Commit 971f102b by Christina Roberts Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13743 from edx/christina/capa-display-conversion

Convert capa/ to JS.
parents 9cf68805 a1d3c316
......@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/spec/problem/edit_spec_hint.js
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ class JavascriptInput(InputTypeBase):
TODO (arjun?): document this in detail. Initial notes:
- display_class is a subclass of XProblemClassDisplay (see
- display_file is the js script to be in /static/js/ where display_class is defined.
......@@ -29,11 +29,9 @@ class CapaModule(CapaMixin, XModule):
icon_class = 'problem'
js = {
'coffee': [
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/'),
'js': [
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/javascript_loader.js'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/display.js'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/collapsible.js'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/imageinput.js'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/schematic.js'),
class @Problem
constructor: (element) ->
@el = $(element).find('.problems-wrapper')
@id ='problem-id')
@element_id = @el.attr('id')
@url ='url')
@content ='content')
# has_timed_out and has_response are used to ensure that are used to
# ensure that we wait a minimum of ~ 1s before transitioning the submit
# button from disabled to enabled
@has_timed_out = false
@has_response = false
$: (selector) ->
$(selector, @el)
bind: =>
if MathJax?
@el.find('.problem > div').each (index, element) =>
MathJax.Hub.Queue ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, element]
problem_prefix = @element_id.replace(/problem_/,'')
@inputs = @$("[id^='input_#{problem_prefix}_']")
@$('div.action button').click @refreshAnswers
@reviewButton = @$('') @scroll_to_problem_meta
@submitButton = @$('.action .submit')
@submitButtonLabel = @$('.action .submit .submit-label')
@submitButtonSubmitText = @submitButtonLabel.text()
@submitButtonSubmittingText ='submitting') @submit_fd
@hintButton = @$('.action .hint-button') @hint_button
@resetButton = @$('.action .reset') @reset
@showButton = @$('.action .show') @show
@saveButton = @$('.action .save')
@saveNotification = @$('.notification-save')
@saveButtonLabel = @$('.action .save .save-label') @save
@gentleAlertNotification = @$('.notification-gentle-alert')
@submitNotification = @$('.notification-submit')
# Accessibility helper for sighted keyboard users to show <clarification> tooltips on focus:
@$('.clarification').focus (ev) =>
icon = $( "i"
window.globalTooltipManager.openTooltip icon
@$('.clarification').blur (ev) =>
@$('.review-btn').focus (ev) =>
@$('.review-btn').blur (ev) =>
if @submitButton.length
@submitAnswersAndSubmitButton true
# Collapsibles
# Dynamath
if MathJax?
@$('input.math').each (index, element) =>
MathJax.Hub.Queue [@refreshMath, null, element]
renderProgressState: =>
detail ='progress_detail')
status ='progress_status')
graded ='graded')
# Render 'x/y point(s)' if student has attempted question
if status != 'none' and detail? and (jQuery.type(detail) == "string") and detail.indexOf('/') > 0
a = detail.split('/')
earned = parseFloat(a[0])
possible = parseFloat(a[1])
if graded == "True" and possible != 0
# This comment needs to be on one line to be properly scraped for the translators. Sry for length.
`// Translators: %(earned)s is the number of points earned. %(possible)s is the total number of points (examples: 0/1, 1/1, 2/3, 5/10). The total number of points will always be at least 1. We pluralize based on the total number of points (example: 0/1 point; 1/2 points)`
progress_template = ngettext('%(earned)s/%(possible)s point (graded)', '%(earned)s/%(possible)s points (graded)', possible)
# This comment needs to be on one line to be properly scraped for the translators. Sry for length.
`// Translators: %(earned)s is the number of points earned. %(possible)s is the total number of points (examples: 0/1, 1/1, 2/3, 5/10). The total number of points will always be at least 1. We pluralize based on the total number of points (example: 0/1 point; 1/2 points)`
progress_template = ngettext('%(earned)s/%(possible)s point (ungraded)', '%(earned)s/%(possible)s points (ungraded)', possible)
progress = interpolate(progress_template, {'earned': earned, 'possible': possible}, true)
# Render 'x point(s) possible' if student has not yet attempted question
# Status is set to none when a user has a score of 0, and 0 when the problem has a weight of 0.
if status == 'none' or status == 0
if detail? and (jQuery.type(detail) == "string") and detail.indexOf('/') > 0
a = detail.split('/')
possible = parseFloat(a[1])
possible = 0
if graded == "True" and possible != 0
`// Translators: %(num_points)s is the number of points possible (examples: 1, 3, 10).`
progress_template = ngettext("%(num_points)s point possible (graded)", "%(num_points)s points possible (graded)", possible)
`// Translators: %(num_points)s is the number of points possible (examples: 1, 3, 10).`
progress_template = ngettext("%(num_points)s point possible (ungraded)", "%(num_points)s points possible (ungraded)", possible)
progress = interpolate(progress_template, {'num_points': possible}, true)
updateProgress: (response) =>
if response.progress_changed'progress_status', response.progress_status)'progress_detail', response.progress_detail)
forceUpdate: (response) =>'progress_status', response.progress_status)'progress_detail', response.progress_detail)
queueing: (focus_callback) =>
@queued_items = @$(".xqueue")
@num_queued_items = @queued_items.length
if @num_queued_items > 0
if window.queuePollerID # Only one poller 'thread' per Problem
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(
=> @poll(1000, focus_callback),
poll: (prev_timeout, focus_callback) =>
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_get", (response) =>
# If queueing status changed, then render
@new_queued_items = $(response.html).find(".xqueue")
if @new_queued_items.length isnt @num_queued_items
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(@el, edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(response.html)).promise().done =>
JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts @el, () =>
@num_queued_items = @new_queued_items.length
if @num_queued_items == 0
@forceUpdate response
delete window.queuePollerID
new_timeout = prev_timeout * 2
# if the timeout is greather than 1 minute
if new_timeout >= 60000
delete window.queuePollerID
@gentle_alert gettext("The grading process is still running. Refresh the page to see updates.")
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(
=> @poll(new_timeout, focus_callback),
# Use this if you want to make an ajax call on the input type object
# static method so you don't have to instantiate a Problem in order to use it
# Input:
# url: the AJAX url of the problem
# input_id: the input_id of the input you would like to make the call on
# NOTE: the id is the ${id} part of "input_${id}" during rendering
# If this function is passed the entire prefixed id, the backend may have trouble
# finding the correct input
# dispatch: string that indicates how this data should be handled by the inputtype
# callback: the function that will be called once the AJAX call has been completed.
# It will be passed a response object
@inputAjax: (url, input_id, dispatch, data, callback) ->
data['dispatch'] = dispatch
data['input_id'] = input_id
$.postWithPrefix "#{url}/input_ajax", data, callback
render: (content, focus_callback) ->
if content
JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts @el, () =>
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_get", (response) =>
JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts @el, () =>
@forceUpdate response
# TODO add hooks for problem types here by inspecting response.html and doing
# stuff if a div w a class is found
setupInputTypes: =>
@inputtypeDisplays = {}
@el.find(".capa_inputtype").each (index, inputtype) =>
classes = $(inputtype).attr('class').split(' ')
id = $(inputtype).attr('id')
for cls in classes
setupMethod = @inputtypeSetupMethods[cls]
if setupMethod?
