Commit 9c7f2cf6 by Victor Shnayder

WIP -- do not merge

parent 02d5cfd1
......@@ -314,14 +314,14 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
users = request.POST['betausers']
log.debug("users: {0!r}".format(users))
group = get_beta_group(course)
for username_or_email in users.split():
for username_or_email in _split_by_comma_and_whitespace(users):
msg += "<p>{0}</p>".format(
add_user_to_group(request, username_or_email, group, 'beta testers', 'beta-tester'))
elif action == 'Remove beta testers':
users = request.POST['betausers']
group = get_beta_group(course)
for username_or_email in users.split():
for username_or_email in _split_by_comma_and_whitespace(users):
msg += "<p>{0}</p>".format(
remove_user_from_group(request, username_or_email, group, 'beta testers', 'beta-tester'))
......@@ -793,11 +793,18 @@ def grade_summary(request, course_id):
# enrollment
def _split_by_comma_and_whitespace(s):
Split a string both by on commas and whitespice.
# Note: split() with no args removes empty strings from output
return [x.split() for x in s.split(',')]
def _do_enroll_students(course, course_id, students, overload=False):
"""Do the actual work of enrolling multiple students, presented as a string
of emails separated by commas or returns"""
ns = [x.split('\n') for x in students.split(',')]
ns = _split_by_comma_and_whitespace(students)
new_students = [item for sublist in ns for item in sublist]
new_students = [str(s.strip()) for s in new_students]
new_students_lc = [x.lower() for x in new_students]
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Admin');" class="${modeflag.get('Admin')}">Admin</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Forum Admin');" class="${modeflag.get('Forum Admin')}">Forum Admin</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Enrollment');" class="${modeflag.get('Enrollment')}">Enrollment</a>
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Enrollment');" class="${modeflag.get('Enrollment')}">Enrollment</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Manage Groups');" class="${modeflag.get('Manage Groups')}">Manage Groups</a> ]
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<p>Add students: enter emails, separated by returns or commas;</p>
<p>Add students: enter emails, separated by new lines or commas;</p>
<textarea rows="6" cols="70" name="enroll_multiple"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Enroll multiple students">
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<input type="submit" name="action" value="List beta testers">
Enter usernames or emails for students who should be beta-testers, one per line. They will get to
Enter usernames or emails for students who should be beta-testers, one per line, or separated by commas. They will get to
see course materials early, as configured via the <tt>days_early_for_beta</tt> option in the course policy.
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