of the problem to use as a label, and then surround that text with two sets of angle brackets (>><<).
#. Select all the answer options, and then click the dropdown button.
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