@inputtypeDisplays[id] = setupMethod(inputtype)
# If some function wants to be called before sending the answer to the
# server, give it a chance to do so.
# submit_save_waitfor allows the callee to send alerts if the user's input is
# invalid. To do so, the callee must throw an exception named "Waitfor
# Exception". This and any other errors or exceptions that arise from the
# callee are rethrown and abort the submission.
# In order to use this feature, add a 'data-waitfor' attribute to the input,
# and specify the function to be called by the submit button before sending
# off @answers
submit_save_waitfor: (callback) =>
flag = false
for inp in @inputs
if ($(inp).is("input[waitfor]"))
$(inp).data("waitfor")(() =>
catch e
if == "Waitfor Exception"
alert e.message
alert "Could not grade your answer. The submission was aborted."
throw e
flag = true
flag = false
return flag
# Scroll to problem metadata and next focus is problem input
scroll_to_problem_meta: =>
questionTitle = @$(".problem-header")
if questionTitle.length > 0
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: questionTitle.offset().top
}, 500);
focus_on_notification: (type) =>
notification = @$('.notification-'+type)
if notification.length > 0
focus_on_submit_notification: =>
focus_on_hint_notification: =>
focus_on_save_notification: =>
# 'submit_fd' uses FormData to allow file submissions in the 'problem_check' dispatch,
# in addition to simple querystring-based answers
# NOTE: The dispatch 'problem_check' is being singled out for the use of FormData;
# maybe preferable to consolidate all dispatches to use FormData
submit_fd: =>
# If there are no file inputs in the problem, we can fall back on @submit
if @el.find('input:file').length == 0
@enableSubmitButton false
if not window.FormData
alert "Submission aborted! Sorry, your browser does not support file uploads. If you can, please use Chrome or Safari which have been verified to support file uploads."
@enableSubmitButton true
timeout_id = @enableSubmitButtonAfterTimeout()
fd = new FormData()
# Sanity checks on submission
max_filesize = 4*1000*1000 # 4 MB
file_too_large = false
file_not_selected = false
required_files_not_submitted = false
unallowed_file_submitted = false
errors = []
@inputs.each (index, element) ->
if element.type is 'file'
required_files = $(element).data("required_files")
allowed_files = $(element).data("allowed_files")
for file in element.files
if allowed_files.length != 0 and not in allowed_files
unallowed_file_submitted = true
errors.push "You submitted #{}; only #{allowed_files} are allowed."
if in required_files
required_files.splice(required_files.indexOf(, 1)
if file.size > max_filesize
file_too_large = true
max_size = max_filesize / (1000*1000)
errors.push "Your file #{} is too large (max size: {max_size}MB)"
fd.append(, file)
if element.files.length == 0
file_not_selected = true
fd.append(, '') # In case we want to allow submissions with no file
if required_files.length != 0
required_files_not_submitted = true
errors.push "You did not submit the required files: #{required_files}."
fd.append(, element.value)
if file_not_selected
errors.push 'You did not select any files to submit'
error_html = '<ul>\n'
for error in errors
error_html += '<li>' + error + '</li>\n'
error_html += '</ul>'
@gentle_alert error_html
abort_submission = file_too_large or file_not_selected or unallowed_file_submitted or required_files_not_submitted
if abort_submission
@enableSubmitButton true
settings =
type: "POST"
data: fd
processData: false
contentType: false
complete: @enableSubmitButtonAfterResponse
success: (response) =>
switch response.success
when 'incorrect', 'correct'
@updateProgress response
@gentle_alert response.success
Logger.log 'problem_graded', [@answers, response.contents], @id
$.ajaxWithPrefix("#{@url}/problem_check", settings)
submit: =>
if not @submit_save_waitfor(@submit_internal)
@disableAllButtonsWhileRunning @submit_internal, true
submit_internal: =>
Logger.log 'problem_check', @answers
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_check", @answers, (response) =>
switch response.success
when 'incorrect', 'correct'
@el.trigger('contentChanged', [@id, response.contents])
@render(response.contents, @focus_on_submit_notification)
@updateProgress response
@gentle_alert response.success
Logger.log 'problem_graded', [@answers, response.contents], @id
get_sr_status: (contents) =>
# This method builds up an array of strings to send to the page screen-reader span.
# It first gets all elements with class "status", and then looks to see if they are contained
# in sections with aria-labels. If so, labels are prepended to the status element text.
# If not, just the text of the status elements are returned.
status_elements = $(contents).find('.status')
labeled_status = []
for element in status_elements
parent_section = $(element).closest('section')
added_status = false
if parent_section
aria_label = parent_section.attr('aria-label')
if aria_label
`// Translators: This is only translated to allow for reording of label and associated status.`
template = gettext("{label}: {status}")
labeled_status.push(edx.StringUtils.interpolate(template, {label: aria_label, status: $(element).text()}))
added_status = true
if not added_status
return labeled_status
reset: =>
@disableAllButtonsWhileRunning @reset_internal, false
reset_internal: =>
Logger.log 'problem_reset', @answers
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_reset", id: @id, (response) =>
if response.success
@el.trigger('contentChanged', [@id, response.html])
@render(response.html, @scroll_to_problem_meta)
@updateProgress response
window.SR.readText(gettext('This problem has been reset.'))
@gentle_alert response.msg
# TODO this needs modification to deal with javascript responses; perhaps we
# need something where responsetypes can define their own behavior when show
# is called.
show: =>
Logger.log 'problem_show', problem: @id
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_show", (response) =>
answers = response.answers
$.each answers, (key, value) =>
if $.isArray(value)
for choice in value
@$("label[for='input_#{key}_#{choice}']").attr correct_answer: 'true'
answer = @$("#answer_#{key}, #solution_#{key}")
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(answer, edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(value))
# Sometimes, `value` is just a string containing a MathJax formula.
# If this is the case, jQuery will throw an error in some corner cases
# because of an incorrect selector. We setup a try..catch so that
# the script doesn't break in such cases.
# We will fallback to the second `if statement` below, if an
# error is thrown by jQuery.
solution = $(value).find('.detailed-solution')
catch e
solution = {}
# TODO remove the above once everything is extracted into its own
# inputtype functions.
@el.find(".capa_inputtype").each (index, inputtype) =>
classes = $(inputtype).attr('class').split(' ')
for cls in classes
display = @inputtypeDisplays[$(inputtype).attr('id')]
showMethod = @inputtypeShowAnswerMethods[cls]
showMethod(inputtype, display, answers) if showMethod?
if MathJax?
@el.find('.problem > div').each (index, element) =>
MathJax.Hub.Queue ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, element]
@el.find('.show').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
@updateProgress response
window.SR.readText(gettext('Answers to this problem are now shown. Navigate through the problem to review it with answers inline.'))
clear_all_notifications: =>
gentle_alert: (msg) =>
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(@el.find('.notification-gentle-alert .notification-message'), edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(msg))
save: =>
if not @submit_save_waitfor(@save_internal)
@disableAllButtonsWhileRunning @save_internal, false
save_internal: =>
Logger.log 'problem_save', @answers
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_save", @answers, (response) =>
saveMessage = response.msg
if response.success
@el.trigger('contentChanged', [@id, response.html])
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(@el.find('.notification-save .notification-message'), edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(saveMessage))
@gentle_alert saveMessage
refreshMath: (event, element) =>
element = unless element
elid =^input_/,'')
target = "display_" + elid
# MathJax preprocessor is loaded by 'setupInputTypes'
preprocessor_tag = "inputtype_" + elid
mathjax_preprocessor = @inputtypeDisplays[preprocessor_tag]
if MathJax? and jax = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(target)[0]
eqn = $(element).val()
if mathjax_preprocessor
eqn = mathjax_preprocessor(eqn)
MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Text', jax, eqn], [@updateMathML, jax, element])
return # Explicit return for CoffeeScript
updateMathML: (jax, element) =>
$("##{}_dynamath").val(jax.root.toMathML '')
catch exception
throw exception unless exception.restart
if MathJax?
