Commit 98ed7384 by Prem Sichanugrist

Make sure we don't show volume control on iOS

parent 7924e5c8
......@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ jasmine.stubYoutubePlayer = ->
'getCurrentTime', 'getPlayerState', 'getVolume', 'setVolume', 'loadVideoById',
'playVideo', 'pauseVideo', 'seekTo']
jasmine.stubVideoPlayer = (context, enableParts) ->
jasmine.stubVideoPlayer = (context, enableParts, createPlayer=true) ->
enableParts = [enableParts] unless $.isArray(enableParts)
suite = context.suite
currentPartName = suite.description while suite = suite.parentSuite
enableParts.push currentPartName
for part in ['VideoCaption', 'VideoSpeedControl', 'VideoProgressSlider']
for part in ['VideoCaption', 'VideoSpeedControl', 'VideoVolumeControl', 'VideoProgressSlider']
unless $.inArray(part, enableParts) >= 0
spyOn window, part
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ jasmine.stubVideoPlayer = (context, enableParts) ->
YT.Player = undefined = new Video 'example', '.75:abc123,1.0:def456'
if createPlayer
return new VideoPlayer
spyOn(window, 'onunload')
describe 'VideoPlayer', ->
beforeEach ->
jasmine.stubVideoPlayer @
jasmine.stubVideoPlayer @, [], false
afterEach ->
YT.Player = undefined
......@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ describe 'VideoPlayer', ->
spyOn YT, 'Player'
$.fn.qtip.andCallFake ->
$(this).data('qtip', true)
$('.video').append $('<div class="hide-subtitles" />')
$('.video').append $('<div class="add-fullscreen" /><div class="hide-subtitles" />')
describe 'always', ->
beforeEach ->
@player = new VideoPlayer @video
it 'instanticate current time to zero', ->
......@@ -67,13 +70,35 @@ describe 'VideoPlayer', ->
expect($(document)).toHandleWith 'keyup', @player.bindExitFullScreen
it 'bind to fullscreen switching button', ->
console.debug $('.add-fullscreen')
expect($('.add-fullscreen')).toHandleWith 'click', @player.toggleFullScreen
describe 'when not on a touch based device', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(window, 'onTouchBasedDevice').andReturn false
$('.add-fullscreen, .hide-subtitles').removeData 'qtip'
@player = new VideoPlayer @video
it 'add the tooltip to fullscreen and subtitle button', ->
expect($('.add-fullscreen')).toHaveData 'qtip'
expect($('.hide-subtitles')).toHaveData 'qtip'
it 'create video volume control', ->
expect(window.VideoVolumeControl).toHaveBeenCalledWith @player
describe 'when on a touch based device', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(window, 'onTouchBasedDevice').andReturn true
$('.add-fullscreen, .hide-subtitles').removeData 'qtip'
@player = new VideoPlayer @video
it 'does not add the tooltip to fullscreen and subtitle button', ->
expect($('.add-fullscreen')).not.toHaveData 'qtip'
expect($('.hide-subtitles')).not.toHaveData 'qtip'
it 'does not create video volume control', ->
describe 'onReady', ->
beforeEach ->
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class @VideoPlayer
render: ->
new VideoControl @
new VideoCaption @, @video.youtubeId('1.0')
new VideoVolumeControl @
new VideoVolumeControl @ unless onTouchBasedDevice()
new VideoSpeedControl @, @video.speeds
new VideoProgressSlider @
@player = new YT.Player,
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