MathJax.Callback.After [@refreshMath, jax], exception.restart
refreshAnswers: =>
@$('input.schematic').each (index, element) ->
@$(".CodeMirror").each (index, element) -> if
@answers = @inputs.serialize()
submitAnswersAndSubmitButton: (bind=false) =>
Used to check available answers and if something is checked (or the answer is set in some textbox)
"Submit" button becomes enabled. Otherwise it is disabled by default.
bind (bool): used on the first check to attach event handlers to input fields
to change "Submit" enable status in case of some manipulations with answers
answered = true
at_least_one_text_input_found = false
one_text_input_filled = false
@el.find("input:text").each (i, text_field) =>
if $(text_field).is(':visible')
at_least_one_text_input_found = true
if $(text_field).val() isnt ''
one_text_input_filled = true
if bind
$(text_field).on 'input', (e) =>
if at_least_one_text_input_found and not one_text_input_filled
answered = false
@el.find(".choicegroup").each (i, choicegroup_block) =>
checked = false
$(choicegroup_block).find("input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]").each (j, checkbox_or_radio) =>
if $(checkbox_or_radio).is(':checked')
checked = true
if bind
$(checkbox_or_radio).on 'click', (e) =>
if not checked
answered = false
@el.find("select").each (i, select_field) =>
selected_option = $(select_field).find("option:selected").text().trim()
if selected_option is 'Select an option'
answered = false
if bind
$(select_field).on 'change', (e) =>
if answered
@enableSubmitButton true
@enableSubmitButton false, false
bindResetCorrectness: ->
# Loop through all input types
# Bind the reset functions at that scope.
$inputtypes = @el.find(".capa_inputtype").add(@el.find(".inputtype"))
$inputtypes.each (index, inputtype) =>
classes = $(inputtype).attr('class').split(' ')
for cls in classes
bindMethod = @bindResetCorrectnessByInputtype[cls]
if bindMethod?
# Find all places where each input type displays its correct-ness
# Replace them with their original state--'unanswered'.
# These are run at the scope of the capa inputtype
# They should set handlers on each <input> to reset the whole.
formulaequationinput: (element) ->
$(element).find('input').on 'input', ->
$p = $(element).find('span.status')
`// Translators: the word unanswered here is about answering a problem the student must solve.`
$p.parent().removeClass().addClass "unsubmitted"
choicegroup: (element) ->
$element = $(element)
id = ($element.attr('id').match /^inputtype_(.*)$/)[1]
$element.find('input').on 'change', ->
$status = $("#status_#{id}")
if $status[0] # We found a status icon.
$status.removeClass().addClass "unanswered"
$status.empty().css 'display', 'inline-block'
# Recreate the unanswered dot on left.
$("<span>", {"class": "unanswered", "style": "display: inline-block;", "id": "status_#{id}"})
'option-input': (element) ->
$select = $(element).find('select')
id = ($select.attr('id').match /^input_(.*)$/)[1]
$select.on 'change', ->
$status = $("#status_#{id}")
.find('span').text(gettext('Status: unsubmitted'))
textline: (element) ->
$(element).find('input').on 'input', ->
$p = $(element).find('span.status')
`// Translators: the word unanswered here is about answering a problem the student must solve.`
$p.parent().removeClass("correct incorrect").addClass "unsubmitted"
'text-input-dynamath': (element) =>
Return: function (eqn) -> eqn that preprocesses the user formula input before
it is fed into MathJax. Return 'false' if no preprocessor specified
data = $(element).find('.text-input-dynamath_data')
preprocessorClassName ='preprocessor')
preprocessorClass = window[preprocessorClassName]
if not preprocessorClass?
return false
preprocessor = new preprocessorClass()
return preprocessor.fn
javascriptinput: (element) =>
data = $(element).find(".javascriptinput_data")
params ="params")
submission ="submission")
evaluation ="evaluation")
problemState ="problem_state")
displayClass = window['display_class')]
if evaluation == ''
evaluation = null
container = $(element).find(".javascriptinput_container")
submissionField = $(element).find(".javascriptinput_input")
display = new displayClass(problemState, submission, evaluation, container, submissionField, params)
return display
cminput: (container) =>
element = $(container).find("textarea")
tabsize ="tabsize")
mode ="mode")
linenumbers ="linenums")
spaces = Array(parseInt(tabsize) + 1).join(" ")
CodeMirrorEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea element[0], {
lineNumbers: linenumbers
indentUnit: tabsize
tabSize: tabsize
mode: mode
matchBrackets: true
lineWrapping: true
indentWithTabs: false
smartIndent: false
extraKeys: {
"Esc": (cm) ->
return false
"Tab": (cm) ->
cm.replaceSelection(spaces, "end")
return false
id = element.attr("id").replace(/^input_/, "")
CodeMirrorTextArea = CodeMirrorEditor.getInputField()
CodeMirrorTextArea.setAttribute("id", "cm-textarea-#{id}")
CodeMirrorTextArea.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "cm-editor-exit-message-#{id} status_#{id}")
return CodeMirrorEditor
choicegroup: (element, display, answers) =>
element = $(element)
input_id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/, '')
answer = answers[input_id]
for choice in answer
element.find("#input_#{input_id}_#{choice}").parent("label").addClass 'choicegroup_correct'
javascriptinput: (element, display, answers) =>
answer_id = $(element).attr('id').split("_")[1...].join("_")
answer = JSON.parse(answers[answer_id])
choicetextgroup: (element, display, answers) =>
element = $(element)
input_id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/, '')
answer = answers[input_id]
for choice in answer
element.find("section#forinput#{choice}").addClass 'choicetextgroup_show_correct'
imageinput: (element, display, answers) =>
# answers is a dict of (answer_id, answer_text) for each answer for this
# question.
# @Examples:
# {'anwser_id': {
# 'rectangle': '(10,10)-(20,30);(12,12)-(40,60)',
# 'regions': '[[10,10], [30,30], [10, 30], [30, 10]]'
# } }
types =
rectangle: (ctx, coords) =>
reg = /^\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)-\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)$/
rects = coords.replace(/\s*/g, '').split(/;/)
$.each rects, (index, rect) =>
abs = Math.abs
points = reg.exec(rect)
if points
width = abs(points[3] - points[1])
height = abs(points[4] - points[2])
ctx.rect(points[1], points[2], width, height)
regions: (ctx, coords) =>
parseCoords = (coords) =>
reg = JSON.parse(coords)
# Regions is list of lists [region1, region2, region3, ...] where regionN
# is disordered list of points: [[1,1], [100,100], [50,50], [20, 70]].
# If there is only one region in the list, simpler notation can be used:
# regions="[[10,10], [30,30], [10, 30], [30, 10]]" (without explicitly
# setting outer list)
if typeof reg[0][0][0] == "undefined"
# we have [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] - single region
# instead of [[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6], [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]]
# or [[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]] - multiple regions syntax
reg = [reg]
return reg
$.each parseCoords(coords), (index, region) =>
$.each region, (index, point) =>
if index is 0
ctx.moveTo(point[0], point[1])
ctx.lineTo(point[0], point[1]);
element = $(element)
id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/,'')
container = element.find("#answer_#{id}")
canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
canvas.width ='width')
canvas.height ='height')
if canvas.getContext
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
return console.log 'Canvas is not supported.'
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,.3)';
ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF0000";
ctx.lineWidth = "2";
if answers[id]
$.each answers[id], (key, value) =>
types[key](ctx, value) if types[key]? and value
console.log "Answer is absent for image input with id=#{id}"
choicegroup: (element, display) =>
element = $(element)
javascriptinput: (element, display) =>
choicetextgroup: (element, display) =>
element = $(element)
disableAllButtonsWhileRunning: (operationCallback, isFromCheckOperation) =>
# Used to keep the buttons disabled while operationCallback is running.
# params:
# 'operationCallback' is an operation to be run.
# 'isFromCheckOperation' is a boolean to keep track if 'operationCallback' was
# @submit, if so then text of submit button will be changed as well.
@enableAllButtons false, isFromCheckOperation
operationCallback().always =>
@enableAllButtons true, isFromCheckOperation
# Called by disableAllButtonsWhileRunning to automatically disable all buttons while check,reset, or
# save internal are running. Then enable all the buttons again after it is done.
enableAllButtons: (enable, isFromCheckOperation) =>
# Used to enable/disable all buttons in problem.
# params:
# 'enable' is a boolean to determine enabling/disabling of buttons.
# 'isFromCheckOperation' is a boolean to keep track if operation was initiated
# from @submit so that text of submit button will also be changed while disabling/enabling
# the submit button.
if enable
.removeAttr 'disabled'
.attr({'disabled': 'disabled'})
@enableSubmitButton enable, isFromCheckOperation
enableSubmitButton: (enable, changeText = true) =>
# Used to disable submit button to reduce chance of accidental double-submissions.
# params:
# 'enable' is a boolean to determine enabling/disabling of submit button.
# 'changeText' is a boolean to determine if there is need to change the
# text of submit button as well.
if enable
submitCanBeEnabled ='should-enable-submit-button') == 'True'
if submitCanBeEnabled
@submitButton.removeAttr 'disabled'
if changeText
@submitButton.attr({'disabled': 'disabled'})
if changeText
enableSubmitButtonAfterResponse: =>
@has_response = true
if not @has_timed_out
# Server has returned response before our timeout
@enableSubmitButton false
@enableSubmitButton true
enableSubmitButtonAfterTimeout: =>
@has_timed_out = false
@has_response = false
enableSubmitButton = () =>
@has_timed_out = true
if @has_response
@enableSubmitButton true
window.setTimeout(enableSubmitButton, 750)
hint_button: =>
# Store the index of the currently shown hint as an attribute.
# Use that to compute the next hint number when the button is clicked.
hint_container = @.$('.problem-hint')
hint_index = hint_container.attr('hint_index')
if hint_index == undefined
next_index = 0
next_index = parseInt(hint_index) + 1
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/hint_button", hint_index: next_index, input_id: @id, (response) =>
if response.success
hint_msg_container = @.$('.problem-hint .notification-message')
hint_container.attr('hint_index', response.hint_index)
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(hint_msg_container, edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(response.msg))
# Update any Mathjax entries
MathJax.Hub.Queue [
# Enable/Disable the next hint button
if response.should_enable_next_hint
@hintButton.removeAttr 'disabled'
@hintButton.attr({'disabled': 'disabled'})
@gentle_alert response.msg
/* global MathJax, Collapsible, interpolate, JavascriptLoader, Logger, CodeMirror */
// Note: this code was originally converted from CoffeeScript, and thus follows some
// coding conventions that are discouraged by eslint. Some warnings have been suppressed
// to avoid substantial rewriting of the code. Allow the eslint suppressions to exceed
// the max line length of 120.
/* eslint max-len: ["error", 120, { "ignoreComments": true }] */
(function() {
'use strict';
var indexOfHelper = [].indexOf ||
function(item) {
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this && this[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
this.Problem = (function() {
function Problem(element) {
var that = this;
this.hint_button = function() {
return Problem.prototype.hint_button.apply(that, arguments);
this.enableSubmitButtonAfterTimeout = function() {
return Problem.prototype.enableSubmitButtonAfterTimeout.apply(that, arguments);
this.enableSubmitButtonAfterResponse = function() {
return Problem.prototype.enableSubmitButtonAfterResponse.apply(that, arguments);
this.enableSubmitButton = function(enable, changeText) {
if (changeText === null || changeText === undefined) {
changeText = true; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return Problem.prototype.enableSubmitButton.apply(that, arguments);
this.enableAllButtons = function(enable, isFromCheckOperation) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.enableAllButtons.apply(that, arguments);
this.disableAllButtonsWhileRunning = function(
operationCallback, isFromCheckOperation // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
) {
return Problem.prototype.disableAllButtonsWhileRunning.apply(that, arguments);
this.submitAnswersAndSubmitButton = function(bind) {
if (bind === null || bind === undefined) {
bind = false; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return Problem.prototype.submitAnswersAndSubmitButton.apply(that, arguments);
this.refreshAnswers = function() {
return Problem.prototype.refreshAnswers.apply(that, arguments);
this.updateMathML = function(jax, el) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.updateMathML.apply(that, arguments);
this.refreshMath = function(event, el) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.refreshMath.apply(that, arguments);
this.save_internal = function() {
return Problem.prototype.save_internal.apply(that, arguments);
}; = function() {
return, arguments);
this.gentle_alert = function(msg) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.gentle_alert.apply(that, arguments);
this.clear_all_notifications = function() {
return Problem.prototype.clear_all_notifications.apply(that, arguments);
}; = function() {
return, arguments);
this.reset_internal = function() {
return Problem.prototype.reset_internal.apply(that, arguments);
this.reset = function() {
return Problem.prototype.reset.apply(that, arguments);
this.get_sr_status = function(contents) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.get_sr_status.apply(that, arguments);
this.submit_internal = function() {
return Problem.prototype.submit_internal.apply(that, arguments);
this.submit = function() {
return Problem.prototype.submit.apply(that, arguments);
this.submit_fd = function() {
return Problem.prototype.submit_fd.apply(that, arguments);
this.focus_on_save_notification = function() {
return Problem.prototype.focus_on_save_notification.apply(that, arguments);
this.focus_on_hint_notification = function() {
return Problem.prototype.focus_on_hint_notification.apply(that, arguments);
this.focus_on_submit_notification = function() {
return Problem.prototype.focus_on_submit_notification.apply(that, arguments);
this.focus_on_notification = function(type) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.focus_on_notification.apply(that, arguments);
this.scroll_to_problem_meta = function() {
return Problem.prototype.scroll_to_problem_meta.apply(that, arguments);
this.submit_save_waitfor = function(callback) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.submit_save_waitfor.apply(that, arguments);
this.setupInputTypes = function() {
return Problem.prototype.setupInputTypes.apply(that, arguments);
this.poll = function(prevTimeout, focusCallback // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
) {
return Problem.prototype.poll.apply(that, arguments);
this.queueing = function(focusCallback) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.queueing.apply(that, arguments);
this.forceUpdate = function(response) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.forceUpdate.apply(that, arguments);
this.updateProgress = function(response) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Problem.prototype.updateProgress.apply(that, arguments);
this.renderProgressState = function() {
return Problem.prototype.renderProgressState.apply(that, arguments);
this.bind = function() {
return Problem.prototype.bind.apply(that, arguments);
this.el = $(element).find('.problems-wrapper'); ='problem-id');
this.element_id = this.el.attr('id');
this.url ='url');
this.content ='content');
// has_timed_out and has_response are used to ensure that
// we wait a minimum of ~ 1s before transitioning the submit
// button from disabled to enabled
this.has_timed_out = false;
this.has_response = false;
Problem.prototype.$ = function(selector) {
return $(selector, this.el);
Problem.prototype.bind = function() {
var problemPrefix,
that = this;
if (typeof MathJax !== 'undefined' && MathJax !== null) {
this.el.find('.problem > div').each(function(index, element) {
return MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, element]);
problemPrefix = this.element_id.replace(/problem_/, '');
this.inputs = this.$('[id^="input_' + problemPrefix + '_"]');
this.$('div.action button').click(this.refreshAnswers);
this.reviewButton = this.$('');;
this.submitButton = this.$('.action .submit');
this.submitButtonLabel = this.$('.action .submit .submit-label');
this.submitButtonSubmitText = this.submitButtonLabel.text();
this.submitButtonSubmittingText ='submitting');;
this.hintButton = this.$('.action .hint-button');;
this.resetButton = this.$('.action .reset');;
this.showButton = this.$('.action .show');;
this.saveButton = this.$('.action .save');
this.saveNotification = this.$('.notification-save');;
this.gentleAlertNotification = this.$('.notification-gentle-alert');
this.submitNotification = this.$('.notification-submit');
// Accessibility helper for sighted keyboard users to show <clarification> tooltips on focus:
this.$('.clarification').focus(function(ev) {
var icon;
icon = $('i');
return window.globalTooltipManager.openTooltip(icon);
this.$('.clarification').blur(function() {
return window.globalTooltipManager.hide();
this.$('.review-btn').focus(function(ev) {
return $('sr');
this.$('.review-btn').blur(function(ev) {
return $('sr');
if (this.submitButton.length) {
if (typeof MathJax !== 'undefined' && MathJax !== null) {
this.$('input.math').each(function(index, element) {
return MathJax.Hub.Queue([that.refreshMath, null, element]);
Problem.prototype.renderProgressState = function() {
var a, detail, earned, graded, possible, progress, progressTemplate, status;
detail ='progress_detail');
status ='progress_status');
graded ='graded');
// Render 'x/y point(s)' if student has attempted question
if (status !== 'none' && (detail !== null && detail !== undefined) && (jQuery.type(detail) === 'string') &&
detail.indexOf('/') > 0) {
a = detail.split('/');
earned = parseFloat(a[0]);
possible = parseFloat(a[1]);
if (graded === 'True' && possible !== 0) {
progressTemplate = ngettext(
// This comment needs to be on one line to be properly scraped for the translators.
// Translators: %(earned)s is the number of points earned. %(possible)s is the total number of points (examples: 0/1, 1/1, 2/3, 5/10). The total number of points will always be at least 1. We pluralize based on the total number of points (example: 0/1 point; 1/2 points);
'%(earned)s/%(possible)s point (graded)', '%(earned)s/%(possible)s points (graded)',
} else {
progressTemplate = ngettext(
// This comment needs to be on one line to be properly scraped for the translators.
// Translators: %(earned)s is the number of points earned. %(possible)s is the total number of points (examples: 0/1, 1/1, 2/3, 5/10). The total number of points will always be at least 1. We pluralize based on the total number of points (example: 0/1 point; 1/2 points);
'%(earned)s/%(possible)s point (ungraded)', '%(earned)s/%(possible)s points (ungraded)',
progress = interpolate(
progressTemplate, {
earned: earned,
possible: possible
}, true
// Render 'x point(s) possible' if student has not yet attempted question
// Status is set to none when a user has a score of 0, and 0 when the problem has a weight of 0.
if (status === 'none' || status === 0) {
if ((detail !== null && detail !== undefined) && (jQuery.type(detail) === 'string') &&
detail.indexOf('/') > 0) {
a = detail.split('/');
possible = parseFloat(a[1]);
} else {
possible = 0;
if (graded === 'True' && possible !== 0) {
progressTemplate = ngettext(
// Translators: %(num_points)s is the number of points possible (examples: 1, 3, 10).;
'%(num_points)s point possible (graded)', '%(num_points)s points possible (graded)',
} else {
progressTemplate = ngettext(
// Translators: %(num_points)s is the number of points possible (examples: 1, 3, 10).;
'%(num_points)s point possible (ungraded)', '%(num_points)s points possible (ungraded)',
progress = interpolate(
{num_points: possible}, true
return this.$('.problem-progress').text(progress);
Problem.prototype.updateProgress = function(response) {
if (response.progress_changed) {'progress_status', response.progress_status);'progress_detail', response.progress_detail);
return this.renderProgressState();
Problem.prototype.forceUpdate = function(response) {'progress_status', response.progress_status);'progress_detail', response.progress_detail);
return this.renderProgressState();
Problem.prototype.queueing = function(focusCallback) {
var that = this;
this.queued_items = this.$('.xqueue');
this.num_queued_items = this.queued_items.length;
if (this.num_queued_items > 0) {
if (window.queuePollerID) { // Only one poller 'thread' per Problem
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(function() {
return that.poll(1000, focusCallback);
}, 1000);
Problem.prototype.poll = function(previousTimeout, focusCallback) {
var that = this;
return $.postWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/problem_get', function(response) {
var newTimeout;
// If queueing status changed, then render
that.new_queued_items = $(response.html).find('.xqueue');
if (that.new_queued_items.length !== that.num_queued_items) {
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(that.el, edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(response.html)).promise().done(function() {
return typeof focusCallback === 'function' ? focusCallback() : void 0;
JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts(that.el, function() {
that.num_queued_items = that.new_queued_items.length;
if (that.num_queued_items === 0) {
delete window.queuePollerID;
} else {
newTimeout = previousTimeout * 2;
// if the timeout is greather than 1 minute
if (newTimeout >= 60000) {
delete window.queuePollerID;
gettext('The grading process is still running. Refresh the page to see updates.')
} else {
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(function() {
return that.poll(newTimeout, focusCallback);
}, newTimeout);
* Use this if you want to make an ajax call on the input type object
* static method so you don't have to instantiate a Problem in order to use it
* Input:
* url: the AJAX url of the problem
* inputId: the inputId of the input you would like to make the call on
* NOTE: the id is the ${id} part of "input_${id}" during rendering
* If this function is passed the entire prefixed id, the backend may have trouble
* finding the correct input
* dispatch: string that indicates how this data should be handled by the inputtype
* data: dictionary of data to send to the server
* callback: the function that will be called once the AJAX call has been completed.
* It will be passed a response object
Problem.inputAjax = function(url, inputId, dispatch, data, callback) {
data.dispatch = dispatch; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
data.input_id = inputId; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return $.postWithPrefix('' + url + '/input_ajax', data, callback);
Problem.prototype.render = function(content, focusCallback) {
var that = this;
if (content) {
return JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts(this.el, function() {
return typeof focusCallback === 'function' ? focusCallback() : void 0;
} else {
return $.postWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/problem_get', function(response) {
return JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts(that.el, function() {
return that.forceUpdate(response);
Problem.prototype.setupInputTypes = function() {
var that = this;
this.inputtypeDisplays = {};
return this.el.find('.capa_inputtype').each(function(index, inputtype) {
var classes, cls, id, setupMethod, i, len, results;
classes = $(inputtype).attr('class').split(' ');
id = $(inputtype).attr('id');
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {
cls = classes[i];
setupMethod = that.inputtypeSetupMethods[cls];
if (setupMethod != null) {
results.push(that.inputtypeDisplays[id] = setupMethod(inputtype));
} else {
results.push(void 0);
return results;
* If some function wants to be called before sending the answer to the
* server, give it a chance to do so.
* submit_save_waitfor allows the callee to send alerts if the user's input is
* invalid. To do so, the callee must throw an exception named "WaitforException".
* This and any other errors or exceptions that arise from the callee are rethrown
* and abort the submission.
* In order to use this feature, add a 'data-waitfor' attribute to the input,
* and specify the function to be called by the submit button before sending off @answers
Problem.prototype.submit_save_waitfor = function(callback) {
var flag, inp, i, len, ref,
that = this;
flag = false;
ref = this.inputs;
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
inp = ref[i];
if ($(inp).is('input[waitfor]')) {
try {
$(inp).data('waitfor')(function() {
return callback();
} catch (e) {
if ( === 'Waitfor Exception') {
alert(e.message); // eslint-disable-line no-alert
} else {
alert( // eslint-disable-line no-alert
gettext('Could not grade your answer. The submission was aborted.')
throw e;
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
return flag;
// Scroll to problem metadata and next focus is problem input
Problem.prototype.scroll_to_problem_meta = function() {
var questionTitle;
questionTitle = this.$('.problem-header');
if (questionTitle.length > 0) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: questionTitle.offset().top
}, 500);
Problem.prototype.focus_on_notification = function(type) {
var notification;
notification = this.$('.notification-' + type);
if (notification.length > 0) {
Problem.prototype.focus_on_submit_notification = function() {
Problem.prototype.focus_on_hint_notification = function() {
Problem.prototype.focus_on_save_notification = function() {
* 'submit_fd' uses FormData to allow file submissions in the 'problem_check' dispatch,
* in addition to simple querystring-based answers
* NOTE: The dispatch 'problem_check' is being singled out for the use of FormData;
* maybe preferable to consolidate all dispatches to use FormData
Problem.prototype.submit_fd = function() {
var abortSubmission, error, errorHtml, errors, fd, fileNotSelected, fileTooLarge, maxFileSize,
requiredFilesNotSubmitted, settings, timeoutId, unallowedFileSubmitted, i, len,
that = this;
// If there are no file inputs in the problem, we can fall back on submit.
if (this.el.find('input:file').length === 0) {
if (!window.FormData) {
alert(gettext('Submission aborted! Sorry, your browser does not support file uploads. If you can, please use Chrome or Safari which have been verified to support file uploads.')); // eslint-disable-line max-len, no-alert
timeoutId = this.enableSubmitButtonAfterTimeout();
fd = new FormData();
// Sanity checks on submission
maxFileSize = 4 * 1000 * 1000;
fileTooLarge = false;
fileNotSelected = false;
requiredFilesNotSubmitted = false;
unallowedFileSubmitted = false;
errors = [];
this.inputs.each(function(index, element) {
var allowedFiles, file, maxSize, requiredFiles, loopI, loopLen, ref;
if (element.type === 'file') {
requiredFiles = $(element).data('required_files');
allowedFiles = $(element).data('allowed_files');
ref = element.files;
for (loopI = 0, loopLen = ref.length; loopI < loopLen; loopI++) {
file = ref[loopI];
if (allowedFiles.length !== 0 &&, < 0)) {
unallowedFileSubmitted = true;
gettext('You submitted {filename}; only {allowedFiles} are allowed.'), {
allowedFiles: allowedFiles
if (, >= 0) {
requiredFiles.splice(requiredFiles.indexOf(, 1);
if (file.size > maxFileSize) {
fileTooLarge = true;
maxSize = maxFileSize / (1000 * 1000);
gettext('Your file {filename} is too large (max size: {maxSize}MB).'), {
maxSize: maxSize
fd.append(, file);
if (element.files.length === 0) {
fileNotSelected = true;
fd.append(, ''); // In case we want to allow submissions with no file
if (requiredFiles.length !== 0) {
requiredFilesNotSubmitted = true;
gettext('You did not submit the required files: {requiredFiles}.'), {
requiredFiles: requiredFiles
} else {
fd.append(, element.value);
if (fileNotSelected) {
errors.push(gettext('You did not select any files to submit.'));
errorHtml = '<ul>\n';
for (i = 0, len = errors.length; i < len; i++) {
error = errors[i];
errorHtml += '<li>' + error + '</li>\n';
errorHtml += '</ul>';
abortSubmission = fileTooLarge || fileNotSelected || unallowedFileSubmitted || requiredFilesNotSubmitted;
if (abortSubmission) {
} else {
settings = {
type: 'POST',
data: fd,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
complete: this.enableSubmitButtonAfterResponse,
success: function(response) {
switch (response.success) {
case 'incorrect':
case 'correct':
return Logger.log('problem_graded', [that.answers, response.contents],;
$.ajaxWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/problem_check', settings);
Problem.prototype.submit = function() {
if (!this.submit_save_waitfor(this.submit_internal)) {
this.disableAllButtonsWhileRunning(this.submit_internal, true);
Problem.prototype.submit_internal = function() {
var that = this;
Logger.log('problem_check', this.answers);
return $.postWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/problem_check', this.answers, function(response) {
switch (response.success) {
case 'incorrect':
case 'correct':
that.el.trigger('contentChanged', [, response.contents]);
that.render(response.contents, that.focus_on_submit_notification);
return Logger.log('problem_graded', [that.answers, response.contents],;
* This method builds up an array of strings to send to the page screen-reader span.
* It first gets all elements with class "status", and then looks to see if they are contained
* in sections with aria-labels. If so, labels are prepended to the status element text.
* If not, just the text of the status elements are returned.
Problem.prototype.get_sr_status = function(contents) {
var addedStatus, ariaLabel, element, labeledStatus, parentSection, statusElement, template, i, len;
statusElement = $(contents).find('.status');
labeledStatus = [];
for (i = 0, len = statusElement.length; i < len; i++) {
element = statusElement[i];
parentSection = $(element).closest('section');
addedStatus = false;
if (parentSection) {
ariaLabel = parentSection.attr('aria-label');
if (ariaLabel) {
// Translators: This is only translated to allow for reordering of label and associated status.;
template = gettext('{label}: {status}');
template, {
label: ariaLabel,
status: $(element).text()
addedStatus = true;
if (!addedStatus) {
return labeledStatus;
Problem.prototype.reset = function() {
return this.disableAllButtonsWhileRunning(this.reset_internal, false);
Problem.prototype.reset_internal = function() {
var that = this;
Logger.log('problem_reset', this.answers);
return $.postWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/problem_reset', {
}, function(response) {
if (response.success) {
that.el.trigger('contentChanged', [, response.html]);
that.render(response.html, that.scroll_to_problem_meta);
return window.SR.readText(gettext('This problem has been reset.'));
} else {
return that.gentle_alert(response.msg);
// TODO this needs modification to deal with javascript responses; perhaps we
// need something where responsetypes can define their own behavior when show
// is called. = function() {
var that = this;
Logger.log('problem_show', {
return $.postWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/problem_show', function(response) {
var answers;
answers = response.answers;
$.each(answers, function(key, value) {
var answer, choice, i, len, results;
if ($.isArray(value)) {
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; i++) {
choice = value[i];
results.push(that.$('label[for="input_' + key + '_' + choice + '"]').attr({
correct_answer: 'true'
return results;
} else {
answer = that.$('#answer_' + key + ', #solution_' + key);
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(answer, edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(value));
// Sometimes, `value` is just a string containing a MathJax formula.
// If this is the case, jQuery will throw an error in some corner cases
// because of an incorrect selector. We setup a try..catch so that
// the script doesn't break in such cases.
// We will fallback to the second `if statement` below, if an
// error is thrown by jQuery.
try {
return $(value).find('.detailed-solution');
} catch (e) {
return {};
// TODO remove the above once everything is extracted into its own
// inputtype functions.
that.el.find('.capa_inputtype').each(function(index, inputtype) {
var classes, cls, display, showMethod, i, len, results;
classes = $(inputtype).attr('class').split(' ');
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {
cls = classes[i];
display = that.inputtypeDisplays[$(inputtype).attr('id')];
showMethod = that.inputtypeShowAnswerMethods[cls];
if (showMethod != null) {
results.push(showMethod(inputtype, display, answers));
} else {
results.push(void 0);
return results;
if (typeof MathJax !== 'undefined' && MathJax !== null) {
that.el.find('.problem > div').each(function(index, element) {
return MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, element]);
that.el.find('.show').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
window.SR.readText(gettext('Answers to this problem are now shown. Navigate through the problem to review it with answers inline.')); // eslint-disable-line max-len
Problem.prototype.clear_all_notifications = function() {
Problem.prototype.gentle_alert = function(msg) {
this.el.find('.notification-gentle-alert .notification-message'),
}; = function() {
if (!this.submit_save_waitfor(this.save_internal)) {
this.disableAllButtonsWhileRunning(this.save_internal, false);
Problem.prototype.save_internal = function() {
var that = this;
Logger.log('problem_save', this.answers);
return $.postWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/problem_save', this.answers, function(response) {
var saveMessage;
saveMessage = response.msg;
if (response.success) {
that.el.trigger('contentChanged', [, response.html]);
that.el.find('.notification-save .notification-message'),
} else {
Problem.prototype.refreshMath = function(event, element) {
var elid, eqn, jax, mathjaxPreprocessor, preprocessorTag, target;
if (!element) {
element =; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
elid =^input_/, '');
target = 'display_' + elid;
// MathJax preprocessor is loaded by 'setupInputTypes'
preprocessorTag = 'inputtype_' + elid;
mathjaxPreprocessor = this.inputtypeDisplays[preprocessorTag];
if (typeof MathJax !== 'undefined' && MathJax !== null && MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(target)[0]) {
jax = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(target)[0];
eqn = $(element).val();
if (mathjaxPreprocessor) {
eqn = mathjaxPreprocessor(eqn);
MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Text', jax, eqn], [this.updateMathML, jax, element]);
Problem.prototype.updateMathML = function(jax, element) {
try {
$('#' + + '_dynamath').val(jax.root.toMathML(''));
} catch (exception) {
if (!exception.restart) {
throw exception;
if (typeof MathJax !== 'undefined' && MathJax !== null) {
MathJax.Callback.After([this.refreshMath, jax], exception.restart);
Problem.prototype.refreshAnswers = function() {
this.$('input.schematic').each(function(index, element) {
return element.schematic.update_value();
this.$('.CodeMirror').each(function(index, element) {
if ( {;
this.answers = this.inputs.serialize();
* Used to check available answers and if something is checked (or the answer is set in some textbox),
* the "Submit" button becomes enabled. Otherwise it is disabled by default.
* Arguments:
* bind (boolean): used on the first check to attach event handlers to input fields
* to change "Submit" enable status in case of some manipulations with answers
Problem.prototype.submitAnswersAndSubmitButton = function(bind) {
var answered, atLeastOneTextInputFound, oneTextInputFilled,
that = this;
if (bind === null || bind === undefined) {
bind = false; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
answered = true;
atLeastOneTextInputFound = false;
oneTextInputFilled = false;
this.el.find('input:text').each(function(i, textField) {
if ($(textField).is(':visible')) {
atLeastOneTextInputFound = true;
if ($(textField).val() !== '') {
oneTextInputFilled = true;
if (bind) {
$(textField).on('input', function() {
if (atLeastOneTextInputFound && !oneTextInputFilled) {
answered = false;
this.el.find('.choicegroup').each(function(i, choicegroupBlock) {
var checked;
checked = false;
$(choicegroupBlock).find('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]').
each(function(j, checkboxOrRadio) {
if ($(checkboxOrRadio).is(':checked')) {
checked = true;
if (bind) {
$(checkboxOrRadio).on('click', function() {
if (!checked) {
answered = false;
this.el.find('select').each(function(i, selectField) {
var selectedOption = $(selectField).find('option:selected').text()
if (selectedOption === 'Select an option') {
answered = false;
if (bind) {
$(selectField).on('change', function() {
if (answered) {
return this.enableSubmitButton(true);
} else {
return this.enableSubmitButton(false, false);
Problem.prototype.bindResetCorrectness = function() {
// Loop through all input types.
// Bind the reset functions at that scope.
var $inputtypes,
that = this;
$inputtypes = this.el.find('.capa_inputtype').add(this.el.find('.inputtype'));
return $inputtypes.each(function(index, inputtype) {
var bindMethod, classes, cls, i, len, results;
classes = $(inputtype).attr('class').split(' ');
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {
cls = classes[i];
bindMethod = that.bindResetCorrectnessByInputtype[cls];
if (bindMethod != null) {
} else {
results.push(void 0);
return results;
// Find all places where each input type displays its correct-ness
// Replace them with their original state--'unanswered'.
Problem.prototype.bindResetCorrectnessByInputtype = {
// These are run at the scope of the capa inputtype
// They should set handlers on each <input> to reset the whole.
formulaequationinput: function(element) {
return $(element).find('input').on('input', function() {
var $p;
$p = $(element).find('span.status');
return $p.parent().removeClass().addClass('unsubmitted');
choicegroup: function(element) {
var $element, id;
$element = $(element);
id = ($element.attr('id').match(/^inputtype_(.*)$/))[1];
return $element.find('input').on('change', function() {
var $status;
$status = $('#status_' + id);
if ($status[0]) {
$status.empty().css('display', 'inline-block');
} else {
$('<span>', {
class: 'unanswered',
style: 'display: inline-block;',
id: 'status_' + id
return $element.find('label').removeClass();
'option-input': function(element) {
var $select, id;
$select = $(element).find('select');
id = ($select.attr('id').match(/^input_(.*)$/))[1];
return $select.on('change', function() {
return $('#status_' + id).removeClass().addClass('unanswered')
.text(gettext('Status: unsubmitted'));
textline: function(element) {
return $(element).find('input').on('input', function() {
var $p;
$p = $(element).find('span.status');
return $p.parent().removeClass('correct incorrect').addClass('unsubmitted');
Problem.prototype.inputtypeSetupMethods = {
'text-input-dynamath': function(element) {
Return: function (eqn) -> eqn that preprocesses the user formula input before
it is fed into MathJax. Return 'false' if no preprocessor specified
var data, preprocessor, preprocessorClass, preprocessorClassName;
data = $(element).find('.text-input-dynamath_data');
preprocessorClassName ='preprocessor');
preprocessorClass = window[preprocessorClassName];
if (preprocessorClass == null) {
return false;
} else {
preprocessor = new preprocessorClass();
return preprocessor.fn;
javascriptinput: function(element) {
var container, data, display, displayClass, evaluation, params, problemState, submission,
data = $(element).find('.javascriptinput_data');
params ='params');
submission ='submission');
evaluation ='evaluation');
problemState ='problem_state');
displayClass = window['display_class')];
if (evaluation === '') {
evaluation = null;
container = $(element).find('.javascriptinput_container');
submissionField = $(element).find('.javascriptinput_input');
display = new displayClass(problemState, submission, evaluation, container, submissionField, params);
return display;
cminput: function(container) {
var CodeMirrorEditor, CodeMirrorTextArea, element, id, linenumbers, mode, spaces, tabsize;
element = $(container).find('textarea');
tabsize ='tabsize');
mode ='mode');
linenumbers ='linenums');
spaces = Array(parseInt(tabsize, 10) + 1).join(' ');
CodeMirrorEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(element[0], {
lineNumbers: linenumbers,
indentUnit: tabsize,
tabSize: tabsize,
mode: mode,
matchBrackets: true,
lineWrapping: true,
indentWithTabs: false,
smartIndent: false,
extraKeys: {
Esc: function() {
return false;
Tab: function(cm) {
cm.replaceSelection(spaces, 'end');
return false;
id = element.attr('id').replace(/^input_/, '');
CodeMirrorTextArea = CodeMirrorEditor.getInputField();
CodeMirrorTextArea.setAttribute('id', 'cm-textarea-' + id);
CodeMirrorTextArea.setAttribute('aria-describedby', 'cm-editor-exit-message-' + id + ' status_' + id);
return CodeMirrorEditor;
Problem.prototype.inputtypeShowAnswerMethods = {
choicegroup: function(element, display, answers) {
var answer, choice, inputId, i, len, results, $element;
$element = $(element);
inputId = $element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/, '');
answer = answers[inputId];
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = answer.length; i < len; i++) {
choice = answer[i];
results.push($element.find('#input_' + inputId + '_' + choice).parent('label').
return results;
javascriptinput: function(element, display, answers) {
var answer, answerId;
answerId = $(element).attr('id').split('_')
answer = JSON.parse(answers[answerId]);
return display.showAnswer(answer);
choicetextgroup: function(element, display, answers) {
var answer, choice, inputId, i, len, results, $element;
$element = $(element);
inputId = $element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/, '');
answer = answers[inputId];
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = answer.length; i < len; i++) {
choice = answer[i];
results.push($element.find('section#forinput' + choice).addClass('choicetextgroup_show_correct'));
return results;
imageinput: function(element, display, answers) {
// answers is a dict of (answer_id, answer_text) for each answer for this question.
// @Examples:
// {'anwser_id': {
// 'rectangle': '(10,10)-(20,30);(12,12)-(40,60)',
// 'regions': '[[10,10], [30,30], [10, 30], [30, 10]]'
// } }
var canvas, container, id, types, context, $element;
types = {
rectangle: function(ctx, coords) {
var rects, reg;
reg = /^\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)-\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)$/;
rects = coords.replace(/\s*/g, '').split(/;/);
$.each(rects, function(index, rect) {
var abs, height, points, width;
abs = Math.abs;
points = reg.exec(rect);
if (points) {
width = abs(points[3] - points[1]);
height = abs(points[4] - points[2]);
ctx.rect(points[1], points[2], width, height);
return ctx.fill();
regions: function(ctx, coords) {
var parseCoords;
parseCoords = function(coordinates) {
var reg;
reg = JSON.parse(coordinates);
// Regions is list of lists [region1, region2, region3, ...] where regionN
// is disordered list of points: [[1,1], [100,100], [50,50], [20, 70]].
// If there is only one region in the list, simpler notation can be used:
// regions="[[10,10], [30,30], [10, 30], [30, 10]]" (without explicitly
// setting outer list)
if (typeof reg[0][0][0] === 'undefined') {
// we have [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] - single region
// instead of [[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6], [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]]
// or [[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]] - multiple regions syntax
reg = [reg];
return reg;
return $.each(parseCoords(coords), function(index, region) {
$.each(region, function(idx, point) {
if (idx === 0) {
return ctx.moveTo(point[0], point[1]);
} else {
return ctx.lineTo(point[0], point[1]);
return ctx.fill();
$element = $(element);
id = $element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/, '');
container = $element.find('#answer_' + id);
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width ='width');
canvas.height ='height');
if (canvas.getContext) {
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
} else {
console.log('Canvas is not supported.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,.3)';
context.strokeStyle = '#FF0000';
context.lineWidth = '2';
if (answers[id]) {
$.each(answers[id], function(key, value) {
if ((types[key] !== null && types[key] !== undefined) && value) {
types[key](context, value);
} else {
console.log('Answer is absent for image input with id=' + id); // eslint-disable-line no-console
Problem.prototype.inputtypeHideAnswerMethods = {
choicegroup: function(element) {
var $element = $(element);
return $element.find('label').removeClass('choicegroup_correct');
javascriptinput: function(element, display) {
return display.hideAnswer();
choicetextgroup: function(element) {
var $element = $(element);
return $element.find('section[id^="forinput"]').removeClass('choicetextgroup_show_correct');
* Used to keep the buttons disabled while operationCallback is running.
* params:
* 'operationCallback' is an operation to be run.
* isFromCheckOperation' is a boolean to keep track if 'operationCallback' was
* from submit, if so then text of submit button will be changed as well.
Problem.prototype.disableAllButtonsWhileRunning = function(operationCallback, isFromCheckOperation) {
var that = this;
this.enableAllButtons(false, isFromCheckOperation);
return operationCallback().always(function() {
return that.enableAllButtons(true, isFromCheckOperation);
* Used to enable/disable all buttons in problem.
* params:
* 'enable' is a boolean to determine enabling/disabling of buttons.
* 'isFromCheckOperation' is a boolean to keep track if operation was initiated
* from submit so that text of submit button will also be changed while disabling/enabling
* the submit button.
Problem.prototype.enableAllButtons = function(enable, isFromCheckOperation) {
// Called by disableAllButtonsWhileRunning to automatically disable all buttons while check,reset, or
// save internal are running. Then enable all the buttons again after it is done.
if (enable) {
} else {
attr({disabled: 'disabled'});
return this.enableSubmitButton(enable, isFromCheckOperation);
* Used to disable submit button to reduce chance of accidental double-submissions.
* params:
* 'enable' is a boolean to determine enabling/disabling of submit button.
* 'changeText' is a boolean to determine if there is need to change the
* text of submit button as well.
Problem.prototype.enableSubmitButton = function(enable, changeText) {
var submitCanBeEnabled;
if (changeText === null || changeText === undefined) {
changeText = true; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
if (enable) {
submitCanBeEnabled ='should-enable-submit-button') === 'True';
if (submitCanBeEnabled) {
if (changeText) {
} else {
this.submitButton.attr({disabled: 'disabled'});
if (changeText) {
Problem.prototype.enableSubmitButtonAfterResponse = function() {
this.has_response = true;
if (!this.has_timed_out) {
// Server has returned response before our timeout.
return this.enableSubmitButton(false);
} else {
return this.enableSubmitButton(true);
Problem.prototype.enableSubmitButtonAfterTimeout = function() {
var enableSubmitButton,
that = this;
this.has_timed_out = false;
this.has_response = false;
enableSubmitButton = function() {
that.has_timed_out = true;
if (that.has_response) {
return window.setTimeout(enableSubmitButton, 750);
Problem.prototype.hint_button = function() {
// Store the index of the currently shown hint as an attribute.
// Use that to compute the next hint number when the button is clicked.
var hintContainer, hintIndex, nextIndex,
that = this;
hintContainer = this.$('.problem-hint');
hintIndex = hintContainer.attr('hint_index');
if (hintIndex === void 0) {
nextIndex = 0;
} else {
nextIndex = parseInt(hintIndex, 10) + 1;
return $.postWithPrefix('' + this.url + '/hint_button', {
hint_index: nextIndex,
}, function(response) {
var hintMsgContainer;
if (response.success) {
hintMsgContainer = that.$('.problem-hint .notification-message');
hintContainer.attr('hint_index', response.hint_index);
edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(hintMsgContainer, edx.HtmlUtils.HTML(response.msg));
MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, hintContainer[0]]);
if (response.should_enable_next_hint) {
} else {
that.hintButton.attr({disabled: 'disabled'});
} else {
return Problem;
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class @Sequence
widget_placement: widget_placement
# On Sequence change, destroy any existing polling thread
# for queued submissions, see ../capa/
# for queued submissions, see ../capa/display.js
if window.queuePollerID
delete window.queuePollerID
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